Spike Protein System-wide Transcriptome Damage and Tissue Identity Loss
For Example, Cells Involved in Cardiac Conduction No Longer Know They are Involved in Cardiac Conduction and Immune Cells Forget to Fight Invaders...
Every cell in your body “goes to school.” There is no such thing as a generic cell. Each cell has been told by the DNA in its nucleus what proteins to transcribe (via mRNA) to have the cell become a skin cell, brain cell, muscle cell - you get the idea.
Now, the Spike Protein (please see my previous post for the source) is causing those proteins to be “misread.” They are translated into nonsense. Think of it as you need a fork to eat dinner, but you are handed a random shaped object that cannot be used as a fork.
If you are an accountant and your business suddenly stops giving you accounting software and replaces it with diet management sofware, you can’t very well do your job. When cells lose the tools they make to do their jobs, they lose their identity.
So, this is further evidence as to why we are seeing sudden cardiac deaths, cancers, neurodegeneration and all the strange illnesses that are rampantly appearing. For example, when enough cells involved in cardiac conduction no longer know they are involved in cardiac conduction, cardiac conduction ceases.
This is also most likely the reason for the observed immunodeficiency. Immune cells no longer know they are immune cells, and dysfunction.
Some cells go senescent, some proliferate rapidly (cancer), some no longer function. When the supply chain no longer supplies what is needed, but random, 1960s Batman Villian Lair type bizarre objects, you get chaos in the body.
I will search for ways to treat this. I will also search to understand how long this translational dysfunction continues, and if it is spreads.
Interestingly, I saw this two years ago.
System-wide transcriptome damage and tissue identity loss in COVID-19 patients
Walter, I'm an MD and routinely 'wage war' on a medical social media site called Doximity. I routinely read your substack along with many others of similar ilk. I do my best to learn from &, in a way, validate yours and others findings and I appreciate your and others herculean efforts to bring education and truth to light. My private war is one of extreme frustration and has become more of a cathartic exercise rather than a crusade to educate others. The level of obstinance, arrogance, political zeal and unfortunately, frank stupidity, that is exhibited on all that is COVID (by those who should know better) is utterly astonishing, infuriating and depressing. As you so eloquently show, the major points of understanding covid and the fraud that is the 'vaccine' are covered in the 'basic science' years of the first two years of med school. In short, they are forgotten and/or ignored in a very high percentage of my clinical brethren. Keep up the fantastic work and many thanks for your efforts.
"When cells lose the tools they make to do their jobs, they lose their identity."
For those of us who struggle greatly w science it's priceless to have a clear grasp of the concept and idea we can repeat w confidence citing slam dunk source, many thanks Walter! <3