This paper is one of several potential mechanisms of CNS involvement, so it is any surprise that neurological & neuropsychiatric symptoms are the largest problem chronically? Putting it another way, after the coagulopathy & myocarditis KILL a substantial number within days-weeks, the CNS involvement is the gift that keeps on giving! And …
This paper is one of several potential mechanisms of CNS involvement, so it is any surprise that neurological & neuropsychiatric symptoms are the largest problem chronically? Putting it another way, after the coagulopathy & myocarditis KILL a substantial number within days-weeks, the CNS involvement is the gift that keeps on giving! And no, I’m not diminishing endocrine & other issues, but the primary morbidity causing disability involves “the squash” as the neurosurgeons called it a lifetime again when I was in training 😎
This paper is one of several potential mechanisms of CNS involvement, so it is any surprise that neurological & neuropsychiatric symptoms are the largest problem chronically? Putting it another way, after the coagulopathy & myocarditis KILL a substantial number within days-weeks, the CNS involvement is the gift that keeps on giving! And no, I’m not diminishing endocrine & other issues, but the primary morbidity causing disability involves “the squash” as the neurosurgeons called it a lifetime again when I was in training 😎