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An increase in cognitive decline has been clearly evident among many who rolled up their sleeves during the so-called pandemic, I certainly observed it personally in many instances (to a frightening degree!) and blindingly fast. That these researchers noted it among mildly infected subjects as well seems to me both a surprising and troubling, not to mention less obvious phenomenon. The Spike has continued to be revealed as one of the most harmful and diabolical pathogenic agents to have emerged or been observed in my lifetime (in my early 70s) and it shows no sign of backing off. I agree that continuing to explore possible therapeutic approaches is of pre-eminent importance especially given what we believe has been set up in the form of mRNA/LNP-induced endogenous production with no off button in sight :o

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Mar 12, 2024
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I know right. It blows my mind they could convince so many doctors that this was in any way logical.

Diabetes treatment is the same insanity.

People eating so much sugar and carbs, that their body desperately tries to counter by releasing massive amounts of insulin, are treated by injecting even MORE insulin.

And we wonder why iatrogenic damage is the 3rd leading cause of death.

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