if it is written walter ... it will happen.

thanks for all you do, and please keep going ...

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Thank you Walter. I don't understand any of this - but your deep concern and credibility are obvious. Thank you so much for caring and for continuing to research. We may not be able to slow or end this madness. Aerosol vaccines are next if they aren't already in use. May God help us to stay strong, to do what we can do, and to love our fellow man with courage.

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From what I understand: The spike protein in the jabs attach or work with the ACE2 receptors of cells. The ACE2 receptors are in the cells for most organ systems of the body. So the spike protein, and ACE2 receptor, work to actually create more disease, and death, in many ways.

Because this affects many organ systems, the vaccine makers can claim "we didn't do it" and "it's just more Alzheimer's, not related to the vaccine". They have plausible deniability.

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from what you say, i gather that spike (in billions in the vaxx) attach to ACE2 receptors and somehow does the damage? if not mistaken we have heard about ACE2 receptors previously, wonder what is new here that makes walter and others here concern? thanks in advance.

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The new bit is an autoimmunity to ACE2 that slowly destroys all the receptors in the body, NOT just the ones with spike attached.

I guess it's similar to how the hCG-TeNT dimer caused autoimmunity to hCG (hence sterility) in Kenya.

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GVB has talked of this, the ultimate destruction of the body’s immune system. With endless spike protein factories (the injected) walking around producing mutations, causing repeat exposure. It’s only a matter of time before a new strain wins out over a destroyed immune system and takes the whole body system down.

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One of the few scientists who actually tells the uncomfortable truth ..

like so many now silenced by MSM in order to allow the bodies to continue stacking up... reprehensible state of affairs with no counter measures in place.

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they actually call the jab a countermeasure

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But remember it's speculative and qualitative. We're not sure how it'll actually play out long term.

So far, even the triple vaxed are only dying 20% above baseline which isn't anywhere near catastrophic.

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new paper Walter

‘Spikeopathy’: COVID-19 Spike Protein Is Pathogenic, from Both Virus and Vaccine mRNA



The COVID-19 pandemic caused much illness, many deaths, and profound disruption to society. The production of ‘safe and effective’ vaccines was a key public health target. Sadly, unprecedented high rates of adverse events have overshadowed the benefits. This two-part narrative review presents evidence for the widespread harms of novel product COVID-19 mRNA and adenovectorDNA vaccines and is novel in attempting to provide a thorough overview of harms arising from the new technology in vaccines that relied on human cells producing a foreign antigen that has evidence of pathogenicity. This first paper explores peer-reviewed data counter to the ‘safe and effective’ narrative attached to these new technologies. Spike protein pathogenicity, termed ‘spikeopathy’, whether from the SARS-CoV-2 virus or produced by vaccine gene codes, akin to a ‘synthetic virus’, is increasingly understood in terms of molecular biology and pathophysiology. Pharmacokinetic transfection through body tissues distant from the injection site by lipid-nanoparticles or viral-vector carriers means that ‘spikeopathy’ can affect many organs. The inflammatory properties of the nanoparticles used to ferry mRNA; N1-methylpseudouridine employed to prolong synthetic mRNA function; the widespread biodistribution of the mRNA and DNA codes and translated spike proteins, and autoimmunity via human production of foreign proteins, contribute to harmful effects. This paper reviews autoimmune, cardiovascular, neurological, potential oncological effects, and autopsy evidence for spikeopathy. With many gene-based therapeutic technologies planned, a re-evaluation is necessary and timely.

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everyone needs to be on a protocol

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They (WHO,CDC,FDA) have been using the mantra “safe and effective” ever since the court case that declared vaccines notoriously unsafe... since polio vaccines began going in arms of children... This should be a huge red flag when the only way on knowing wether anything is safe or effective requires the passage of time and heeding to the data showing devastation... something the CDC can now manipulate is the VAERS reporting right through to any newscaster... every method of control captured by big pharma ... is why mankind is doomed to an untimely demise.

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Very comprehensive review that anyone could read and understand. Scary stuff.

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Well, that certainly sums it up!

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Cigarette, anyone? Might some moderate tobacco use be warranted given that spike shedding may be happening everywhere?

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Ah the nicotinic receptors need feeding with nicotine to kick off those peptide chains...especially in the CNS...

No one seems to recognise mitochondria is key to cellular health.. so why does it make sense to bombard cells with invading spikes in order to elicit a pseudo immune response ... the body has an immune system evolved over several thousands of years... and is used to coronavirus man made science has no way to replicate anything better than the God given one we are born with...

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It's intentionally pathogenic. Those who survive the "countermeasures" will serve as functional drones in their hive system.

See https://wrenchinthegears.com/

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Omg. Now what do we do?

And Biden is going to push the vax again? These vaxxed people continually shed to us and our exposure to variants will never end.

I’m so fed up.

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Shedding hasn't been quantified. I suspect the effect is mostly not so strong. If you're concerned, don't get intimate with vaxees and make sure there's lots of ventilation.

Ivermectin and Nattokinase may be able to eliminate the small amounts of spike that do get to you.

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O Walter, I do hope this is wrong. I shouldn’t have read before bed. O well. Such is life

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doc, would you mind translating it for the layman?? thanks in advance :-)

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Your life and lifetime is leaking, your brain is leaking, your blood your heart, your bank account, your relation, the clock is ticking and all accelerated in super speed, that’s what Walter tells us, accept to live with it everyone for himself and God for everyone, amen

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I take ACE inhibitors for hypertension. Is this likely to enhance my chances of a favourable outcome if I become infected with the spike protein? I have not had any Covid "vaccinations".

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Michael, from the abstract of the paper by Ouk et al. (2021) linked by Walter: "ARB use was associated with greater preservation of memory and attention/psychomotor processing speed, particularly compared to ACE-Is that do not cross the blood-brain- barrier." ARB is the ACE2 receptor blocker and ACE-I is the ACE2 enzyme inhibitor. I was forced to take ARB (Losartin potassium, 50 mg/day) for about 15 years as my BP was 225/125. From what I could learn then, ARBs are preferable to ACE-Is. Amazingly, my BP is now 130/80 so I stopped. I was taking Losartin when I had quite severe Covid in August 2020. I wondered the same thing at the time. To my knowledge nobody has studied the effect of ARBs on Covid infection, but my experience shows that you may get severely ill from the viral infection while on an ARB. If only I had Ivermectin at the time I would have been cleared in a day or two, and would not be suffering the long-term consequences that I am dealing with at present. Of course, if Ivermectin had been readily available in 2020 then there would have been no pandemic, which was the reason for restricting it.

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How would that pair with the articles on cerebral vascular function and physical endurance? They seem to be saying that a deficiency of ACE2 is negative so would that not mean an inhibitor is the same as being deficient?

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Good point. Hopefully, somebody with expertise in this field will be able to provide some clarification.

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I don’t think we’re anywhere near an answer to this. Ace inhibitors and blockers probably result in an up regulation of ACE-2 receptors so this is not an easy question to answer.

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Yes... because there were studies some yrs ago (can you believe we've been in this for yrs??? I'm afraid I'll be dead before this nonsense is over!)... and they seemed to observe that those on ACE2 inhibitors were faring much better.

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I wondered this in the very early days of COVID. I’d like to hear from Walter on this.

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I still have a problem with " virus induced". You'll never convince me that these issues are similar for unvaccinated people that have recovered from covid, and people who have been injected with the bio-weapons, aka vaccines. When I had the virus, I treated myself with Ivermectin, Azithromycin (Z-pack), and I had Prednisone for breathing which I never needed. I had purchased this medicine ahead of time because I wasn't going participate in the biological experiment, and I wanted to stay alive. (I was 69 yrs old). About nine months later, I needed back surgery and my heart was screened with a myriad of tests. All the tests were normal, including a CT Scan. I had no spike damage.

When covid 19 arrived it presented as a respiratory disease. Because they needed EUA for the bioweapons, they never did anything to help people fight it. Most people didn't die from covid, but from a secondary bacterial infection (pneumonia). After the " vaccine" rollout, the issues morphed into mainly endothelial problems. All cause mortality has gone through the roof since then.

I believe that the majority of unvaccinated people that had covid and recovered, will have cleared the spike and won't have the lingering negative health issues that the vaccines have caused.

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So many doctors still don’t know that patients were deprived of early treatments that led to increased ICU admissions and deaths . They saw the worst side of it and that 1% is constantly magnified by the agencies to market their products. That is how these doctors justify in their minds use of a vaccine which even though is causing side effects they feel the virus is way worse . Until they can grasp the extent of demonic actions taken in 2020 to delay treatments and then the suboptimal hospital covid protocol they will continue to justify in their minds the validity of the vaccines. They are looking at the entire issue thru a different lens than those of us who are awake ! No wonder we cannot get through to them !

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What about the nano technology & quantum dots found in dark field microscopy by scientists all over the world?!

Does anyone Follow Dr. Anna M’s work? Also follow La Quinta Columna on Telegram

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"Nano" denotes a factor of 10−9 or 0.000000001 meter, down to atomic size. This is far too small to be seen with a light microscope. There are many people posing as experts since the plandemic, that are misleading the public with mis- or disinformation. Be cautious.

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The "nano" tech that was seen in the microscope was actually clumps of what looked like something with angles, manmade. It was not individual particles on the nano scale. Some say the clumps were sodium chloride crystals (which are cubic), but that's readily soluble in water. I don't know why salt crystals would come out of solution in the vaccine though.

The evenly shaped clumps could also be graphene oxide, a very toxic chemical. And I've already found studies that shows it can self-assemble when vibrations, like a heart beat, are applied. And there are studies that show graphene can be made paramagnetic. Studies on request.

Studies and info on graphene and paramagnetism. https://wordsalad.info/tag-graphene.html

Studies and info on nanotech in vaccines and who is involved. https://wordsalad.info/tag-nanotech.html

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Curcumin inhibits the binding of the Spike protein with ACE2. I take this daily as a matter of course and have done for years but it didn't stop me getting Omicron once.

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got it, so thats it, basically how to avoid binding.

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how do you know you had omi?

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Who does the antibody testing for those gained from natural immunity vs those gained from the genetic therapy shots? Who validated the "tests"

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Thank you Walter . Future not looking too promising.

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This makes the case for SP degradation protocols that are proteolytic enzyme (e.g. nattokinase) based even more urgent.


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What is to prevent proteolytic enzymes (e.g. nattokinase) from digesting any or all the body's proteins? It is a protease, not specific for spike.

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Funny thing is, all the unvaxxed people we know who have also had Covid, sometimes twice, are peachy keen and fine. If they used an early treatment protocol, they are especially in vibrant health. The vaxxed, not so much, although some of them appear to be fine as well. We know scores of disabled from the vax, cancer from the vax, and strokes and heart attacks from the vax. It’s uncanny. I don’t think any of us should live in fear. Take care of your temple. Walter, I think you should lessen the fear mongering and bring it down a notch. What say you? You can do it!

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I know one person who had covid prior to the vax in 2020 and he ended up with his lungs full of fibrosis. Prior to that he was a 60 year old triathlete.

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It happens. It’s just not that common if EARLY treatment is provided. The person I referred to had a couple comorbidities before he contracted Covid. He did NOT get early treatment. He was also a person allergic to many, many different things, all of his life prior to his Covid infection. As Dr. Shankara Chetty has pointed out, it’s almost like an allergic overreaction to the virus… in those who do poorly. Shankara Chetty treated people with antihistamines and steroids and virtually NO ONE ended up like your friend or my friend. Early treatment saves lives and makes Covid a much easier infection to deal with- if only they’d get proper early treatment. I am still helping my patients get proper early treatment, even after retirement. Even my 80 and 90 year olds have done well and that was during the Delta wave!

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May the lord’s blessings be with you . We need more doctors like you .

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Thank you, Soul. And with you, too.

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It's speculative research and prognoses are liable to change drastically. Take with a heap of salt.

If you'd prefer a more stable conclusion that you can become emotionally attached to, you'd better off following one of the clinicians, like a Midwestern doctor, Pierre kory, etc.

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I already know and support the FLCCC, Leo. Been treating and helping people get the FLCCC treatments since BEFORE the FLCCC started talking about them. Those south of our border knew a lot more than we did in the early days of 2020…

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That's awesome, well done.

What I mean is let Walter do what Walter does. We'll just take it as research with tentative suggestions, and wait for the other big names to follow up. I also have a background in research and I know how one day you think one thing and the next day, totally another. Such is life in research!

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Good, Leo, that sounds like you do a great service yourself. Not wanting to stop Walter. He is valuable. But I really do believe that talking gloom and doom about all of us and how we could be inches from terrible tragedy over this thing, is not good for people’s health, either physical or mental. We can survive and thrive through this. So many I know are proof-positive of this fact. I know in actual fact that early treatment quells this virus. If we follow healthy life ways by eating right, getting some movement into our day, doing some stress management, staying socially connected, and getting excellent sleep, we can live long and healthfully. We need to focus on this. No Big Food. No Big Pharma. No Big Brother. Live free. Cheers, m

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really? i'm aware of a few unfauxed and continue to deal with ongoing issues. really don't think it's a fauxed unfauxed issue, though of course fauxcination is far more pathogenic

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I know of one person, male, early 60s and unvaxxed who did not get the benefit of early treatment and spent 20 days in hospital back in early 2021. He is mostly fine, though has some exercise intolerance and some brain fog improved with nattokinase. Other than that, I know of no one who had early treatment who was also unvaxxed who did not do beautifully after their infection. Early treatment with the FLCCC protocol or McCullough protocol is KEY to doing well during and after infection.

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That's great new. I think what "died suddenly" illustrates is that lack of sx is not indicative of being free and clear.

I'm somewhat skeptical of the "spike" rhetoric.

I know of many people who've experienced various neurological issues since the beginning of the new era: eyesight, digestive, liver, and of course heart, some never becoming ill. I'm aware of McCollough's position regarding treatment, though his specific protocol not so much.

When the injection became widespread I know of women health professionals who started spotting ostensibly due to the shedding. I know of others who continue to feel ill treating the injected.

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I came to understand in 2021 that it was going to be early treatment that mattered. And that was for everyone, vaxxed or not. Many many great MDs got the message out. Peter McCullough MD really hammered that message home in 12/2021 in his Joe Rogan interview. It's proven to be true!!! I cringed over these past three years hearing/reading people referring to covid as simply "a cold". Worse, after the vax rollout, how beat up the unvaxxed (who truly believed it was a cold) got, by the virus, and, by the chortling "toldyousos". Too many unvaxxed didn't realize early treatment was VITAL. Especially for those who had co-morbidities. A few landed in the hospital killing machinery. It was/is all very horrible.

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I actually really appreciate the emphasis this comes with. For too long, "people" (MSM) have been wishy washy or vague in any real detail. This is what a lot of people want/need, and how the right decisions for their particular situations are made. If nothing comes of it, good! If however, things do spiral downward, at least forewarned is forearmed.

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They're actually often lying. They get their MDs on their shows and they lie, say things such as "studies show you're many times more likely to get myocarditis from covid than from the C19 vaccines" and, "Covid has been deadly for children, leading cause of death, get them vaxxed right away", and, "Ivermectin is for animals, take it and you'll die, or best, go into a coma".

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