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My daughter had MIS-C, myocarditis, acute kidney injury, heart failure, and many other problems during a 9 day icu/hospital stay at age 10 in Feb 2021. Early on I read papers about how Covid symptoms and radiation symptoms were similar. She is doing much better now. But I continue to worry about her and everyone else. It seems like there is no end to the myriad ways this poison can harm the body. But from day 1, I kept coming back to the same thought, “she was poisoned”. I still don’t know why it affected her worse than others, but I think it is likely due to unknown gut dysbiosis at that time. Had her food allergy and macronutrient levels tested - she is gluten free now and you would never know she had been so sick. But of course, she almost died and I know there are likely ways she will have long term damage. Luckily, a year out her cardiac MRI came back clear with no enhancement. But I continue to read and read trying to understand everything I can so if I can help her in anyway I have the best chance. Thank you for your work, it means the world to people like me.

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Roundup herbicide concentrates in gluten and also kills off the gut microbiome (see papers by Stephanie Seneff). Q: What do you do to cattle before you slaughter them? A: You round them up. In your face with their psychopathic humor.

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Yes, thanks for the reminder, I have read Dr. Seneff’s work and am familiar with the roundup in food and gluten. We are being poisoned from so many different directions. I bet if it weren’t for the roundup, gluten wouldn’t be an issue for many.

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HBOT if not counterindicated. Keep her Oxygen levels up. Walks in forests too.

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