Holy Smokes Walter! Your last number of posts are amazing. And frightening. Thank you for giving us a light to examine the future.

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Thank you very much, Walter! You are a hero.

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Incredibly interesting! To what extent does this apply to vaccination doses?

Also is there a way to lab test this on live people by means of blood tests or some such?


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I don't know. We need to find out.

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Do you know which "spike protein" is toxic? I have been trying to think about this as it was quite evident that the spike protein was an endothelial toxin when the ACE2 receptor mechanism was discussed. The other features are a "bonus."

Spike protein #1 is a membrane-bound trimer on the intact virus; there have been published electron micrographs showing about 17-30 of these structures on viral particles, proportional to the size of the particle. I assumed that in this state the structure might allow attachment to more than one receptor, and possibly receptors on adjacent cells, particularly in the smallest capillaries.This would be the case in normal coronavirus infection.

Spike protein #2 is the product of "normal" reverse transcriptase sequence production of virus from an infected cell. Is all of the "spike" produced incorporated into new virus, or is some released unbound when the infected cell dies, releasing some unbound spike? And is the released spike a trimer or monomer?

Spike protein #3 is produced from mRNA injections. It varies between the Moderna and Pfizer shots. The mRNA uses pseudouridine to prolong the "benefit." It is still unclear to me whether the produced spike circulates as a trimer or monomer and which is the pathogenic form.

Now the PCR tests will not discriminate between trimers and monomers, but some of the antibody tests should be conformation specific. This is another reason why the PCR tests are not suitable for assessing infectivity.

So to Igor Chudov's question, how do we test this in vivo?

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Love the dig in.... don't forget the mRNA of injections is being found to be, less than expected product: i.e. incomplete mRNA fragments, missing mRNA- theres a wonderful post recently about the production of the mRNA jabs and how the production was botched 7ways to Sunday in multiple factories and therefore Product Quality is understandably shotty. One more piece to the nefarious puzzle- the injected mRNA may have given the body BAD directions.

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I had read that the original jabs were based on the original spike or the alpha variant yet there is info that the mrna jabs have different responses between the two mrna vax companies. Dr Peter McCullough almost from the very beginning identified the spike as the toxin and yet the pharma companies used that spike & programmed it into people's systems via the jabs. It would appear that at a minimum there are multiple variations (likely trending towards infinite variations as each body has it's own unique system that responds differently to each exposure of the spike). We are unwilling participants in a lab experiment gone wrong (whether intentional or in error). Regardless, gain of function should be ended and anyone found working on such should be charged with crimes & their companies put out of business permanently.

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Thanks. I will work through this.

I haven't had a research lab since grad school in 1978, and rare visits in clinical labs until 2020.

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As always Igor, asking all the right and important questions.

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❤ igor

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Heavy metal toxicity hypothesis stacking up

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one thing is for sure, quite a few in the Alt media have been out in full force to deny even existence of Spike Protein. it appears their stand on Spike Protein is the litmus test to see where someone stands.

thank you Walter, for having the courage to stand up and continue!!

here is dr. chetty from the start explaining/articulating how the “spike proteins,” found in the Covid-19 vaccine, are one of the most contrived toxins, or poisons, that man has ever made – and the aim of this toxin is to kill billions without anyone noticing it.


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I wish I had seen this before I gave in to the coercion.

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as Walter said above, got to work on solutions and this is not one man job (what we are up against is the result of many decades of unlimited funding).

bottom line everyone is different, so it all depends. got to keep the spirit up!!

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Science can be a tool for light too. Thank you Walter.

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I've wondered for over a year why no one was talking about DIC in VITT cases. Seemed obvious.

The DIC cases I've seen pre-COVID tended to be fulminant, with high mortality rates.

Smoldering low-grade DIC (Long COVID) is something to really think about.

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Do different variants Delta-BQ mean different SPED involvement for those who were naturally infected?

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That's a great question. I don't know. We need more research and studies.

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"... SARS-CoV-2 is a continuation of Coronavirus GOF “research” done to induce slow, fatal outcomes."

May Baric et al receive their just reward.

They've created the Andromeda Strain. I saw the movie as a kid. It killed by clotting blood, too. Hmmm ...

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I just watched Andromeda Strain recently...to find out more about covid...

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Thank you Walter what a heroic effort you are putting in here!

If it is indeed the case that the Chinese authorities are following a 0 Covid policy because they know of the deadly consequences why don't we see the same concern from the US authorities?

The US being so involved in the GOF research would guarantee wouldn't it that at least some of the scientists/or 3 letter agency types would know the full consequences of this, and 'someone' would be advising those in power in the West.

Due to the fact that we know the virus is circulating then western leaders can't or arn't' protecting themselves or the public, why would they be allowing themselves repeat infections, very strange.

I thought the Chinese were basically training their public for the possibilty of another 'leak' of an even more deadly variant.

What utterly stange, and terrible times we all live in.

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There is nothing strange about this at all, but to make it all make sense it you have to think like a criminal. Are you aware of the World Economic Forum (WEF), their level of influence in most western governments and their agenda? Are you aware that many of their members voice their belief in the necessity for depopulation?

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Yep I have some knowledge of this, but still, presumably Western 'authorities' know, why are they allowing themselves to be subject to repeat infections, unless we are to believe that they have some mystery cure that they have not disclosed.

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Early treatments as persued and advocated by many doctors such Drs Paul Marik, Peter McCullough, Pierre Kory, Tess Lawrie, etc. Repurposed, well proven and cheap drugs which they knew from the start were highly protective against the wild infection.

Then of course none of them have the injections. If we see them doing so on TV then it's fake (cap still on needle has been spotted) or saline.

Is it any accident doctors are losing their licences for prescribing these early treatments? That deliberate shortages of them have been 'manufactured' ... The inevitable conclusion is that this is a criminal operation.

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I think they got the Draco antibodies. Look up draco vaccine. It gets removed almost everywhere I post about it. I think it’s the real cure.

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How do you suggest to protect the West? Quarantine camps like in China? Rounding people up?

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No, my point was more to suggest that the response being the way it is, is confusing to me.

Like I said I would expect a different response from the West if it is indeed the truth that this virus is a dealth sentence. That might sound extreme but I'm just wondering if and indeed how they would not know what the Chinese know.

I don't suggest what you say.......I'm not talking camps or rounding people up at all.

In an open democtatic society I would expect more information/disclosure about the potential health problems to come and as such a full community wide investigation into how to manage and treat it before it kills everyone.

I guess I would expect Thousand's more intelligent scientists like Walter to be 100% focused on finding the mechacism of action and the potential treatment.

I have seen a Chinese business man giving a speech saying China was expecting a massive hit to the West's working age people in 5 to 10 years time from long Covid.

Why, if this is true, are we not being told?

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Then “they” would have to acknowledge their wrong doing as GOF and pushing vaccines injecting even more spike protein. With what’s transpired in the last 2 years, are you really that surprised about lack of transparency?

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No you're right I'm not based on what we've seen surprised about lack of transparency.

I'm just putting myself in their shoes and wondering WTF, because they do not seem to be protecting themselves from death from long Covid, or as some on Twitter are now saying airborne AIDS.

And all the elite's kids, they don't want them protected??

Just asking the questions and I'm glad to have a conversation about it.

I feel very fortunate I haven't had the jab or the virus as far as I'm aware...touch wood.

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I can't imagine that those at higher levels of the pyramid don't already have a sure way to protect themselves. And they probably don't even care if they lose most of the "C-suite levels" of the visible global management layer too. At the end of the day, they're going for massive global depop and based on what their various media mouthpieces have published on their behalf, it's pretty clear that they also fully believe their transhumanist plans for clones and cyborgs, robots, etc. will be enough to "serve them" properly in the future....

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I think those camps are for a coming war. I could be wrong, but they have thousands of them in over 260 locations.

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So very interesting, Walter!

I cannot wait to read your next articles.

And then, everyone is making fun of China’s zero-covid policies … as if they knew better. 🙄

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Thanks for all of your hard work. This is heavy stuff. If exposure to Spike is the problem, why do many who I know who took 2-3 shots have no side effects? Trust me I’m happy they are fine, but so curious why some are effected and some not?

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"why do many who I know who took 2-3 shots have no side effects? Trust me I’m happy they are fine, but so curious why some are effected and some not?"

Great question & first really plausible answer for me may be the manufacturing process & highly variable product quality and components. Mathew Crawford did a great interview today that might help to consider a high number who got ineffective doses.

Pseudovaccine Quality Inconsistency - Round Table w/ Maria Gutschi


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good point. especially at the start producing on masse difficult, hence more ineffective doses. however, now the process is quite efficient.

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Do you have a link for improved process efficiency?

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none can say that for certain (unless an insider), but just common sense.

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Great interview, indeed! Thank you!

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bottom line is how one body's react, could be different things.

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Thank you, Pandelis! Protracted horror.

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Not everyone got the same batch. Everyone is talking about ‚the‘ spike protein, but we also know that there are different versions of the spike out there. Lastly, you probably don‘t know the physiological and health details of many people. I guess many long-spike people don’t wont to risk there job and career opportunities by being open about their health issues. Otoh, every 3rd girl on tinder claims to be always tired (already in their late teens and early 20ies). I don’t remember anything like that before the pandemic.

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Really and truly, I believe this is your most memorable post!

My earnest, urgent query.... Why isn't live blood microscopy being implemented universally to detect the problems with the RBCs.? I do know a precious person who has been freshly diagnosed with anemia. Her oncologist was going to do microscopic work. .... It would be a start. One wonders and worries.

Thank you so much, Wondrous Walter!

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This is just so big.

Thank you Walter, it is an honour to read your work.

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Wow, timely. Sunday I found out an old friend developed IPF suddenly last year. He didn't have covid, but I am sure he got the shots. He is looking for a lung transplant. Craziness...

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Thank you very much for your amazing work Walter. It is shocking to read what is hurting and killing so many innocent people. We must all be diligent and protect ourselves and others from the deadly spike protein. Thank you.

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God Bless, Walter!

If you were to design a study of C19 survivors (and C19 vax injured), what would it look like and how could your audience assist?

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I'd volunteer - as a non-jabd senior who got a fairly bad case of it in Jan 22, with SVT, elevated D-dimer & LDH (still elevated 8 months later), elevated ferritin, CRP, Troponin; slightly low platelets, calcium, sodium; and O2 Sat was 93 the whole 5 days I was in hospital. Ground glass opacity bilateral peripheral pneumonia, vertigo, cough, fever, no taste or smell, no saliva (!), tinnitus. Luckily I was not treated except for blood thinners. Quite the miserable time. But my blood might be worth studying.

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How do you feel now? So sorry about your struggles.

And yes, your blood sounds interesting!

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I'm pretty well over it, but still have some fatigue, always tinnitus, and slightly elevated blood markers. Trying to decide whether to push into working out. Chronic cough persists but no other "sick" symptoms. Thanks for asking!

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I’m glad to read that!

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