Paper has a problem. One wonders if the vaccines are responsible for long Covid. The researchers did consider this possibility. They immediately dismiss it because spike circulation this far out in time is rare. And this assumption is the problem. They have raw data and they could have separated the data into two bins — vaccinated vs not. If their assumption was correct, the data would’ve supported their hypothesis.
Instead, they took a low probability event to assume their low probability event— long Covid is also rare — and did not explore if these two events are correlated. This, imo, is straight out laziness and incompetence. And these are the experts whom we should trust our lives with?
They are indeed incompetent. I studied at the MIT in the 1980's - none of the current marxist crap was going on. No more "doctors" for me. 98% are indoctrinated dummies. Peace.
I don't know. A lot of the innocent people who bought in were tricked by the psychological operations, common in totalitarian systems. I foresee lots and lots of people facing criminal charges. Peace.
I think that it does not matter for the proces. Vaccines only acted as a catalyst. Those fuelling the proces will be the first to depart, rest have their perspective lifespans shortened. This is also a probability that we need to take into account. Just like that it was the nose/throat tests could have been the delivery method.
I didn't look at the supplements (my bad) but there cannot have been too many vaxxed patients at the time this work was done. They must have had access to some of the Phase 2 trial subjects.
Maybe LC, along with death, were the actual goals. The LC sufferers being gaslit and ignored, medically neglected and untreated are the guinea pigs to some experiment we are as yet unaware of.
I’ve had long covid for 2 years now! I’m not vaccinated. Extensive brain fog, unintentional weight loss (65 lbs in 2 yrs), extreme fatigue. I’m a 53 year old female and feel my life is literally wasting away. I knew deep down when you explained about the mimicry of Cachexia and long covid- I am a PERFECT example of what this has done. Yes I have been through the FLCCC protocols etc- NOTHING has helped me. All tests from docs have cleared me of cancer and yet no one knows why I have deteriorated since having my DEC 2020 “infection “. I have said from day 1- I felt like I had been poisoned. Wish I knew of a physician near me who would be willing to investigate my case.
I caught something wicked off a vaccinated person who was spluttering all over everyone including healthy unvaccinated me. I tried everything, many in the above list but was getting worse. We arent allowed ivermectin in NA thanks to the psychopath WEF leader Ardern. What saved my life was MMS. the low and slow protocol. Many really give it a bad write-up BUT dont knock it until youve had to use it when nothing else was working and it saved my life!
I had to look up mms. It has a different name here. I've actually seen nothing but positive about it and have had it suggested by a few. But I'm still a bit leery. I'm a bit burnt out trying cures. Chloride dioxide or ldn were next on my list to try. Just haven't decided which to try first.
We didn't get ivermectin until way too late. It was helpful, but not a cure. If we'd have had it early on we would probably be ok now. But ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were treatments hidden from us in 2020.
Stephanie, I wish I could say something important, but please get well soon. Long covid is real, with a lot of caveats but it is 100% real. I hope you had a big medical workup.
Have you reached out to Pierre Kory, MD? He has opened a private practice. I’m sorry you’re experiencing this. I felt poisoned as well and have lingering symptoms.
There are many Anti angiogenic diets and anti angiogenic food lists on the web.
Like you, I am not vaccinated, I had covid in March of 2020 x 3 weeks. Then I was fine. One year later the fatigue came back and I started losing weight and have not regained it. I think I will get serious with that diet. Hope this helps. Take care
Thank you for sharing this information. Usually people just discuss obesity and weight gain- those of us who suffer severe unexplained weight loss feel very alone. It’s hard to find quality advice out there. Docs I have seen just kind of shrug their shoulders and scratch their heads. I guess since they can’t just offer me a medication 💊 like they do for every other ailment- it boggles their mind. All physicians do is put band aids on problems and not “cure” people. Unless you break a bone or something.
Thank you Barry. I am familiar with some of the links that you posted. I think that some of these supplements and doses are over the top. Too many IMO. I have been alternating between supplements to see which works and which do not. Trial by error. I'll take NAC, but not every day. The same with nattokinase, Theracurmin, and Melatonin 2mg., but not every day. I take them when needed. Plus some of these supplements (Quercetin) are natural blood thinners. So you have to be careful that you don't over do it. The trouble with supplements is that it may leave you with an imbalance of other nutrients. So for me, I think the safer way is to try to get the nutrients from food. You may be interested in this video:
4th International Long Covid Coalition Conference - Neuro Covid
Dr Zelenko said Zinc is the bullet, Ivermectin/HCQ/Querctin are the guns. Take only ONE of the guns at a time. I recall in 2020 Dr Peter McCullough got covid. He took Ivermectin. He did not feel anything, so he replaced it with HCQ and it worked for him.
Sunshine, if you can get it, is best. Expose as much of your body to it as possible. Of course, be cautious if you have sensitive skin.
Beware that NOT all Vitamin D3 labels are the same! The quality and efficacy depend on their makers.
And don't forget nicotine.. causes the macrophages to lyse on time and destroy the S1 spike they ingest. See the work of Dr. Bruce Patterson. Much of the fatigue and illness of long haul is because the macrophages that should burst and die quickly remain circulating for over 15 weeks or more! The nicotine helps them to die/burst and destroy the S1 spike... so, it might be worth check it out
My dad had the same symptoms: extreme fatigue, lots of weakness, had trouble breathing. His muscles were gradually all disappearing for some reason. He had turbo ALS and it killed him in just 6 months. Normal survival time is 2-5 years. He was vaxxed. Have you been tested for ALS?
As a 20 years sufferer from post-EBV disease, the only thing that has been really helpful is a clean ketogenic diet (that lifted my brain fog) and intermittent fasting (that regulated my sugar levels). Other than those, also Biomagnetic Pair Therapy can help with the virus and with any pathogen that arises from immune disregulation.
Im in my late 30s and I feel like I have had the same experience. My family has had several respiratory infections that just wouldnt go away, I have chronic post nasal drip, my lungs feel like they are burning, my heart beats irregularly, I feel periodically dizzy and have general malaise, too nauseous many times to eat and I keep using the wrong words unintentionally far more frequent than normal. We had it so bad in Nov 2019, the fevers destroyed my 1 yo's teeth, and now my sons have seizures, viral myositis (cant walk or calves hurt) upon respiratory infection. I am terrified for my family.
I am so sorry. I don't know why covid can hit some families so hard and others not at all. I am just in an average household. If anything we are low on pop, alcohol, and there's no smoking, but other than that, very average but no signs of covid these past three years. I wish I knew how I could help!
Look up InCellux and check out what they say about long covid. Dr. Bruce Patterson has helped many. It is individual help tailored to your specific immune imbalances. Covid protocol early on (long Covid) involved statins, ivermectin and ... a bit of nicotine. The therapy now is individual to your own system - you send in samples, and they run tests to see what's off kilter and try to bring it back in line. Might be useful to you.
Really? Interesting. They were hot on the trail in 2020 and 2021. I find very little about them for 2022. I see they are out of CA perhaps that is the 'problem'? There was a clinic in Florida, the Watson Clinic and I know of another in Philly I think? Mostly though, I would say that these 'clinics' get shut down or face hurdles much like the docs treating Lymes disease did/do. They know what the problem is and they don't want a cure getting out... what ever it may be.
If they're shut down, it's because they're dishonest. I've had personal experience with them. And I've heard others share similar experiences...which are censored out of their group comments.
Then why do we still have Moderna and pfizer operating lol The should have been shut down after they were all first found guilty of medical fraud and criminally charged! But yes thank you for the info on Bruce Patterson. I see he charges the earth just for the test.
I’m in the same boat, Jan 2021 Covid, reinfection at least once sense. Still not normal sense of smell/taste, fatigue etc. I’m starting to think this is a poison too, specifically EMF exposure, and since I/we are constantly exposed, it is affecting me on an ongoing basis.
Thank you Walter. Bear with me please: "SARS-CoV-2 RNA can be reverse-transcribed and integrated into the human genome in cells overexpressing a reverse transcriptase." - does this imply that it takes a serious covid infection to enable reverse transcriptase? Can we assume that if you are transfected with the jab, and if the jab has the mRNA payload in it, that your DNA will then contain the spike? I follow both you and J. Couey. I think Jonathan' theory about gain-of-purity is correct - does this imply that the covid virus was spread by intentional release and it is not in the viral swarm? Simple questions from a retired EE. Thanks for all you are doing for your fellow man. Peace. :-)
I follow JJ too. He is a remarkable resource in these Covid times. He damned sure knows how to read and relate any of these Covid papers.
We know that every jab induces a spike surge (and antibody response.... for whatever that’s worth) equal to or greater than during a serious Covid infection (serious being more than a few days to a week. Or even more). So how could these jabs not be a major piece here?
The jabs are indeed a major piece; the payload varies - there is zero quality control; no person who gets jabbed knows what's in it. My concern is all people, but in this case, I am wondering if it takes a bad infection to equal the results of a jab. JJ is a good man. Peace.
To date, no one has seen this in vivo have they? All test tube? I'll remain cautious but sometimes I think we get over our skis with some of this and cause unnecessary fears.
For natural infection my hunch is it is patients that were not treated with HCQ or IVM etc to stop the viral replication within the first 5 days could this be the case? I know if patient’s went with the deadly protocols suggested by the 3 letters they were waiting 10 days or until hospitalization to do anything. I tend to suspect those with Long Covid are those that waited so the cytokine storm was able to cause damage? Not that I want anybody to be effected long term but if my guess is right it will be far fewer than it could be if it is natural infection in general.
I agree with your hunch. Early on, my wife and I used the Zelenko protocol of quercetin and zinc, along with D. Now we use the FLCCC prevention protocol which utilizes IVM once a week. The three letters are criminal organizations that do not care for human life - why else would you hold back HCQ and IVM? Peace.
"Given the inappropriate interpretation of high-throughput sequencing methods and improper experimental design by the authors (1), we ask for restraint about the conclusions presented by the study. It remains unlikely that retrotranscription and integration of the SARS-CoV-2 genome in patients happens at any notable frequency, or even at all."
Question for you: Is this a valid challenge to Zhang, et. al.'s paper?
It was my understanding that presence of the S protein by itself was an indication that it was the result of vaccination rather than natural infection.....
I thought that the purpose of the vaccine was to have the body make the S protein alone (in order for the immune system to recognize and respond to the virus).
The presence of the S protein attached to the rest of the virus indicates a natural infection origin.
What I was thinking too... Unless some infection was aerosolisied s protein only, it makes sense that the presence of the rest of the virus would indicate ongoing infection from viral infection and replication... S protein by itself suggests an ongoing vaccinal replication I'd guess? Unless the viral infection causes cells to only reproduce S protein (?)
This is what is happening, in my opinion. You made me shudder though. This sounds more and more like HIV pathology all the time to me. With bonuses. I mean, from the point of view of an acute phase and a chronic phase primarily. God, I hope I am way off.
Wouldn't poor neutralization of S protein due to a shift of antibodies to IGg4 also promote long term circulation? In people whose primary exposure was via mRNA therapeutics, they would have been exposed to large amounts of S protein but not N protein - perhaps explaining the discrepancy? I am having trouble finding the breakdown of vaccination status of the cohort in your first study.
Do they control for jabbed versus unjabbed? I don’t think COVID and it’s aftermath can be properly analyzed without knowing this due to the enormous number and variety of health problems post jab. I do also acknowledge that Covid itself, whatever it actually is, causes various problems in some people.
Unfortunately, I think this is a serious possibility, but with the mRNA vaccines. I am working on an article on this, as there was another biologist in 2022 raising some strong concerns about the mechanisms that could make it tenable with respect to the mRNA vaccines. His work seemed totally overlooked in the English language sphere. Also, Pfizer itself actually knew about this possibility in those documents they were forced to release (the ones they tried to hide for 75 years). Would you mind if I share my work with you when I am done?
This seems to be the case, and I believe there is some evidence to support the notion that the spike protein is integrated into certain cells:
-In the dataset GSE171964, the second vaccine dose induced a new kind of monocytes (Cluster 8 cells) that were high in CD14 (a classical monocyte marker), CD1C (a dendritic cell marker) and CD274 (programmed death-ligand 1). The authors noted that these cells were uniquely induced by mRNA vaccination as their gene signature did not overlap with signatures from COVID-19 patients and recipients of non-COVID vaccines. During my reanalysis of the dataset I found that these Cluster 8 cells also produced large amounts of APOBEC3A, an mRNA-editing enzyme with anti-viral activity against HIV-1, although it has been suggested that SARS-CoV-2 utilizes the APOBEC-mediated mutations for fitness and evolution (DOI: 10.1101/2021.12.18.473309). In any case, it can be concluded that APOBEC3A is induced by the spike protein.
-In the abandoned dataset GSE200274 (for which a study text was never published), macrophages were isolated from vaccinated and unvaccinated subjects and stimulated with bacterial LPS. Macrophages from unvaccinated subjects did not produce APOBEC3A after stimulation with LPS whereas macrophages from vaccinated subjects did produce APOBEC3A (p < 0.015). Since APOBEC3A is a marker for the presence of spike protein, it could be concluded that activation of these macrophages with LPS induced them to first synthesize spike protein and consequently APOBEC3A.
I can provide more data and figures if you’re interested.
Walter you are a saint as well as brilliant! Thank you for relentlessly hunting for all the puzzle pieces that will, one day, point to the truth in all of this.
Could virus-like proteins or viral-like particles (VLPs) of the spike protein released into the air be a possible explanation for this? Or possibly shedding?
Paper has a problem. One wonders if the vaccines are responsible for long Covid. The researchers did consider this possibility. They immediately dismiss it because spike circulation this far out in time is rare. And this assumption is the problem. They have raw data and they could have separated the data into two bins — vaccinated vs not. If their assumption was correct, the data would’ve supported their hypothesis.
Instead, they took a low probability event to assume their low probability event— long Covid is also rare — and did not explore if these two events are correlated. This, imo, is straight out laziness and incompetence. And these are the experts whom we should trust our lives with?
They are indeed incompetent. I studied at the MIT in the 1980's - none of the current marxist crap was going on. No more "doctors" for me. 98% are indoctrinated dummies. Peace.
I don't know. A lot of the innocent people who bought in were tricked by the psychological operations, common in totalitarian systems. I foresee lots and lots of people facing criminal charges. Peace.
yes, peace, most of them took this themselves.
It sure is frustrating how so much of this important research doesn’t differentiate by vax status...
To me, it is an immediate disqualify if any paper did not include vaccination status as of its analysis.
I think that it does not matter for the proces. Vaccines only acted as a catalyst. Those fuelling the proces will be the first to depart, rest have their perspective lifespans shortened. This is also a probability that we need to take into account. Just like that it was the nose/throat tests could have been the delivery method.
They know too. Deep in the supplimental materials, they show vax dates for some patients. The glaring omission speaks loudly.
I didn't look at the supplements (my bad) but there cannot have been too many vaxxed patients at the time this work was done. They must have had access to some of the Phase 2 trial subjects.
it makes sense
Maybe LC, along with death, were the actual goals. The LC sufferers being gaslit and ignored, medically neglected and untreated are the guinea pigs to some experiment we are as yet unaware of.
The article was posted as a preprint in Dec.,2020. There were likely not enough vaxxed patients then to separate from the initial "long Covid."
In 2023 we need to separate vaxx injury from long Covid as the management may be different, or may not.
I’ve had long covid for 2 years now! I’m not vaccinated. Extensive brain fog, unintentional weight loss (65 lbs in 2 yrs), extreme fatigue. I’m a 53 year old female and feel my life is literally wasting away. I knew deep down when you explained about the mimicry of Cachexia and long covid- I am a PERFECT example of what this has done. Yes I have been through the FLCCC protocols etc- NOTHING has helped me. All tests from docs have cleared me of cancer and yet no one knows why I have deteriorated since having my DEC 2020 “infection “. I have said from day 1- I felt like I had been poisoned. Wish I knew of a physician near me who would be willing to investigate my case.
Listen to your intuition. It is better than any quackery.
Have you tried any of the following?:
1. Chlorine dioxide - the universal antidote
2. NAC
5. fermented cod liver oil
12. CoQ10
27. Hydrogen peroxide
31. "currently have double jabbed boost 86 yr mom on coconut oil walnuts and sugar peas.. Its working..:
38. Fasting
43. Dandelion leaf extract blocks spike proteins
N-acetylneuraminic acid methyl ester (NANA-Me); niacin
Have an open and positive BELIEVING attitude when using any medication.
Best wishes.
Quite a great list. Copied, and saved with credits to you!
Credits belong to the authors/posters - I merely and gladly shared their work.
Fantastic work! Thank you for this
FAKE. Shame on you for impersonating Walter Chesnut.
Thanks for sharing Barry! Excellent resource list. Peace.
Any experience with chlorine dioxide?
No. Only read about it. It is used extensively in Latin America, I was told, to treat covid and other things.
I was surprised to see a video which mentioned that chlorine dioxide has numerous uses. For example, most cleaning agents contain chlorine.
Thank you. I have been reading about it to and speaking with someone who treats with it in India.
I caught something wicked off a vaccinated person who was spluttering all over everyone including healthy unvaccinated me. I tried everything, many in the above list but was getting worse. We arent allowed ivermectin in NA thanks to the psychopath WEF leader Ardern. What saved my life was MMS. the low and slow protocol. Many really give it a bad write-up BUT dont knock it until youve had to use it when nothing else was working and it saved my life! This is the website for NZDSOS, where you can be helped in NZ to obtain ivermectin.
I had to look up mms. It has a different name here. I've actually seen nothing but positive about it and have had it suggested by a few. But I'm still a bit leery. I'm a bit burnt out trying cures. Chloride dioxide or ldn were next on my list to try. Just haven't decided which to try first.
We didn't get ivermectin until way too late. It was helpful, but not a cure. If we'd have had it early on we would probably be ok now. But ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine were treatments hidden from us in 2020.
Stephanie, I wish I could say something important, but please get well soon. Long covid is real, with a lot of caveats but it is 100% real. I hope you had a big medical workup.
Thank you for the support. Your Substack is invaluable to us all who are fighting ! God Speed everyone!
Have you reached out to Pierre Kory, MD? He has opened a private practice. I’m sorry you’re experiencing this. I felt poisoned as well and have lingering symptoms.
I will look into this thank you
So sorry to hear. Try artemisia or flush niacin yet?
Dear Stephanie,
Here is a very interesting paper:
New findings on how to avert excessive weight loss from COVID-19
Karolinska Institutet - December 8, 2022
There are many Anti angiogenic diets and anti angiogenic food lists on the web.
Like you, I am not vaccinated, I had covid in March of 2020 x 3 weeks. Then I was fine. One year later the fatigue came back and I started losing weight and have not regained it. I think I will get serious with that diet. Hope this helps. Take care
Thank you for sharing this information. Usually people just discuss obesity and weight gain- those of us who suffer severe unexplained weight loss feel very alone. It’s hard to find quality advice out there. Docs I have seen just kind of shrug their shoulders and scratch their heads. I guess since they can’t just offer me a medication 💊 like they do for every other ailment- it boggles their mind. All physicians do is put band aids on problems and not “cure” people. Unless you break a bone or something.
Have a look at a long list that I sent to Stephanie.
Thank you Barry. I am familiar with some of the links that you posted. I think that some of these supplements and doses are over the top. Too many IMO. I have been alternating between supplements to see which works and which do not. Trial by error. I'll take NAC, but not every day. The same with nattokinase, Theracurmin, and Melatonin 2mg., but not every day. I take them when needed. Plus some of these supplements (Quercetin) are natural blood thinners. So you have to be careful that you don't over do it. The trouble with supplements is that it may leave you with an imbalance of other nutrients. So for me, I think the safer way is to try to get the nutrients from food. You may be interested in this video:
4th International Long Covid Coalition Conference - Neuro Covid
Vejon Health - June 25, 2022
Dr. Leo Galland has a YouTube Channel
Take care and Thank You. I will check out your links.
That's the way to go! Proper nutrition, organic food if possible.
Our body was designed to use/need the herbs and foods that nature provides.
Have you tried NAC and Bromelain per recent report here that in combination they unfold and neutralize the spike protein
Also, intermittent fasting and prolonged fasting can reboot your damaged cells via autophagy.
Please let me know what eventually works for you. You will find a cure.
I take NAC and Quercetin right now with Vit D3.
Add Zinc to your Quercetin.
Dr Zelenko said Zinc is the bullet, Ivermectin/HCQ/Querctin are the guns. Take only ONE of the guns at a time. I recall in 2020 Dr Peter McCullough got covid. He took Ivermectin. He did not feel anything, so he replaced it with HCQ and it worked for him.
Sunshine, if you can get it, is best. Expose as much of your body to it as possible. Of course, be cautious if you have sensitive skin.
Beware that NOT all Vitamin D3 labels are the same! The quality and efficacy depend on their makers.
Quercetin is the ionophore for the zinc
or you can take zinc acetate.
there is a thought among some drs (if I recall, that includes nutrionist phd Masterjohn) that you should not take quercetin long term.
In fact, we should not take anything, other than proper food and drink, long term.
Vitamin C can be taken long term... helps with healing, etc.
And don't forget nicotine.. causes the macrophages to lyse on time and destroy the S1 spike they ingest. See the work of Dr. Bruce Patterson. Much of the fatigue and illness of long haul is because the macrophages that should burst and die quickly remain circulating for over 15 weeks or more! The nicotine helps them to die/burst and destroy the S1 spike... so, it might be worth check it out
You reminded me that I still have nicotine gum in my bag from when I had covid 2 years ago and thought it might help with recovery.
My dad had the same symptoms: extreme fatigue, lots of weakness, had trouble breathing. His muscles were gradually all disappearing for some reason. He had turbo ALS and it killed him in just 6 months. Normal survival time is 2-5 years. He was vaxxed. Have you been tested for ALS?
There is also 1-2 studies that shows the spike protein goes from the vaxxed to the unvaxxed. Try here:
As a 20 years sufferer from post-EBV disease, the only thing that has been really helpful is a clean ketogenic diet (that lifted my brain fog) and intermittent fasting (that regulated my sugar levels). Other than those, also Biomagnetic Pair Therapy can help with the virus and with any pathogen that arises from immune disregulation.
That’s what I have learnt.
Thank you. I have noticed that we do better with intermittent fasting and clean eating. I'll have to look into biomagnetic pair therapy.
My daughter and I are March 2020. I know we were poisoned. This debilitating slow death is cruel and evil.
Im in my late 30s and I feel like I have had the same experience. My family has had several respiratory infections that just wouldnt go away, I have chronic post nasal drip, my lungs feel like they are burning, my heart beats irregularly, I feel periodically dizzy and have general malaise, too nauseous many times to eat and I keep using the wrong words unintentionally far more frequent than normal. We had it so bad in Nov 2019, the fevers destroyed my 1 yo's teeth, and now my sons have seizures, viral myositis (cant walk or calves hurt) upon respiratory infection. I am terrified for my family.
I, and my children are all sick too. It is heartbreaking 💔
Stay strong for them.
I am so sorry. I don't know why covid can hit some families so hard and others not at all. I am just in an average household. If anything we are low on pop, alcohol, and there's no smoking, but other than that, very average but no signs of covid these past three years. I wish I knew how I could help!
Look up InCellux and check out what they say about long covid. Dr. Bruce Patterson has helped many. It is individual help tailored to your specific immune imbalances. Covid protocol early on (long Covid) involved statins, ivermectin and ... a bit of nicotine. The therapy now is individual to your own system - you send in samples, and they run tests to see what's off kilter and try to bring it back in line. Might be useful to you.
Thank you, but that's a scam company. I was on a waiting list of theirs for testing back in May 2021.
Really? Interesting. They were hot on the trail in 2020 and 2021. I find very little about them for 2022. I see they are out of CA perhaps that is the 'problem'? There was a clinic in Florida, the Watson Clinic and I know of another in Philly I think? Mostly though, I would say that these 'clinics' get shut down or face hurdles much like the docs treating Lymes disease did/do. They know what the problem is and they don't want a cure getting out... what ever it may be.
If they're shut down, it's because they're dishonest. I've had personal experience with them. And I've heard others share similar experiences...which are censored out of their group comments.
Then why do we still have Moderna and pfizer operating lol The should have been shut down after they were all first found guilty of medical fraud and criminally charged! But yes thank you for the info on Bruce Patterson. I see he charges the earth just for the test.
High dose thiamine can help with fatigue
It goes way beyond deficiency as the body doesn't seem to respond to it so high doses are needed
Look it up
Thiamine ain't toxic and doesn't seem to accumulate so it shouldn't harm
Almost sounds like John's disease in cattle. They can die suddenly or waste away over a long period.
Which is interesting because Johne’s disease is paratuberculosis actually. Wonder if there’s some of that in the chimeric inserts?
I’m in the same boat, Jan 2021 Covid, reinfection at least once sense. Still not normal sense of smell/taste, fatigue etc. I’m starting to think this is a poison too, specifically EMF exposure, and since I/we are constantly exposed, it is affecting me on an ongoing basis.
Try electrical vagus nerve stimulation with a Tens unit or more expensively a Dolphin neurostim device, approved by Canada for long covid treatment.
If you think its long covid, youve been seriously misled and misdiagnosed, intentionally. I hope you can find the true cause
Then what would you call it?? I don’t disagree but wondering what you know
Thank you Walter. Bear with me please: "SARS-CoV-2 RNA can be reverse-transcribed and integrated into the human genome in cells overexpressing a reverse transcriptase." - does this imply that it takes a serious covid infection to enable reverse transcriptase? Can we assume that if you are transfected with the jab, and if the jab has the mRNA payload in it, that your DNA will then contain the spike? I follow both you and J. Couey. I think Jonathan' theory about gain-of-purity is correct - does this imply that the covid virus was spread by intentional release and it is not in the viral swarm? Simple questions from a retired EE. Thanks for all you are doing for your fellow man. Peace. :-)
I follow JJ too. He is a remarkable resource in these Covid times. He damned sure knows how to read and relate any of these Covid papers.
We know that every jab induces a spike surge (and antibody response.... for whatever that’s worth) equal to or greater than during a serious Covid infection (serious being more than a few days to a week. Or even more). So how could these jabs not be a major piece here?
The jabs are indeed a major piece; the payload varies - there is zero quality control; no person who gets jabbed knows what's in it. My concern is all people, but in this case, I am wondering if it takes a bad infection to equal the results of a jab. JJ is a good man. Peace.
To date, no one has seen this in vivo have they? All test tube? I'll remain cautious but sometimes I think we get over our skis with some of this and cause unnecessary fears.
For natural infection my hunch is it is patients that were not treated with HCQ or IVM etc to stop the viral replication within the first 5 days could this be the case? I know if patient’s went with the deadly protocols suggested by the 3 letters they were waiting 10 days or until hospitalization to do anything. I tend to suspect those with Long Covid are those that waited so the cytokine storm was able to cause damage? Not that I want anybody to be effected long term but if my guess is right it will be far fewer than it could be if it is natural infection in general.
I agree with your hunch. Early on, my wife and I used the Zelenko protocol of quercetin and zinc, along with D. Now we use the FLCCC prevention protocol which utilizes IVM once a week. The three letters are criminal organizations that do not care for human life - why else would you hold back HCQ and IVM? Peace.
I used the same early on as well as giving it to my father as his caregiver. I 100% agree with your view of the 3 letters!
Well, that would suck royally. Hope you are incorrect.
Very interesting. This is a 2020 article. Was it discussed anywhere? Were the findings replicated?
It seems highly important so I hope some followup studies were done on real people, not just on HEK293 cells. A very worthwhile topic.
Sorry for my senior moment writing Charles the first time.
The first paper linked in this article was a preprint. Here's the may 6, 2021 updated paper:
Then Parry, Giffort, Lytras & Coin challenge it in: which ends in:
"Given the inappropriate interpretation of high-throughput sequencing methods and improper experimental design by the authors (1), we ask for restraint about the conclusions presented by the study. It remains unlikely that retrotranscription and integration of the SARS-CoV-2 genome in patients happens at any notable frequency, or even at all."
Question for you: Is this a valid challenge to Zhang, et. al.'s paper?
💪🔥and who’s Charles?
Oops. Fixing
Lol, I do it all the time. 😎
It was my understanding that presence of the S protein by itself was an indication that it was the result of vaccination rather than natural infection.....
I thought that the purpose of the vaccine was to have the body make the S protein alone (in order for the immune system to recognize and respond to the virus).
The presence of the S protein attached to the rest of the virus indicates a natural infection origin.
Am I wrong about that?
What I was thinking too... Unless some infection was aerosolisied s protein only, it makes sense that the presence of the rest of the virus would indicate ongoing infection from viral infection and replication... S protein by itself suggests an ongoing vaccinal replication I'd guess? Unless the viral infection causes cells to only reproduce S protein (?)
This is what is happening, in my opinion. You made me shudder though. This sounds more and more like HIV pathology all the time to me. With bonuses. I mean, from the point of view of an acute phase and a chronic phase primarily. God, I hope I am way off.
Wouldn't poor neutralization of S protein due to a shift of antibodies to IGg4 also promote long term circulation? In people whose primary exposure was via mRNA therapeutics, they would have been exposed to large amounts of S protein but not N protein - perhaps explaining the discrepancy? I am having trouble finding the breakdown of vaccination status of the cohort in your first study.
Sounds like a good theory to me - let's see what Walter has to say about it. Peace.
Do they control for jabbed versus unjabbed? I don’t think COVID and it’s aftermath can be properly analyzed without knowing this due to the enormous number and variety of health problems post jab. I do also acknowledge that Covid itself, whatever it actually is, causes various problems in some people.
Thanks for your work.
Unfortunately, I think this is a serious possibility, but with the mRNA vaccines. I am working on an article on this, as there was another biologist in 2022 raising some strong concerns about the mechanisms that could make it tenable with respect to the mRNA vaccines. His work seemed totally overlooked in the English language sphere. Also, Pfizer itself actually knew about this possibility in those documents they were forced to release (the ones they tried to hide for 75 years). Would you mind if I share my work with you when I am done?
This seems to be the case, and I believe there is some evidence to support the notion that the spike protein is integrated into certain cells:
-In the dataset GSE171964, the second vaccine dose induced a new kind of monocytes (Cluster 8 cells) that were high in CD14 (a classical monocyte marker), CD1C (a dendritic cell marker) and CD274 (programmed death-ligand 1). The authors noted that these cells were uniquely induced by mRNA vaccination as their gene signature did not overlap with signatures from COVID-19 patients and recipients of non-COVID vaccines. During my reanalysis of the dataset I found that these Cluster 8 cells also produced large amounts of APOBEC3A, an mRNA-editing enzyme with anti-viral activity against HIV-1, although it has been suggested that SARS-CoV-2 utilizes the APOBEC-mediated mutations for fitness and evolution (DOI: 10.1101/2021.12.18.473309). In any case, it can be concluded that APOBEC3A is induced by the spike protein.
-In the abandoned dataset GSE200274 (for which a study text was never published), macrophages were isolated from vaccinated and unvaccinated subjects and stimulated with bacterial LPS. Macrophages from unvaccinated subjects did not produce APOBEC3A after stimulation with LPS whereas macrophages from vaccinated subjects did produce APOBEC3A (p < 0.015). Since APOBEC3A is a marker for the presence of spike protein, it could be concluded that activation of these macrophages with LPS induced them to first synthesize spike protein and consequently APOBEC3A.
I can provide more data and figures if you’re interested.
Walter you are a saint as well as brilliant! Thank you for relentlessly hunting for all the puzzle pieces that will, one day, point to the truth in all of this.
Could virus-like proteins or viral-like particles (VLPs) of the spike protein released into the air be a possible explanation for this? Or possibly shedding?
Were you aware of an organ transplant drug added to the vaccine?
Sounds vaguely familiar - wasn't that only for the children's version?
Tris was added to the children’s shot. I believe it is a heart drug.
Haven’t heard that one before. Details?
What? No. Which one?