Saw you on Highwire. You have some reach! I'm in a similar boat. In the absence of diagnostics, I don't see a down side to assuming the need for some periodic clean up. If there is an issue time is not our friend and if there isn't a spike related issue, it may do good for other reasons. I do it by theme to assure breaks and changes with…
Saw you on Highwire. You have some reach! I'm in a similar boat. In the absence of diagnostics, I don't see a down side to assuming the need for some periodic clean up. If there is an issue time is not our friend and if there isn't a spike related issue, it may do good for other reasons. I do it by theme to assure breaks and changes with D3/K2 as the constant. Liver month, gut month, prioloid deworming month...
Saw you on Highwire. You have some reach! I'm in a similar boat. In the absence of diagnostics, I don't see a down side to assuming the need for some periodic clean up. If there is an issue time is not our friend and if there isn't a spike related issue, it may do good for other reasons. I do it by theme to assure breaks and changes with D3/K2 as the constant. Liver month, gut month, prioloid deworming month...