Yep. I’m able to get some tests results by being in a long Covid trial. Liver scan shows moderate fibrosis. Pulmonary function test shows mild obstructive defect; cause TBD. Never smoked. Never had hepatitis. But do have micro clots shown on electron microscope. And off the chart high spike Ab count. My main focus to recover is to remove Spike with supplements and ivermectin. It does not appears as yet that I’ve been able to stop the progress of the little bastard.

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Is extended fasting part of your protocol? Just curious as I had heard a couple of doctors talk about that in the last few years. I am 63 and do a 36-hr fast starting every Sunday night...just in case it works to ward off the shedding around me. So far, so good.

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Thanks for sharing. Longer fasting is on my to do list. I’ve done 18 hour fasts and want to try a 3 day fast but am still working at 67 and it’s hard to do both.

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Good luck to you! My understanding is that autophagy increases by 1000% at 36 hours so that is why I try to do that length (I usually go to about 38 hours)~~I start on Sunday nights at 7 pm and end on Tuesday morning at 7 am. That way it's just one day (Monday) where I don't eat. It's not always easy, but I think it's helping me stay healthy!

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I guess the trick is to do it without experiencing the potentially nasty effects of fasting or rapid weight loss on development or progression of gallbladder disease, which could also be triggered or exacerbated independently by SARS-CoV-2 or spike proteins. Dr Berg's blog at the first link below has a few ideas.

Fasting and Gallstones

Dr. Eric Berg 09/28/2023


Evidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection in gallbladder and aggravating cholecystitis to septic shock: a case report


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Insidious! Evil bastards.

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Please keep us all posted on your progress and hopefully your success.

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Natto for restoring gut micro biome is important I believe.

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Natto 2 times a day for me.

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Wow... I'm sorry but glad your getting info to put logic to your experiences. I wouldn't be surprised if everyone is having similar issues... poked or not.

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Thank you for this. I have talked to so many other health professionals who thinks this is over. What most people do not realize.. when most medical professionals leave school they replace thinking with the safety of protocols and defer the rest of their "thought" to the intellegencia of a three letter agency.

This is just so surreal. So many excess deaths in my patients, all getting placed in various statistical categories all pointing to "something else."

In Pfizers own documents.. they KNEW the shot did not "stay" in the local depot area. Not sure why this was ever thought to be the case.. I digress. Now we are witnessing massive systemic issues.

While not the intent of your research, I cannot help but ask... why did "they" do this. ( makes little difference who they is..) The pathology was clearly known, it was designed. For those who know what they are looking at it has always been a donkey with wings. They do not occur in nature. Considering everything.. how does one move forward with this system when it is becoming more clear this was an opening volley of something... yet 99 out of 100 think this was yesterday's news.

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Many have asserted there is an intentional depopulation occurring.

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Covid is clearly a eugenics program. Peace.

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I've been on the fence about this, but I'm starting to lean in that direction. My objection to that was that even though they have killed 17 million (or more) so far, it's still a tiny fraction of global population. However, if they knew that spike would persist and if they knew that it would kill people eventually, after a few months, after a year, after a few years, then it would be the perfect depopulation method. More people are now dying than before. No one knows why, no one can figure it out. Heck, MSM doesn't even report about it. 17 million dead so far, what will that tally be 10 years from now?

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What if it's not just how many have been killed and injured, but more about how many will never now be born. Studies on sperm reduction over a 6month period post jab. DNA integration, P53 suppression, SV40 Cancers etc etc. Then of course LNP affinity for the ovaries...

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good point regarding fertility. Yeah, they don't have to kill 90% of the population to achieve their depopulation goals, just make 90% of the population incapable of having children

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Women seem to suffer the majority of AEs from these poo jabs and with all the worst of the effects potentially inflicting tumors in the reproductive system AND hereditary due to DNA integration... Perhaps the long game on depop?

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Eugenicists will state they have a love for the planet it's the human breeding they cannot stand.

If the destruction of reproduction is done by many means, it is a horror never visited upon humanity in all of it's history. These observations need be documented, written and hidden for the future. Survivors will need to know who were the assassins.

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yep. "for the Greater Good". But WHO gets to decide what is for the Greater Good? WHO decides who lives and who dies, who gets to have children and who doesn't? It's the worst form of tyranny, tyranny disguised as "we're looking out for the planet, we're looking out for humanity". What's that expression, the road to hell is paved with good intentions...

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Occam's razor.. among other things.. make one consider that as a real possibility. Of course it could just be hubris.. but I do not think that is the case. Definitely an agenda playing out of some sort. In the meantime, it is growing ever more difficult for me to take care of my patients when only a handful of people around me are willing to admit openly there is a problem, and factoring that understanding into their practice. Luckily, I have refused to administer it to patients since day one.

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I'm sorry Walter, but I disagree with your assertion made from you quotation at the very end of this otherwise excellent article. You stated "Spike proteins persists from any source" and then quote spike proteins being found in the mood 2 months-post infection clearance in a vaccinated person. With respect, this doesn't say anything about an unvaccinated person with an infection or how fast infection/spike proteins clear in this circumstances. Or vaccinated with no infection. The only addresses 1 case of vaccinated + infection + spike protein present 2 months later.

Some independent studies on autopsied vaccinated bodies have found spike protein in stains up to 60 days (2 months) later and others show as long as 180 days.... so how do we know the spike protein in the blood at 60 days is not due to the vaccine regardless of the c-19 infection + negative test results? How do we know the spike protein would have continued to persist if an unvaccinated person had an infection?

Edit: Reviewing the PDF, it seems VERY inconclusive. It states "81 patients with Long Covid" were examined...and then mentions finding the spike protein in "3" patients...of 81.

Specifically, the study describes the sample size and technique as "mass spectrometry to analyze the serum of 81 patients with long-COVID syndrome". Results: "viral spike protein in one patient" + "vaccine spike protein in two patients two months after the vaccination". Call me a naysayer but 3 out of 81 long covid patients makes me think that 78 out of 81 were psychosomatic lol. I've always though that sometimes Long Covid people might be hypochondriacs, tbh.

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Brilliant work thank you Walter, I think the little story you put at the start of this article would help a lot of people understand why injection of the actual problem is worse perhaps than dealing with it in your respiratory system... I forwarded this one on...

Thank you for doing all the hard work you do, it is very much appreciated 🙏

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There appears to be a good test to see if you are producing spike in the blood ( plain vacutainer tube and centrifuge) and ivermectin with proteases like lumbrokinase, nattokinase, serrapeptase, and bromelain with other nutraceuticals can block/inhibit the spike production/damage. See the proof: https://ronalddnorris.substack.com/p/a-harder-time-to-achieve-remission

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Thanks! Good info

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Seeing people who are vaccinated drop

all around me .. many still refuse to look at any method of de-toxing their bodies from the Spike. Certain areas in 🇬🇧 were “targeted” for “trials” whilst massive work was undertaken on hospitals to “get them ready” in the process they REMOVED the oxygen facility behind the beds in “certain wards” l was able to procure the Architects plans .. it was a horror show!

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Yes it is.its killing people gradually.not the unvaccinated.

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