I've been taking 3g of curcumin a day, cycling intonketosis, and intermittent fasting, simply because of this substack. Also, getting regular blood work to track my vitals. Unvaxxed, had COVID, terrible fatigue which tapered off over 6 weeks. Bloodwork all over the place, today am perfect. We have to get through this as best we can, it's the first step towards getting these bstrds.

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Which blood tests did you track?

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Usual panels, Immune system, lipids, glucose hba1c, hormones and thyroid.

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Dr. Mark said, “There is only one way to get rid of spike protein, and that’s by stimulating autophagy. That is the only way.”

Dr Been has done a few good videos on intermittent fasting and autophagy. Worth watching for general health reasons, but it may also starve spike protein out! Here’s a link to one video, but check youtube for others.


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Good case for intermittent fasting which stimulates autophagy.

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Excellent video. Thanks for sharing. Peace. :-)

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So the people saying that those who took the jabs look older are correct.

Its frightening that it is true.

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i have noticed it in quite a few people ... elderly but quite a lot of changes in a short amount of time. these people were really well, prior to this.

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just looking at family, neighbors = confirmation.

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What I keep thinking about is the FACT that these soulless bastards knew what this would do when they created -- and released --this protein.

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I agree. 100%. Soulless and Godless. Peace. :-)

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Me and my wife were just talking about this last night, about how everyone who took the vaccine and boosters are looking aged and haggard lately.

We see it clearly.

They look like month 2 on the old “faces of meth” posters. Look at the NZ lady Jacinda Assern or whatever her name is, for a clear example.

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I cannot believe that Ardern would be so stupid to have taken real jabs, she should have gotten enough background info to know the real agenda, although she is certainly a political clown from the lower ranks - like so many of these bizarre WEF creatures. Maybe she was/is on some really nasty drugs to get her job done "properly".

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I dont think the global elites are so stupid that they would let someone like her in on the plan.

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Also one should not expect the elites to be especially cunning, they might just be as stupid as the political actors, just owning much more capital. You do not need any brains if you only got enough money - it corrupts more than moral, to be filthy rich.

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Of course, there are expected to be levels of insight, everyone getting to know just enough, to fulfill his role effectively, but nothing more than that. Globalism as a whole works just like that.

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interesting ...

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thank you for continuing to dig into this ... it is the fight of our lives!!

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Hi. I have long cvd. I have previously gone into detail how, over the last year, I have recovered about 90%. I recently got a hyperbaric oxygen chamber in my house (my friends donated & I bought a soft shell 1.5ata)...However anount I recover, I am still concerned long term. I found this article on hbot and ros. Perhaps this would help others too? Thanks for your genius, kindness, and commitment. -km


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Fyi...that article provided no solutions. Only blather and a link to buy a book. Some of us are fighting for our lives so we don't need another book repeating what we know

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Sad news but it sounds like there is hope for people through autophagy.

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When CSN sang the line in "You don't have to Cry" about getting "crazy and old before your time" they never dreamed about this.

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Well Stills dad was in the US military, and they do like to drop hints to us about what is coming.

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Thank you, dear Walter! Your posts are the absolute best in terms of keeping clear focus on how we can best understand the spike protein, and how to manage this post-C19 world. My greatest wish is that we could somehow share this information you so beautifully provide with the world.

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Thank you dear Walter! You are the best!👍

Just wondering, what would the ROS levels/inflammatory process be with a traditional flu or HIN1 virus and traditional flu vaccines if any?

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Thank you Walt. Keep fighting.

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my daughter was told her ROS1 gene rearranged and because of this - they came up with inflammatory myofibroblastic tumors which grew rapidly. I have been watching for pieces to come together how this happened - maybe this is one piece of the puzzle.

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Dear Walter, thank you. Do you have any articles im people like me? Covid infection jan 2021, unvaxxed, smell is still not restored.Thank you again for your work.

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It took about six freakin' months for me to get my sense of smell fully back after having had WuFlu and what finally got it back 100% for me was Serrapeptase.

It's absolutely DEVASTATING to have no sense of smell and bland taste! I hope you get it back soon!!!

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How much and how often did you take it? And, what dose? Thank you! PS why did you choose that over nattokinase??? So happy you have your sense of smell back!

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Hi! Sorry, I just now got this!

Well, oddly enough, I initially took serrapeptase to help heal my two (yes BOTH ugh) frozen shoulders and not only did it work fast for that but that's what also worked for my sense of smell as a huge double blessing! Natto might help too (I'd have tried ANYTHING within reason when I had lost my sense of smell). I take Natto capsules for my immune health now.

This was the first brand Serrapeptase I tried (I took one capsule each night before bed):


Afterwards I switched to this brand:


The nutricost brand didn't seem quite as potent for me so I switched back to the other brand (I still take it off and on).

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Thank you for the suggestion. Ill give it a try and tell my friend about it.

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I created a video on youtube, hugely influenced by the amazing research efforts of Walter Chesnut, of the research-based protocol I used to free myself of longhaul covid symptoms and relapses. My Covid-19 infection was last week of January 2020, and I'm ever so grateful to have found solutions that worked for me; clearly, longhaul covid can be uniquely experienced by each person. Here's a link to the video I created with my friend, Shane, since I pointed out that I felt longhaulers are the proverbial "canaries in the coal mine," and so it seems everyone would be well advised to be aware of what Walter Chesnut writes about, and what this research clearly shows. Having said that, I've learned most people are not able or inspired to delve as deeply into the wonderful research Walter shares, so this video is focused primarily on what worked for my recovery--with a link to a post I wrote that has links to research studies (which Walter has delved much more thoroughly into).

My Recovery from Longhaul Covid... and what does China know that they're not saying?


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Thank you for this video - great information!

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Thank you for sharing your experience. We'll be viewing your YT, saved it for later. Whatever China knows would be probably helpful to us all. Another site I go to has someone who recovered from LC using a lot of different supplements, etc. but he also used raw milk and that seemed to kick the remains of LC away.

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I read about this doctor who found that nicotine chewing gum, three times a day for 10 minutes, brought back his wife’s sense of smell. Maybe it’s worth trying. 🤗

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Interesting. I have read studies that say nicotine is good for your brain, especially if you have Alzheimer's. Of course cigarettes bad because of all the other chemicals. 🤔 Thank you.

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Interesting, could you share a link? Thank yoU!

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My sense of smell has mostly returned, some things still taste or smell off. I has friend whose sense of smell has not returned. We both had a bad case if Covid two years ago. 😡

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Curious, did you get tested with those long qtips that nearly poked the cilia barrier near the brain. Love & blessings to you💖👩🏼‍🌾

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Didn't you refer to this previously as "senescence"?

Thank you as ever for your extremely illuminating research.

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I have commented previously that many of the side effects, especially the accelerated aging aspect, remind me of going through various treatments for cancer. Ironically, the accumulated toxicity comes at a different cost to the body.

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