Dear Walter maybe it might be of some interest to you that there is somebody else on substack that looks into Spike & Dementia: https://doorlesscarp953.substack.com/p/pathophysiology-of-spike-protein?s=w

"How do we limit damage caused by disrupting the MAPK pathways, notibly p38? Hydroxychloroquine is one answer and it's a great one: Molecular Insights into the MAPK Cascade during Viral Infection: Potential Crosstalk between HCQ and HCQ Analogues https://www.hindawi.com/journals/bmri/2020/8827752/"

Also, FYI University of Tasmania Australia offers a lot of funding for research into the treatment/causes/care for people in a state of dementia. They are the leading University in Australia focusing on Dementia related research and funding. Maybe you might be interested in contacting them. They also have a world first open course on understanding dementia. https://www.utas.edu.au/wicking/understanding-dementia. Apart from University of Tasmania there are Cognitive cliniques and research centres in Sydney, if you are interested I might be able to connect you with somebody for more information.

On a different note, Ms Kats on twitter did something unacceptable related to your account. On twitter if you take an account and then change the account handle the old comments direct to the new account. In this case the account Dmitry took was twitter.com/parsifaler1 which now doesn't exist but the handle was changed to twitter.com/hom3team which is another alt directing people to his website. Hence the prior @ handles direct to a different handle. An example here https://twitter.com/MsKaywoo/status/1517723958078218246. Approximately, three weeks ago I alerted Twitter and lodge the complaint but still no reply. Most people who follow you are aware of this by now but I am just hurt that it is taking Twitter so long to address such an unacceptable practice.

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Given your suspicion do you think China's approach is correct?

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I think they know. I think they are looking for answers. And yes, it is probably correct.

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fauci has treated them with gloves and very careful when asked about their approach. he knows they know.

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Given that it appears that Fauci directly or indirectly helped fund the lab I'd wager he knows the intent of what the virus was designed for and what maybe some of the long term outcomes of the virus at least in lab animals.

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I'm not clear on whether china is considered a highly vaccinated country by this measure, since their vaccines are not the same as the rest of the world.

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corrected. incidently, germany is requesting that all ukrainian refugees get vaxxed with pfizer, even if they were previously vaxxed with another vaccine. makes you wonder.

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What could be the reason for Germany's insistence on Pfizer - does the vaccine somehow protect you from the toxicity?

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Thank you, deeply.

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The CDC is labeling this observed inflammation in the systems as Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome (MIS) with -A for adult and -C for children. They are tacitly admitting that there are long term inflammation effects from COVID19. Initially the CDC indicated that the inflammation observed is a lot like Kawasaki's disease. However, Kawasaki's is an acute systemic vasculitis and doesn't necessarily attack the systems themselves outside of the vasculature.

There are different criteria for diagnosing MIS-A and MIS-C.

MIS-C is an individual <21 years of age presenting with fever, laboratory evidence of inflammation, and evidence of clinically severe illness requiring hospitalization, with multisystem (>2) organ involvement (cardiac, renal, respiratory, hematologic, gastrointestinal, dermatologic or neurological); AND No alternative plausible diagnoses; AND Positive for current or recent SARS-CoV-2 infection by RT-PCR, serology, or antigen test; or exposure to a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 case within the 4 weeks prior to the onset of symptoms.

MIS-A is a bit more wordy and has more specific criteria for diagnosing an individual.

In both cases the CDC only recognizes a person with an active or recently diagnosed case of C19 as being able to have MIS.

Currently (and likely forever) the CDC data does not consider the vaccine in MIS rejecting the role of the spike protein in MIS or long Covid. The fibril generation is also not mentioned in the CDC criteria at the moment.

I think Amyloidosis is likely more on track with what one should expect with severe cases of Covid and its lingering effects. The Vax spike protein need to be immediately halted and recipients need to have tests run to look at their systems and their gametes to ensure it isn't being passed along into new generations.

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Hi Walter: There was a tweet today from Giles Demaneuf about Little Mountain Dog and a missed alert about SARS-CoV-2. It's pretty long. Not sure if it would interest you but thought I'd let you know. (@gdemaneuf) Miss you on twitter. So grateful for these on substack. Judy

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Here's my opinion:

China doesn't have an effective "zero covid" policy. It doesn't exist.

Putting evolutionairy pressure on this virus, already engineered to sprout many variants, I read, will only cause it to make it evolve into escape variants (pls. see the opinion of Geert vanden Bossche?).

The best way to deal with this is still herd immunity in a physically healthy population. (see prof. Shahar and dr. Clare Craig's work about epidemiology)

My point: Since this is still a Corona virus, that can be defeated by the immune system.

As for the various "vaccine" products, obviously the effect is counterproductive if the goal is improving health. The CCP politburo may be singleminded and see people as assets, not as individual souverign beings, and I don't think they're badly informed or stupid.

The implications of the authorities sweeping the adverse events under the rug are obvious.

The bioweapon is a product of a broken society, ruled by a small group of powerful individuals, who run multi-generational plans. I was trained a historian, and I recognize patterns. That's my trick. It led me here, to your and your colleages excellent work.

Also, I'd look into Transhumanism. Which is an ideology/religion that sees the present human biological form as a hindrance on the road to a rapid track of "enhancement" (which they mistake for "evolution"). Please do not underestimate the human capacity for cruelty and making fatal mistakes born out of overestimation (hubris)?

There's a positive alternative to that, though.

Instead of pointing into the darkness I'd like to share this documentary about the work of Wangari Maathai with you: There's a couple of lessons in there for the observant.


Oh and I posted 2 weeks ago, just before Easter, that I was banned from Facebook, for sharing your work (and the evidence that the virus and "vaccine" product Spike are the same in critical areas, and some info about that Spike (Gp120, GAG). I'm sorry I didn't respond sooner. The stated reason was the typical "desinformation, can cause harm bla bla". Interestingly, I was unbanned, after objecting, for a few days, but then banned again, a week after the first ban. Who knows why? It's irrelevant. Probably they fed the algorhythm some new information. It's obvious from FOIA documents (The Netherlands), that they're all into this "vaccine acceptance" strategy still, and can't retreat from that position (even now it's slowly becoming obvious). Mind you, it is very much a top-down strategy, with a need-to-know basis. Also read the Johns Hopkins "SPARS exercise" document (from 2017). That should provide some context. FWIW my opinion is that our western society is broken and the goal is to also break, erase the western civilization. The release of a bioweapon is not a watershed moment, but a logical step in a planned development.

Thank you again for your work, sir. Have a nice day.

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Herd immunity will NEVER appear in vaccinated people

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I presume you are correct.

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SARS-CoV-2 may be a coronavirus, but it is not a typical cold. My father got it at church during the Good Friday services and passed it along to others in the family, including my sister and me. The two of us noted, as the virus progressed, that it systematically hit different organs and functions of the body, as if it was programmed with a certain progression. It is this "programming" (of a bioweapon?) that I don't think is fully understood, or at least is not being explained by people who know. I am sure that there are scientists in China (along with some individuals in American organizations who oversaw/paid for the experimentation) who know exactly what it was programmed to do, but we will never be informed of this.

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Agreed on it being weird! I wish I had taken it more seriously!

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Thx Walter, have you appealed twitter. Your work needs a bigger audience

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With Elon Musk as "free speech absolutionist" I would appeal again, when they've revamped their organization and resulting policies.

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So jabbed or not jabbed — it doesn’t matter? What are we to do?

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I had covid but am thinking of going back on ivermectin and zinc. Wonder what Walter would recommend??

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I take quercetin and zinc and multi vitamins daily.

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Marian,respect. I need to be more consistent.

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Zinc with copper or you’ll f up your iron. Standard Process Zinc Chelate is a bioavailable sup

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Take that with copper? Zinc chelate is superior to just zinc? Oh. Will investigate. Am much more open to supplements since had the ro.

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Compiled a resource list for Covid and Vax detox from natural doctors, naturpaths and research: https://thegreatwakeup.substack.com/p/covid-vaccine-detox-resource-list?s=w

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A few things come to mind. First is the small sample size (n=38 at least from one article cited). There are some articles that suggest that covid/jab essentially shut your immune response down or at least significantly hinder its response for a period of time after exposure. This could mean that if someone has precancerous cells that have been held in check previously then when the spike hits those cells are no longer held in check. Also, wouldn't mesothelioma be considered a general comorbidity and fall into that larger bucket?

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Really concerning and worth knowing, for sure. Thank you, Walter, for all the work and the knowledge!

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Walter, do you have any idea about people who have been EXPOSED to the spike protein (as in, around people who were sick), but never became sick themselves? My husband, son, and I are all unjabbed (of course), and have been around people who had covid, but none of us has ever gotten sick, or if we did, it was so mild we didn't suspect anything. Do you think that makes a difference at all?

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It would be so good if you could post your research on possible treatment to the spike protein. Autophagy (from fasting), Nattokinase, NAC et al.

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