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I've been on the fence about this, but I'm starting to lean in that direction. My objection to that was that even though they have killed 17 million (or more) so far, it's still a tiny fraction of global population. However, if they knew that spike would persist and if they knew that it would kill people eventually, after a few months, after a year, after a few years, then it would be the perfect depopulation method. More people are now dying than before. No one knows why, no one can figure it out. Heck, MSM doesn't even report about it. 17 million dead so far, what will that tally be 10 years from now?

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What if it's not just how many have been killed and injured, but more about how many will never now be born. Studies on sperm reduction over a 6month period post jab. DNA integration, P53 suppression, SV40 Cancers etc etc. Then of course LNP affinity for the ovaries...

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good point regarding fertility. Yeah, they don't have to kill 90% of the population to achieve their depopulation goals, just make 90% of the population incapable of having children

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Women seem to suffer the majority of AEs from these poo jabs and with all the worst of the effects potentially inflicting tumors in the reproductive system AND hereditary due to DNA integration... Perhaps the long game on depop?

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Eugenicists will state they have a love for the planet it's the human breeding they cannot stand.

If the destruction of reproduction is done by many means, it is a horror never visited upon humanity in all of it's history. These observations need be documented, written and hidden for the future. Survivors will need to know who were the assassins.

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yep. "for the Greater Good". But WHO gets to decide what is for the Greater Good? WHO decides who lives and who dies, who gets to have children and who doesn't? It's the worst form of tyranny, tyranny disguised as "we're looking out for the planet, we're looking out for humanity". What's that expression, the road to hell is paved with good intentions...

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