Remember, it is better to cripple the enemy force than to kill them.

The dead are buried.

The wounded must be carried and cared for, sapping supplies, slowing their advance or retreat. Tiring them. Demoralising them.

Making them pliable and easy to control.

Because the crowd will almost always follow the path most convenient to them, even to their death.

Lest we forget.

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Yes. The two million added to the disability rolls will both strain Medicare and Medicaid and cause medical health systems waiting lists. This will also continue to stress Social Security disability and likely continue to accelerate insolvency

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Agent Orange didn't disable in a day

Asbestos doesn't kill straight away

Creeping and crawling

Spreading and sprawling

Time delayed decay

Watch the crowd get slowly crook

A little now, tomorrow shook

Until they all fall down

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Don’t forget, as you told us early on in twitter that the Spike protein is better able to adhere to the ACE2 receptors during state of hypoxia.

They KNEW the masks would make it worse.

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After two breaths in a mask your O2 levels drop and CO2 rises to levels that violate OSHA workplace regulations.

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How my brain knows this so well. I don’t argue with people on this. It’s definitive to me. If they want to give themselves brain damage- that’s on them

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Yeah but, lungs may be 3 liters, a breath may be 1 liter, which means 2 liters are retained each time we breathe. So substituting maybe 200 mL of fresh air for the same volume of mask air is only a 10% increase in retained air and a 10% decrease in fresh air.

The numbers are rough estimates but I think the point is valid.

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Marsha you have a point.

But I have to disagree, a good N95 will/could drastically reduce the viral load you might otherwise pick up.

Masks are not our enemy, on a plane in indoor crowded spaces I'll wear one, I don't like it but s**t look at what Walter just produced.

Masks will assist us and should be used until the threat is extinguished.

Less virus in your system less radiation like damage done.


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The tool is only good if it is used correctly (which is almost never, touch only with clean hands, dispose after it becomes moist and change to a fresh diaper).

Even then, the effect is negligible, you get much more protection from taking the sun for some minutes every day, sleeping well, having a happy social life.

None of those things were promoted, only the dehumanizing antiboogeyman cloth that was barely even effective at preventing transmission while being extremely effective at making people inhale their own bacteria culture of feces, food and snot for all day.

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I’m an epileptic, hypoxia triggers my seizures. I’m the canary in this coal mine. The first time I put one on I had to take it off after five minutes as I could feel it was about to trigger my Seizures. Which have been well controlled for 20 years. I also help other people with their epilepsy, and one of my kids who had been controlled for well over a year has his first seizure after wearing a mask for a 5 hour plane flight.

He went into status epilepticus (continuous seizures) and nearly died requiring cpr.

You’ll never ever convince me wearing masks is good for the large population on any level.

It’s rebreathing CO2- and humans need abundant, clean O2

I was kicked out of many stores regardless of it being a medical exemption. People lost their minds and for no reason Walter published a study early on that said what I said above. Your n95 isn’t allowing enough O2 to keep your body healthy. And the spike protein will be better able to attack your body system and cause fatal systemic damage. I lost my link to walters study’, but I assure you I used to have it to take to mask mandated places.

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CDC just told everyone that masks will not keep out smoke particulate.... virus is way smaller than smoke. Big article on hypoxia caused by masks... sorry I don't have the citation to hand but should be easily found... check McCullough substack?

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Look up the science on N95.

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Google this - NIH study shows N95 may expose wearer to dangerous toxic compounds linked to seizures and cancer.... but no matter -- it's still kinda a free world so I'm not going around demanding people remove their masks... quite unlike those who went around brow beating and chasing people to put them on...lol... what a crazy world we're in! When you step back and think of the past 3 yrs' behaviors as if it were a cartoon it's kinda funny.

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I always felt many would be like Wiley E. Coyote who have that oh oh look when they realize they just ran off a cliff.

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Check too the military. About 2 years before this plandemic the military did redo research for what levels of CO2 would there be an impact on brain health. It was as I recall way lower in ppm than originally thought. Along the same line I was looking at atmospheric oxygen levels globally. Those are also down by about 1% globally as I recall. Pathogens in our bodies dislike oxygen. Could also explain why the spike protein is toxic to athletes who push the limit of O2 uptake into oxygen deprivation.

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I'm not as convinced.

P2 or N95 masks work to stop particles.

They're a series of waving tubes if you were to look at it from the cross section.

But liquids like respiratory droplets do not behave the same way as solid particles.

The pressure of your breathe breaks them up into smaller droplets and forces them in and out again.

Not dissimilar to how a spray gun works.

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Wear one when you are sanding wood -- you'll see, even worn tightly, stuff gets through.

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The "virus" was never isolated. We received, as per WHO, a proximate genomic sequence of something. I could not trust the CCP to not give us a Trojan Horse. I believe, to this day that no isolate of this "virus" has ever been produced. Prove me wrong.

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They made the fucking thing, I'm pretty sure the spike was made using one of those wonderful protein folding programs that we were told would save us all from death.

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"Are you a triple masker Dr. Fauci?"

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My daughter had MIS-C, myocarditis, acute kidney injury, heart failure, and many other problems during a 9 day icu/hospital stay at age 10 in Feb 2021. Early on I read papers about how Covid symptoms and radiation symptoms were similar. She is doing much better now. But I continue to worry about her and everyone else. It seems like there is no end to the myriad ways this poison can harm the body. But from day 1, I kept coming back to the same thought, “she was poisoned”. I still don’t know why it affected her worse than others, but I think it is likely due to unknown gut dysbiosis at that time. Had her food allergy and macronutrient levels tested - she is gluten free now and you would never know she had been so sick. But of course, she almost died and I know there are likely ways she will have long term damage. Luckily, a year out her cardiac MRI came back clear with no enhancement. But I continue to read and read trying to understand everything I can so if I can help her in anyway I have the best chance. Thank you for your work, it means the world to people like me.

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Roundup herbicide concentrates in gluten and also kills off the gut microbiome (see papers by Stephanie Seneff). Q: What do you do to cattle before you slaughter them? A: You round them up. In your face with their psychopathic humor.

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Yes, thanks for the reminder, I have read Dr. Seneff’s work and am familiar with the roundup in food and gluten. We are being poisoned from so many different directions. I bet if it weren’t for the roundup, gluten wouldn’t be an issue for many.

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HBOT if not counterindicated. Keep her Oxygen levels up. Walks in forests too.

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Just Wow!

Thanks Walter for your amazing diligence.

I'm unvaxxed and have had one infection that I know of.

Do you think it creates this potential disease after every infection? Are there any tests to determine?

People survive radiation treatment.

People need to know that repeat infections must be limited and What About Children 😨

Good Lord.

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Radiation sickness in the population level is enough to take the non-irradiated to an early bedtime easily.

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Glad you decided upon a bold and assertive stance in your research. What a phenomenal discovery and there's no doubt about those developing it to already know the damage. When considering the overall scheme of the Technocrats seeking Global Feudal Fascism; I would wager towards there being limited treatment options to delay or stop the progression of the conditions caused by this spike protein as mirroring RFS.

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With all due respect, does anyone know if all these 5G cell towers are actually just radiating us all but it’s being called Long Covid?? It really just doesn’t make perfect sense to me. Maybe I’m a skeptic or a realist, I don’t know.

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Even on Substack, it’s unpopular to bring up 5G but how can we rule it out yet as a cause or cofactor? Read the work of Dr. Martin Pall; he has extensive research on the effects of non ionizing radiation of 5G actually inducing radiation damage even though most think non ionizing radiation is safe. The health effects of exposure are quite similar to Covid and look at the cities where it was turned on and how they correlate with really bad symptoms attributed to Covid. I am not convinced Covid is simply 5G, but I think 5G is causing problems too, perhaps many of the significant ones.

Here is a link if you want a start: https://radiationdangers.com/studies/5g-dangers-dr-martin-pall-letter-to-the-guardian-newspaper/

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Thank you Walter. Thank you for always telling the truth. Peace.

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A quick search found these two links

Commonalities Between COVID-19 and Radiation Injury

Carmen I Rios et al. Radiat Res. 2021.



Very interesting.... I think you could be on to something, Walter 😊

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The mechanism at work impacting how NF-KB works with your immune system was well known by Fauci, Kerr and others involved in my opinion. It is a reason the Pfizer vials studied were found not to be sterile. I mean, what company deliberately injects a non sterile "vaxzine" into humans? And worse we now know the product, also containing the spike protein, once injected did not stay at the injection site due to the carrier product of LNP (lipid nano particles) being used.

If you take a dive into this issue you should listen to the many videos made with Dr. David Martin. I'd vote for him to handle our nation as he is competent and knows who is who and what is the end game.

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Thank you for sharing these links. I had saved the journal article in my notes when it was first published but couldn’t locate it!

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They couldn't have come up with a better bioweapon than this. For now.

I have to wonder whether the spike protein can contribute to illnesses such as Meniere's...

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it's not so good if you're a human

prions are notoriously difficult to get rid of and notoriously infectious even after a long time of just sitting around

makes me think it's either a suicide cult, an alien or an AI

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Here's an interesting read: https://clinmedjournals.org/articles/jor/journal-of-otolaryngology-and-rhinology-jor-9-131.pdf?jid=jor. Looking for more COVID associations, but I think the shots outweigh viral (natural) infection both in terms of severity and frequency of negative sequelae.

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Absolutely. Big question now is was it accidental or planned release?

Trump for his part didn't seem to know, remember he said something along the lines of "that it affected their people too" meaning the Chinese.

Once it was out though China made sure it spread, as we know.

They also clearly fiercely protected their population.

Wonder if we'll ever know the truth of this horror movie in our lifetime.

Take a leaf out of the Davos playbook, protect yourself with good mask in high risk situations and look at clean air filters.


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Trump did warp speed, and if you think he's clueless then you give him waaay too much credit. Both clowns want you dead, the red and blue just take turns whacking humanity into paste.

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Lol yes I do think he's largely clueless.

His own difficult infection with the bio weapon leads me to think he didn't want American people dead.

I don't know who exactly does want us dead.

CIA or Russia/China might be behind deliberate release but that still doesn't make a lot of sense. Big Pharma, maybe.

Looking at what evidence is available and the way things have panned out so far, my money would be on accidental release where China took fulsome steps to ensure it travelled.

Although the outbreaks in Iran, Italy and New York for example were suss.

Once it had played out for a while Russia invaded which seemed connected as with the BRICS movement since.

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Read up about the WEF who meet in Davos every Jan to plot all this. They have infiltrated every govt and Cabinet in the world. That's who wants us dead.

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DJT knew about HCQ + IVM, then hushed promptly to take Fauci take the reins. He's been controlled opp ever since, after helping to whip MSM into a frenzy that is a default state of the tone of our public square now.

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Yes you're right about that, but my point was simply about the origin of the pandemic being accidental or deliberate.

Trump didn't know, that was clear.

The answers if they do come will be from the CIA.

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Michelle, I believe the CIA is corrupt.

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And water is wet, as they say.

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Walter, I believe that along the lines of your research and other forth coming areas of research we have entered a new domain wherein the dynamics of the electromagnetic and the dynamics of the physical converge and compliment and perhaps even interchange. Somewhere in Hillary Johnsons book about the CFS epidemic "Oslers Web" a public health official responded, when queried about the evidence for retroviral infection, that "it doesn't have to be a retrovirus, it might be microwave radiation." I can't recall who the official was but this would have been circa 1992.

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As I recall, you were the first to describe the parallels between radiation sickness and SC2—-and this was 1-2 years ago! You were spot on from the beginning!

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As I recall, you were the first to describe the parallels between radiation sickness and SC2—-and this was 1-2 years ago! You were spot on from the beginning!

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Thank you, Walter, for being Bold and Relentless. ❤️

Please do continue to work on discovering therapeutics to treat this also relentless illness. 🤗

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Wow. Just wow.

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Walter like the French should say, Chapeau mon ami translated I take my head of to salute you.

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You mean my hat, keep yr head on mon ami;)

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Thank you so very much for your work. I admit that I have very little understanding of articles like this, but I print them and distribute them to 5 neighbors, who are doctors. Some of them can't be caught looking this stuff up online: I'm sure they would be on their way back to India, if they got caught doing that, and one of them is one of our best Heart Surgeons; his wife is a Pediatrician, and they are both very good friends of ours. The others just don't take the time to do all this research. One of those is my own doctor, and he finally says he is convinced. That was my reason for feeding him so much information on the Covid shots and their damage. He is an OD, and more open to it than most. One still has a very closed mind however, and has asked that I give him no more information (He thinks he knows it all, you know).

When it is above my head, I know it is something they probably need to read.

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