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Marsha you have a point.

But I have to disagree, a good N95 will/could drastically reduce the viral load you might otherwise pick up.

Masks are not our enemy, on a plane in indoor crowded spaces I'll wear one, I don't like it but s**t look at what Walter just produced.

Masks will assist us and should be used until the threat is extinguished.

Less virus in your system less radiation like damage done.


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The tool is only good if it is used correctly (which is almost never, touch only with clean hands, dispose after it becomes moist and change to a fresh diaper).

Even then, the effect is negligible, you get much more protection from taking the sun for some minutes every day, sleeping well, having a happy social life.

None of those things were promoted, only the dehumanizing antiboogeyman cloth that was barely even effective at preventing transmission while being extremely effective at making people inhale their own bacteria culture of feces, food and snot for all day.

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I’m an epileptic, hypoxia triggers my seizures. I’m the canary in this coal mine. The first time I put one on I had to take it off after five minutes as I could feel it was about to trigger my Seizures. Which have been well controlled for 20 years. I also help other people with their epilepsy, and one of my kids who had been controlled for well over a year has his first seizure after wearing a mask for a 5 hour plane flight.

He went into status epilepticus (continuous seizures) and nearly died requiring cpr.

You’ll never ever convince me wearing masks is good for the large population on any level.

It’s rebreathing CO2- and humans need abundant, clean O2

I was kicked out of many stores regardless of it being a medical exemption. People lost their minds and for no reason Walter published a study early on that said what I said above. Your n95 isn’t allowing enough O2 to keep your body healthy. And the spike protein will be better able to attack your body system and cause fatal systemic damage. I lost my link to walters study’, but I assure you I used to have it to take to mask mandated places.

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CDC just told everyone that masks will not keep out smoke particulate.... virus is way smaller than smoke. Big article on hypoxia caused by masks... sorry I don't have the citation to hand but should be easily found... check McCullough substack?

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Look up the science on N95.

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Google this - NIH study shows N95 may expose wearer to dangerous toxic compounds linked to seizures and cancer.... but no matter -- it's still kinda a free world so I'm not going around demanding people remove their masks... quite unlike those who went around brow beating and chasing people to put them on...lol... what a crazy world we're in! When you step back and think of the past 3 yrs' behaviors as if it were a cartoon it's kinda funny.

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I always felt many would be like Wiley E. Coyote who have that oh oh look when they realize they just ran off a cliff.

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Check too the military. About 2 years before this plandemic the military did redo research for what levels of CO2 would there be an impact on brain health. It was as I recall way lower in ppm than originally thought. Along the same line I was looking at atmospheric oxygen levels globally. Those are also down by about 1% globally as I recall. Pathogens in our bodies dislike oxygen. Could also explain why the spike protein is toxic to athletes who push the limit of O2 uptake into oxygen deprivation.

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I'm not as convinced.

P2 or N95 masks work to stop particles.

They're a series of waving tubes if you were to look at it from the cross section.

But liquids like respiratory droplets do not behave the same way as solid particles.

The pressure of your breathe breaks them up into smaller droplets and forces them in and out again.

Not dissimilar to how a spray gun works.

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Wear one when you are sanding wood -- you'll see, even worn tightly, stuff gets through.

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The "virus" was never isolated. We received, as per WHO, a proximate genomic sequence of something. I could not trust the CCP to not give us a Trojan Horse. I believe, to this day that no isolate of this "virus" has ever been produced. Prove me wrong.

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