Agree with this!! WebMD notes people over age 50 should take a daily B12 supplement. I do myself and encourage my patients to do so as it is very safe. Also note PPI drugs like Prilosec interfere with B12 absorption so anyone taking those meds ought to get a periodic B12 blood level.
Agree with this!! WebMD notes people over age 50 should take a daily B12 supplement. I do myself and encourage my patients to do so as it is very safe. Also note PPI drugs like Prilosec interfere with B12 absorption so anyone taking those meds ought to get a periodic B12 blood level.
Awesome we knew you should be on the favorites MD list. Another little known fact for supplement fans is that Vitamin C depletes the B12 so they should be taken 4+ hours apart. :~)
Wow I did not know that pearl about vit C and B12–thank you!!! Prilosec also interferes with magnesium absorption and I think there are likely some other bad effects from long term use—kinda like most or all prescription drugs—best to avoid whenever you can. Metformin has been around for decades—it fell out of favor for diabetes a while when a shiny new brand came along—I think it was TZDs for diabetes. But these drugs have been linked to bladder cancer. I try to NOT be an early adopter of new drugs—sometimes hard as patients can be enthralled by the TV ads. Fortunately the readers of this Substack are probably appropriately skeptical of any Big Pharma new things!
Agree with this!! WebMD notes people over age 50 should take a daily B12 supplement. I do myself and encourage my patients to do so as it is very safe. Also note PPI drugs like Prilosec interfere with B12 absorption so anyone taking those meds ought to get a periodic B12 blood level.
Awesome we knew you should be on the favorites MD list. Another little known fact for supplement fans is that Vitamin C depletes the B12 so they should be taken 4+ hours apart. :~)
Wow I did not know that pearl about vit C and B12–thank you!!! Prilosec also interferes with magnesium absorption and I think there are likely some other bad effects from long term use—kinda like most or all prescription drugs—best to avoid whenever you can. Metformin has been around for decades—it fell out of favor for diabetes a while when a shiny new brand came along—I think it was TZDs for diabetes. But these drugs have been linked to bladder cancer. I try to NOT be an early adopter of new drugs—sometimes hard as patients can be enthralled by the TV ads. Fortunately the readers of this Substack are probably appropriately skeptical of any Big Pharma new things!