"The more I study this virus and its Spike Protein, the more I am convinced that ACE2, as a receptor, is perhaps the most diabolical receptor a virus can use to cause both rapid and gradual decline in the human body." It was certainly engineered to cause maximum damage with maximum plausible deniability.
I've been getting C-Reactive Protein tests yearly going back to 2005. It's always around 0.2 to 0.3. Since January 2022, I've had "Covid" twice, the second time being this previous February. The acute phase wasn't bad either time, but I was left with long covid sx after round one and round two has also messed me up pretty badly. This april, got my CRP tested again and it was 3.2. Also my PSA went from 0.5 to 3.1.
I used to look very young for my age (52) but I swear my skin has aged dramatically over the last year; I've lost muscle mass; and it feels like my formerly toned and in-shape physique has just vanished.
As an alternative medicine practitioner (Chinese medicine and acupuncture), it's been disturbing because I am well familiar with all of the herbs and nutriceuticals you've written about in your fine Substack. Nothing has seemed to help. I can barely work anymore. Anyhow, I appreciate your work as always.
Try The Wellness Community’s Spike Recovery. It has helped me immensely. I’m not vaxed, but am around a lot of folks that are and experienced major symptoms from shedding…
Yes - definitely buy this McCullough brew. Because he's definitely not just trying to sell you a bunch of expensive supplement subscriptions. Every month - more supps - one hundred, two hundred dollars per month. It's a bargain. You'll save money, actually, because you can stop wasting your money on Pharma poisons like insulin.
I had Covid Delta one time 12/2022, NO SHOT, and my cholesterol levels have been sky high ever since. 3 months after Covid my teeth looked terrible with plaque, I lost a lot of head hair, heart palpitations, felt off. And have developed terrible tinnitus now that seems to be getting worse 24/7.
I am worried about my cardiovascular health.
During Covid and after I have taken IVERMECTIN, Herbs, Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids, and other Homeopathic medicines with good improvement but not enough. I am currently putting my energy and hope with diet, exercise, intermittent fasting, blue zone diet, and supplementing with some of these enzymes daily Nattokinas,, Bergamot, Serrapeptase, Lumbrokinase
After Covid immediately went on a ketogenic diet. I also practice intermediate fasting. I also took the ivermectin. Didn’t get vaxxed. Im actually better than pre-Covid. Im sixty and look fifty. Diet is the key. Build the immune system up by throwing away the sugar, seed oils, and processed food.
I was 68 when I had the Fauci-Wuhan Virus (I like to place blame where it belongs) Dec 28 '21 to Jan 1 '22. I took 36 mg ivermectin, 800 mg hydroxychloroquine, 5-10 grams of C, 1,200 mg astragalus, NAC, L-glutathione, 50mg zinc, 800 mg quercetin and one or two packets of beef bone broth daily. After, I continued the ivermectin 18 mg daily, C, quercetin & zinc.
Aside from a bit of long brain fog (even though I felt fantastic on Jan 2), I had two long symptoms: twisted taste buds, which resolved within two weeks (I think because of the ivermectin) and a horrible dry cough that caused me to cough uncontrollably for 10-20 minutes two-three times in the middle of the night and every time I talked for more than 30 seconds. My chiro, regular MD (who is a good guy) and his pulmonologist did not suggest what a frontline doctor suggested three weeks after I was over the main course: budesonide. Done right, twice daily four days and the cough was done and over. And no extra aging that me or anyone who knows me detects.
I did not take the fake vaxx. Did you? It sure sounds like it, but your case could be an outlier. I am genuinely curious.
I would take daily 24 mg ivermectin in your shoes until everything is resolved. I think it has so many unique properties, it "could" resolve your symptoms; it can't hurt to try. Dr. Meryl Nass prescribed it for Dr. Robert Malone and his horrific long symptoms were done and over in two weeks.
Just a thought. And as they say, this is not medical advice. Best of luck to you.
This is my experience as well, aged at least 10 years upon initial infection. I got gastroparesis and continue to suffer with long covid. My gut gets hard and can’t move things through it in a healthy way. Desperately searching for a solution still.
How many thousands of us are there? I'm 53 - got COVID at 50, I was a "young 50", still getting carded to buy beer now and then. Now I feel like an old man as I struggle out of bed in the morning, body creaking and sore. I notice the rapid again (edit: aging) amongst the faces of my friends and customers.
I started taking this product, Bio-Fisetin, (Life Extension company-LE) last January 2023, and it's been a pretty distinctive difference for me, youth/age-looking and healthwise. Their product claims 25x's greater bio-availability. This is in addition to taking a lot of other supplements, daily, for the past 3 years. I add to my regimen here and there but it's been pretty much daily: Kyolic with CoQ10, Curcumin Elite (LE), NAC (now GlyNAC-ET), oil of oregano, Black seed oil, Lactoferrin (LE), D3-K2 w/iodine (LE), C (powder), A, E, B-complex (LE), EPO, Neuro-Mag (LE), zinc, ALA (LE), Berberine, Choline, B-1, Nattokinase, serrapeptase, GABA, and occasionally Quercetin/Bromelain. (The latter increases my issues with tinnitus). I am not vaxxed but am and have been under a lot of pressure to not get C19 and fight the shedding from 6x vaxxd partner. I finally got C19 (from partner) 3/2023. It was 36 mg a day ivermectin while C19 sick, in addition to keeping up everything else. 4 days odyssey with covid, no fun, but no lasting effects and never did lose my sense of smell. Thankfully. With these supplements taken daily last 2-3 years, now I don't have joint pain, knee issues from chasing toddler around all day, 40 hrs wk (I'm 60 now), and, last autumn, my eye exam showed my eyesight getting better - which is wild. From 3.25 to 2.25 in one eye, and 3.75 to 3.25 in the other eye. So I believe this stuff overall, taken steadily, over time, does have a great effect on health. I understand people may weigh-in with critique about taking supplements rather than simply concentrating on a great pure diet (which I basically kind of follow...) but these are severe times. It's very very difficult on our bodies, all of this stuff: covid, vaccines, environmental pressures. I'm not getting younger. And I am not going to be a sitting duck waiting it out and hope I avoid cancer, clots, neuro-related issues.
The Life Extension supplements: Bio-Fisetin, Lactoferrin and Curcumin Elite have been almost certainly, major life-changers for me. Of course, the second I write that, all kinds of other supplements also pop up in my head as deserving such an attribute... The Bio-fisetin, I must say, is the singular supplement that once I started taking, yielded within a week or so, comments about how I looked younger. I take that with a grain of salt of course, but... The three I listed altogether though have gone a long way to 99% (not exaggerating) removing the age-related aches and pains --- and I'm really active as a gardener and now, after quitting day job, full time toddler chaser. Good luck to you!!!
Yup, I believe this disease was designed to take our vitality/shorten our lives. Tons of people I know have aged rapidly and my dad almost died from blood clots (fully vaxed).
I was never vaxxed but dad was, plenty of people on both sides getting fuckt. It appears to be the same thing to me. After two years of researching and being in long haul groups, the symptomology is the same.
And I was not vaxxed, got it, had it for four days with 100 degree temp, headachy, brain fog and twisted taste buds. Got over it and the two long symptoms within a few weeks. Go figure.
But have you seriously used everything I used, from ivermectin to NAC, et al? If you haven't, please do. IF you have, call the frontline docs for a tele-med appt. Well worth it.
The ageing thing I feel like I am going through too, I always looked young for my age but i feel like now i look my age. I had covid once in march 2022, no long covid unless you include an persistent annoying cough for a few months afterwards, but I was bullied and coerced into the first 2 pfizer shots early 2021 by family and work so that certainly wont have helped either. I had no reactions to the shots but who knows whats going on inside the body.
Methylene blue has been a miracle for me. Miracle is an overused term, but I mean it literally. Perhaps the reasons why different folks have different results has more to do with variables such as dose, frequency, duration of treatment, method of intake (e.g., oral vs. IV). It is confusing to try to sort these things out. I do not give advice, but caution to search for all contraindications, such as seratonin stimulants such as SSRIs or tryptophan. I chose oral and low dose twice a day, 3 weeks on and a week off, repeat. I did buy two books on it but have not read them. I did thoroughly search scientific and medical information. For me, if I am pissing blue, then I’ve got enough. Since urine is yellow and MB is blue, urine is usually green. The more the urine is diluted, the bluer the urine. The more the MB is diluted, the yellower the urine. One day, there was a small clump of toilet paper in the toilet. I peed right on it. Some of the stream went to the left and some to the right. The left turned yellow and the right turned blue. I had just peed a Ukrainian flag of the correct (approximately) proportions.
I hear you! You've probably also heard of dry fasting, but I implore you check out the dry fasting club and at least join the discord to be a fly on the wall or join conversations about LC
I must add to my comment on methylene blue. Several sources claim that MB is somehow activated by near infra-red light. My experience so far is that near IR has a dramatic effect on MB effectiveness. One day I took my low dose MB and then sat out in the sun for about an hour. I could feel a surge of energy and brain clarity that I had not previously experienced. Next day I dosed, then baked in the hot sun for an hour with shirt off. Same thing. So I spent a small amount of money on stainless steel reflectors with clamp and 250W infrared heat lamp. Now I can sit at the computer with the heat lamp 2 feet from me and get the same effect. This will be nice for coming cold weather.
I hear ya! lol... MB did nothing for me either... not surprised tho because vit C doesn't do anything either... I'm about to try nicotine patches... have you tried that?
Programmed cell death... leaves lots of “rubbish” within the body... which can be removed through autophagy(fisetin) and mitophagy (pomegranate extract)both allow new cells new dna and mitochondria to form... the building blocks to muscle elastin and energy come from using master antioxidants that feed both cell dna and mitochondria... the best all rounder is Astaxanthin... red plant algae... it contains higher amounts of CoQ 10... vitamin C .... vitamin E.... antinflammatories like quercetin... olive leaf extract...andrographis ..apigenin..ashwaghanda ...
I think it may be why my skin has aged so much ever since I lost taste/smell from mild cov2... unvaxxed so can't blame that.... skin is so crepe-ish and falling off my arms. Cough that keeps coming back... resilience seems to be gone.... well.... it's a bio weapon either way you get it.
You never mention the vaccine produced Spike Proteins. It’s almost like you are trying to pin this exclusively on a Covid infection? Why is there no mention of the foreign spike protein that the body of a vaccinated person produces (apparently with no end) not mentioned here. This seems strange?
Very good question. The answer is not readily available, it's in Table 2. Need to go to the Supplementary Data section, download the Excel and check the 2nd tab.
From the 8 patients only 2 were not vaccinated. For the other 6 their vaccination status is "unknown".
I appears to me that this “man” is trying to sow the seeds of confusion and initiate blame deflection among the vaccinated and vaccine damaged. I saw a “news” report the other day where “heart” issues were supposedly caused by Covid infections. Clearly the criminals have by now realized that the MRNA genetic modifications are causing all kinds of problems and killing many people. So they are now sending out their shills to say “Look over there, Covid is causing _______ (insert injury or sudden death). I just had a friend (injected) have her 25 year old (injected) daughter die suddenly from a cardiac arrest. This shit is not from a Covid infections. It is from the MRNA injections this poor girl took.
He's really not. He regularly talks about the vaccines.
This blog is aimed at people with enough background knowledge to understand the science. For the target audience, there is no need to repeatedly state the obvious (that vaccine induced spike is almost always more plentiful and longer lasting than spike from an infection)
I think that there is a “need” to state the “obvious” here. There are also differences between the natural spike of the virus and the spike produced by the body as a result of the injection on the MRNA. Even if he is talking about both of these, it is wrong to paint them with the same brush. Vaccinated folks are documented to be still producing spike proteins 6 months after their last injection. Is this foreign protein causing problems or can it cause problems? Yes of course. But talking about the ant while ignoring the bull elephant is disingenuous.
I'm inclined to agree with you but I'm not sure it is just the jab because of my real life experience. I live in Canada where 95% of adults are multiple jabbed. I am not but only know a handful of others. I had one really bad case of covid -- no cough at all but fevers, headaches, loss of smell/taste, fatigue, nausea. It took me 2 weeks to recover and then I had heart fluttering for 3 months afterward. I did the Ivermectin and nutraceutical protocols starting on day 1 of illness. My few unjabbed friends got covid as well but now one is already dead from turbo cancer and one other is fighting turbo cancer. Could be the shedding but I am suspicious. I also know a lot of jabbed people who all had covid and now have serious medical issues. It doesn't seem to me like anyone is safe, although I'm still glad I didn't jab despite all of the suffering the Canadian government and society put me through.
It’s hard to say. The virus was “designed” so it effects could be really bad depending on individual physiology. I had one really bad shedding event. My gut bacteria was effected. It was the weirdest thing I have ever had. Ivermectin cured it. Good you refused the injection. Yes you need to stay away from the injected as much as possible. And take ivermectin if you are exposed to them. Nattokinase should also be taken.
Lawrence, maybe I should not say this--but it is long-established that the Spike Protein (such as from the jab) loves bloody organs of the body AND reproductive organs. I have not read anything that suggests how many spike proteins can be gotten from sex. But my guess is 'plenty" and maybe plenty-enough, sort-of, to be considered "having gotten a substantial shot-from sex with a vaccinated person."
I'm not jabbed. But the last two times I went to Church and shook the clergyman's hand after the service and on the way out the door, I got a 3-day chill virus both times; and the second time my nose started dripping profusely by the time I got into the car (a mere minute after shaking hands and walking out the door. This was already 1 year after my clergyman's first duo+booster shots (and he may have had more shots); and he has had Covid two times after these. When I sit in Church I sit far from everyone; and even walk out by myself through a side door (just in case). But two times this year, I thought I would do the normal greeting and I got a virus each time. My nose never drips, ever; until going to Church recently. Since I was young there has been a lot of discussion about AIDS-SEX-SHEDDING-NEW AIDS PATIENTS. The Pfizer/Moderna shots have been compared to AIDS, especially reports about four slightly different HIV molecules on the Spike Proteins (and easily attached just by giving them "the opposite" magnetic charge to the Spikes" and shaking up the vial, so to speak).
Lawrence, I am not any sort of professional health person. But I think (and worry) that long-term sex dispenses via skin, sweat, and body fluids, plenty of spike proteins. I would sure love to see data on this because I have a divorced son who is lonely. He won't let me talk with him about the Jabs; but I'd love to tell him, find ONLY a Jabbed partner like yourself; and don't risk another divorce by finding a non-jabbed partner, who may get sick and permanently resent it. Plus, who would ever want to make another person sick--with AIDS or Jab-Covid?
There are reports of testes lacking sperm and containing only Spike Proteins. Jabbed men are most likely sterile. Let me just say right off... I completely understand what you are going through. I am very sensitive to the Spike Proteins. I get sick if I am around them. I have to stay away from them. So here is what we do... and (my adopted daughter) #1 Limit exposure to vaccinated people #2 Take ivermectine after being exposed for at least 3 days #3 Take nattokinase daily
Like right now people are getting this new injection. They will shed Spike Proteins in great numbers for awhile after their injections. So right now it is a good idea to stay away from anyone who might be vaccinated. They are literally walking bio-weapon factories. I understand that church is important to you... but you might want to stay away from it for awhile.
All of these MRNA injections produce a kind on AIDS. It's a vaccine induced AIDS. After 3 injections their immune systems are destroyed. They are walking germ carriers and because they have no immune system... they sometimes are not showing any symptoms.
Yes if you have a relationship with a vaccinated person... you will become very sick or vaccinated as a result of the exchange of fluids. I can't talk at all to my two boys. They have undergone personality changes and different people now. They didn't want to listen to the old crazy guy.
So I am here...72 with only my adopted daughter left. Everyone else is jabbed or dead. Pretty lonely feeling.... I just keep going with our dogs and a little hope.
also, don't forget having surgery where one gets general anaesthesia is like getting another booster shot. A dear friend of mine had his hernias patched up after 30 years and was under general anaesthesia for several hours (because he got the NHS 'B' team who used his surgery like a training exercise).
When he woke up, he started throwing up for several minutes, the anaesthesia made him that sick. I bring this up because the mRNA/SV40/billions of fragmented DNA/graphene oxide is being put secretly in both the dental anaesthesia and general anaesthesia--La Quinta Column's researchers proved this with looking at both samples of dental and general anaesthesia.
So then my dear friend shed for several months, so much so it was like my getting another covid shot.
"I still remember the day when the experiment was over, and I looked at the artery walls of the guinea pigs under the microscope. The guinea pigs receiving vitamin C at a daily dose comparable to the human recommended daily allowance (RDA) had developed the same deposits in their artery walls that cause heart attacks and strokes in human beings. However, those animals that received the equivalent of two teaspoonfuls of vitamin C per day, comparable to human body weight, had maintained clean arteries. Most importantly, this striking difference was not obtained by adding cholesterol or fat to the animals’ diet, but by omitting one single factor from it: vitamin C."
How many mg is "two teaspoonfuls of vitamin C"? I take five grams of C daily, 185 lbs. It stopped an internal scarring that my eye doctor SWORE his surgery would cause, and that I would be back for more surgery in five months.
“Hydrogen peroxide (HP) nebulization (Levy, 2021, free eBook) is an antiviral and synergistic partner with vitamin C, and it is especially important in dealing with acute or chronic COVID, or with post-COVID vaccination issues. As noted above, the COVID virus can persist in the stool.
In such cases, a chronic pathogen colonization (CPC) of COVID in the throat continually supplying virus that is swallowed into the GUT is likely present as well, even when the patient seems to be clinically normal.
This will commonly be the case when specific viral eradication measures were not taken during the clinical course of the COVID infection. HP nebulization will clear out this CPC, which will stop the continued seeding of the COVID virus in the GUT and STOOL as well. Different nebulization approaches are discussed in the eBook.”
Only use food grade.
Following in Linus Pauling's footsteps? Looks good, thank you. Downloaded. On my years' long reading list, but I might put this ahead of a slew of others.
Were the patients of the study vaccinated? I don't see this called out in the study anywhere so is there some way that the study is ruling out the vaccine as a confounder?
Interaction of nanoparticles with proteins is the basis of nanoparticle bio-reactivity. This interaction gives rise to the formation of a dynamic nanoparticle-protein corona. The protein corona may influence cellular uptake, inflammation, accumulation, degradation and clearance of the nanoparticles. Furthermore, the nanoparticle surface can induce conformational changes in adsorbed protein molecules which may affect the overall bio-reactivity of the nanoparticle.
Reactive Oxygen Species in Cardiovascular Calcification: Role of Medicinal Plants
One of the main mechanisms of nanotechnology toxicity is oxidative stress.
In addition, several typical mechanisms underlying GFN toxicity have been revealed, for instance, physical destruction, oxidative stress, DNA damage, inflammatory response, apoptosis, autophagy, and necrosis. In these mechanisms, (toll-like receptors-) TLR-, transforming growth factor β- (TGF-β-) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) dependent-pathways are involved in the signalling pathway network, and oxidative stress plays a crucial role in these pathways.
Would maintaining intracellular magnesium levels counter this? I realise most would not take enough magnesium due to mainstream RDI and if inflammation is already present perhaps high does will be required? - more info in Thomas Levy books or here:
"Over the last decade, an increasing number of studies report a close relationship between serum magnesium concentration and cardiovascular disease risk in the general population. In end-stage renal disease, an association was found between serum magnesium and survival. Hypomagnesemia was identified as a strong predictor for cardiovascular disease in these patients. A substantial body of in vitro and in vivo studies has identified a protective role for magnesium in vascular calcification. However, the precise mechanisms and its contribution to cardiovascular protection remain unclear. There are currently 2 leading hypotheses: first, magnesium may bind phosphate and delay calcium phosphate crystal growth in the circulation, thereby passively interfering with calcium phosphate deposition in the vessel wall. Second, magnesium may regulate vascular smooth muscle cell transdifferentiation toward an osteogenic phenotype by active cellular modulation of factors associated with calcification. Here, the data supporting these major hypotheses are reviewed. The literature supports both a passive inorganic phosphate–buffering role reducing hydroxyapatite formation and an active cell-mediated role, directly targeting vascular smooth muscle transdifferentiation. However, current evidence relies on basic experimental designs that are often insufficient to delineate the underlying mechanisms. The field requires more advanced experimental design, including determination of intracellular magnesium concentrations and the identification of the molecular players that regulate magnesium concentrations in vascular smooth muscle cells."
Thank you for this article. Do you have any thoughts on how particular SNPs affect the risk for atherosclerosis when combined with C19 infection or vaccination? Also, any thoughts on corrective supplementation?
Im following your research desperately, after two years of long covid I’m deteriorating still. Chlorine dioxide was the only thing that helped for a while and then the kidneys started to show signs of failure, they couldn’t handle either the mms or the crazy amount of debris I was pissing out.
I take all of them that I can get my hands on; but right now that is only lumbrokinase, Serrapeptase and Bromelain. I have not found a source that I trust yet on Nattokinase, but when I do find a source I will buy some. There is one other one that has been mentioned, but I don't recall right now. I take them all because I have a hunch that each different product services (primarily) a different of the body; in other words my hunch is that they are not competitors, but they join together to service the whole person. Not long ago I passed 70-years. I want to hit 80-years; and any number of things can go wrong; so I will gamble on all of it and especially since the research on these various products is relatively new for people in USA. I figure that if God made it, it has to be beneficial in ways--at any given time--only He knows while medical researchers are learning additional things.
IMPORTANT! Chlorine dioxide oxidizes the mitochondrial electron transport chain, which accelerates metabolism. This is how it provides beneficial results, BUT it is extremely toxic and dangerous. Methylene blue also oxidizes (removes excess electrons) from the electron transport chain, so it has similar beneficial effects but is FAR MORE safe than chlorine dioxide. Its mode of action is explained here: Crucial Facts About Your Metabolism, Part 2 - Interview with Georgi Dinkov; https://www.bitchute.com/video/B2RIz3i37hMA/
So interesting you should share this because I arrived at a similar conclusion through self experimentation, however less detailed. Chlorine dioxide brought me back from the dead and then started to kill me after three months of taking it 😬
Try finding a good NAET practitioner who can help you treat spike protein as if it were an allergant. Are you in the USA? look for someone who has alot of experience with NAET, sometimes they're hard to find .
I've developed SP induced autoimmune vasculitis and am having a devil of a time with stopping injury to my foot.
Look into taking Boswellia supplement, I've started taking it to help with my joints/tendons. good luck
So, the pathobiology of internal calcification so internal calcification first starts off with atherosclerosis so atherosclerosis occurs before internal calcification and we know that atherosclerosis is an inflammatory process that starts with damage of the endothelium then monocytes enter the artery and differentiate into macrophages which proliferate locally they ingest oxidized lipids and then they slowly start to turn into large foamy macrophages and then they eventually die and which further propagates the inflammatory process in addition the smooth muscle cells start to proliferate and they migrate from the vessel wall in response to cytokines that is secreted by damaged endothelium cells and by the dying cells and they help and these smooth muscle cells are thought to help form the fibrous cap then the calcification starts to occur and internal calcification really resembles endochondral bone formation and although the initiation of the calcification does not require participation by specific cells but the progression of the lesion is thought to be likely driven by chondrocyte-like cells and associated with expression of inflammatory factors like cytokines…
Aletheia. I recognised what you are addressing; but at the same time I recognised that the word "and" is a conjunction (connecting two things together, even when in a long chain of connections--and it has always been that way); and then I recognised that Walter was providing a chain-linkage (and even with some add-on thoughts); but altogether Walter is one of the first PRO's who has ever done that in my 3.5 year personal study (x 8hrs a day, every day while trying to understand things I have none-whatsoever-background in--namely Wuhan air-born distributed Covid-19 and Pfizer/Moderna Jab Covid-19). I was an earth science guy, not a biology guy). Because Walter did it this way, I understood perfectly THE CHAIN, while being unfamiliar with the content of the chain; but I am still very pleased he did it this way--BECAUSE HE UNIFIED THE WHOLE THING (to me that is the main point). When others wrote in "proper English (as it may be called)--I got lost in perfect sentence after sentence, due to being unfamiliar with "the whole". But I did not get lost with Walter's style of presenting this, because I recognised immediately HE WAS LAYING OUT A CHAIN. And for whatever it is worth. I still do not understand auto mechanics related to combustion and the movement of cars, etc. I am a person who gets lost when provided too many details. But I didn't get lost in Walter's presentation because he was presenting A FULL CHAIN. Now at least I got the chain, and just with the connective conjunction word "and". I did not feel like I was among the dumbest people on earth. I felt like I was being given a gift (even though I did not understand it all). So here is another way my weird mind works. When I read the "letter, so to speak" period (.)--my mind stops right there. I want to say, "Oh shit! There is a period. I'm supposed to stop there; and then I never know for sure if the next sentence COULD BE connected to the previous sentence. I can't trust because people like me, we kind of float to one thing and another thing and always wondering if there was something I missed, when ignorant of the subject material. By Walter's use of "and" I knew I missed NOTHING--and now all I have to do is research each step of the chain to understand more. But Aletheia, thanks for bringing up your issue--that too, made me think aplenty.
Is this what he is trying to say? Walter, is this what you are trying to show?
The pathobiology of internal calcification follows this process:
1. An inflammatory process starts with damage of the endothelium
2. Monocytes enter the artery and differentiate into macrophages
3. These proliferate locally
4. They ingest oxidized lipids and then they slowly start to turn into large foamy macrophages
5. Eventually they die, which further propagates the inflammatory process
6. The smooth muscle cells start to proliferate, migrating from the vessel wall in response to cytokines secreted by damaged endothelium cells and by the dying cells
7. These smooth muscle cells help form fibrous cap (cap to what
With respect to #1 above, although the initiation of the calcification does not require participation by specific cells, the progression of the lesion is likely driven by chondrocyte-like cells and associated with expression of inflammatory factors like cytokines.
I also have noticed the premature aging after friends/relatives have gotten their jabs and boosters: the more jabs they get, the worse/older they look. you can look upon a crowd of older people and easily see they don't look well, they look 'aged'.
On a related subject of Spike Protein (SP) attacking the cardiovascular system/endothelium, I am experiencing a SP induced auto-immune case of vasculitis in one of my heels/feet/ankle and the it's like something has attacked the bone/tendons/fascia such that one foot is like 20 years older than the other foot.
Apparently the most common adverse health complaint (per Naomi Wolf's reporting) is joint point.
Report 71: Musculoskeletal Adverse Events of Special Interest Afflicted 8.5% of Patients in Pfizer’s Post-Marketing Data Set, Including Four Children and One Infant. Women Affected at a Ratio of Almost 4:1 Over Men: The most common adverse event was arthralgia/joint pain (3,525 or 97%), followed by 70 arthritis AESIs (2%), 26 rheumatoid arthritis AESIs (<1%) and 5 AESIs (<1%) polyarthritis.
Read this article regarding SP induced arthritis, etc.
A new review suggests that COVID vaccines "may trigger" rheumatic immune-mediated inflammatory diseases, including arthritis, vasculitis, lupus, and adult-onset Still's disease.
Rheumatic immune-mediated inflammatory diseases (R-IMIDs) involve inflammation that manifests in the joints, tendons, muscles, and bones due to an unknown cause.
Of those injured reported developing arthritis after taking the vaccine, primarily manifesting in the knees, elbows, and ankles.
I am still suffering from one Astra-Zeneca 'jab' from Feb 2021 which I wish I had never had but was pressured into taking. Because I spoke out against further jabs in Nov/Dec/Jan 2021, I was fired at work. No one cared at work that I had been injured ( and still injured) from this horrific spike protein poison mixed up with ecoli/nanotech/graphene oxide.
IMPORTANT! Chlorine dioxide oxidizes the mitochondrial electron transport chain, which accelerates metabolism. This is how it provides beneficial results, BUT it is extremely toxic and dangerous. Methylene blue also oxidizes (removes excess electrons) from the electron transport chain, so it has similar beneficial effects but is FAR MORE safe than chlorine dioxide. Its mode of action is explained here: Crucial Facts About Your Metabolism, Part 2 - Interview with Georgi Dinkov; https://www.bitchute.com/video/B2RIz3i37hMA/.
IMPORTANT! Chlorine dioxide oxidizes the mitochondrial electron transport chain, which accelerates metabolism. This is how it provides beneficial results, BUT it is extremely toxic and dangerous. Methylene blue also oxidizes (removes excess electrons) from the electron transport chain, so it has similar beneficial effects but is FAR MORE safe than chlorine dioxide. Its mode of action is explained here: Crucial Facts About Your Metabolism, Part 2 - Interview with Georgi Dinkov; https://www.bitchute.com/video/B2RIz3i37hMA/.
"The more I study this virus and its Spike Protein, the more I am convinced that ACE2, as a receptor, is perhaps the most diabolical receptor a virus can use to cause both rapid and gradual decline in the human body." It was certainly engineered to cause maximum damage with maximum plausible deniability.
I've been getting C-Reactive Protein tests yearly going back to 2005. It's always around 0.2 to 0.3. Since January 2022, I've had "Covid" twice, the second time being this previous February. The acute phase wasn't bad either time, but I was left with long covid sx after round one and round two has also messed me up pretty badly. This april, got my CRP tested again and it was 3.2. Also my PSA went from 0.5 to 3.1.
I used to look very young for my age (52) but I swear my skin has aged dramatically over the last year; I've lost muscle mass; and it feels like my formerly toned and in-shape physique has just vanished.
As an alternative medicine practitioner (Chinese medicine and acupuncture), it's been disturbing because I am well familiar with all of the herbs and nutriceuticals you've written about in your fine Substack. Nothing has seemed to help. I can barely work anymore. Anyhow, I appreciate your work as always.
Try The Wellness Community’s Spike Recovery. It has helped me immensely. I’m not vaxed, but am around a lot of folks that are and experienced major symptoms from shedding…
Here’s a link:
because you need to look up the dry fasting club. you cant just be reading hysteria about LC nonstop with no working solutions.
Yes - definitely buy this McCullough brew. Because he's definitely not just trying to sell you a bunch of expensive supplement subscriptions. Every month - more supps - one hundred, two hundred dollars per month. It's a bargain. You'll save money, actually, because you can stop wasting your money on Pharma poisons like insulin.
It’s a lot less than $100/month…and I take 0 pharmaceutical prescriptions.
I had Covid Delta one time 12/2022, NO SHOT, and my cholesterol levels have been sky high ever since. 3 months after Covid my teeth looked terrible with plaque, I lost a lot of head hair, heart palpitations, felt off. And have developed terrible tinnitus now that seems to be getting worse 24/7.
I am worried about my cardiovascular health.
During Covid and after I have taken IVERMECTIN, Herbs, Vitamins, Minerals, Amino Acids, and other Homeopathic medicines with good improvement but not enough. I am currently putting my energy and hope with diet, exercise, intermittent fasting, blue zone diet, and supplementing with some of these enzymes daily Nattokinas,, Bergamot, Serrapeptase, Lumbrokinase
After Covid immediately went on a ketogenic diet. I also practice intermediate fasting. I also took the ivermectin. Didn’t get vaxxed. Im actually better than pre-Covid. Im sixty and look fifty. Diet is the key. Build the immune system up by throwing away the sugar, seed oils, and processed food.
I was 68 when I had the Fauci-Wuhan Virus (I like to place blame where it belongs) Dec 28 '21 to Jan 1 '22. I took 36 mg ivermectin, 800 mg hydroxychloroquine, 5-10 grams of C, 1,200 mg astragalus, NAC, L-glutathione, 50mg zinc, 800 mg quercetin and one or two packets of beef bone broth daily. After, I continued the ivermectin 18 mg daily, C, quercetin & zinc.
Aside from a bit of long brain fog (even though I felt fantastic on Jan 2), I had two long symptoms: twisted taste buds, which resolved within two weeks (I think because of the ivermectin) and a horrible dry cough that caused me to cough uncontrollably for 10-20 minutes two-three times in the middle of the night and every time I talked for more than 30 seconds. My chiro, regular MD (who is a good guy) and his pulmonologist did not suggest what a frontline doctor suggested three weeks after I was over the main course: budesonide. Done right, twice daily four days and the cough was done and over. And no extra aging that me or anyone who knows me detects.
I did not take the fake vaxx. Did you? It sure sounds like it, but your case could be an outlier. I am genuinely curious.
I would take daily 24 mg ivermectin in your shoes until everything is resolved. I think it has so many unique properties, it "could" resolve your symptoms; it can't hurt to try. Dr. Meryl Nass prescribed it for Dr. Robert Malone and his horrific long symptoms were done and over in two weeks.
Just a thought. And as they say, this is not medical advice. Best of luck to you.
exactly as my cough and my son's has been... never thought to try budesonide... I'll put that on the "stock up" list
This is my experience as well, aged at least 10 years upon initial infection. I got gastroparesis and continue to suffer with long covid. My gut gets hard and can’t move things through it in a healthy way. Desperately searching for a solution still.
See my comment above.
How many thousands of us are there? I'm 53 - got COVID at 50, I was a "young 50", still getting carded to buy beer now and then. Now I feel like an old man as I struggle out of bed in the morning, body creaking and sore. I notice the rapid again (edit: aging) amongst the faces of my friends and customers.
I started taking this product, Bio-Fisetin, (Life Extension company-LE) last January 2023, and it's been a pretty distinctive difference for me, youth/age-looking and healthwise. Their product claims 25x's greater bio-availability. This is in addition to taking a lot of other supplements, daily, for the past 3 years. I add to my regimen here and there but it's been pretty much daily: Kyolic with CoQ10, Curcumin Elite (LE), NAC (now GlyNAC-ET), oil of oregano, Black seed oil, Lactoferrin (LE), D3-K2 w/iodine (LE), C (powder), A, E, B-complex (LE), EPO, Neuro-Mag (LE), zinc, ALA (LE), Berberine, Choline, B-1, Nattokinase, serrapeptase, GABA, and occasionally Quercetin/Bromelain. (The latter increases my issues with tinnitus). I am not vaxxed but am and have been under a lot of pressure to not get C19 and fight the shedding from 6x vaxxd partner. I finally got C19 (from partner) 3/2023. It was 36 mg a day ivermectin while C19 sick, in addition to keeping up everything else. 4 days odyssey with covid, no fun, but no lasting effects and never did lose my sense of smell. Thankfully. With these supplements taken daily last 2-3 years, now I don't have joint pain, knee issues from chasing toddler around all day, 40 hrs wk (I'm 60 now), and, last autumn, my eye exam showed my eyesight getting better - which is wild. From 3.25 to 2.25 in one eye, and 3.75 to 3.25 in the other eye. So I believe this stuff overall, taken steadily, over time, does have a great effect on health. I understand people may weigh-in with critique about taking supplements rather than simply concentrating on a great pure diet (which I basically kind of follow...) but these are severe times. It's very very difficult on our bodies, all of this stuff: covid, vaccines, environmental pressures. I'm not getting younger. And I am not going to be a sitting duck waiting it out and hope I avoid cancer, clots, neuro-related issues.
I'm taking most of the things on your list. And I just ordered zinc and C.
The Life Extension supplements: Bio-Fisetin, Lactoferrin and Curcumin Elite have been almost certainly, major life-changers for me. Of course, the second I write that, all kinds of other supplements also pop up in my head as deserving such an attribute... The Bio-fisetin, I must say, is the singular supplement that once I started taking, yielded within a week or so, comments about how I looked younger. I take that with a grain of salt of course, but... The three I listed altogether though have gone a long way to 99% (not exaggerating) removing the age-related aches and pains --- and I'm really active as a gardener and now, after quitting day job, full time toddler chaser. Good luck to you!!!
Yup, I believe this disease was designed to take our vitality/shorten our lives. Tons of people I know have aged rapidly and my dad almost died from blood clots (fully vaxed).
Fully vaxxed. That is key.
I was not vaxxed and very severe long covid. Cured now but due to dry fasting and a combination of powerful therapies. check out the dry fasting club.
I was never vaxxed but dad was, plenty of people on both sides getting fuckt. It appears to be the same thing to me. After two years of researching and being in long haul groups, the symptomology is the same.
And I was not vaxxed, got it, had it for four days with 100 degree temp, headachy, brain fog and twisted taste buds. Got over it and the two long symptoms within a few weeks. Go figure.
But have you seriously used everything I used, from ivermectin to NAC, et al? If you haven't, please do. IF you have, call the frontline docs for a tele-med appt. Well worth it.
Yep. Twice. About 6-9 months after being sick with Covid. Didn't make a big difference in the symptoms I was already experiencing.
I’ve tried most of that stuff, it’s been two years of research at this point.
The ageing thing I feel like I am going through too, I always looked young for my age but i feel like now i look my age. I had covid once in march 2022, no long covid unless you include an persistent annoying cough for a few months afterwards, but I was bullied and coerced into the first 2 pfizer shots early 2021 by family and work so that certainly wont have helped either. I had no reactions to the shots but who knows whats going on inside the body.
See my comment above.
Investigate methylene blue.
Did that already. It’s almost like everyone thinks I’ve had my head in the sand for two years.
Methylene blue has been a miracle for me. Miracle is an overused term, but I mean it literally. Perhaps the reasons why different folks have different results has more to do with variables such as dose, frequency, duration of treatment, method of intake (e.g., oral vs. IV). It is confusing to try to sort these things out. I do not give advice, but caution to search for all contraindications, such as seratonin stimulants such as SSRIs or tryptophan. I chose oral and low dose twice a day, 3 weeks on and a week off, repeat. I did buy two books on it but have not read them. I did thoroughly search scientific and medical information. For me, if I am pissing blue, then I’ve got enough. Since urine is yellow and MB is blue, urine is usually green. The more the urine is diluted, the bluer the urine. The more the MB is diluted, the yellower the urine. One day, there was a small clump of toilet paper in the toilet. I peed right on it. Some of the stream went to the left and some to the right. The left turned yellow and the right turned blue. I had just peed a Ukrainian flag of the correct (approximately) proportions.
FLCCC has a low dose protocol entitled "I-RECOVER-Post-Vaccine-2023-07-24". On page 20 they state:
• Take the 7th day off every week to allow the body to “reset”.
On page-20 of the protocol?
It must be very intricate if it's that long.
Here is the protocol. It is for post-vaxx as they do not have a MB protocol for post-covid. You may check for yourself if you think it is "intricate". https://covid19criticalcare.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/I-RECOVER-Post-Vaccine-2023-07-24.pdf
I hear you! You've probably also heard of dry fasting, but I implore you check out the dry fasting club and at least join the discord to be a fly on the wall or join conversations about LC
I must add to my comment on methylene blue. Several sources claim that MB is somehow activated by near infra-red light. My experience so far is that near IR has a dramatic effect on MB effectiveness. One day I took my low dose MB and then sat out in the sun for about an hour. I could feel a surge of energy and brain clarity that I had not previously experienced. Next day I dosed, then baked in the hot sun for an hour with shirt off. Same thing. So I spent a small amount of money on stainless steel reflectors with clamp and 250W infrared heat lamp. Now I can sit at the computer with the heat lamp 2 feet from me and get the same effect. This will be nice for coming cold weather.
I hear ya! lol... MB did nothing for me either... not surprised tho because vit C doesn't do anything either... I'm about to try nicotine patches... have you tried that?
Yeah that’s next in the cue for me too, when I smoke occasional tobacco it actually helps noticeably for a little bit so that’s encouraging.
What brand do you use/recommend? I’d like to buy more and in a larger quantity this time.
Brand of methylene blue? I am using BioPharm USP purchased from Amazon. I've been taking it for about 4 weeks, and only so far used about 10mL.
Programmed cell death... leaves lots of “rubbish” within the body... which can be removed through autophagy(fisetin) and mitophagy (pomegranate extract)both allow new cells new dna and mitochondria to form... the building blocks to muscle elastin and energy come from using master antioxidants that feed both cell dna and mitochondria... the best all rounder is Astaxanthin... red plant algae... it contains higher amounts of CoQ 10... vitamin C .... vitamin E.... antinflammatories like quercetin... olive leaf extract...andrographis ..apigenin..ashwaghanda ...
I think it may be why my skin has aged so much ever since I lost taste/smell from mild cov2... unvaxxed so can't blame that.... skin is so crepe-ish and falling off my arms. Cough that keeps coming back... resilience seems to be gone.... well.... it's a bio weapon either way you get it.
Probably because of ongoing 5G tower construction near you.
You never mention the vaccine produced Spike Proteins. It’s almost like you are trying to pin this exclusively on a Covid infection? Why is there no mention of the foreign spike protein that the body of a vaccinated person produces (apparently with no end) not mentioned here. This seems strange?
Very good question. The answer is not readily available, it's in Table 2. Need to go to the Supplementary Data section, download the Excel and check the 2nd tab.
From the 8 patients only 2 were not vaccinated. For the other 6 their vaccination status is "unknown".
I appears to me that this “man” is trying to sow the seeds of confusion and initiate blame deflection among the vaccinated and vaccine damaged. I saw a “news” report the other day where “heart” issues were supposedly caused by Covid infections. Clearly the criminals have by now realized that the MRNA genetic modifications are causing all kinds of problems and killing many people. So they are now sending out their shills to say “Look over there, Covid is causing _______ (insert injury or sudden death). I just had a friend (injected) have her 25 year old (injected) daughter die suddenly from a cardiac arrest. This shit is not from a Covid infections. It is from the MRNA injections this poor girl took.
He's really not. He regularly talks about the vaccines.
This blog is aimed at people with enough background knowledge to understand the science. For the target audience, there is no need to repeatedly state the obvious (that vaccine induced spike is almost always more plentiful and longer lasting than spike from an infection)
I think that there is a “need” to state the “obvious” here. There are also differences between the natural spike of the virus and the spike produced by the body as a result of the injection on the MRNA. Even if he is talking about both of these, it is wrong to paint them with the same brush. Vaccinated folks are documented to be still producing spike proteins 6 months after their last injection. Is this foreign protein causing problems or can it cause problems? Yes of course. But talking about the ant while ignoring the bull elephant is disingenuous.
I'm inclined to agree with you but I'm not sure it is just the jab because of my real life experience. I live in Canada where 95% of adults are multiple jabbed. I am not but only know a handful of others. I had one really bad case of covid -- no cough at all but fevers, headaches, loss of smell/taste, fatigue, nausea. It took me 2 weeks to recover and then I had heart fluttering for 3 months afterward. I did the Ivermectin and nutraceutical protocols starting on day 1 of illness. My few unjabbed friends got covid as well but now one is already dead from turbo cancer and one other is fighting turbo cancer. Could be the shedding but I am suspicious. I also know a lot of jabbed people who all had covid and now have serious medical issues. It doesn't seem to me like anyone is safe, although I'm still glad I didn't jab despite all of the suffering the Canadian government and society put me through.
It’s hard to say. The virus was “designed” so it effects could be really bad depending on individual physiology. I had one really bad shedding event. My gut bacteria was effected. It was the weirdest thing I have ever had. Ivermectin cured it. Good you refused the injection. Yes you need to stay away from the injected as much as possible. And take ivermectin if you are exposed to them. Nattokinase should also be taken.
I wonder if WMC is avoiding specifically mentioning vaccines as a way to reach more people and keep the trolls and the muttons off his back?
Maybe... ?
They coming for everyone.
"Hmmmm..." LOL.
Lawrence, maybe I should not say this--but it is long-established that the Spike Protein (such as from the jab) loves bloody organs of the body AND reproductive organs. I have not read anything that suggests how many spike proteins can be gotten from sex. But my guess is 'plenty" and maybe plenty-enough, sort-of, to be considered "having gotten a substantial shot-from sex with a vaccinated person."
I'm not jabbed. But the last two times I went to Church and shook the clergyman's hand after the service and on the way out the door, I got a 3-day chill virus both times; and the second time my nose started dripping profusely by the time I got into the car (a mere minute after shaking hands and walking out the door. This was already 1 year after my clergyman's first duo+booster shots (and he may have had more shots); and he has had Covid two times after these. When I sit in Church I sit far from everyone; and even walk out by myself through a side door (just in case). But two times this year, I thought I would do the normal greeting and I got a virus each time. My nose never drips, ever; until going to Church recently. Since I was young there has been a lot of discussion about AIDS-SEX-SHEDDING-NEW AIDS PATIENTS. The Pfizer/Moderna shots have been compared to AIDS, especially reports about four slightly different HIV molecules on the Spike Proteins (and easily attached just by giving them "the opposite" magnetic charge to the Spikes" and shaking up the vial, so to speak).
Lawrence, I am not any sort of professional health person. But I think (and worry) that long-term sex dispenses via skin, sweat, and body fluids, plenty of spike proteins. I would sure love to see data on this because I have a divorced son who is lonely. He won't let me talk with him about the Jabs; but I'd love to tell him, find ONLY a Jabbed partner like yourself; and don't risk another divorce by finding a non-jabbed partner, who may get sick and permanently resent it. Plus, who would ever want to make another person sick--with AIDS or Jab-Covid?
There are reports of testes lacking sperm and containing only Spike Proteins. Jabbed men are most likely sterile. Let me just say right off... I completely understand what you are going through. I am very sensitive to the Spike Proteins. I get sick if I am around them. I have to stay away from them. So here is what we do... and (my adopted daughter) #1 Limit exposure to vaccinated people #2 Take ivermectine after being exposed for at least 3 days #3 Take nattokinase daily
Like right now people are getting this new injection. They will shed Spike Proteins in great numbers for awhile after their injections. So right now it is a good idea to stay away from anyone who might be vaccinated. They are literally walking bio-weapon factories. I understand that church is important to you... but you might want to stay away from it for awhile.
All of these MRNA injections produce a kind on AIDS. It's a vaccine induced AIDS. After 3 injections their immune systems are destroyed. They are walking germ carriers and because they have no immune system... they sometimes are not showing any symptoms.
Yes if you have a relationship with a vaccinated person... you will become very sick or vaccinated as a result of the exchange of fluids. I can't talk at all to my two boys. They have undergone personality changes and different people now. They didn't want to listen to the old crazy guy.
So I am here...72 with only my adopted daughter left. Everyone else is jabbed or dead. Pretty lonely feeling.... I just keep going with our dogs and a little hope.
also, don't forget having surgery where one gets general anaesthesia is like getting another booster shot. A dear friend of mine had his hernias patched up after 30 years and was under general anaesthesia for several hours (because he got the NHS 'B' team who used his surgery like a training exercise).
When he woke up, he started throwing up for several minutes, the anaesthesia made him that sick. I bring this up because the mRNA/SV40/billions of fragmented DNA/graphene oxide is being put secretly in both the dental anaesthesia and general anaesthesia--La Quinta Column's researchers proved this with looking at both samples of dental and general anaesthesia.
So then my dear friend shed for several months, so much so it was like my getting another covid shot.
How can he pin it on something that doesn't exist?
"I still remember the day when the experiment was over, and I looked at the artery walls of the guinea pigs under the microscope. The guinea pigs receiving vitamin C at a daily dose comparable to the human recommended daily allowance (RDA) had developed the same deposits in their artery walls that cause heart attacks and strokes in human beings. However, those animals that received the equivalent of two teaspoonfuls of vitamin C per day, comparable to human body weight, had maintained clean arteries. Most importantly, this striking difference was not obtained by adding cholesterol or fat to the animals’ diet, but by omitting one single factor from it: vitamin C."
How many mg is "two teaspoonfuls of vitamin C"? I take five grams of C daily, 185 lbs. It stopped an internal scarring that my eye doctor SWORE his surgery would cause, and that I would be back for more surgery in five months.
It's more than two years later.
Dr Levy is the vitamin C man.
Canceling the Spike Protein
Striking Visual Evidence
Editorial by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD
“Hydrogen peroxide (HP) nebulization (Levy, 2021, free eBook) is an antiviral and synergistic partner with vitamin C, and it is especially important in dealing with acute or chronic COVID, or with post-COVID vaccination issues. As noted above, the COVID virus can persist in the stool.
In such cases, a chronic pathogen colonization (CPC) of COVID in the throat continually supplying virus that is swallowed into the GUT is likely present as well, even when the patient seems to be clinically normal.
This will commonly be the case when specific viral eradication measures were not taken during the clinical course of the COVID infection. HP nebulization will clear out this CPC, which will stop the continued seeding of the COVID virus in the GUT and STOOL as well. Different nebulization approaches are discussed in the eBook.”
Only use food grade.
Following in Linus Pauling's footsteps? Looks good, thank you. Downloaded. On my years' long reading list, but I might put this ahead of a slew of others.
Yet another rabbit hole. LOL.
What is the difference between the RDA of Vitamin C and the equivalent of two teaspoons (mouse to human)?
Ok, I'll go read the linked info. :)
Interesting article! It would be good to know what the ratio of two teaspoons of Vitamin C to the RDA comes out to, in human terms.
Thanks that’s a great link
Relatives and I THOUGHT we noticed rapid aging in those close to us that submitted.
Were the patients of the study vaccinated? I don't see this called out in the study anywhere so is there some way that the study is ruling out the vaccine as a confounder?
These are hypotheses against facts;
This is due to nanotechnology.
Why are you refusing to investigate this?
Interaction of nanoparticles with proteins is the basis of nanoparticle bio-reactivity. This interaction gives rise to the formation of a dynamic nanoparticle-protein corona. The protein corona may influence cellular uptake, inflammation, accumulation, degradation and clearance of the nanoparticles. Furthermore, the nanoparticle surface can induce conformational changes in adsorbed protein molecules which may affect the overall bio-reactivity of the nanoparticle.
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0009898121001376 Oxidative stress in vascular calcification
Reactive Oxygen Species in Cardiovascular Calcification: Role of Medicinal Plants
One of the main mechanisms of nanotechnology toxicity is oxidative stress.
In addition, several typical mechanisms underlying GFN toxicity have been revealed, for instance, physical destruction, oxidative stress, DNA damage, inflammatory response, apoptosis, autophagy, and necrosis. In these mechanisms, (toll-like receptors-) TLR-, transforming growth factor β- (TGF-β-) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) dependent-pathways are involved in the signalling pathway network, and oxidative stress plays a crucial role in these pathways.
The discoveries on these "Vaccines" just keep getting "better" (sarcasm)!
Aren't you cheerful
Would maintaining intracellular magnesium levels counter this? I realise most would not take enough magnesium due to mainstream RDI and if inflammation is already present perhaps high does will be required? - more info in Thomas Levy books or here:
"Over the last decade, an increasing number of studies report a close relationship between serum magnesium concentration and cardiovascular disease risk in the general population. In end-stage renal disease, an association was found between serum magnesium and survival. Hypomagnesemia was identified as a strong predictor for cardiovascular disease in these patients. A substantial body of in vitro and in vivo studies has identified a protective role for magnesium in vascular calcification. However, the precise mechanisms and its contribution to cardiovascular protection remain unclear. There are currently 2 leading hypotheses: first, magnesium may bind phosphate and delay calcium phosphate crystal growth in the circulation, thereby passively interfering with calcium phosphate deposition in the vessel wall. Second, magnesium may regulate vascular smooth muscle cell transdifferentiation toward an osteogenic phenotype by active cellular modulation of factors associated with calcification. Here, the data supporting these major hypotheses are reviewed. The literature supports both a passive inorganic phosphate–buffering role reducing hydroxyapatite formation and an active cell-mediated role, directly targeting vascular smooth muscle transdifferentiation. However, current evidence relies on basic experimental designs that are often insufficient to delineate the underlying mechanisms. The field requires more advanced experimental design, including determination of intracellular magnesium concentrations and the identification of the molecular players that regulate magnesium concentrations in vascular smooth muscle cells."
Thank you for this article. Do you have any thoughts on how particular SNPs affect the risk for atherosclerosis when combined with C19 infection or vaccination? Also, any thoughts on corrective supplementation?
I’ve been telling everybody I can, DMSO is one of the best weapons against this crap.
Im following your research desperately, after two years of long covid I’m deteriorating still. Chlorine dioxide was the only thing that helped for a while and then the kidneys started to show signs of failure, they couldn’t handle either the mms or the crazy amount of debris I was pissing out.
If you haven't already, you might see if Dr. McCullough's recommendation of nattokinase, Turmeric (Curcumin), and Bromelain is of any benefit.
Ive been taking nattokinase for a long time, curcumin also, but not bromelain
I take all of them that I can get my hands on; but right now that is only lumbrokinase, Serrapeptase and Bromelain. I have not found a source that I trust yet on Nattokinase, but when I do find a source I will buy some. There is one other one that has been mentioned, but I don't recall right now. I take them all because I have a hunch that each different product services (primarily) a different of the body; in other words my hunch is that they are not competitors, but they join together to service the whole person. Not long ago I passed 70-years. I want to hit 80-years; and any number of things can go wrong; so I will gamble on all of it and especially since the research on these various products is relatively new for people in USA. I figure that if God made it, it has to be beneficial in ways--at any given time--only He knows while medical researchers are learning additional things.
IMPORTANT! Chlorine dioxide oxidizes the mitochondrial electron transport chain, which accelerates metabolism. This is how it provides beneficial results, BUT it is extremely toxic and dangerous. Methylene blue also oxidizes (removes excess electrons) from the electron transport chain, so it has similar beneficial effects but is FAR MORE safe than chlorine dioxide. Its mode of action is explained here: Crucial Facts About Your Metabolism, Part 2 - Interview with Georgi Dinkov; https://www.bitchute.com/video/B2RIz3i37hMA/
So interesting you should share this because I arrived at a similar conclusion through self experimentation, however less detailed. Chlorine dioxide brought me back from the dead and then started to kill me after three months of taking it 😬
Try finding a good NAET practitioner who can help you treat spike protein as if it were an allergant. Are you in the USA? look for someone who has alot of experience with NAET, sometimes they're hard to find .
I've developed SP induced autoimmune vasculitis and am having a devil of a time with stopping injury to my foot.
Look into taking Boswellia supplement, I've started taking it to help with my joints/tendons. good luck
Here is another in depth information package on methylene blue:
Have you tried TWC's Spike Support? People report good success with it.
Haven’t, but I’ll look into it.
Not sure if you are working with a physician who treats pasc, but if not here are some resources:
flccc protocol:
Something is wrong with this quote:
So, the pathobiology of internal calcification so internal calcification first starts off with atherosclerosis so atherosclerosis occurs before internal calcification and we know that atherosclerosis is an inflammatory process that starts with damage of the endothelium then monocytes enter the artery and differentiate into macrophages which proliferate locally they ingest oxidized lipids and then they slowly start to turn into large foamy macrophages and then they eventually die and which further propagates the inflammatory process in addition the smooth muscle cells start to proliferate and they migrate from the vessel wall in response to cytokines that is secreted by damaged endothelium cells and by the dying cells and they help and these smooth muscle cells are thought to help form the fibrous cap then the calcification starts to occur and internal calcification really resembles endochondral bone formation and although the initiation of the calcification does not require participation by specific cells but the progression of the lesion is thought to be likely driven by chondrocyte-like cells and associated with expression of inflammatory factors like cytokines…
We used to have to diagram sentences when we were kids. I shudder over this one....
Aletheia. I recognised what you are addressing; but at the same time I recognised that the word "and" is a conjunction (connecting two things together, even when in a long chain of connections--and it has always been that way); and then I recognised that Walter was providing a chain-linkage (and even with some add-on thoughts); but altogether Walter is one of the first PRO's who has ever done that in my 3.5 year personal study (x 8hrs a day, every day while trying to understand things I have none-whatsoever-background in--namely Wuhan air-born distributed Covid-19 and Pfizer/Moderna Jab Covid-19). I was an earth science guy, not a biology guy). Because Walter did it this way, I understood perfectly THE CHAIN, while being unfamiliar with the content of the chain; but I am still very pleased he did it this way--BECAUSE HE UNIFIED THE WHOLE THING (to me that is the main point). When others wrote in "proper English (as it may be called)--I got lost in perfect sentence after sentence, due to being unfamiliar with "the whole". But I did not get lost with Walter's style of presenting this, because I recognised immediately HE WAS LAYING OUT A CHAIN. And for whatever it is worth. I still do not understand auto mechanics related to combustion and the movement of cars, etc. I am a person who gets lost when provided too many details. But I didn't get lost in Walter's presentation because he was presenting A FULL CHAIN. Now at least I got the chain, and just with the connective conjunction word "and". I did not feel like I was among the dumbest people on earth. I felt like I was being given a gift (even though I did not understand it all). So here is another way my weird mind works. When I read the "letter, so to speak" period (.)--my mind stops right there. I want to say, "Oh shit! There is a period. I'm supposed to stop there; and then I never know for sure if the next sentence COULD BE connected to the previous sentence. I can't trust because people like me, we kind of float to one thing and another thing and always wondering if there was something I missed, when ignorant of the subject material. By Walter's use of "and" I knew I missed NOTHING--and now all I have to do is research each step of the chain to understand more. But Aletheia, thanks for bringing up your issue--that too, made me think aplenty.
Is this what he is trying to say? Walter, is this what you are trying to show?
The pathobiology of internal calcification follows this process:
1. An inflammatory process starts with damage of the endothelium
2. Monocytes enter the artery and differentiate into macrophages
3. These proliferate locally
4. They ingest oxidized lipids and then they slowly start to turn into large foamy macrophages
5. Eventually they die, which further propagates the inflammatory process
6. The smooth muscle cells start to proliferate, migrating from the vessel wall in response to cytokines secreted by damaged endothelium cells and by the dying cells
7. These smooth muscle cells help form fibrous cap (cap to what
8. Internal calcification begins (Internal calcification really resembles endochondral bone formation)
With respect to #1 above, although the initiation of the calcification does not require participation by specific cells, the progression of the lesion is likely driven by chondrocyte-like cells and associated with expression of inflammatory factors like cytokines.
wouldn't k2 help with the calcification?
I also have noticed the premature aging after friends/relatives have gotten their jabs and boosters: the more jabs they get, the worse/older they look. you can look upon a crowd of older people and easily see they don't look well, they look 'aged'.
On a related subject of Spike Protein (SP) attacking the cardiovascular system/endothelium, I am experiencing a SP induced auto-immune case of vasculitis in one of my heels/feet/ankle and the it's like something has attacked the bone/tendons/fascia such that one foot is like 20 years older than the other foot.
Apparently the most common adverse health complaint (per Naomi Wolf's reporting) is joint point.
Report 71: Musculoskeletal Adverse Events of Special Interest Afflicted 8.5% of Patients in Pfizer’s Post-Marketing Data Set, Including Four Children and One Infant. Women Affected at a Ratio of Almost 4:1 Over Men: The most common adverse event was arthralgia/joint pain (3,525 or 97%), followed by 70 arthritis AESIs (2%), 26 rheumatoid arthritis AESIs (<1%) and 5 AESIs (<1%) polyarthritis.
Read this article regarding SP induced arthritis, etc.
A new review suggests that COVID vaccines "may trigger" rheumatic immune-mediated inflammatory diseases, including arthritis, vasculitis, lupus, and adult-onset Still's disease.
Rheumatic immune-mediated inflammatory diseases (R-IMIDs) involve inflammation that manifests in the joints, tendons, muscles, and bones due to an unknown cause.
Of those injured reported developing arthritis after taking the vaccine, primarily manifesting in the knees, elbows, and ankles.
I am still suffering from one Astra-Zeneca 'jab' from Feb 2021 which I wish I had never had but was pressured into taking. Because I spoke out against further jabs in Nov/Dec/Jan 2021, I was fired at work. No one cared at work that I had been injured ( and still injured) from this horrific spike protein poison mixed up with ecoli/nanotech/graphene oxide.
IMPORTANT! Chlorine dioxide oxidizes the mitochondrial electron transport chain, which accelerates metabolism. This is how it provides beneficial results, BUT it is extremely toxic and dangerous. Methylene blue also oxidizes (removes excess electrons) from the electron transport chain, so it has similar beneficial effects but is FAR MORE safe than chlorine dioxide. Its mode of action is explained here: Crucial Facts About Your Metabolism, Part 2 - Interview with Georgi Dinkov; https://www.bitchute.com/video/B2RIz3i37hMA/.
Here is another in depth information package on methylene blue: https://www.bitchute.com/video/XVV45KQztfmf/.
IMPORTANT! Chlorine dioxide oxidizes the mitochondrial electron transport chain, which accelerates metabolism. This is how it provides beneficial results, BUT it is extremely toxic and dangerous. Methylene blue also oxidizes (removes excess electrons) from the electron transport chain, so it has similar beneficial effects but is FAR MORE safe than chlorine dioxide. Its mode of action is explained here: Crucial Facts About Your Metabolism, Part 2 - Interview with Georgi Dinkov; https://www.bitchute.com/video/B2RIz3i37hMA/.
Here is another in depth information package on methylene blue: https://www.bitchute.com/video/XVV45KQztfmf/.