from what you say, i gather that spike (in billions in the vaxx) attach to ACE2 receptors and somehow does the damage? if not mistaken we have heard about ACE2 receptors previously, wonder what is new here that makes walter and others here concern? thanks in advance.
from what you say, i gather that spike (in billions in the vaxx) attach to ACE2 receptors and somehow does the damage? if not mistaken we have heard about ACE2 receptors previously, wonder what is new here that makes walter and others here concern? thanks in advance.
from what you say, i gather that spike (in billions in the vaxx) attach to ACE2 receptors and somehow does the damage? if not mistaken we have heard about ACE2 receptors previously, wonder what is new here that makes walter and others here concern? thanks in advance.
The new bit is an autoimmunity to ACE2 that slowly destroys all the receptors in the body, NOT just the ones with spike attached.
I guess it's similar to how the hCG-TeNT dimer caused autoimmunity to hCG (hence sterility) in Kenya.