Many thanks for an informative and well researched article.

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Depressed people are generally 1-2 degrees warmer than the general public--see Dr. Gerald Raison, MD, Psychopharmacologist, U of Wisconsin, Madison. He recommends saunas and sweat lodges. I forgot the name of his book. The relationship between temperature and depression goes back to about 1725.

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With another school shooting this past week, I am assuming this young man was also on SSRIs like the lot of them. They seem very dangerous, maybe proceed with caution?

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Excellent post. Good info to receive as I am currently in the midst of covid recovery and “something” has certainly inflamed my tendency towards depression.

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Funny I was just thinking about the mental health assault on the injected population, logged into Substack and here was this article.

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I awoke this morning with a deep and complex dream, filled with detailed information about my physical, mental, and emotional response to my first bout of “Covid” which began about a week ago. The segue into your article feels mystical and somehow magical.

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"It is disappointing, though unfortunately expected, that they did not call out and discuss the most obvious cause: The Spike Protein." The odds makers in Lost Wages would never take a bet against the exclusion of the Spike as the most likely suspect. Still, one might be inclined to suspect the implication was too close for comfort for the editor-in-chief so the report had to be taken down (or "spiked" as they say in the so-called "news" biz)

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