"why do many who I know who took 2-3 shots have no side effects? Trust me I’m happy they are fine, but so curious why some are effected and some not?"
Great question & first really plausible answer for me may be the manufacturing process & highly variable product quality and components. Mathew Crawford did a great interview today that mig…
"why do many who I know who took 2-3 shots have no side effects? Trust me I’m happy they are fine, but so curious why some are effected and some not?"
Great question & first really plausible answer for me may be the manufacturing process & highly variable product quality and components. Mathew Crawford did a great interview today that might help to consider a high number who got ineffective doses.
Pseudovaccine Quality Inconsistency - Round Table w/ Maria Gutschi
"why do many who I know who took 2-3 shots have no side effects? Trust me I’m happy they are fine, but so curious why some are effected and some not?"
Great question & first really plausible answer for me may be the manufacturing process & highly variable product quality and components. Mathew Crawford did a great interview today that might help to consider a high number who got ineffective doses.
Pseudovaccine Quality Inconsistency - Round Table w/ Maria Gutschi
good point. especially at the start producing on masse difficult, hence more ineffective doses. however, now the process is quite efficient.
Do you have a link for improved process efficiency?
none can say that for certain (unless an insider), but just common sense.
Great interview, indeed! Thank you!