Aug 29, 2023Liked by Walter M Chesnut

if it is written walter ... it will happen.

thanks for all you do, and please keep going ...

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Thank you Walter. I don't understand any of this - but your deep concern and credibility are obvious. Thank you so much for caring and for continuing to research. We may not be able to slow or end this madness. Aerosol vaccines are next if they aren't already in use. May God help us to stay strong, to do what we can do, and to love our fellow man with courage.

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GVB has talked of this, the ultimate destruction of the body’s immune system. With endless spike protein factories (the injected) walking around producing mutations, causing repeat exposure. It’s only a matter of time before a new strain wins out over a destroyed immune system and takes the whole body system down.

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new paper Walter

‘Spikeopathy’: COVID-19 Spike Protein Is Pathogenic, from Both Virus and Vaccine mRNA



The COVID-19 pandemic caused much illness, many deaths, and profound disruption to society. The production of ‘safe and effective’ vaccines was a key public health target. Sadly, unprecedented high rates of adverse events have overshadowed the benefits. This two-part narrative review presents evidence for the widespread harms of novel product COVID-19 mRNA and adenovectorDNA vaccines and is novel in attempting to provide a thorough overview of harms arising from the new technology in vaccines that relied on human cells producing a foreign antigen that has evidence of pathogenicity. This first paper explores peer-reviewed data counter to the ‘safe and effective’ narrative attached to these new technologies. Spike protein pathogenicity, termed ‘spikeopathy’, whether from the SARS-CoV-2 virus or produced by vaccine gene codes, akin to a ‘synthetic virus’, is increasingly understood in terms of molecular biology and pathophysiology. Pharmacokinetic transfection through body tissues distant from the injection site by lipid-nanoparticles or viral-vector carriers means that ‘spikeopathy’ can affect many organs. The inflammatory properties of the nanoparticles used to ferry mRNA; N1-methylpseudouridine employed to prolong synthetic mRNA function; the widespread biodistribution of the mRNA and DNA codes and translated spike proteins, and autoimmunity via human production of foreign proteins, contribute to harmful effects. This paper reviews autoimmune, cardiovascular, neurological, potential oncological effects, and autopsy evidence for spikeopathy. With many gene-based therapeutic technologies planned, a re-evaluation is necessary and timely.

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Cigarette, anyone? Might some moderate tobacco use be warranted given that spike shedding may be happening everywhere?

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Omg. Now what do we do?

And Biden is going to push the vax again? These vaxxed people continually shed to us and our exposure to variants will never end.

I’m so fed up.

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Aug 29, 2023Liked by Walter M Chesnut


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Aug 29, 2023·edited Aug 29, 2023

O Walter, I do hope this is wrong. I shouldn’t have read before bed. O well. Such is life

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I take ACE inhibitors for hypertension. Is this likely to enhance my chances of a favourable outcome if I become infected with the spike protein? I have not had any Covid "vaccinations".

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I still have a problem with " virus induced". You'll never convince me that these issues are similar for unvaccinated people that have recovered from covid, and people who have been injected with the bio-weapons, aka vaccines. When I had the virus, I treated myself with Ivermectin, Azithromycin (Z-pack), and I had Prednisone for breathing which I never needed. I had purchased this medicine ahead of time because I wasn't going participate in the biological experiment, and I wanted to stay alive. (I was 69 yrs old). About nine months later, I needed back surgery and my heart was screened with a myriad of tests. All the tests were normal, including a CT Scan. I had no spike damage.

When covid 19 arrived it presented as a respiratory disease. Because they needed EUA for the bioweapons, they never did anything to help people fight it. Most people didn't die from covid, but from a secondary bacterial infection (pneumonia). After the " vaccine" rollout, the issues morphed into mainly endothelial problems. All cause mortality has gone through the roof since then.

I believe that the majority of unvaccinated people that had covid and recovered, will have cleared the spike and won't have the lingering negative health issues that the vaccines have caused.

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What about the nano technology & quantum dots found in dark field microscopy by scientists all over the world?!

Does anyone Follow Dr. Anna M’s work? Also follow La Quinta Columna on Telegram

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Curcumin inhibits the binding of the Spike protein with ACE2. I take this daily as a matter of course and have done for years but it didn't stop me getting Omicron once.

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Who does the antibody testing for those gained from natural immunity vs those gained from the genetic therapy shots? Who validated the "tests"

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Thank you Walter . Future not looking too promising.

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This makes the case for SP degradation protocols that are proteolytic enzyme (e.g. nattokinase) based even more urgent.


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Funny thing is, all the unvaxxed people we know who have also had Covid, sometimes twice, are peachy keen and fine. If they used an early treatment protocol, they are especially in vibrant health. The vaxxed, not so much, although some of them appear to be fine as well. We know scores of disabled from the vax, cancer from the vax, and strokes and heart attacks from the vax. It’s uncanny. I don’t think any of us should live in fear. Take care of your temple. Walter, I think you should lessen the fear mongering and bring it down a notch. What say you? You can do it!

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