The mechanism at work impacting how NF-KB works with your immune system was well known by Fauci, Kerr and others involved in my opinion. It is a reason the Pfizer vials studied were found not to be sterile. I mean, what company deliberately injects a non sterile "vaxzine" into humans? And worse we now know the product, also containing the spike protein, once injected did not stay at the injection site due to the carrier product of LNP (lipid nano particles) being used.
If you take a dive into this issue you should listen to the many videos made with Dr. David Martin. I'd vote for him to handle our nation as he is competent and knows who is who and what is the end game.
A quick search found these two links
Commonalities Between COVID-19 and Radiation Injury
Carmen I Rios et al. Radiat Res. 2021.
Very interesting.... I think you could be on to something, Walter 😊
The mechanism at work impacting how NF-KB works with your immune system was well known by Fauci, Kerr and others involved in my opinion. It is a reason the Pfizer vials studied were found not to be sterile. I mean, what company deliberately injects a non sterile "vaxzine" into humans? And worse we now know the product, also containing the spike protein, once injected did not stay at the injection site due to the carrier product of LNP (lipid nano particles) being used.
If you take a dive into this issue you should listen to the many videos made with Dr. David Martin. I'd vote for him to handle our nation as he is competent and knows who is who and what is the end game.
Thank you for sharing these links. I had saved the journal article in my notes when it was first published but couldn’t locate it!