Do you know which "spike protein" is toxic? I have been trying to think about this as it was quite evident that the spike protein was an endothelial toxin when the ACE2 receptor mechanism was discussed. The other features are a "bonus."
Spike protein #1 is a membrane-bound trimer on the intact virus; there have been published electron mi…
Do you know which "spike protein" is toxic? I have been trying to think about this as it was quite evident that the spike protein was an endothelial toxin when the ACE2 receptor mechanism was discussed. The other features are a "bonus."
Spike protein #1 is a membrane-bound trimer on the intact virus; there have been published electron micrographs showing about 17-30 of these structures on viral particles, proportional to the size of the particle. I assumed that in this state the structure might allow attachment to more than one receptor, and possibly receptors on adjacent cells, particularly in the smallest capillaries.This would be the case in normal coronavirus infection.
Spike protein #2 is the product of "normal" reverse transcriptase sequence production of virus from an infected cell. Is all of the "spike" produced incorporated into new virus, or is some released unbound when the infected cell dies, releasing some unbound spike? And is the released spike a trimer or monomer?
Spike protein #3 is produced from mRNA injections. It varies between the Moderna and Pfizer shots. The mRNA uses pseudouridine to prolong the "benefit." It is still unclear to me whether the produced spike circulates as a trimer or monomer and which is the pathogenic form.
Now the PCR tests will not discriminate between trimers and monomers, but some of the antibody tests should be conformation specific. This is another reason why the PCR tests are not suitable for assessing infectivity.
So to Igor Chudov's question, how do we test this in vivo?
Love the dig in.... don't forget the mRNA of injections is being found to be, less than expected product: i.e. incomplete mRNA fragments, missing mRNA- theres a wonderful post recently about the production of the mRNA jabs and how the production was botched 7ways to Sunday in multiple factories and therefore Product Quality is understandably shotty. One more piece to the nefarious puzzle- the injected mRNA may have given the body BAD directions.
I had read that the original jabs were based on the original spike or the alpha variant yet there is info that the mrna jabs have different responses between the two mrna vax companies. Dr Peter McCullough almost from the very beginning identified the spike as the toxin and yet the pharma companies used that spike & programmed it into people's systems via the jabs. It would appear that at a minimum there are multiple variations (likely trending towards infinite variations as each body has it's own unique system that responds differently to each exposure of the spike). We are unwilling participants in a lab experiment gone wrong (whether intentional or in error). Regardless, gain of function should be ended and anyone found working on such should be charged with crimes & their companies put out of business permanently.
Do you know which "spike protein" is toxic? I have been trying to think about this as it was quite evident that the spike protein was an endothelial toxin when the ACE2 receptor mechanism was discussed. The other features are a "bonus."
Spike protein #1 is a membrane-bound trimer on the intact virus; there have been published electron micrographs showing about 17-30 of these structures on viral particles, proportional to the size of the particle. I assumed that in this state the structure might allow attachment to more than one receptor, and possibly receptors on adjacent cells, particularly in the smallest capillaries.This would be the case in normal coronavirus infection.
Spike protein #2 is the product of "normal" reverse transcriptase sequence production of virus from an infected cell. Is all of the "spike" produced incorporated into new virus, or is some released unbound when the infected cell dies, releasing some unbound spike? And is the released spike a trimer or monomer?
Spike protein #3 is produced from mRNA injections. It varies between the Moderna and Pfizer shots. The mRNA uses pseudouridine to prolong the "benefit." It is still unclear to me whether the produced spike circulates as a trimer or monomer and which is the pathogenic form.
Now the PCR tests will not discriminate between trimers and monomers, but some of the antibody tests should be conformation specific. This is another reason why the PCR tests are not suitable for assessing infectivity.
So to Igor Chudov's question, how do we test this in vivo?
Love the dig in.... don't forget the mRNA of injections is being found to be, less than expected product: i.e. incomplete mRNA fragments, missing mRNA- theres a wonderful post recently about the production of the mRNA jabs and how the production was botched 7ways to Sunday in multiple factories and therefore Product Quality is understandably shotty. One more piece to the nefarious puzzle- the injected mRNA may have given the body BAD directions.
I had read that the original jabs were based on the original spike or the alpha variant yet there is info that the mrna jabs have different responses between the two mrna vax companies. Dr Peter McCullough almost from the very beginning identified the spike as the toxin and yet the pharma companies used that spike & programmed it into people's systems via the jabs. It would appear that at a minimum there are multiple variations (likely trending towards infinite variations as each body has it's own unique system that responds differently to each exposure of the spike). We are unwilling participants in a lab experiment gone wrong (whether intentional or in error). Regardless, gain of function should be ended and anyone found working on such should be charged with crimes & their companies put out of business permanently.