Questions 2 & 4, I believe are related to blood type. Type O seems to be the most resistant from my observations.

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Very interesting, I have wondered about that. Are your observations clinical or anecdotal etc. My family members are jabbed, boosted, and poked to the brim but have as of now appeared to have no health issues related to either the jab or the "covid" itself.

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I’m type O+, and unvaccinated. I’ve never had a positive test (but don’t test) because I don’t get sick. Quite a few of my family members and siblings are Type O as well. Some are jabbed, some are not. We are all very healthy. Family members that are A and AB have not done well the past 4 years. They have had cancer, blood clots and autoimmune diseases. 2 have died in the past 5 months, both vaxed. One from a brain aneurysm and one from turbo cancer.

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Thanks for the informative response. Seems like a matter the medical "authorities" should be looking into. You might be onto something.

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They know. Their plans have been in the works from what I know thus far, since the 1970s. I was sued for slander, by Dr. Bruce Buehler in 2016. Him and Dr. Warren Sanger ran the lab at UNMC which became known as the Munroe-Meyer Institute. I am the product of a sperm donor, and was trying to find out who my biological father (med student) was. Turns out I discovered a lot more through that entire process that I wasn’t supposed to know. I can tell you blood type is a big deal, and there’s a reason that type O folks were not dying the past 4 years.

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Very interesting as it’s the same with Me and also many family members

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I know this might be out of line, but here goes. I need help. I was hospitalised with what was called covid, and since have suffered from what I am self-diagnosing as long covid. As part of that, my blood pressure has skyrocketed, and my doctor has me on ACE inhibitors (Candesartin), which are not working and for which he keeps increasing the dose in the hope that a higher dose will achieve something more. We are close to the 32mg maximum with no effect. I am also taking 10mg of Lercanidipine to no effect. He does not acknowledge the existence of long covid and so I cannot talk to him about the potential spike protein/ACE2 receptor problem with the Candesartin. (Don't suggest I change doctor, he is number 7 and is at least willing to support my decisions even when he does not understand them.)

Can you tell me whether taking ACE inhibitors is going to make the potential spike protein/ACE2 receptor problem worse? If it is, I will get him to switch me to a different medication while I back out of the ACE inhibitor slowly and hopefully safely. (Note that no number of different natural blood pressure medications are having the slightest impact on my steadily high numbers either (systolic is from the high 150s to low 170s routinely and flaring under extreme stress up to 200, and diastolic in the 80s-90s, only very rarely over 100). I have had all sorts of scans and blood test to find constrictions and/or blood abnormalities, to no effect.

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Christine. This may or may not help. I was born , during WW2 , here in England with a heart defect. I also contracted severe pneumonia as a baby due to the cold, damp air-raid shelters we had to use while the bombing was on. So that background may help you to understand the following : through my childhood I just ate healthy food from our garden etc (we were very poor and there was rationing from the govt after the war) ok. I used to faint a lot. Just got up and got on with life. Ok I had pneumonia again and again in the depths of our cold, harsh winters. Survived each bout with natural products like honey, lemon garlic etc (and the grace of God of course) I only Saw a doctor VERY rarely because our free health service didn’t arrive until 1947 ( We were therefore brought up to avoid doctors rather than consult them! ) consequently we avoided medications of all types and just used natural age-old methods for usual ailments that kids had (measles , whooping cough, etc) and colds and flu …we just got over them. So I firmly believe all that approach built up our immune systems as kids, even if we had more serious problems (such as the heart defect and lung problems I had mentioned above). We were not cosseted in any way. I had to do everything my sister did as we grew up. (Going to collect coal in freezing snow with only the minimum of clothing and footwear for example ). This, in turn, I believe , looking back , led to us being extremely resilient. Fast forward my life…I’ve only used the Hospital OR Big Pharm’s drugs rarely. In fact when I had a heart attack aged 70 I was reluctantly put on statins …had terrible side-effects with all of them making my health worse not better…threw them all away without telling the doctors I was seeing…and started taking pure Chlorella and other natural substances that I’d got from Japan when I’d visited there some years before. It was a leap in the dark cos I’d noticed there was hardly any heart disease over there (at that time period when I’d visited) ) ..hardly saw an overweight person at all, people had lovely skin etc. and I put most of it down to their wonderful diet. Babies were given spoonfuls of algae etc. (Won’t go into all the things that convinced me ..this post is too long already). Suffice it to say, after taking these products into my diet , I noticed my BP levels falling etc and one year after the heart attack, my specialist was looking at the scans and remarked “ Oh , I see some healing taking place in the left ventricle. “ He showed me what he meant and explained it. “ We will increase the statins “ he said …….i then told him I’d thrown them away and been taking the sun Chlorella and other healthy pure supplements for the last year to see if they helped. He was amazed. ! He winked at me and said “marvellous stuff, Chlorella, carry on then my dear”. Wow ! I’d waited for the inevitable dire warnings and telling off! I laughed then and asked why didn’t he prescribe Chlorella and the other things I’d mentioned to his heart patients ..they couldn’t do harm…he laughed again ..”i think you know why” he said. How refreshing to meet such an honest medic…but that was a long time ago. I’m still here. I keep my BP down to good levels every day by my diet, lifestyle etc and thank God I’m still here at 84yrs old enjoying life to the best we can in these stressful , bad times we are living in. My seven grown-up children , numerous grandchildren and great-grandies (I’ve lost count) say they wish they could have lived in earlier times…despite the War!…when there wasn’t as much pollution and life was simpler , nearer to nature and no brain-washing that we needed a pill for EVERYTHING. Alas, those days have gone, and I’m amazed how the USA system especially, seem to indoctrinate their citizens to rely utterly on pharmaceutical medications for every single ailment! Some of my American friends even rush to see a medic if their child falls and cuts their knee! It baffles me They're terrified of “bacteria” and “germs” etc! Our bodies are made from trillions of bacteria ….lol.

So dear Christine …I’m not recommending you do as I did , we all have different constitutions etc , what works for one may not work for another I’m sure we all agree. Just my contribution to this discussion. I love Walter’s insights on how our bodies have reacted to the spike protein. ALL makes sense doesn’t it? I wish you all happiness and hope here from England.

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I love chlorella

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lol. I used to have to send to Japan for the pure stuff, but then found SunChlorella here in Uk (expect it’s elsewhere too by now) so doesn’t cost me as much! Oh, And the other stuff Christine mentioned Brandon. Malt, cod liver oil etc ! Wonderful foods. I swear by them all.

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I recall my mother going to some health centre to pick up the free rations for we children.

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lol. Yes and no eggs just egg powder. (My auntie always managed to find a couple of eggs that had miraculously escaped the batch given to government from our hens !!). Been nice chatting Christine. Hope your health improves soon. Xx

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I recall when John Lennon was shot, Yoko Ono complained about all the effort they put into healthy living, only to find it all wasted on someone who was then shot. I’m a bit like that. I did not see a doctor in the 30 years before I got captured by covid - whatever that is - and I have not been able to escape since. Of course, everyone thinks those who get sick are to blame - we must have committed monstrous lifestyle sins, but what if we haven’t? I too grew up in damp, polluted England, post war. Orange juice, malt and cod liver oil.

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I truly sympathise Christine. Our bodies are not perfect. You’ve done your best. I await the day , not too far off, when Gods Kingdom (heavenly government) takes over the earth. Then at last the prophecy at Revelation 21:3 4 will start to put things right. “..and he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning or outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away”. That hope also keeps me going as I’m sure your faith will do too. jw.org tells more about the wonderful time coming for anyone who is interested. Take care all. Sending love

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A 150-170 blood pressure is not necessarily in the “ skyrocket” range. Blood pressure rises as we age, and it is the way the body maintains equilibrium.

A Midwestern Doctor wrote a recent Substack about this.

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Yes, I had wondered about that, but flaring to over 200 is probably not ideal.

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Make an appointment with Dr Kory’s telehealth or go see Dr McCullough

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Sure, you trust them? Middle class medicine for affluent middle class Americans, not for broke Australian pensioners.

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Ok don’t make an appointment, like a told a patient yesterday… I put the young woman on nattokinase / bromelein/ curcumin .

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That is the McCullough protocol. You might want to ask an expert in nutritional medicine about its potential efficacy, given people are putting their lives in your hands, and given doctors know less than zero about nutrition. At least it can't do any harm.

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Brandon is a good guy. Keep at it, but we have to realize that it isn’t going to be one size fits all.

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FLCCC has long covid protocols and/or look for a functional or integrative doctor

Good luck

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I have written a myriad of articles about what a scam those protocols are. They don’t work. Functional, integrative or metabolic doctors are far too expensive for an old Australian pensioner. I am trying to find one of those with the word oncologist tagged onto their title, who will “bulk bill” (that is, accept the government fee of around $100 per consultation rather than the expected $500.) The reality is that the old and the poor have to find protocols and apply those protocols with no support or help from anyone. The kind of medicine talked about on substack is for the privileged only.

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If you are talking about cancer, then you could look into fenbendazole. I don't know the cost. For less expensive alternatives, you could increase your uptake of vitamin D and C

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I've been taking a Fenben protocol, alternating with an Artemisinin protocol, for 9 months. I find out tomorrow if I have prevented regrowth or metastases.

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I wish you the best of luck

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To me, the biggest question I have for you is were you injected with mRNA "vaccine"? Whether your answer is yes or no, it is reasonable for you to pursue any number of published anti-spike protein protocols. FLCCC has a good protocol as do Dr. Peter McCullough etal. I'm betting that 'long COVID' is more than likely long term LNP / mRNA toxicity. Media call it a side effect of 'the vaccine', but I call it a feature. Was never intended to 'stop the spread' or any other altruistic aim. It's a money making depopulating bioweapon....that much is clear. All the best.

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Have a look at Doorless Carp on Substack. He has two recent reviews of aortitis which are a bit deep but may be useful when you talk to your doctor (or not, mine isn't too interested, and my sister's ICU doctor was downright dismissive after her aortic surgery.)

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Aug 27
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No. Something else put me in hospital with hypoxia and double pneumonia.

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Aug 27Edited

A Professor of Biochemistry inadvertently sat down beside me at a meeting last year. While awaiting the speech we amused ourselves by calculating the stoichiometry of the mRNA injections versus an infection. Certain assumptions were made (infective dose 1000 virions with 25 spikes per particle) to permit the exercise without cell phones or calculators.

Best guess, about 14 Trillion times as many spikes after the shot. This may explain the preponderance of "vaxx injury" versus "long Covid." (I am hoping the Professor can develop analytical antibodies which can identify the vaxx spike from the infective spike through the PP substitution.)

The immune system is certainly miraculously competent. This illuminates the problems which beset those who don't clear the infection within the first 7 or 8 days. (I would hazard a guess that the same situation occurs with those who don't clear HIV in the first few days, with the symptomatic phase days to weeks after exposure.)

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First and last article I read on persistence on 'vax' S protein versus infection S protein is that radiolabled 'vax' S protein persisted for 6 weeks. The did mention that they predict likely longer, but the proved their point.

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Thank you, Walter!

Keep digging 🤗

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Thank you for your valuable research and reporting and I thank the valuable input from fellow readers. I have had an issue, from the outset of the Covid debacle, related to the naming of "long Covid." Perhaps this is the wrong forum to raise this since more important problems are raised herein. No other disease process, that I'm aware of, has the word "long" associated with it. So has this phenomenon been inappropriately monikered by the media and then adopted wholesale by the medical community. Are people still suffering from Covid, two and three years later (in which case shouldn't it be called "chronic" Covid), or are they suffering from continuing symptoms initiated by the initial insult of the disease called "Covid" or from the vaccine insult? These continuing or new symptoms then become CHF, vascular disease, etc and are, therefore, more appropriately called vaccine induced CHF or Covid induced vascular disease. If that is the case, then "long Covid" is misleading and might cause the same confusion "long Polio," "long lyme," or "long scarlet fever."

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Excellent point!

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Hi Dr. Chesnut, thank you. If someone has started developing ischemia since the first jab feb 2021 and then was subjected to multiple shedding from a partner who got first 2 jabs and everyone at work who got the 2 jabs plus boosters plus flu shots, will edta iv chelation help stop the spike protein from being produced by chelating out heavy metals?

Also AMD (a Midwestern Doctor) wrote a brillant post about how those who are hypermobile are more adversely hurt from the covid shots and I'm hypermobile and have had alot more problems since the first jab (pressured at work) with progressive low back pain/weakness and developing ischemia that has hurt my right foot?

Thank you for your hard work.

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Have you read any of dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea's substack posts? Apparently the micro vascular clotting is caused by the self assembling of nanotech that feeds off of red blood cells.

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Excellent! Thank you for the information .

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Thanks for sharing your work WMC (and the links!). Looks like holding off on getting transfected was the right call so far.

Highly suspect that a public-private partnership agreement preceded the emergence of this novel systemic micro-vascular disease. Disease needs to be treated. True health promotion and disease prevention is anathema to a system ruled by financial growth incentives.

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Thank you for some valuable information. The fatigue and ennui associated with Long Covid, has long been a mystery to doctors and misery for patients, but your research, not only clarifies but also points to hyperbaric oxygen as a solution. Protecting the delicate glycocalyx inner lining of our blood vessels is the target of spike protein. Now we are closer to a solution.

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Is a spike antibodies blood test a reflection of spike protein in the body? Do you believe covid vaccine ingredients stay in the body long-term (like PEG), cells are permanently altered from the vaccine, cells are damaged and undergo a healing process or some combination of these? Thanks.

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