When you say in these articles "Sars-cov-2 s1 spike protein" does that refer to just the spike protein found in natural infection or would similar results occur from mRNA generated/produced spike proteins created by own's own cells? I know, the old talking point is that spike protein had been genetically modified to be in an inactive configuration.... but given all the DNA contamination, SV40, etc... I find the likelihood they successful accomplished that to be small.

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This paper shows pics of the structure of Moderna spike, BioNTech spike, and viral spike. They are all a bit different. However, the authors discuss ways in which they are all potentially harmful.


I know many scientists and clinicians who consider that for all practical purposes, spike is spike when it comes to human pathologies.

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wonder what baric et al are taking for themselves ... it appears there is shedding, and they got to know.

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This is from Drs. Marik & Kory's FLCCC site, explaining pathophysiology and treatment of Post COVID-19 Vaccine Syndrome: https://covid19criticalcare.com/protocol/i-recover-post-vaccine-treatment/

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Indeed. Perhaps that fusion inhibitor that Shi Zhengli came up with in 2020?


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"The authors declare no competing interests." Really....?

Thanks for posting the link.

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is this the guy that "killed" himself in philadelphia? he could well be right

i wondered about zelenko protocol.

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He looked up mechanisms of viral entry. Why is that suspicious?

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i am no expert but that is more baric area of expertise ...

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I would think the difference is - your exposure to spike is relatively short-lived with the virus. With the injections you get a massive dose and no one really knows how long your body is producing spike. ??

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Thank you for sharing. I pasted the conclusion from this paper because everyone is asking the same question.

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Didn’t Prof. Bhakti made hints in this direction ? The complement system was his major study object many years ago.

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Yes. 2 years ago. His flip chart video about the army and air force of the immune system turning on the body.

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Isn't "Autoimmune" and "telling the body to attack itself" the same thing?

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Walter, has it been confirmed if the virus (not the injected mRNA) crosses the blood brain barrier?

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How much faith can we put in this in vitro study? It seems to me if someone really wanted to confirm if SARS-COV-2 crosses the blood-brain barrier they would perform histological staining analysis of brain tissue from unvaccinated people who died from COVID. Given how deadly we were told the virus is to the unvaccinated this shouldn’t be too difficult should it?

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I found a few early autopsy case series (so, pre-vax), but none of them looked at brain.

That does seem to be an unmet need. Sadly, autopsies are getting to be few and far between.

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A decline in autopsies is not a good sign imho.

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I and my daughter are 3 year, long covid survivors/sufferers. It crosses the bbb.

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Thank you for sharing this Dana. Do you mind me asking if you've experienced reinfection and if so did it cause any worsening of symptoms?

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You're very welcome. Yes, symptoms worsened, and number of symptoms increased. We were first infected in March 2020, then reinfected in Oct 2020, and again in early 2022.

My daughter had mainly neuro and fatigue issues in March 20, her vitamin D tanked, while I had lung and gi problems, and a numbness to the point of temporary paralysis at times. In Oct 20, I had "pnemonia" and quickly became debilitated with chest pains and dizziness, while my daughter had excruciating stomach pains and lost the use of her legs, and control of her bowels and bladder (former competitive soccer player).

We now live with the forgetfulness and confusion of a 90 year old with dementia. Forgetting I am cooking, WHILE I am cooking, forgetting why I'm at the refrigerator, while I'm cooking...same level of forgetfulness for my daughter....asked to retrieve an item from the next room and forgetting what to get on the way to the next room.

Besides having dementia-brain (I struggle with this, having been a high functioning girl before covid), I noticed some other unique head symptoms. My daughter was continually car sick. We can no longer do puzzles nor math properly. Puzzles make us ill. Reading makes my daughter ill. I needed to retrain myself to read (I'll die without my books). I noticed early on that I can no longer do turns at all (daily ballet dancer until March 2020). I become very nauseated, with vertigo continuing for some time afterwards. This does NOT happen to dancers. These feel more an issue of brain inflammation rather than demyelination or the effects of amylodosis, though I believe those are occuring also . I think my horrid tinnitus also points to inflammation. Our pots-like issues and shortness of breath I fully blame on damage to the autonomic system's control center.

Idk, I've always thought covid was a neurotoxin,... sci-fi and dystopian horror as reality, who wouldve thought? Listening to soviet defectors tell stories of kgb neurotoxins in the 80s, I knew neutotoxins were real, but was naive enough back then to think Americans, and humans in general are altruistic and kind. Ah to be young and idealistic again, and with a whole brain,....which I'd now gladly donate for autopsy...I already know they'll find "covid"/AI parasites, or whatever Frankenstein they've created, entrenched there.

And of course, we've also had a bevy of ever changing symptoms over these last few years, with a persistent decline in ability and health.

We have tried many protocols, and intend to fight this until the end.

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I am sorry for the suffering of you and your daughter but glad to hear you’re determined to overcome. The body has amazing healing powers but sometimes it’s a slow process. I wish you and your daughter both good health and well being for the future.

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Not sure if there is a way to discuss directly? I’ve suffered a lot of the same symptoms.

I ended up researching Fenbendazole for a different reason. Within 3 days of taking FenBen, most of my brain issues cleared.

Just wanting to share in case it might help someone else.

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Dear Walter,

It’s not so much that Breggin, or anyone, is wrong about Malone being a murderer, in a forum where feelings are relevant. More truthfully both of these doctors have been murdered. Mentally murdered. I do not see them as victimizers. They are good men. Each of them. I see them as victims. And one need to look no further than the fact that the very institutions that they hail from are still trying to kill them.

They are among the wisest of them all. And they are wisely resisting being killed. What we are witnessing, in a very public way, are Dr’s Breggin, Cole, Kory, McCullough, Malone et. al. attempting to heal in their “resistence”. But resistence will prove to be not enough for them, or for the health and sanity of the world. It’s going to take more than resistance. It’s going to take defiance. One of their own is going to have to defy the entire apparatus. Not by burning it down per se, but by throwing a big enough wrench into it, that it disassembles down to it barest of elements. To be left as no more than a pile of nuts and bolts on the ground before one even contemplates what can, or even should, be made of it.

These are good men, each of them. The questions we, and they, need to ask ourselves is how good? And to Malone in particular: What are you made of ?

Thomas Lewis

Author: The Malone Doctrine


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Important: Finally, the pharmacokinetics of injection are different than infection. 60ug-200ug of Spike mRNA equates to 26 Trillion to 80 Trillion mRNA molecules injected in a few seconds. The pharmacokinetics of this bolus injection differs from that of viral replication that occurs over the course of a few days. If each of these mRNAs can produce 10-100 spike proteins and you have 30-40 Trillion cells, there may be a far greater systemic quantity and a much longer duration of spike protein exposure through the vaccination route than natural infection. Boosters given more frequently than a year will lead to total body accumulation of spike protein and further heighten the risk of disease in organs such as the brain, heart, bone marrow, and immune cells and tissues. This false equivalency may lead to an under appreciation of the symptomatology of vaccine based adverse events.

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I wonder how many years Dazak and Ralph Barric watched these effects in-vitro and on lab animals. I would love to get a hold of their lab notebooks.

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great work as always Walter

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Dear Walter. I need your help. I have a patient that got glioblastoma close to the thalamus. The neurosurgeons decided that the patient was nonoperable. They would give steroids. No symptoms but headache. The pt. Had 4 doses of Pfizers Covid-19-vax. The last bivalente.

So no hope from the neurologists or surgeons. Left to die slowly.

I thougt to recommend fasting, no suger and no carbohydrates plus Ivermectin. Heat plus cold. Do you have any suggestions or thoughts based on your knowledge?

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Fenbendazole is a suggestion

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Breggin is a very toxic character, an “expert whore” willing to testify to the most absurd things for money. Decades ago I had seen depositions where he made up the most outlandish things, and did so again in the trial of Michelle Carter in Boston. He then violated every principle of ethics afterwards:


He was STRONGLY affiliated with the Church of Scientology, and they do NOT let people out of their grasp. The fact that he has chosen to stand against the jabs does NOT erase a lifetime of spewing Scientology opinions masquerading as “expert testimony.” If you read the last post of Meryl Nass about her medical board hearing, you will read about the “whore” doc providing “expert testimony” against her. I would suggest Breggin is no different in his past work.

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This paper is one of several potential mechanisms of CNS involvement, so it is any surprise that neurological & neuropsychiatric symptoms are the largest problem chronically? Putting it another way, after the coagulopathy & myocarditis KILL a substantial number within days-weeks, the CNS involvement is the gift that keeps on giving! And no, I’m not diminishing endocrine & other issues, but the primary morbidity causing disability involves “the squash” as the neurosurgeons called it a lifetime again when I was in training 😎

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Suggested treatment?

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Vaccine Victims -

It's Not That I Am Better Than You.

It's That You Never Had A Chance.


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thank you

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May 31, 2023
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