A Lethal Beacon: Spike Protein Endothelial Disease is also Spike Protein Neuron Disease
The Spike Protein acts as a “Flare” causing infiltration of leukocytes via complement activation to attack infected tissue.
I am now able to present a hypothesis which unites the Spike Protein’s attack on the endothelium (which I have called Spike Protein Endothelial Disease) with its neurodegenerative effects. I will show how they are one and the same.
It has been well established that the Spike Protein causes leukocytes to attack the endothelium via inflammation.
In addition, S1-treated endothelial cells were incubated with anti-ACE2 blocking antibody, AMPK agonist, or complement inhibitors. Our results show that significant levels of spike protein were found in the 30.4% of severe COVID-19 patients. In vitro, the activation of endothelial cells with S1 protein, via ACE2, impaired AMPK signalling, leading to robust leukocyte recruitment due to increased adhesive molecule expression and thrombomodulin loss. This S1-induced pro-inflammatory phenotype led to exuberant C3 and C5b-9 deposition on endothelial cells, along with C3a and C5a generation that further amplified S1-induced complement activation.
SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein 1 Activates Microvascular Endothelial Cells and Complement System Leading to Platelet Aggregation
The “exuberant” deposition of complement is, in essence, “calling the troops” to attack the Endothelium.
I will now show that the EXACT same mechanism is occurring in the Brain and the EXACT same mechanism is causing the body to ATTACK ITS OWN NEURONS.
It is worth noting that intravenous injection of spike protein induced a broad spectrum of proteome changes in the mouse skull marrow, meninges, and brain, including proteins related to coronavirus disease, complement and coagulation cascades, neutrophil degranulation, NETs formation, and PI3K-AKT signaling pathway, demonstrating the immunogenicity of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in the absence of other viral components.
In this study, we utilized mouse models and human post-mortem tissues to investigate the presence and distribution of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in the skull-meninges-brain axis. Our results revealed the accumulation of the spike protein in the skull marrow, brain meninges, and brain parenchyma. The injection of the spike protein alone caused cell death in the brain, highlighting a direct effect on brain tissue. Furthermore, we observed the presence of spike protein in the skull of deceased long after their COVID-19 infection, suggesting that the spike’s persistence may contribute to long-term neurological symptoms. The spike protein was associated with neutrophil-related pathways and dysregulation of the proteins involved in the PI3K-AKT as well as complement and coagulation pathway. Overall, our findings suggest that SARS-CoV-2 spike protein trafficking from CNS borders into the brain parenchyma and identified differentially regulated pathways may present insights into mechanisms underlying immediate and long-term consequences of SARS-CoV-2 and present diagnostic and therapeutic opportunities.
SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Accumulation in the Skull-Meninges-Brain Axis: Potential Implications for Long-Term Neurological Complications in post-COVID-19
I will research this further, but I believe this is a significant breakthrough.
Is what we are observing just Autoimmune? Or, is it the Spike telling the body to attack itself? Or, is it both?
When you say in these articles "Sars-cov-2 s1 spike protein" does that refer to just the spike protein found in natural infection or would similar results occur from mRNA generated/produced spike proteins created by own's own cells? I know, the old talking point is that spike protein had been genetically modified to be in an inactive configuration.... but given all the DNA contamination, SV40, etc... I find the likelihood they successful accomplished that to be small.
Didn’t Prof. Bhakti made hints in this direction ? The complement system was his major study object many years ago.