I have to agree with this data. I began my first episode of adverse cardiac events 2 weeks after the Moderna vaccine- I was at 12000 feet skiing (Breckenridge) when I had issues with ventricular arrhythmias- continue to have it. I have POTS syndrome now. I was hospitalized with Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy June 2022 which I absolutely feel was related to the vaccine and exposure to COVID. I was otherwise healthy running marathons until I rec'd 1 moderna vaccination!!! I have been an athlete my whole life and never had these issues prior to the vaccine. I should point out I was skiing 4 weeks prior to the onset of the ventricular arrhythmias in Park City and had absolutely no issues. It only began after Moderna vaccine.

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You are not alone 😕. May our bodies find the strength to heal... As well as our souls 💜.

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WMC careful avoids mentioning COVID mRNA vaccines or any association between them and the various adverse events discussed in his articles (all of which are excellent).

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Sorry, Deb. You didn't deserve this.

Comment on POTS. Oddly enough, the data indicates that this is more common among the unvaxxinated and I know of at least four unvaxxed who can testify to this, including myself. There is more congestion in the head, usually, waking with the heart beating against the blockage. I used to have a little burst of adrenaline--fear, pound in the heart--but now I just wake from normal sleep with a rapid heart beat and probably high blood pressure. What we herbalists have been taking is red clover as a blood thinner, but the general public would probably prefer nattokinase. [forgot: I also got POTS from vaccine shedding, but that cleared up after a month--used jaborandi, an old, old heart drug].

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Full herbal Rx on POTS. I forgot to mention, we used red clover to thin the blood, hawthorn to strengthen the heart and shizandra as a general astringent. A few people respond better to wild cherry than hawthorn.

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Nov 19
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One more indication that the cardio active sportsmen and women are the ones most at risk from myocardities and the vax. Sickening.

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The other reason for the difference in response to spike protein or the individual effects caused by the shots is due to Batch or Lot variance. In one case where Germany looked at the Lot data from Denmark it was noted that the quality varied significantly between Lot batches such that some vials would have little to any of the specified substances and others were way over the recommended or spec levels. This has been noted and written about in nearly all countries who were vaccinating their citizens. Japan had to remove around 140,000 vials of COVID vaccine due to “ excessive magnetic properties “.

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Thank you.

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I seldom see WMC's research for which an antidote is already well known, but for once, this is something that we herbalists have developed and used for several years now. Rhodiola. Rose Root. This grows in high altitudes (also extraordinarily northern latitudes) and has been used for altitude sickness for centuries. I had one case of covid that went from oxygen level of 76 to 93 in one day after she got this herb. Another case, not of covid, where the tongue, complexion, and fingernails were blue. Her doctor thought she needed to hook up to an oxygen concentrator. This was one of those few occassions where the doctor prescribed by visual appearance--not sure about oxygen meter readings. I had her pick up rhodiola and she was permanently back to normal within a week---this was two years ago. I didn't presume this was due to baroreceptors at the time; rather to some sort of peripheral circulatory disorder---but that could be the same thing.

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I wanted to add in a separate note: about three months later the "blue lady" had muscular pain everywhere and I presumed she had lactic acid precipitating out everywhere. I've always treated this with whey (lactic acid) and this worked for about 1.8 years, before she needed it again. Get some feta cheese or let the yogurt get really sour. Since lactic acid is a byproduct of low oxygen metabolism I thought this might be related. Low oxidation is a cancer environment. Sometimes I wonder how anyone could survive the virus and the vax.

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as to your last question; i hope not

it can not be totally ruled out. i am seeing more recovery than death so far. but as you say, over time as infections recur...

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Another puzzle piece 🧩 thank u

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