We have this reported here this week with an intact naked adult male in the local (Cowichan Community Centre) pool female change room with young girls present.
I haven't looked for the video, but apparently it was memory-holed this morning.
An increase in cognitive decline has been clearly evident among many who rolled up their sleeves during the so-called pandemic, I certainly observed it personally in many instances (to a frightening degree!) and blindingly fast. That these researchers noted it among mildly infected subjects as well seems to me both a surprising and troubling, not to mention less obvious phenomenon. The Spike has continued to be revealed as one of the most harmful and diabolical pathogenic agents to have emerged or been observed in my lifetime (in my early 70s) and it shows no sign of backing off. I agree that continuing to explore possible therapeutic approaches is of pre-eminent importance especially given what we believe has been set up in the form of mRNA/LNP-induced endogenous production with no off button in sight :o
I know right. It blows my mind they could convince so many doctors that this was in any way logical.
Diabetes treatment is the same insanity.
People eating so much sugar and carbs, that their body desperately tries to counter by releasing massive amounts of insulin, are treated by injecting even MORE insulin.
And we wonder why iatrogenic damage is the 3rd leading cause of death.
Thank you Walter for all the information you have published! Could you maybe summarize your personal anti-spike protocol, if you have one?
This is all just so diabolical. I am curious about the designers of this bioweapon… what might they have done to protect themselves? Anyone have a theory?
Don't get sprayed and don't get injected. The Whistleblower from Pfizer said he didn't have to take the shots. Bourla said neither he nor his family were shot up.
Wait a minute.... Can the wild viral spike cross the blood brain barrier and get into the brain? I did not think that was possible. My simple understanding is that the nanolipod molecule in the vax is what enabled the spike to cross the BBB in the vaccinated.
After reading this new study, I come away with the same fearful impression that the spike protein from an infection does cross the BBB causing inflammation in individuals whether they received a covid injection or not.
It has to extremely rare if it ever happened at all. You need to expore further the idea that there wasn't a runaway spike protein that was introduced naturally. Its why nobody wanted to examine "natural immunity" nor were tests done to my knowledge verifying. This particular spike protein was created imo, from the genomic sequence given to us by China, to pharma making a spike protein replication instruction system for the jabbed.
Anyway, did anyone ever see this spike protein assigned a number? I asked and never got an answer
I do not believe that C19 came from a panquin in a marketplace. Most likely it was intentionally released. My referring to the "wild" spike means the virus circulating and mutating as opposed to the spine coming from the needle
The problem with this "study" and similar "studies" is that they are badly-designed (intentionally?) from the start. It is imperative to identify the complete vaxx status of every individual in the study and to break out findings appropriately. The airborne virus enters the respiratory system and if one's immune system is functioning, is stopped in the respiratory system. The amount of spike attacking the person is limited to what one has inhaled and whatever the virus can produce until it has been eradicated. On the other hand, the vaxx is injected directly into the human, bypassing the normal immune systems in the respiratory system. It quickly enters the lymph nodes and then is sent to all of the major organs in the body. By design the LNPs get through the Blood Brain Barrier and -voila!-spike is in the brain. No studies have identified when the vaxxed stop producing more spike - current studies show that at six months many of the vaxxed are still producing spike, which will eventually overwhelm the immune system.
In addition, the dsDNA other unnamed contaminants (the FDA changed the allowed contamination level from 15% to 50% mere months after the vaxx was given EUA status) have an unknown effect on the brain. Many experts are predicting prion damages affecting the brain long term.
Any study that does not identify and differentiate unvaxxed from vaxxed will miss the connection and lump the unvaxxed into the vaxxed. I happen to believe that the majority of these studies intentionally miss this point and intentionally point the accusing finger at the virus, not at the vaxx. The vaxx turns one's body into a spike-producing factory. That is why the vaxxed are dying at a much higher rate than the unvaxxed.
My husband is currently being tested to see if he will qualify for a double lung transplant. In his blood test it showed that he currently had SARS Cove 2. He had his vaccines in March of 2021. When I inquired the nurse said showing that sars cov 2 is in the blood is indicative that the vaccine is still working. And not to worry. WTF
It is to the point now you can look at people and tell who has been vaxx'd and who hasn't by their appearance, as in suddenly have aged. They have a unique palor and a haunted type look.
I've been following Dr. Ana Maria Milhacea and she says that it is not spike protein but rather nanotechnology and hydrogels that are transmissable and cross the blood brain barrier. Karen Kingston has the receipts so it all seems believable?
Load of rubbish I think. These people are what Mathew Crawford calls 'disinformation agents'. They act simply to confuse people and redirect their energies.
I follow Matthew as well but I'm not so sure that Dr. Ana isn't onto something. The info that is most compelling to me was when researchers tested the vial content and found no components of life such as nitrogen etc. The "spike protein" is nanotechnology according to the patents Karen Kingston has produced.
I get confused about who I should believe as I don't trust anything or anyone any more except God.
Thank s for this article. It remains disturbing news. I surmise that with each booster injection the brain aging increases as it does with second infections of Covid itself due to the spike protein exposures that don't seem to clear out.
If they haven't succeeded in Alzheimer’s or for CJD I doubt we will see a solution in my lifetime. I lost thousands hoping on just one medical trial that failed because my brother's wife came down with early AZD and I wanted both of them to have a retirement. Sadly I watched and commiserated for over a decade till her passing.
Sounds like any level of infection…”Research among middle-aged COVID-19 survivors has shown significant inflammation-related astrocytic damage and neural dysfunction regardless of disease severity”
Personally, I am past middle-aged and had at least 2 mild cases of Covid. I’ve been taking a few classes in Immunology over the past year plus. I’ve found that taking low dose Methylene Blue (8 mg daily) along with 100 mg niacinamide (2X daily) and Citicoline has sharpened my cognitive skills and memory. I also take Nattokinase as a potential way of ridding Spike protein.
Yes, I also tried the MB, and the natto as I had recommended it to others. I am un-vaxxed. If anything, my health has vastly improved since my single bout of Covid (2 years ago last Nov/Dec. & a very, very odd experiance! I was back playing golf within a week however.). I'm 72 and my golf handicap has come down 50% to single figures! I'm also HFLC.
Watch the Nattokinase. Even the organic Natto form is laced with the neurotoxin, MSG. I often wonder if it's in the capsules but is considered below regulatory concern.
Most of this is GIGO. Look at the "Methods" section in Kesler et al in the post above.
Look at the dates of the study. Convince yourself that they could have found 43 "control" subjects with no SARS-CoV-2 exposure from Oct., 2021. Note that they reported no "symptomatic" Covid. Without a detailed review of the paper I did not find any prominent report of the Vaxx status of any of the subjects- this should have been explicitly detailed in the abstract.
I have come to the realisation that most of the Covid reporting is flawed and pseudoscientific, excepting that with which I agree.
It will be difficult to discern "Accelerated Aging" because there are enough premature "Sudden and Unexpected" deaths to bury the cognitive deficit in the statistics.
A story about brain function improvement: My wife has been isolated from the beginning of covid. She has been at home with me as the only contact. She has early onset Alzheimer's, and it has been in continuous decline for over 4 years. She has never shown any flu like symptoms, no covid sickness. I was on prophylactics, vitamins C&D, quercetin and zinc for nine months before being exposed to Covid-19, version 1. The prophylactics worked, my innate cell based immune system wiped it out, and I only knew something had happened when I awoke, drenched from an amazing fever sweat. I did not develop antibodies against the virus. I don't need them. My innate, cell based immune system has been well-trained to handle that virus. Last September, it was further trained when it wiped out an Omicron variant. I woke in the middle of the night with minor, little pain explosions throughout my body. Just enough to keep me awake for an hour, an obvious mild viral attack, easily defeated.
So that is the background. My wife has been exposed to an Omicron variant. They are very contagious. She never showed a symptom. Due to my poor care, she developed some horrid open bed sores. The first was hidden by a shirt sleeve and I did not discover it until it was massive. I upped the care, the diet, and broke out the emergency use drugs, ivermectin and fenbendazole. It took months, but it all worked. Her sores have healed, and she is eating well, although I still have to hand feed her food and drink, no change from before the bed sores.
There was a side effect from using ivermectin and fenbendazole. They are very good for stopping infections. For the first time since the beginning of Alzheimer's, the mental decline has stopped and has been reversed a bit. She started babbling, and then trying to talk when I feed her. She responds to simple questions at times. She has been eating well and drinking her fluids.
So early onset Alzheimer's can be caused by a brain infection, likely a fungus. Stopping the infection works. This may be useful for covid spikes if the inflammation leads to infections in the brain.
Critical thinking is difficult when your critical faculties are damaged
Feint - distract them
Jab - release the virus
Cross - release the jab
Duck and weave - look how we saved you
Slip - climate change
Slip - proxy war
Left hook - inflation
Step back - some minor social issues
On the ropes - he says, she says
Rope a dope - keep at us, you'll beat us, eventually
Fatigue sets in - pow, it's over
It's the set up of a long game, it's stated like a fight
Don't let them dictate the pace and the tempo, don't get arrogant or cocky
They want you to tired, off balance and surprised
Great analogy.
Revolution. Leave the ring and shut off the lights as you leave.
Either that or spend time reading Clauswitz on War.
Great summary of what's happening, coming at us in all directions
Fluster the enemy
Keep him in a state of worry and agitation
When he sleeps, advance
When he rouses, scatter through the undergrowth
When he advances to the north
Harass him from the south
When he turns about
Hit him from the north again
Wear him down
Watch him frown
And soon enough
He will defeat himself
We have this reported here this week with an intact naked adult male in the local (Cowichan Community Centre) pool female change room with young girls present.
I haven't looked for the video, but apparently it was memory-holed this morning.
An increase in cognitive decline has been clearly evident among many who rolled up their sleeves during the so-called pandemic, I certainly observed it personally in many instances (to a frightening degree!) and blindingly fast. That these researchers noted it among mildly infected subjects as well seems to me both a surprising and troubling, not to mention less obvious phenomenon. The Spike has continued to be revealed as one of the most harmful and diabolical pathogenic agents to have emerged or been observed in my lifetime (in my early 70s) and it shows no sign of backing off. I agree that continuing to explore possible therapeutic approaches is of pre-eminent importance especially given what we believe has been set up in the form of mRNA/LNP-induced endogenous production with no off button in sight :o
I know right. It blows my mind they could convince so many doctors that this was in any way logical.
Diabetes treatment is the same insanity.
People eating so much sugar and carbs, that their body desperately tries to counter by releasing massive amounts of insulin, are treated by injecting even MORE insulin.
And we wonder why iatrogenic damage is the 3rd leading cause of death.
Thank you Walter for all the information you have published! Could you maybe summarize your personal anti-spike protocol, if you have one?
This is all just so diabolical. I am curious about the designers of this bioweapon… what might they have done to protect themselves? Anyone have a theory?
Don't get sprayed and don't get injected. The Whistleblower from Pfizer said he didn't have to take the shots. Bourla said neither he nor his family were shot up.
Bourla said that? Why? You got a link? Thanks.
Wait a minute.... Can the wild viral spike cross the blood brain barrier and get into the brain? I did not think that was possible. My simple understanding is that the nanolipod molecule in the vax is what enabled the spike to cross the BBB in the vaccinated.
Can someone please clarify this?
After reading this new study, I come away with the same fearful impression that the spike protein from an infection does cross the BBB causing inflammation in individuals whether they received a covid injection or not.
It has to extremely rare if it ever happened at all. You need to expore further the idea that there wasn't a runaway spike protein that was introduced naturally. Its why nobody wanted to examine "natural immunity" nor were tests done to my knowledge verifying. This particular spike protein was created imo, from the genomic sequence given to us by China, to pharma making a spike protein replication instruction system for the jabbed.
Anyway, did anyone ever see this spike protein assigned a number? I asked and never got an answer
I do not believe that C19 came from a panquin in a marketplace. Most likely it was intentionally released. My referring to the "wild" spike means the virus circulating and mutating as opposed to the spine coming from the needle
There is no BBB for smell!
The problem with this "study" and similar "studies" is that they are badly-designed (intentionally?) from the start. It is imperative to identify the complete vaxx status of every individual in the study and to break out findings appropriately. The airborne virus enters the respiratory system and if one's immune system is functioning, is stopped in the respiratory system. The amount of spike attacking the person is limited to what one has inhaled and whatever the virus can produce until it has been eradicated. On the other hand, the vaxx is injected directly into the human, bypassing the normal immune systems in the respiratory system. It quickly enters the lymph nodes and then is sent to all of the major organs in the body. By design the LNPs get through the Blood Brain Barrier and -voila!-spike is in the brain. No studies have identified when the vaxxed stop producing more spike - current studies show that at six months many of the vaxxed are still producing spike, which will eventually overwhelm the immune system.
In addition, the dsDNA other unnamed contaminants (the FDA changed the allowed contamination level from 15% to 50% mere months after the vaxx was given EUA status) have an unknown effect on the brain. Many experts are predicting prion damages affecting the brain long term.
Any study that does not identify and differentiate unvaxxed from vaxxed will miss the connection and lump the unvaxxed into the vaxxed. I happen to believe that the majority of these studies intentionally miss this point and intentionally point the accusing finger at the virus, not at the vaxx. The vaxx turns one's body into a spike-producing factory. That is why the vaxxed are dying at a much higher rate than the unvaxxed.
My husband is currently being tested to see if he will qualify for a double lung transplant. In his blood test it showed that he currently had SARS Cove 2. He had his vaccines in March of 2021. When I inquired the nurse said showing that sars cov 2 is in the blood is indicative that the vaccine is still working. And not to worry. WTF
It is to the point now you can look at people and tell who has been vaxx'd and who hasn't by their appearance, as in suddenly have aged. They have a unique palor and a haunted type look.
I've been following Dr. Ana Maria Milhacea and she says that it is not spike protein but rather nanotechnology and hydrogels that are transmissable and cross the blood brain barrier. Karen Kingston has the receipts so it all seems believable?
Load of rubbish I think. These people are what Mathew Crawford calls 'disinformation agents'. They act simply to confuse people and redirect their energies.
I follow Matthew as well but I'm not so sure that Dr. Ana isn't onto something. The info that is most compelling to me was when researchers tested the vial content and found no components of life such as nitrogen etc. The "spike protein" is nanotechnology according to the patents Karen Kingston has produced.
I get confused about who I should believe as I don't trust anything or anyone any more except God.
You're still my fave horror writer Walter, not because the subject matter is morbid, but because you write all this for hope to be possible.
Walt...please keep us updated on potential protocols for restoring mitochondria. Many thx for all the info.
If it's even possible to reverse the damage by any means beyond striving for a truly healthy diet and way of life.
Everyone was getting dumber anyways, this will just make Idiocracy our future sooner.
Thank s for this article. It remains disturbing news. I surmise that with each booster injection the brain aging increases as it does with second infections of Covid itself due to the spike protein exposures that don't seem to clear out.
Is this mild to moderate UNTREATED infection or does it not matter?
Walter is there, or will there ever be a way to find amyloid plagues in the brains of people who had covid, or the jab? Misfolded proteins in fact?
If they haven't succeeded in Alzheimer’s or for CJD I doubt we will see a solution in my lifetime. I lost thousands hoping on just one medical trial that failed because my brother's wife came down with early AZD and I wanted both of them to have a retirement. Sadly I watched and commiserated for over a decade till her passing.
I am so sorry....I lost my mother to it too.
Is this for all those mildly infected? What about the un-vaxxed.
Sounds like any level of infection…”Research among middle-aged COVID-19 survivors has shown significant inflammation-related astrocytic damage and neural dysfunction regardless of disease severity”
Personally, I am past middle-aged and had at least 2 mild cases of Covid. I’ve been taking a few classes in Immunology over the past year plus. I’ve found that taking low dose Methylene Blue (8 mg daily) along with 100 mg niacinamide (2X daily) and Citicoline has sharpened my cognitive skills and memory. I also take Nattokinase as a potential way of ridding Spike protein.
Yes, I also tried the MB, and the natto as I had recommended it to others. I am un-vaxxed. If anything, my health has vastly improved since my single bout of Covid (2 years ago last Nov/Dec. & a very, very odd experiance! I was back playing golf within a week however.). I'm 72 and my golf handicap has come down 50% to single figures! I'm also HFLC.
Bromelain with the Nattokinese
Although I’m not convinced on methylene blue’s safety despite all assurances otherwise, at some point it’s all a gamble.
Maybe just putting up a fight with whatever you’re willing to try, within reason, invigorates the brain.
Watch the Nattokinase. Even the organic Natto form is laced with the neurotoxin, MSG. I often wonder if it's in the capsules but is considered below regulatory concern.
Likely had the misbranded flu. There is to this day no validated "test" for what they call SARS-COV-2.
You can check the FDA'S own site. The ones used to cause alarm were only given Emergency Use Authorization
Most of this is GIGO. Look at the "Methods" section in Kesler et al in the post above.
Look at the dates of the study. Convince yourself that they could have found 43 "control" subjects with no SARS-CoV-2 exposure from Oct., 2021. Note that they reported no "symptomatic" Covid. Without a detailed review of the paper I did not find any prominent report of the Vaxx status of any of the subjects- this should have been explicitly detailed in the abstract.
I have come to the realisation that most of the Covid reporting is flawed and pseudoscientific, excepting that with which I agree.
It will be difficult to discern "Accelerated Aging" because there are enough premature "Sudden and Unexpected" deaths to bury the cognitive deficit in the statistics.
A story about brain function improvement: My wife has been isolated from the beginning of covid. She has been at home with me as the only contact. She has early onset Alzheimer's, and it has been in continuous decline for over 4 years. She has never shown any flu like symptoms, no covid sickness. I was on prophylactics, vitamins C&D, quercetin and zinc for nine months before being exposed to Covid-19, version 1. The prophylactics worked, my innate cell based immune system wiped it out, and I only knew something had happened when I awoke, drenched from an amazing fever sweat. I did not develop antibodies against the virus. I don't need them. My innate, cell based immune system has been well-trained to handle that virus. Last September, it was further trained when it wiped out an Omicron variant. I woke in the middle of the night with minor, little pain explosions throughout my body. Just enough to keep me awake for an hour, an obvious mild viral attack, easily defeated.
So that is the background. My wife has been exposed to an Omicron variant. They are very contagious. She never showed a symptom. Due to my poor care, she developed some horrid open bed sores. The first was hidden by a shirt sleeve and I did not discover it until it was massive. I upped the care, the diet, and broke out the emergency use drugs, ivermectin and fenbendazole. It took months, but it all worked. Her sores have healed, and she is eating well, although I still have to hand feed her food and drink, no change from before the bed sores.
There was a side effect from using ivermectin and fenbendazole. They are very good for stopping infections. For the first time since the beginning of Alzheimer's, the mental decline has stopped and has been reversed a bit. She started babbling, and then trying to talk when I feed her. She responds to simple questions at times. She has been eating well and drinking her fluids.
So early onset Alzheimer's can be caused by a brain infection, likely a fungus. Stopping the infection works. This may be useful for covid spikes if the inflammation leads to infections in the brain.