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How many thousands of us are there? I'm 53 - got COVID at 50, I was a "young 50", still getting carded to buy beer now and then. Now I feel like an old man as I struggle out of bed in the morning, body creaking and sore. I notice the rapid again (edit: aging) amongst the faces of my friends and customers.

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I started taking this product, Bio-Fisetin, (Life Extension company-LE) last January 2023, and it's been a pretty distinctive difference for me, youth/age-looking and healthwise. Their product claims 25x's greater bio-availability. This is in addition to taking a lot of other supplements, daily, for the past 3 years. I add to my regimen here and there but it's been pretty much daily: Kyolic with CoQ10, Curcumin Elite (LE), NAC (now GlyNAC-ET), oil of oregano, Black seed oil, Lactoferrin (LE), D3-K2 w/iodine (LE), C (powder), A, E, B-complex (LE), EPO, Neuro-Mag (LE), zinc, ALA (LE), Berberine, Choline, B-1, Nattokinase, serrapeptase, GABA, and occasionally Quercetin/Bromelain. (The latter increases my issues with tinnitus). I am not vaxxed but am and have been under a lot of pressure to not get C19 and fight the shedding from 6x vaxxd partner. I finally got C19 (from partner) 3/2023. It was 36 mg a day ivermectin while C19 sick, in addition to keeping up everything else. 4 days odyssey with covid, no fun, but no lasting effects and never did lose my sense of smell. Thankfully. With these supplements taken daily last 2-3 years, now I don't have joint pain, knee issues from chasing toddler around all day, 40 hrs wk (I'm 60 now), and, last autumn, my eye exam showed my eyesight getting better - which is wild. From 3.25 to 2.25 in one eye, and 3.75 to 3.25 in the other eye. So I believe this stuff overall, taken steadily, over time, does have a great effect on health. I understand people may weigh-in with critique about taking supplements rather than simply concentrating on a great pure diet (which I basically kind of follow...) but these are severe times. It's very very difficult on our bodies, all of this stuff: covid, vaccines, environmental pressures. I'm not getting younger. And I am not going to be a sitting duck waiting it out and hope I avoid cancer, clots, neuro-related issues.

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I'm taking most of the things on your list. And I just ordered zinc and C.

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The Life Extension supplements: Bio-Fisetin, Lactoferrin and Curcumin Elite have been almost certainly, major life-changers for me. Of course, the second I write that, all kinds of other supplements also pop up in my head as deserving such an attribute... The Bio-fisetin, I must say, is the singular supplement that once I started taking, yielded within a week or so, comments about how I looked younger. I take that with a grain of salt of course, but... The three I listed altogether though have gone a long way to 99% (not exaggerating) removing the age-related aches and pains --- and I'm really active as a gardener and now, after quitting day job, full time toddler chaser. Good luck to you!!!

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Yup, I believe this disease was designed to take our vitality/shorten our lives. Tons of people I know have aged rapidly and my dad almost died from blood clots (fully vaxed).

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Fully vaxxed. That is key.

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I was not vaxxed and very severe long covid. Cured now but due to dry fasting and a combination of powerful therapies. check out the dry fasting club.

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I got really into dry fasting, read all the books, had sessions discussing my issues with dr Filonov personally, only ever did 24 hours dry though. I have decided for a while now that my long covid is rooted in brain/neurological dysfunction so IтАЩd doesnтАЩt really make sense to me to heal by doing another extreme and potentially traumatic therapy. What worked for you in terms of dry fasting?

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Evolving filonovs concepts into ones that work for long haul. No offense to him but he's set in his ways from 30 years ago with no knowledge about autoimmune illness like Lyme and LC. The dry fasting club basically exists to help heal LC and biohack dry fasting

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Cool, IтАЩm also connected with Trevor, have spoken with him several times (heтАЩs very sweet and fuckin insane, chasing the dragon you could say). IтАЩll check out your Substack. I have gastroparesis, MCAS/histamine intolerance, sibo, mood issues, insomnia and fatigue, dysautonomia to name a few...

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I was never vaxxed but dad was, plenty of people on both sides getting fuckt. It appears to be the same thing to me. After two years of researching and being in long haul groups, the symptomology is the same.

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And I was not vaxxed, got it, had it for four days with 100 degree temp, headachy, brain fog and twisted taste buds. Got over it and the two long symptoms within a few weeks. Go figure.

But have you seriously used everything I used, from ivermectin to NAC, et al? If you haven't, please do. IF you have, call the frontline docs for a tele-med appt. Well worth it.

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Yup, IтАЩve really covered a lot of ground but I was chronically ill before covid with Lyme and various others contributing factors. I was already really compromised. Psilocybin is what has been most helpful for me with associated brain fog and mood issues. Works wonders.

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I've been trying that too, off and on. It's great when it works but it's been hard to dial in the microdose that doesn't inflame the debilitating irrational anxiety that Covid left me with.

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So sorry youтАЩre still dealing with that, my anxiety was terrible in the beginning and suicidal most of the time. The mushrooms mostly fixed that but I still get really sad that IтАЩm so sick. Also careful with bone broth because itтАЩs high in histamine and many long haulers are histamine intolerant, can be one of the things that contributes to anxiety.

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I caught covid early, before the vax, although my family pressured me into the vax too. I agree with Ariel that people on both sides are getting fuckt, doesn't really matter at this point - although I won't be getting any add'l vaccines.

Got any tips about your regimen, Doug? I'm taking NAC, nattokinase, quercetin, but I'm open to trying anything. I want my executive functions back.

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McCullough's protocol, which includes what you are taking but I "think" other supplements. And I would take ivermectin every day as well (which I do not think is on his protocol), 18mg for a 180 lb person. Malone did ivermectin and resolved all of his long symptoms, which were catastrophic. I'd also call the Frontline Doctors; one comment from the doc I got resolved my long dry cough. Oh, and beef bone broth daily. I use Bare & Bones. I also take five grams of C daily, which was the only difference between my bout with the Virus, which lasted four days, vs. my wife's, who had it for ten days (she can't handle so much C). Although during the Virus I might have taken ten grams daily.

Best of luck to you. I'd love to hear later how it goes.

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Just ordered some Ivermectin from Amazon - I didn't know I could get it without my doctor's approval. She lives the MSNBC version of Covid Reality so I never bothered to ask. Thanks for the tip - got me motivated to find out how to get some.

I'm familiar with McCullough but not his protocol so I'll go read up. 18mg it is. And bone broth. Thanks again.

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Oct 24, 2023
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Yep. Twice. About 6-9 months after being sick with Covid. Didn't make a big difference in the symptoms I was already experiencing.

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