Jun 13, 2022·edited Jun 13, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

That's great new! Now we just need to make sure the FDA doesn't try to ban it like they tried with NAC and all the other supplements and drugs that work. Please support organization that fight FDA banning supplements and nutracuticals. These things, old medicine, are being targeted hardcore.

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This organization, for example, https://anh-usa.org/ Alliance for Natural Health keeps tabs on new U.S. legislation meant to restrict our freedoms and access to natural substances. Please sign up (free) and receive occasional action alerts.

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Exactly, NAC works quite well and is very cheap, for this reason was banned.


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I wouldn’t worry too much about that. In any event, too many of us would fight back. I did buy up a huge number of bottles of NAC from LEF.com when I heard about the FDA’s planned ban, but there was so much outcry (or so I heard) that the FDA backed down — now I can get it easily (but not from Amazon, I’ve noticed!). Quercetin is available from many, many more vendors than NAC ever was.

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Jun 18, 2022·edited Jun 18, 2022

I've taken NAC for many yrs, glutathione precursor. Glutathione is master. I get my NAC from pharmacist as well as order almost all vit and supplements my functional med/FP MD b/c he has patents on his own. Get them at cost and they are way better than just about all out there. He's been doing this, w many others, for decades. I'll stick w him. quercetin ...absolutely...had it and Vit I w everything else since this all started. It pays to get good stuff. My doc is awesome.

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I live in NZ, and our Marxist/globalist Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern (a puppet of the World Economic Forum and the cabal) has somehow managed to stop our retailers from being able to sell NAC, so I get mine shipped from the USA via iherb.com.

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Is it possible that I & others can order the same supplements you take from your doctor?

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I too, stocked up on NAC when Amazon banned it from their sellers when it came out it as helpful. Surprised they didn't bar Vitamin D, etc. GNC also deleted it from their website.

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What, your not up for eating 7-10 oz of capers a day?

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Funny you should mention that, I bought and ate a whole bottle the other day. lol. So yeah I quess I'm up for that. I hadn't eaten them in like forever aka years.

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LOL that's funny.

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Are you ok, in the head?

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U'v never studied linguistics have U? Pfff. IF that's all u can contribute.

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Let's get to the jab:

1. How often did you vote for bidenxi in 2020?

2. What did you loot on that J6?

3. How are you enjoying the higher prices?

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In the south, we say 'yer' ( and, of course,' y'all').

"Yer" has long legs, covers lots of words and meanings.

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I appreciate all ya'll

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Hmm, that's interesting!

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It's 'okay', you do know that, right?

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Let's get to the jab:

1. How often did you vote for bidenxi in 2020?

2. What did you loot on that J6?

3. How are you enjoying the higher prices?

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FDA banned NMN, but a year later supplies put it back on the market en mass. What's the FDA going to do? They don't dare go to court. That would open up discovery on a long list of such corrupt FDA restrictions on many beneficial natural substances since it's inception. The FDA has ensured and protected Pharma profits by banning competing and better and cheaper natural treatments, and cures. What they pulled by slandering Ivermectin is beyond their scope, and reprehensible. Thank goodness there are people out there actively working to hold hold the FDA accountable for doing so.

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Just heard recently that the FDA is trying to ban homeopathics. I would think that Quercetin falls into that category... https://www.fda.gov/drugs/information-drug-class/homeopathic-products

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Indeed my supposition. Quercetin really has a host of mechanisms/benefits - Everyone in my household takes it daily, as an anti senolytic, a way to get Zn into cells, and my eldest takes it for her interstitial cystitis.

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Any type is fine. I take 3 capsules a day... one in the morning, afternoon and evening. Doesn’t need to be taken with food.

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Thank you~~I have normally really low blood pressure and I was concerned it might make it go even lower (and then I'd be dead, haha)~~have you noticed any effects like that?

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No, not at all! You might like my video, where I discuss such things: https://rumble.com/v1859t3-recognizing-the-gaslighting-and-propaganda-finally...episode-98.html

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I will watch and thank you!

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I have this issue (lowest measured was 79/45... )

I measure it frequently and haven't noticed it changing on quercetin.

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Do you know WHY Quercetin is helpful for IC?

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Small studies indicate improvement- my eldest is taking for post c19 and discovered it may help with IC (not much else does) - here’s one reference https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11272677/

Treatment of interstitial cystitis with a quercetin supplement

F Katske et al. Tech Urol. 2001 Mar.

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Is a mast cell stabiliser, mast cell activation issues caused my IC over 30 years ago. An incredibly painful condition, andy bladder is actually damaged from it- look up marshmallow root, it's been a gamechanger for me. I drink tea made from the root during a flare, but you can also get capsules - the Amazon reviews might be of interest.

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Have you tried extended water fasting? Nothing like mobilizing the body to heal itself.

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Is a mast cell stabiliser, mast cell activation issues, (MCAS) most likely caused my IC over 30 years ago.

An incredibly painful condition, and my bladder is damaged from it- look up marshmallow root, it's been a gamechanger for me, I became pain free for the first time in 20 years two weeks after drinking tea made from the root. I only need it during a flare nowadays, but you can also get capsules - the Amazon reviews might be of interest. Best of luck to her.

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What type do you take?

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Several brands and combinations depending on needs at time. Right now I take one Bluebonnet makes called “Just Breathe” it has Quercetin, Zinc vit C stinging nettle, NAC, cordyceps bromelain tumeric extract and schisandra berry. My daugter with IC takes a bluebonnet Quercetin without vit C because c can irritate the bladder. But for the first a years Of c19 I just took a combo Quercetin/zinc off amazon

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I get mine from Harmony - has Zinc, C, D, Bromelain, etc., in it as a gummy. I bought 6 because it knocked the price per to a good price. 60 per bottle, so set for a year. Oh, I succumbed to buying it on Amazon. I try to use Amazon for its reviews and answers to questions and then go to the seller's website, generally.

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Lots of good stuff in that one!

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Quercetin for IC? Can u expand on what the mechanism is for Quercetin in Interstitial cystitis?

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May I ask how you are using it to maximize bioavailability?

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Yes, I am curious about it for IC, too~~which brand and how much if you don't mind?

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Quercetin is a mast cell stabiliser, IC can be a symptom of mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS).

See my earlier comment about marshmallow root, which is amazing! With no known side effects.

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Thank you! I have marshmallow root in capsule form in my cabinet~~does it work as well as the tea?

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I've only used the loose root, so I don't know. I use a couple of tablespoons and make a pot of it to drink throughout the day, I sometimes add some mint leaves as it's doesn't taste of much. It goes a bit slimy when it cools but that's why it works -as I understand it, it puts a mucosal lining on the bladder so it can heal a bit.

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That makes sense and thank you again!

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i frikkin' love you dude. read this one too. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.04.20.051193v1.full.pdf

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Thanks Walter!! Quercetin is included in a lot of the Covid- long Covid and vaccine injured protocols. Looks like you are finding precise reasons why. Really appreciate all your efforts.

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Jun 13, 2022·edited Jun 13, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

See, Zelenko Protocol. Taking it since 2020... and additional Curcumin (occasionally), Luteolin (occasionally), and Bromelain (due to a teething issue for 2 months now, but also continuing as long as feasible). Regarding this bioweapon attack on us (Virus, Vaccine - all the same category). There's a rule of slow moving desasters. Improve your position gradually with every new insight. As long as it doesn't kill you instantly, you have time for countermeasures/preparation. And research. Not doing anything though will certainly kill you.

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See jessica today..bromelain absolutely. Long known about that. Boron...most don't know about Boron . Nor necessarily for this, but for what happens systemically in its absence or low values.way too much to go into here.

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

This is fabulous. Am old enough to be your grandmother: Walter consider yourself hugged. Awkward, yep—but sincere.

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A hug from me too!

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You are sweet, Judy, God bless you.

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A hug from me too

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Dear Walter

Thank you for searching for answers to the systemic amyloidosis and anchorless prion pathologies of the Spike Protein.❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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Jun 13, 2022·edited Jun 13, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

So - are the fibrous things from the embalmers in jabbed dead bodies, as noted in this mornings post from Jessica Rose, the spike-induced fibrosis you talked about earlier? Seems to concur with your hypothesis.



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Is the problem from the spike only an issue if vaccinated or is it also a problem for those who got covid? Also, if we can get these not normal clots from covid, is it just the original covid or do the spikes remain dangerous on the fibril clot front? I will state the obvious: I am not a scientist and I am rendered incapable of medical sciency talk by virtue of my need to put "y" on the end of all medical science things.

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and eat pineapple. :)

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If you are NOT ALLERGIC to pineapple.

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Why pineapple, may I ask? Thank you~~

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Maybe because it contains bromelain?

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Yes, I am now realizing that and thank you!

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I was addicted to pineapple during weeks during my second long covid (which is actually is keep going on). Now I understand why. Also grapefruits. Apple pies with tea and interestingly - sugar containing stuff (Usually I don't eat sugar at all.

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Bitter Lemons induced survival addiction ❤ try Nattokinase high dose on empty stomach

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Thank you, Bibi, just ordered Nattokinase )))

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Deeply grateful for your brilliant, relentless, humane quest, Walter.

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awesome Walter- thank you!

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Dr Zelenko ❤ talked about how potent Quercetin is since the begining of the pandemic. Took a LOT of courage! Great to see Walter ❤ views on querceting support what Dr Zelenko told us two years ago. Sometimes we tend to minimise, dismiss or ignore what is right there infront of us capable of serving us really well and might be just what we need. Thank you Walter. ❤

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thank you Bibi for mentioning dr Zelenko...

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I drink turmeric tea daily, partly because I like it. Might add quercetin to this as it seems to also prevent Covid-19?

Is there a test to know if one has amyloidosis?

I am unvaxed but had Covid in Nov 2020

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Quercetin with bromelain, D3, chelated zinc, K2 and a multi and your turmeric tea. If anyone besides Igor (who already had covid) reads this, if ya get COVID take melatonin and NAC. Also a side note: I take NAC all the time now, not for COVID but for asthma. I was taking it for COVID prevention, but discovered it cleared a long term problem I had with phlegm like when I went to bed. If you have that problem, give it a try.

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I should have been clearer, you can buy quercetin with bromelain.

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Jun 13, 2022·edited Jun 14, 2022

Dear Igor if you want to find out about the latest "test if one has amyloidosis" I can recommend you contact a specialised Brain and Mind Centre Professor Oliver Piguet: https://www.sydney.edu.au/brain-mind/our-clinics/motor-neurone-disease-frontotemporal-dementia.html.

Olivier Piguet is Professor of Clinical Neuropsychology and co-director of FRONTIER, the frontotemporal dementia clinical research group at the University's Brain and Mind Centre. I am recomending them as a source of information on how to check for amyloidosis. One doesnt have to have dementia symptoms to be interested in whether they have processes (like amyloidosis) that could lead to dementia. Preventative medicine is all about diagnostics of pre- disease processes. So they can be interrupted in ways that stop or delay dis-ease. Not all pre - disease processes have to lead to diseases. We are all about frequency,vibration & energy.

"If you wish to understand the Universe,think of energy, frequency and vibration."

Nikola Tesla

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Thank you Bibi 👍🏻

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He might not do it if he knew the reason....

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Igor I was told by 2 neurospecialists MRI will show amyloidosis. I took whole body + brain . I was cleared i never had covid officially but for 5 hours had what I suspected was covid (i had dinner with somebody who was vaxed earlier that day). Hope it helps. University of tasmania, Dementia centre might give you additional answers .

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I'm curious about that too....I would love my jabbed daughter to be able to take some kind of test. I'm so terrified of her suddenly dying in her sleep.

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Check out Curcumin X4000. You won't be getting much of the active ingredient from tumeric alone.

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I take a pill containing curcumin with black pepper extract. contains 1000mg Curcumin. I wonder what the extra 3k mg buys you? Piper negrum (blck pepper ext) is supposed to make the curcumin more bioavailable.

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Yes, the black pepper is meant to improve absorption. The X4000 product has the curcumin bound to highly absorbable phosphatidylcholine which is a further improvement. With curcumin being so well studied with so many beneficial effects I've gone for the best I can get. It's a shame they don't do a similar product with quercetin combined in the same capsule.

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Igor, you really need to listen to todays discussion with J.C. here...


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It’s gone to “another castle?”

The link that is

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Saw you on Highwire. You have some reach! I'm in a similar boat. In the absence of diagnostics, I don't see a down side to assuming the need for some periodic clean up. If there is an issue time is not our friend and if there isn't a spike related issue, it may do good for other reasons. I do it by theme to assure breaks and changes with D3/K2 as the constant. Liver month, gut month, prioloid deworming month...

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Walter, this is fascinating, thanks! Ha, I have been taking quercetin and curcumin for years (for general anti-aging and anti-inflammatory purposes, respectively), and now there is yet another potential benefit to these substances! I am 68 years old. Never got Covid (actually, I attribute this to taking 10,000 iu of Vitamin D3 daily). Never got the jab. Didn’t do any social distancing. If anyone is interested: I post every 2-3 weeks on Rumble: https://rumble.com/v1859t3-recognizing-the-gaslighting-and-propaganda-finally...episode-98.html

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My doc, a lady, didn’t want me to take mega doses of D. I think she said something about it accumulating in fat??? For some reason she was against it once I got up my level to 30 in the normal range.

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Jun 13, 2022·edited Jun 13, 2022

I keep mine 70-90 ng/ml and take vit D 5,000 iu/day. All my labs (calcium, etc) are fine snd I never get colds or flu. Haven't had a vaccine in over 20 years.

My doctor thinks I shouldn't take over 400 iu of D and wants me to get the shots for flu, pneumonia, shingles, covid, etc.

Sometimes you have to agree to disagree.

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If I were you, I would diss that quack yesterday!

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Oh my, 30 is too low! Doctors have no special expertise in this area. Anything below 50 is too low. I keep my levels as close to 100 as possible. Many people go higher than that.

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ng/ml or nmol/l? imho around 50-60 ng/ml should be the minimum, while more doesn't hurt. sufficient magnesium and K2 is a prerequisite though.

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Ng/ml. I take magnesium and K2 as well.

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DaCon: I am 72. Everyone forgets to mention that bones require Collagen (a sticky substance) for the calcium accompanied by D3, and hauled by K2 to the bones where collagen must be present for Calcium ROCK to stick to!

At my age, I have tremendous loss of collagen in my back-of-hands (so I know it is limited all inside my body and cells. Very many old people are like me, with a shortage of Collagen (maybe due to not eating much meat, whether for cost in retirement or difficulties with digestion). Collagen is a protein needed in every cell, and NEEDED AT THE BONES (it is like a sticky-cement, so to speak, that adheres the calcium to the bone, where presumably calcium's ions move "indoors", so to speak, and begin to fill and close what may be major holes in the bone that could lead to fractures and breaks. I am not any sort of medical health biology person, so my conclusions from my readings may be off-base; but I am certain my conclusions about collagen are on target.

ALL readers: since the the largest group of age 65+ retirees are baby-boomers, ( born from 1946-to the early 1960s)--and now (or soon) well into their 70s) so many (especially lean and thin ones) are probably deficient in collagen. There are other younger people who are also deficient in dietary collagen. Please (unless I am mistaken) advise taking dietary foods that provide collagen, or health supplements of collagen, along with Calcium (if you think that is an essential---I say that because Doctor Thomas E Levy, MD, JD (JD=Juris Doctorate=Attorney trained to build a sequence of Medical Research evidence to draw an extremely logical conclusion) says "old people can (and should) stop taking Calcium supplements" (there is an exception) IF THEY ARE EATING VEGETABLES, because vegetables will provide all the dietary calcium they need (they are after all "full grown"). The worry is that calcium won't "stick" at bones (with insufficient collagen), so where should it go? It goes to joints and tendons and deposits calcium there; it can even go into tissue cells; and since Calcium is a crystalized mineral, it has sharp edges and point (as all crystals have); and movement at joints and in tissues can cause immense pain. lf I recall correctly, Dr. Levy suggested that people taking doctor recommended Calcium supplements can greatly reduce their pain level within one year by taking ample amounts of collagen (that every cell in the body needs--like the skin cells in the back of my hands); and taking collagen for two years, daily, regularly can essentially "cure" what people have been led to believe is arthritis and osteoporosis. Vitamin-C is extremely important in this matter and process also! Every comment I have read so far is from someone who knows that Vitamin D3 attaches to Calcium, and that the Calcium is moved toward bones by Vitamin K2. But rarely do I read in articles or hear comments about how "the sharp rock" sticks to the bones that are the storage place for when cells need the ions of Calcium to perform their "complete" functions (and I don't know cellular microbiology so someone else will have to pipe-in). I kept reading about such things because my still-living wife of 52 years+ had rheumatic fever at age 11 and once it was diminished had joint (and usually severe) pain (and for the rest of her life). I have told her what I write here--she doesn't believe me; which is also why when I told her to don't take the Covid-shots (#3)--wait until more info is available....she dismissed that and went "all in". Now after four years of it she is finally taking the most important anti-covid-shot supplements, but she still takes her Doctor's prescribed calcium pills. She wears her illness as "a badge", because it has been a life-long identity. I think she would feel ashamed if she ever got better, such as following Dr. Levy's advice. So (if it happens) the premature death, or at least a "miserable older age" can be significantly reduced over time with a little bit of faith (yes, there are two known exceptions).

That shame is a very real thing. How should one feel after 60-years suffering from Doctor induced (by Calcium prescription) "pain", only to find out it was unnecessary (though back in the 1960s NO ONE KNEW THAT (apparently). I added this latter comment because it represents the struggle of care-givers who have not found an explanation for why aged parents keep taking (Big Pharm) meds they have taken all their life. Their disease becomes an identify badge, a badge of honor for those who "do the same levels of work despite their pain". Levy wrote a huge-fat book called Death By Calcium (referring to older people), about 450 pages; and if I recall correctly about 400+ research studies...and the whole subject is definitely complicated somewhat by genes; and also by hormones.

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If I were you, I would diss that quack yesterday!

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If I were you, I would diss that quack yesterday!

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Walter, Potadots made a comment on the piece you posted on 14Apr22 "Ultimate Danger of Spike Protein" referencing a "Spike Detox protocol." I believe the protocol he/she was referring to is towards the bottom of this page - https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/resources/spike-protein-detox-guide/

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Jun 13, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Thank you Walter. Thank you for being relentless. Thank you for digging. Thank you for sharing your knowledge. We take quercetin and turmeric, I give our pug turmeric as well.

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Quercetin, curcumin, melatonin, and nattokinase are all, in my opinion, vital components of any post-COVID (or post-vaccination) regimen, precisely because of their antioxidant, anticoagulant, and anti-amyloid effects when taken together.

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Makes sense. Change conformation and loosen up any polymerized fibrils with Q-C then hit it with a protease enzyme and put the body through the sleep cycle to trigger regeneration. Sounds good. Could use some doctors to put this in practice and study this and make dosage recommendations and contra-indications, etc etc. Hope we can boost the signal and get this in front of FLCCC andor others

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Melatonin actually helps protect the brain against amyloid.


Nattokinase helps break them down, too.


The main contraindication here is bleeding disorders. If someone can't take aspirin, then they can't take nattokinase.

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Epic. Good stuff. I believe Serrapeptase protease thins blood also. The more inter -changeable alternatives the better. Especially among the "-ase"es. Non thinning protease options would help some folks.

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I'm taking these four supplements. Any idea how long to take them? Would a month be adequate before stopping?

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I'd say for a period of at least 6 months after the virus or the jab.

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