Jan 24, 2023Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Walter, I'm an MD and routinely 'wage war' on a medical social media site called Doximity. I routinely read your substack along with many others of similar ilk. I do my best to learn from &, in a way, validate yours and others findings and I appreciate your and others herculean efforts to bring education and truth to light. My private war is one of extreme frustration and has become more of a cathartic exercise rather than a crusade to educate others. The level of obstinance, arrogance, political zeal and unfortunately, frank stupidity, that is exhibited on all that is COVID (by those who should know better) is utterly astonishing, infuriating and depressing. As you so eloquently show, the major points of understanding covid and the fraud that is the 'vaccine' are covered in the 'basic science' years of the first two years of med school. In short, they are forgotten and/or ignored in a very high percentage of my clinical brethren. Keep up the fantastic work and many thanks for your efforts.

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Hello Doctor Z! ... Amazingly refreshing to hear from an MD who is not part of the scam.

As one who is clinically trained to another, I will state that I, too, am utterly baffled as to my (our) colleagues' complicity in this nightmare. I cannot say too much more as I am as yet attempting to maintain some degree of anonymity online (as much as that is possible, at least). I will only state that it is truly horrifying to me to witness the state of the current medical establishment. It was never all that it was cracked up to be (from my perspective, at least, and during my lifetime), but now, it's a nightmare.

The one upside is that it has helped me to question everything I ever learned in school, thus allowing me to be more open to new ideas and alternative treatment modalities. So, that's one plus, at least ...

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100% concur...horrifying and infuriating. all the best...

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I so agree. It is nation wide. Those of us who avoided the shot and have spoken out about it are looked down upon. That is going to be a real problem for those in academia when the law suits start rolling in for discrimination, and restraint of trade.

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Hey Z me too...don’t go near helio articles , they lie .

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Did I reference one?

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No Z .. doximity and Helio are propaganda

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Oh yeah, Dox is a shitshow….again, it’s catharsis now…

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The residents I train love it …. for networking to the rest of their woke friends .

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Initially a good idea, but now the evils of social media have been revealed… The brutal and upfront with your residence, because deposing attorneys are far worse than you will ever be. 😎

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"When cells lose the tools they make to do their jobs, they lose their identity."

For those of us who struggle greatly w science it's priceless to have a clear grasp of the concept and idea we can repeat w confidence citing slam dunk source, many thanks Walter! <3

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Jan 24, 2023Liked by Walter M Chesnut

I am so impressed by your perfecting your understanding and examining this process, and very grateful you are sharing it.

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"Some cells go senescent, some proliferate rapidly (cancer), some no longer function."

Here is the definition of senescence from cancer.gov:

Senesence (seh-Neh-sents) The process of growing old. In biology, senescence is a process by which a cell ages and permanently stops dividing but does not die. Over time, large numbers of old (or senescent) cells can build up in tissues throughout the body. These cells remain active and can release harmful substances that may cause inflammation and damage to nearby healthy cells. Senescence may play a role in the development of cancer and other diseases.


Senescent cells do not die.

Therefore, a method for treating senesent cells leads one to senolytics. For example, quercetin is a senolytic. The Neurohacker Collective manufactures a senolytic with quercetin, among other ingredients. I do not have experience with using this supplement however.


Here is a list of their ingredients and claims:

Fisetin (from Rhus succedanea Stem Extract)

Supports tissue health by helping with pruning of stressed cells*

Quercefit® Quercetin Phytosome (Sophora japonica L. Flower Extract / Phospholipid Complex from Sunflower)

Supports tissue health by helping with pruning of stressed cells*

Longvida Optimized Curcumin® Extract (from Curcuma longa Root)

Supports brain health and cognitive function*

Olive Leaf Extract

Supports management of stressed cells in joints*

Soybean Seed Extract

Supports healthy cellular functions involved in managing stressed cells*

Luteolin (from Sophora japonica L. Flower Extract)

Supports tissue health by helping with pruning of stressed cells*

Milk Thistle Seed Extract

Supports liver health and management of stressed cells*

Piperlongumine (from Piper longum Root Extract)

Supports senolytic and immune functions to help manage stressed cells*

Senactiv® (Panax notoginseng Root Extract and Rosa roxburghii Fruit Extract)

Supports exercise recovery and management of senescent cells in muscle*

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Great list! Let me add one : Read up on methylene blue.

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Any links for methylene blue ?


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Yes. The Gold Standard in my book: flccc.net. Go to their I Recover protocol for post vaccine injury. In it, they refer to methylene blue in 2 pdfs there. It is good and reliable information, including reputable suppliers and dosing. Warning: if you’re on SSRIs or other Maois, and a whole list of other meds, methylene blue is a no go.

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Will check out the site. Thanks for the info.

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Thanks for this. Keep hearing about many of these natural ingredients, but haven't yet come across their specific functions.

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I want to thank you for all your hard work.

I'm not a paying subscriber, but I still want to make say how much I value your articles and the Friday Hope posts.

I'm not vaccinated, but I dropped out of my master program and moved to a different country.

But still many young people are vaccinated, and I fear the consequences of the mRNA and spike.

I hope with some otc supplements the damage could be limited.

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This explaines my autoimmune condition, I developed alopecia areata after my second shot of pfizer vaccine! It s been over a year and my hair is still missing from a few bald patches that i have in my beard and scalp! i wonder what damage did it make elsewere in the body! Best regards, George

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Jan 24, 2023Liked by Walter M Chesnut

“I will search for ways to treat this.” Thank you Walter ❤️

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Jan 24, 2023Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Cellular function de-evolution. If it wasn’t tragic and lethal, it would be fascinating.

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Jan 24, 2023Liked by Walter M Chesnut

So, it kind of sounds like a case of Alzheimers at the cellular level - built-in knowledge of self/function is gone. Kind of ironic when considered along with yesterday's post about this covid vaxx damage being like induced Progeria / ultra rapid aging....

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The designers knew exactly what they were seeking; human death by multiple processes on multiple fronts.

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Yes, of course they are seeking human death on multiple fronts. I was just noting that it seems like they have made a special and explicit point of inflicting the exact opposite (ultra rapid aging followed by very early death) of what they desire for themselves (transhuman immortality) on those who have taken their death jabs. Shows how deep their hatred of humanity is. One wonders how they can even claim to be human, with that attitude...

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Not good news. We are unvaxxed and covid experienced (2x). Noticing immune changes. Keeping reinfection at bay with ivm and artemisia plus other supps. Possible last C19 conferred immunity but not willing to chance it again. Good news is myo has not been linked to natural infection but we really need studies differentiating between vaxxed and non.

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I would like to add that the hybrid vaccinated are also at risk. I know many who stopped after 1 or 2 shots or got 1 booster and called it quits.

And then there are people like myself who are unvaccinated (Covid) but work next to vaccinated individuals for 8 hours per day 40 per week. The issue of vaccine shedding.

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Thank you Walter for an easy to understand explanation for what's happening on a cellular level. Yes, I am eager to learn how long the effects last. Grateful for your sharing your findings and analyses.

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so, if i may ask, what is your reading on how long effects last so far ... i have noticed i am a few steps beyond you on understanding it. thanks in advance!

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How in the world does one cope with this?

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I’m no MD ( of course, that title doesn’t quite mean what it used to ), but based on Walter’s stacks alone, I have some ideas :)

THANKS Walter!

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So my understanding is that cells regenerate anywhere between a month a few years. Wouldn’t these rogue cells eventually die? I think if one could stabilize the system you could wait out the damage?

Anyways thanks Walter!

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There is a system in our body (self v non-self) called the major histocompability complex (MHC) in which, on their surface, all cells exhbit proteins that show the immune system not only who they are and what the do, but also if their healthy (unfortunately not a perfect system). MHC 1 displays proteins / fragments of proteins that are endogenously produced by the cell whether they be normal or due to a pathologic process...specifically cancer and/or viruses. MHC 2 displays proteins / fragments of proteins that are taken in exogenously, usually by either phagocytosis or protein channels. If the DNA is altered, then MHC1 will produce abnormal surface antigens and if DNA is altered, this is permanent and, hopefully, the errant cell will be killed and replaced, but this is where disease can arise.

In terms of covid, when infected, abnormal MHC1 proteins are produced. In terms of the 'vaccine', initially, the spike is initially displayed via the MHC2 system as the RNA is externally / exogenously introduced via the lipid nanoparticle (LNP). Once transcribed, spike is displayed via MHC1. A clever ploy that, alas, is a huge mistake for us to be monkeying around with. Hope this helps....

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Right on Z! I guess they grow some smart ones there in SC. Thanks for that.

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Excellent explanation. Ty.

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Thank you very much for this explanation🌺

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Crazy. Another thing to point out. In the long COVID/vaccine community we constantly complain about new random symptoms every month. This may explain it to an extent for some folks

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Warning from German Health Minister!! - Immunodeficiency after COVID infection


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Jan 27, 2023Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Of possible interest and synthesis into your hypothesis. By replacing the stop codons with pseudo-uridine, what all have we wrought aside from long-lived spike protein production? What kind of monkey wrench have we thrown into the delicate intra-cellular signaling regime? At the transcriptome level?


Epub 2021 May 5.

Title: Ribosome dynamics and mRNA turnover, a complex relationship under constant cellular scrutiny


"For many years, it was believed that translation‐dependent mRNA decay was restricted to aberrant mRNAs, and that the bulk of mRNA turnover occurred mainly through a two‐step process, first with repression of translation coupled with ribosome dissociation, followed by decapping and exonucleolytic degradation of RNAs within P‐bodies (Franks & Lykke‐Andersen, 2008; Parker & Sheth, 2007). However, since the discovery of co‐translational decapping and exonucleolytic degradation, first in yeast and later in mammals, it has become very clear that translation‐dependent mRNA degradation is a major mechanism of regulation of mRNA half‐lives at the transcriptome level. From unicellular eukaryotic organisms to metazoans, the translation process appears to be constantly scrutinized by the cell, in order to trigger mRNA degradation through a myriad of pathways capable of monitoring different aspects of ribosome progression. It is now known that pathways that were initially thought to participate uniquely in mRNA quality control are also implicated in the fine tuning of a large spectrum of functional transcripts. These widespread ribosome‐dependent RNA decay mechanisms have even been harnessed by cells in order to couple translation‐dependent RNA decay with the biogenesis of functional small RNAs."

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Many thanks to IGOR (how is his cute PUPPY?) for pointing out this terrific article!

Indeed, congratulations, Wondrous Walter, for your research efforts!!

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Hello, a follower on Gettr just told me that you posted on Twitter about Prion Diseases from the jabs about a year ago. Unfortunately I am still banned there.

Could you point me to that work or reference please?


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