… and the mRNA vaccine causes “out of sequence” signaling in T cells and potential energy or apoptosis. And the persistence of spike with mRNA vaccine can cause T cell exhaustion and lessening of cytotoxic function in CTL’s
That happens sometimes, um, do a new short comment then go to click on the dots and see if edit and delete both come up, then make an edit and click save on the left, then go back and click the dots again and hit delete. Pro-tip: for substantive long comments save the comment to note pad before trying the edit. Ask me how I know - Doh!
99% of discussions about the origins of "HIV" and "AIDS" in gay men prefer to IGNORE what I consider the elephant in the room, namely, the 1978-79 ExPeRiMeNtAl HePaTiTiS B vaccine program, sponsored by N.I.H. in America's cities, which used EXCLUSIVELY promiscuous gay men as its lab rats. Monogamous/celibate volunteers were rejected.
Within months, the same demographic began dropping dead like flies in 1980 or 1981.
The behavior of gay men did not suddenly change in 1979. Behavior was the same in 1979 as it was in the decade of the 1970s, with many gay men druggin' and drinkin' and screwin' around with multiple partners, while many other gay men did not do these things. Therefore one cannot blame cases of "AIDS" on a change in behavior.
And AZT/Revtrovir/azidothymidine was not permitted until about 1985. Therefore, one cannot blame the thousands of "AIDS" deaths from "AIDS" in the years from 1980 to 1985 on AZT as it was NOT available yet.
Hardly anyone ever even considers the experimental Hep B vaccine as the likely culprit. Certainly not the ridiculous mainstream narrative, i.e., claiming that "AIDS" originated in Africa from hunters eating green monkeys, LOL. And then you have the "Tier-2" people like Duesberg claiming "AIDS" is caused by a druggy lifestyle and/or by ingesting toxic doses or drugs like AZT.
I say BOTH Tier-1 and Tier-2 may have missed the main point in that neither takes into consideration *WHAT WAS TRULY NEW* at the time in 1978-79, which was the Hep B vaccine for gay men, the exact demographic that starting dropping dead within months of the shots!!!
I believe so. Just from personal experience and my wife experienced a clotting issue in her eye after being around a vaccinated person. Which I might add this person is dieing slowly,ALS. Don't understand enough about all this but I have experienced congestion,general ill feeling after company meetings.
Many unjabbed individuals claim to suffer symptoms from being in the same room, same car, in conversation with, or otherwise in close proximity to jabbed persons. "Shedding" is the term most used to describe this phenomenon, in case u had not heard of it. I do believe it is real (1) because Pfizer literature actually mentions this risk (somewhere), and (2) because there are very numerous anecdotal accounts from people who have experienced this. So, I'd say definitely yes IMHO. Look up "shedding."
I've heard of shedding. Unless the unvaccinated people in contact are getting a T-cell test/count, it will be hard to say if their immune system is being impacted. I'd like to see a graph. Thanks.
It is a *very interesting idea* to run blood tests on jabbed individuals to measure if their their CD4/CD8/CD3 levels are abnormal.
I'm guessing --- just a guess mind you --- that most doctors may refuse to order these tests unless the patient is first confirmed as "HIV+" and that many insurances might deny the claim unless the patient is first confirmed as "HIV+"
But it wouldn't hurt to ask a doctor would they please order these tests. The worst they could say is "no." Maybe they would order it, idk.
Considering the ongoing coverup of the unsafe and dangerous shots, the evil ones running this whole operation at the top would certainly do whatever possible to conceal ANY connection between the Covid injections & abnormal CD4/CD8/CD3 levels in the jabbed population. (They wouldn't want the jabbed to realize they might be headed to slaughter.)
If one could persuade a doctor to order these test, one might of course have to pay out of one's own pocket, which could be costly.
There is something going on. He has passed on, but the medical community has silenced his analysis of an HIV genetic sequence insertion. He has given the "participants" 5 years. They might live longer with the HIV treatment, but as you say, they must be diagnosed first and the mention of HIV might be the third rail.
The vaxxers were told that it was the spike protein that was the dangerous part of Covid... that this is what is involved in long covid...
Then they were told that injecting Rat Juice that results in making billions upon trillions upon billions of spike protein... would stop them from getting covid ... stop them from dying from covid.
And they did not question that and took multiple shots of Rat Juice.
All those memes of the jab giving everyone AIDS is pretty much where we are headed.
A perfect, horrendous creation designed to destroy everyone's immune system.
If anyone wants a good listen from a legal standpoint of what the jabs are classified as, (and what they should of been labelled, GMO's), then listen to the below link. The lawyer Julian puts forward a very detailed, easy to follow case of how the world's population was hoodwinked. Evil:
This is very similar research to the Pradhan paper that found gp120 sequences and other HIV sequences in SARS-2, and was retracted. Is it any surprise that this was Fauci’s specialty at NIAID since 1983?
Would a CD4+ CD8+ blood test like HIV patients get help us determine if spike protein has damaged our immune system? (For example, the consumer-ordered test offered by lifeextension.com). Not sure I want to know unless there’s something that could be done about it, and then repeat the test to see if it’s helping.
From what I've read, you can assume immunocompromised status ipso facto if you received the mRNA vaccine. Some of the jabs were saline and contained no spike proteins. You might search Substack for chelation protocols. I know @anamihalceamdphd is well informed on the issue.
I didn’t get it but was around people who did. Plus I was infected with Covid once. I think Walter is saying that any exposure to the spike protein can do this.
Well, the continuing problem arises from self-replication of the spike protein. You may have had the flu, but let's say it was Covid. Spike exposure via the disease is eventually expunged. Anyway, with another Plandemic on the Cabal's to-do list, make sure your Vitamin D blood level is at least 50 ng/ml.
Often wondered if the spike protein will pass on to other species. If it mimics HIV there's no reason why it couldn't. If it's transmission is as easy as just being in close proximity to a person shedding, (for long periods) then, not only did these people design a Armageddon virus but they could have possibly made it possible to kill off innocent animals. The next ten years will tell the tale.
In the HIV AIDS epidemic, Chinese doctors in the Bay area thought back to what they would have used for the symptomology from the Chinese herbal materia medica. They settled on Bittermelon (Momordica charantia) and Snake Gourd (Tricosanthes spp), two cousins in the melon family. It turned out they botj made protease inhibitors. The latter is the one from which the synthetic protease inhibitor was derived--i've seen the patent. At first there was an experimental use--one of the patients died from 'detoxification'--and then the whole thing was shut up as for national new reporting. I checked in with an AIDS survivor in SF. He said there was a dramatic surge of use of the plants (they are found in most Asian food stores; also in African) before the synthetic inhibitors came into use. And. . . rumor only, I have heard that areas in Africa where the soil is rich in selenium did not have HIV AIDS.
I am not a doctor, a scientist or an investigative journalist.
I am a daughter, a mom, an artist and a storyteller.
I have a story to tell about turbo cancer.
I have a story about our failed medical system
I will tell it to anyone who will listen.
On June 12, 2022, after four Pfizer injections, my very healthy mom was suddenly diagnosed with stage-IV pancreatic cancer in her left inguinal groin lymph node, B-cell lymphoma, and melanoma. Her immune system had failed completely. The fast-growing tumors spread to her bones, breaking them from the inside. She lived, suffering, until December 13.
I was her full-time caregiver.
Beginning June 11, 2023, day by day, using memories, photos, text conversations, medical records, my journal, and my mom’s journal, I chronicled the story of her disease on Facebook. I told about the progression of her illness, the failed medical response, her unimaginable pain, her experience, my experience, and how her spirit refused to be broken.
My mom represents millions of people who were deceived, intimidated or forced into receiving an injection. Her story is all of our story.
I am neither a bot nor an expert , but I wanted to seek some clarification on my posted question a few days ago...
Has the "spike-protein" actually been isolated from human blood at all , it should be an easy task to perform since we're supposedly all producing mega tons of it now , and has anyone actual photos of the isolated spike protein , other than cartoonish or computer generated ???
We are not talking about a cultured dish here...
Hence my other question again , does the spike protein exist ?
Email MMD Brigitte König, Ph.D and ask questions, they test people for SP in plasma/serum, SP in exosomes, SP in immune cells, SP in urine, etc. Loads of tests. Ask her for a picture, I think that’s might be a good place it seems to be their subject.
… and the mRNA vaccine causes “out of sequence” signaling in T cells and potential energy or apoptosis. And the persistence of spike with mRNA vaccine can cause T cell exhaustion and lessening of cytotoxic function in CTL’s
Not looking too good.
Please let Ken Paxton know.
The 3 dots after the comments allow you to edit or delete when you click on it. I need to use it all the time on my spelling.
It only gave me option to delete and not edit. Just accidentally deleted my correction 😱
Anergy…not energy 😂😂
That happens sometimes, um, do a new short comment then go to click on the dots and see if edit and delete both come up, then make an edit and click save on the left, then go back and click the dots again and hit delete. Pro-tip: for substantive long comments save the comment to note pad before trying the edit. Ask me how I know - Doh!
Add this to the high levels of immune suppressive IgG4 and viola!
Crippled immune surveillance and turbo cancers. I've seen at least three.
Thank you!
Is there anything other than edta chelation to stop spike protein from latching onto CD4 🤔 ?
I listened to Dr. Judy mikovitz says HIV is gain of function and then states that covid is HIV with some different types of proteins tacked on.
HIV was given to gays, drugusers, prostitutes back in the late 70s/80s via the Hep B shot in the hep B trial vaccine shots.
So the covid injections were preplanned to give everyone HIV - SARS-COV-2.
See Dr. Judy Mikovitz joins Alex Jones live in-studio to describe how the next plandemic will unfold...(Aired June 17th 2024) https://rumble.com/v52cdll-bioweapon-whistleblower-exposes-the-secrets-of-covid-19-bird-flu-and-more.html
99% of discussions about the origins of "HIV" and "AIDS" in gay men prefer to IGNORE what I consider the elephant in the room, namely, the 1978-79 ExPeRiMeNtAl HePaTiTiS B vaccine program, sponsored by N.I.H. in America's cities, which used EXCLUSIVELY promiscuous gay men as its lab rats. Monogamous/celibate volunteers were rejected.
Within months, the same demographic began dropping dead like flies in 1980 or 1981.
The behavior of gay men did not suddenly change in 1979. Behavior was the same in 1979 as it was in the decade of the 1970s, with many gay men druggin' and drinkin' and screwin' around with multiple partners, while many other gay men did not do these things. Therefore one cannot blame cases of "AIDS" on a change in behavior.
And AZT/Revtrovir/azidothymidine was not permitted until about 1985. Therefore, one cannot blame the thousands of "AIDS" deaths from "AIDS" in the years from 1980 to 1985 on AZT as it was NOT available yet.
Hardly anyone ever even considers the experimental Hep B vaccine as the likely culprit. Certainly not the ridiculous mainstream narrative, i.e., claiming that "AIDS" originated in Africa from hunters eating green monkeys, LOL. And then you have the "Tier-2" people like Duesberg claiming "AIDS" is caused by a druggy lifestyle and/or by ingesting toxic doses or drugs like AZT.
I say BOTH Tier-1 and Tier-2 may have missed the main point in that neither takes into consideration *WHAT WAS TRULY NEW* at the time in 1978-79, which was the Hep B vaccine for gay men, the exact demographic that starting dropping dead within months of the shots!!!
Will the spike protein transmit between sexual partners? Is it contagious?
I believe so. Just from personal experience and my wife experienced a clotting issue in her eye after being around a vaccinated person. Which I might add this person is dieing slowly,ALS. Don't understand enough about all this but I have experienced congestion,general ill feeling after company meetings.
There is some great ongoing research in alleviating symptoms from exposure to these toxins. wmcresearch@substack.com
Many unjabbed individuals claim to suffer symptoms from being in the same room, same car, in conversation with, or otherwise in close proximity to jabbed persons. "Shedding" is the term most used to describe this phenomenon, in case u had not heard of it. I do believe it is real (1) because Pfizer literature actually mentions this risk (somewhere), and (2) because there are very numerous anecdotal accounts from people who have experienced this. So, I'd say definitely yes IMHO. Look up "shedding."
I've heard of shedding. Unless the unvaccinated people in contact are getting a T-cell test/count, it will be hard to say if their immune system is being impacted. I'd like to see a graph. Thanks.
It is a *very interesting idea* to run blood tests on jabbed individuals to measure if their their CD4/CD8/CD3 levels are abnormal.
I'm guessing --- just a guess mind you --- that most doctors may refuse to order these tests unless the patient is first confirmed as "HIV+" and that many insurances might deny the claim unless the patient is first confirmed as "HIV+"
But it wouldn't hurt to ask a doctor would they please order these tests. The worst they could say is "no." Maybe they would order it, idk.
Considering the ongoing coverup of the unsafe and dangerous shots, the evil ones running this whole operation at the top would certainly do whatever possible to conceal ANY connection between the Covid injections & abnormal CD4/CD8/CD3 levels in the jabbed population. (They wouldn't want the jabbed to realize they might be headed to slaughter.)
If one could persuade a doctor to order these test, one might of course have to pay out of one's own pocket, which could be costly.
Here is Luc Montagnier https://www.bitchute.com/video/wuVaqTETGCAC
There is something going on. He has passed on, but the medical community has silenced his analysis of an HIV genetic sequence insertion. He has given the "participants" 5 years. They might live longer with the HIV treatment, but as you say, they must be diagnosed first and the mention of HIV might be the third rail.
The vaxxers were told that it was the spike protein that was the dangerous part of Covid... that this is what is involved in long covid...
Then they were told that injecting Rat Juice that results in making billions upon trillions upon billions of spike protein... would stop them from getting covid ... stop them from dying from covid.
And they did not question that and took multiple shots of Rat Juice.
All those memes of the jab giving everyone AIDS is pretty much where we are headed.
A perfect, horrendous creation designed to destroy everyone's immune system.
If anyone wants a good listen from a legal standpoint of what the jabs are classified as, (and what they should of been labelled, GMO's), then listen to the below link. The lawyer Julian puts forward a very detailed, easy to follow case of how the world's population was hoodwinked. Evil:
This is very similar research to the Pradhan paper that found gp120 sequences and other HIV sequences in SARS-2, and was retracted. Is it any surprise that this was Fauci’s specialty at NIAID since 1983?
Unfortunately, this is unfolding right before our eyes .. thanks Walter .
So if it has latched on to CD4... is there a way to kick it off? Or is the only way out autophagy?
During the HIV plague, people who were diagnosed positive, were tested and knew their T cell count.
When will the Dr.s order and insurance companies pay for these tests for vaccine recipients?
Would a CD4+ CD8+ blood test like HIV patients get help us determine if spike protein has damaged our immune system? (For example, the consumer-ordered test offered by lifeextension.com). Not sure I want to know unless there’s something that could be done about it, and then repeat the test to see if it’s helping.
From what I've read, you can assume immunocompromised status ipso facto if you received the mRNA vaccine. Some of the jabs were saline and contained no spike proteins. You might search Substack for chelation protocols. I know @anamihalceamdphd is well informed on the issue.
I didn’t get it but was around people who did. Plus I was infected with Covid once. I think Walter is saying that any exposure to the spike protein can do this.
Well, the continuing problem arises from self-replication of the spike protein. You may have had the flu, but let's say it was Covid. Spike exposure via the disease is eventually expunged. Anyway, with another Plandemic on the Cabal's to-do list, make sure your Vitamin D blood level is at least 50 ng/ml.
So the spike protein produced by the mRNA vaccine is of orders of magnitude greater ?
Often wondered if the spike protein will pass on to other species. If it mimics HIV there's no reason why it couldn't. If it's transmission is as easy as just being in close proximity to a person shedding, (for long periods) then, not only did these people design a Armageddon virus but they could have possibly made it possible to kill off innocent animals. The next ten years will tell the tale.
In the HIV AIDS epidemic, Chinese doctors in the Bay area thought back to what they would have used for the symptomology from the Chinese herbal materia medica. They settled on Bittermelon (Momordica charantia) and Snake Gourd (Tricosanthes spp), two cousins in the melon family. It turned out they botj made protease inhibitors. The latter is the one from which the synthetic protease inhibitor was derived--i've seen the patent. At first there was an experimental use--one of the patients died from 'detoxification'--and then the whole thing was shut up as for national new reporting. I checked in with an AIDS survivor in SF. He said there was a dramatic surge of use of the plants (they are found in most Asian food stores; also in African) before the synthetic inhibitors came into use. And. . . rumor only, I have heard that areas in Africa where the soil is rich in selenium did not have HIV AIDS.
I am not a doctor, a scientist or an investigative journalist.
I am a daughter, a mom, an artist and a storyteller.
I have a story to tell about turbo cancer.
I have a story about our failed medical system
I will tell it to anyone who will listen.
On June 12, 2022, after four Pfizer injections, my very healthy mom was suddenly diagnosed with stage-IV pancreatic cancer in her left inguinal groin lymph node, B-cell lymphoma, and melanoma. Her immune system had failed completely. The fast-growing tumors spread to her bones, breaking them from the inside. She lived, suffering, until December 13.
I was her full-time caregiver.
Beginning June 11, 2023, day by day, using memories, photos, text conversations, medical records, my journal, and my mom’s journal, I chronicled the story of her disease on Facebook. I told about the progression of her illness, the failed medical response, her unimaginable pain, her experience, my experience, and how her spirit refused to be broken.
My mom represents millions of people who were deceived, intimidated or forced into receiving an injection. Her story is all of our story.
I hope the "No Virus" Brigade are reading and looking at the Coronavirus pics.
G'day Walter and everybody else
I am neither a bot nor an expert , but I wanted to seek some clarification on my posted question a few days ago...
Has the "spike-protein" actually been isolated from human blood at all , it should be an easy task to perform since we're supposedly all producing mega tons of it now , and has anyone actual photos of the isolated spike protein , other than cartoonish or computer generated ???
We are not talking about a cultured dish here...
Hence my other question again , does the spike protein exist ?
Thank you for any helpful possible insights
Take care
Email MMD Brigitte König, Ph.D and ask questions, they test people for SP in plasma/serum, SP in exosomes, SP in immune cells, SP in urine, etc. Loads of tests. Ask her for a picture, I think that’s might be a good place it seems to be their subject.
Brigitte König, Ph.D