Sep 19, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Thanks for the ongoing detective work Walter. How would the inverse correlation of Vitamin D levels to severe COVID outcomes factor into this analysis if at all?

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I dunno about Walter's thoughts on this, as I rarely grok all he says, but Vit D is important in regulating the immune system (it does not stimulate nor inhibit, but rather a mixture of both on different mechanisms). Namely, Vit D can help mitigate the cytokine storm.

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Vitamin D/D3 also regulates hormones which helps mitigate stress/anxiety.

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Sep 19, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Despite almost universal masking in Japan indoors and out.

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2 were vaccinated twice. What about the others? Never? Once?

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Sep 19, 2022·edited Sep 19, 2022

The original article (link above) does not specify.

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Sounds like a conflict of interest or shit science. Either way...

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As a vax injured person, I’ve had issues with my nervous system, my blood vessels hurt and a plethora of other issues. It’s nice to an explanation like this.

Walter- how would micro clotting and petechia factor into this?

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Microclotting I think is called by several other names, like "micro vascular disease", and it's a common side effect of the jabs. Although MVD might include some other conditions/symptoms as well. One person I know is jabbed and has been officially diagnosed with "micro vascular disease". Another is constantly tired and weak, which fits with "long covid", which is actually a side effect of various aspects of the jabs.

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This Japanese wave has me concerned for my 91 years young mother. She has had four Vaccines to date and has remained well, thanks be to God. Knowing the current Booster was not tested on humans, I do not want her to be a guinea pig. What can I do to protect her from the Japanese variant when it gets here?

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Don't want to sound rude, but in this age you can't protect anyone anymore from anything.

You enjoy all the time that you have, because every day can be your last - for various reasons.

So you give her all the love that you have and have a nice time together - without wasting time

for protective stuff, like keeping distance.

Look after vitamins and fresh air...

Just my 2 cents.

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So true! Lots of love, TLC, fresh air, and vitamins are a great recipe for good health and enjoying every day. Thank you.

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My mom is 81 and just had her *fifth* shot. We spent the day together yesterday and I am extremely concerned about her decline. And I feel helpless because what is done is done. :-(

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Let's keep praying for our parents and siblings! But God!

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I am so sorry about your Mom’s decline. 🙏🙏🙏

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Tell her you love her. Not because she's marked, but because we never know when it will be the last time.

This has not changed.

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Ivermectin never hurts :)

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Is this the beginning of the Bossche Mutation --- the Deadly Highly Contagious Mutation that was caused by billions of MORE-ONS injecting this leaky dog shit based vaccine into their rotting carcasses over and over and over?

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Bossche mutation is the vaxx!!

thats a cover ... so when casualty numbers start increasing and cant be hidden anymore, it will be blamed on the mutations not the bioweapon. bossche was project manager for gates in africa ... never talks about spike protein. onion peeling ...

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In the sad Mareks situation, that was an actual 'vaccine'...this 'covid injection' is an mRNA bio-weapon. Either way, it ain't good. :(

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yep - vaxxed or unvaxxed - if we get the Bossche Mutation ... like the chickens -- 100% dead.

And keep in mind with Marek's nobody purposely tried to create the deadly disease... they have purposely injected billions over and over in an effort to bring forth the Devil himself.

I've got IM and all the other gear -- but what's the point - even if it protects from the Devil --- there will be nothing to eat... so we all starve

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One has to wonder if spike-protein riddled meat would become safe to eat once it is cooked extremely well done....

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deletedSep 20, 2022·edited Sep 20, 2022
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Well, it is a concern for those who are still living and need blood or organs, but my comment was (mostly) just a catty response about there being nothing left to eat - and wondering if all those who are going to be dropping dead soon from spike protein damage could be made safely edible. I mean, what good is Soylent Green if it is toxic? On your topic though, I do have some fears that if we don't soon see some massive changes in the way government has been heading, the (mostly unvaxxed) so-called "right wing extremists" will be reclassified as "domestic terrorists", rounded up and sent off to camps like the Chinese Uyghurs. And you know what happens there...

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Oh my gosh, Walter! I actually just commented on your substack in the last week on something else...I’m over here in Southern California...but anyway, my mom, who is almost 70, had a dear friend, who was also about 70 years old, double jabbed & boosted (as she was a nurse working in healthcare)...she also had had type I diabetes for decades, & she recently just passed in her sleep (either late July or in August ‘22)! 🤭😞 This is so tragic! I knew it was prob related to the jabs somehow (she was even slim too & no other comorbidities). These injections are going to cause so much damage for a long time to come. Lord help us & thank you Walter!

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I'm sorry for your loss.

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Aion, thank you. 😊

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So sorry😥

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Lisa Sullivan, thank you.

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So sorry for your loss.

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Christina McAleer, thank you so much.

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I did some prior research into the autonomic nervous system and how it related to snake envenomation. You would be surprised at the correlation. Below are some links and excerpts from links. To find the original source I think it would be easy just to copy the wording and paste into a search engine. Very preliminary research:

What are ictal symptoms? (sounds a lot like shot side effects?)

Middle (ictal) phase

Loss of awareness.

Memory lapse.

Felling confused.

Difficulty hearing.

Odd smells, sounds or tastes.

Difficulty speaking or saying strange words.


Loss of muscle control.

What type of seizure causes nausea?

Autonomic Seizures – These seizures are accompanied by autonomic symptoms or signs, such as abdominal discomfort or nausea, which may rise into the throat (epigastric rising), cause stomach pain, the rumbling sounds of gas moving in the intestines (borborygmi), belching, flatulence and vomiting.

Simple Partial Seizures - Epilepsy Ontario

https://epilepsyontario.org › simple-partial-seizures

How long do post ictal symptoms last?

The postictal state is a period that begins when a seizure subsides and ends when the patient returns to baseline. It typically lasts between 5 and 30 minutes and is characterized by disorienting symptoms such as confusion, drowsiness, hypertension, headache, nausea, etc.

What does an awake seizure feel like?

During a focal aware seizure, someone may: have changes in their senses, such as smell, taste, or feeling. have muscle twitching (for example, in the arms or legs on one side of the body) have head turning or eye movements.

Can the autonomic nervous system cause seizures?

A seizure can present with autonomic symptoms initially, during its propagation, or during the aftermath. These manifestations can involve the cardiovascular, pulmonary, gastrointestinal, urogenital, or endocrine systems.

How does epilepsy affect the autonomic nervous system?

Effects of epileptic discharge on the autonomic nervous system are mediated through the cortical, limbic, and hypothalamic systems. Some significant consequences of altered autonomic function include convulsive apnea, abnormal sexual function, and potentially fatal effects on the cardiovascular system.


The interactions between seizures and the autonomic nervous system (ANS) are very complex. We approach these interactions from various angles.

Ictal phase -

Abnormal neuronal electrical activity corresponding to a seizure can involve central centers for the regulation of autonomic activity. A seizure can present with autonomic symptoms initially, during its propagation, or during the aftermath - https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1186872-overview

https://www.epilepsydiagnosis.org/seizure/autonomic-overview.html -

Focal autonomic seizures are characterized by alterations in systems controlled by the autonomic nervous system at seizure onset. These may occur with or without objective clinical signs of a seizure evident to the observer. Focal autonomic seizures can be further described using the following descriptors:

Focal autonomic seizure with palpitations / tachycardia / bradycardia / asystole

Focal autonomic seizure with epigastric sensation (upper abdominal discomfort, emptiness, tightness, churning, hunger - the feeling may rise up to the chest or throat) or with nausea / vomiting (or other gastrointestinal phenomena) - seizures with these features typically arise in the mesial temporal lobe.

Focal autonomic seizure with pallor / flushing

Focal autonomic seizure with hypoventilation / hyperventilation / altered respiration

Focal autonomic seizure with piloerection

Focal autonomic seizure with erection

Focal autonomic seizure with urge to urinate / defecate

Focal autonomic seizure with lacrimation

Focal autonomic seizure with pupillary dilation / constriction

CAUTION Ictal asystole of sufficient duration (> 5 seconds) to cause reduced brain perfusion may result in loss of body tone, stiffening and/or tonic-clonic movements.

Seizures can be caused by snake toxins in dog.... or in people... snake toxins in a vial:

https://www.thesprucepets.com/if-your-dog-has-a-seizure-1117423 - just like in people

Seizures with Autonomic Symptoms and Sudden Unexpected Death

in Epilepsy (SUDEP) - https://jag.journalagent.com/tjn/pdfs/TJN_25_3_109_116[A].pdf - important to review IMHO

Dysautonomia: Symptoms, Causes, Types, & How to Live With https://my.clevelandclinic.org

Jul 10, 2020 — Dysautonomia refers to a group of medical conditions caused by problems with the autonomic nervous system (ANS).

Dysautonomia -A dysfunction of the nerves that regulate nonvoluntary body functions, such as heart rate, blood pressure, and sweating.

What causes dysautonomia flare ups?

Patients can also experience flare ups of their symptoms which are usually caused by some sort of trigger such as heat, pain, stress, overexertion and several others. Some of the most common symptoms include: Difficulty standing upright-especially for long periods of time.

What kind of doctor treats autonomic dysfunction?

These tests are usually done by a doctor who specializes in digestive disorders (gastroenterologist). Quantitative sudomotor axon reflex test. This test checks how the nerves that manage your sweat glands respond to stimulation.

Dr. Andrew Wakefield connected autism to digestive disorders didn't he?

Watch video in this... https://www.aurorahealthcare.org/services/neuroscience/neurology/neurological-

conditions/dysautonomia - sounds exactly the side effects of vaccine

https://academic.oup.com/qjmed/article/106/9/865/1530481 - Snakebite, dysautonomia and central nervous system signs Excerpt: "In a study of common krait bites, 139 of 210 victims (66%) exhibited autonomic dysfunction (AD), which was more marked in those with severe envenomation.

https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-94-007-6410-1_23 - Snake Venom Toxins Targeted at the Nervous System

Good search term for more info: autonomic nervous system snake envenomation

I think Dr. Ardis is now recommending a supplement called CDP-Choline. Please check his web site about it.

It is my opinion (everyone should do their own research) that the misregulation of the autonomic nervous system is caused by the shots with the use of snake venom. I do believe in Dr. Ardis' theory. Medical term for its failure: Dysautonomia which can have severe health consequences.

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Talked with a gentleman yesterday who told me his wife, boosted twice, caught covid last May and within 5 days after, she passed. She did have a heart ailment of some kind. I wondered if it was the jabs that really took her??

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That's a common question.

My family chooses to ignore that the mark has cardiovascular effects whenever facing a "mysterious" illness in a loved one. It's always the fault of them being fat, sedentary or smoking. Never mind that didn't kill them in god knows how long, but the mark took them in a couple of weeks.

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Walter - On a systemic level all these symptoms can be explained by hypercalcaemia

Symptoms include:

* Fatigue

* Confusion

* Psychosis

* loss of appetite

* weight loss

* excessive thirst

* excessive urination

* Dehydration

* Constipation

* irritability, nervousness

* Tinnitus

* muscle weakness

* nausea, vomiting

* dizziness

* confusion, disorientation

* high blood pressure

* heart arrhythmias

At the cellular level Voltage gated calcium channels VGCC and an influx of calcium triggered by a change in the voltage of the cell membrane is the response to stress by the nervous system.

“More than a pore: How voltage-gated calcium channels act on different levels of neuronal communication regulation”



Calcium plays a key role in the autonomic nervous system


It also plays a role in photosynthesis


And UVB dysregulates calcium homeostasis

UVB irradiation-induced dysregulation of plasma membrane calcium ATPase1 and intracellular calcium homeostasis in human lens epithelial cells



Blue green algae aka Cyanobacteria like most algae are very good at producing calcium!

“Algae naturally uses sunlight, water, and dissolved carbon dioxide to produce the largest amounts of new calcium carbonate, the primary material in limestone”.


Signs of blue-green algae toxicity includes:

* Seizures

* Panting

* Excessive drooling

* Respiratory failure

* Diarrhea

* Disorientation

* Vomiting

* Liver failure 

* Ultimately death 


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Yes, but the Endothelium.

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Calcium effects the endothelium as well.

“ Endothelial Cell Calcium Signaling during Barrier Function and Inflammation”


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Thank you, Rob, for your buttressing calcium study!

Endothelial Cell Calcium Signaling during Barrier Function and Inflammation

Prarthana J. Dalal, William A. Muller, and David P. Sullivan

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Thanks Sally - I actually think the endothelium is acting as the “Soil” and electrostatic interactions are leeching the calcium and Fe ions.

There is a very good short video here depicting what I think is happening at a nanoscale


“The spectrometer detected silicon, iron, and calcium in the ball, all of which were also present in the local soil.”

This is a more technical explanation of ball lightning : https://youtu.be/aHXmWs-YAeg

and here is a fascinating video showing Calcium dynamics during nervous system morphogenesis.


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Nice work! And the CHOLINERGIC ANTI-INFLAMMATORY REFLEX, this has been a major confounder and my issue of concern from early on. Molecular mimicry as in the S acting as an antagonist, disabling the ones that need it the most. Could the viral load overwhelm the negative feedback mechanism, and cause constant antagonism of the CAP, thats what I believe is an issue. And what does furin do, when its normal, hmmm ..., hmm thats odd, thats a concept!! vWF,MK, Genetic predisposition. After multiple inquires with hematologists, no one has answered the question as to what is the notable difference in vWF in MKs and endothelial cells as their respective properties. Early on, the research said " no need to look at the bone marrow", WOW, at that point, I knew they were hiding something!! WHY?? The cell lines have been mutated and or influenced by emergency erythropoiesis. Im Done Peace.

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Thank you. I do tell her I love her every day. While I too am marked only God knows our expiration date. I try to keep focused on the good and positive in life, which there is so much of.

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The Hypothalamus is truly the brain to the ANS.

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Just go on! Peace!

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Sep 19, 2022·edited Sep 19, 2022

Walter - I know you don't like the graphene hypothesis, but graphene has been found in ALL Covid vaccines, as well as recent non-Covid vaccines, including 2021 and 2022 Afluria flu shots in New Zealand.

If Andreas Noack was right about how harmful graphene is - in the video released just before he was killed - then the same epithelial damage that you attribute to spike protein could also be caused by graphene. If this is the case, non-Covid vaccinations could fully explain the 27 deaths of Japanese children not vaccinated for Covid, especially since 8 of them were babies that (almost guaranteed) recently received vaccines.

Andreas Noack's graphene video:


Graphene in Afluria flu shots (as well as Pfizer's Covid jabs) in New Zealand:


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Sep 19, 2022·edited Sep 20, 2022

CORRECTION She posted on Facebook not Substack. I don't do FB. My wife informed me.

Recently Jennifer Margulis has written in her substack about the current vaccine strategy, both a flu and covid injectables. So far in older people. What could the outcome be?

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Which article does she write about this? I glanced at her substack. Is it just for the flu vaccines for over 65? (My mom wants her flu shot yearly)

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I am sure of one thing. Do not allow them to inject her with both jabs at the same time. Take her for one of them and a week or so later she can take the other.

To understand it clearly see https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/shows/chd-friday-roundtable/DDeVLLzn2X

and with Toby Rogers https://live.childrenshealthdefense.org/shows/chd-friday-roundtable/xbPMqtMYgQ

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I was looking for the Substack link and couldn't find. My wife told me she posted on Facebook. I don't do face book. But Jennifer Margulis PhD kindly sends a copy via email.

I would say find her on Facebook and I believe it is her most recent post.

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It’s obvious what that bet will be. The Plandemic was a bioweapon, and the jabs are bioweapons of depopulation, in my opinion. Homo sapiens survived without ‘vaccines’ for many thousands of years, and may go extinct now from repeatedly taking them, unless humans say NO!!!!

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It seems to me like the compliant will not fare much different from the non-compliant.

The spike protein is a bioweapon, regardless of the vector.

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It looks like mainly sheeple will be taking the clot shots. Is a world without sheeple, with a stronger gene pool, really that bad? The whole process will be painful for the survivors at first, no doubt, but think long term. Think of any positive aspects that might happen long term.

We need to think beyond our initial pain of losing friends and relatives and think bigger.

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I am sorry to hear this. My wife's children have segregated her as she did not get the gene therapy injection. So I feel her heart in this. I to some extent understand you and your wife's.

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As Pure Blood I decide who segregates...

Anyone who challenges my decision is basically dead to me. I have zero interest in having anything to do with them - I'll respond to messages from them but beyond that they are pariahs. I stay away from them.

I am sure they can feel my disgust for them as the MORE-ONS that they are ... but then I can feel their disgust for me...

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The communist tactic of making a deal with the devil has plagued civilization. Sell your soul for convenience and comfort with the risk of lifelong illness and more rapid death from the genetic bioweapon poisons, or live a harder and newer life on your own terms in your truth. This has truly been a test of will and conscience. Those who live healthy and free shall triumph. Pray for the souls of the lost.

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For most of my life I have seen the misrepresentation of the original meaning of the word communism. Sadly it began for me in grammar school. True communists or communalist trace their roots back to the Bible. In the book mentioned below there is a group of christian folk that share everything in common. They thrive now mostly in Canada.

They were and are true communist/commualist. These people are anabaptist and formed around Jacob Hutter in the Tyrol in what to day is know as Austria almost 500 years ago. Because they are pacifist and persecuted by the counter Reformation they left Tyrol and eventually lived in Ukraine.

When the Bolsheviks came to power in the Ukraine and Russia they asked permission to come to the USA and were granted permission. This was before WW I. Eventually most of the colonies moved to Canada. They were and are true communist.

The truth is the Bolsheviks are not communist. If they truly were the Hutterites would have no reason to leave.

Below Kenneth Rexroth explains the meaning of communism prior to 1918

Communalism from its Origins to the Twentieth Century



The Libertarian Tradition

By Kenneth Rexroth

Prior to 1918 the word “communism” did not mean Left Social Democracy of the sort represented by the Russian Bolsheviks, a radical, revolutionary form of State socialism. Quite the contrary, it was used of those who wished in one way or another to abolish the State, who believed that socialism was not a matter of seizing power, but of doing away with power and returning society to an organic community of non-coercive human relations. They believed that this was what society was naturally, and that the State was only a morbid growth on the normal body of oeconomia, the housekeeping of the human family, grouped in voluntary association. Even the word “socialism” itself was originally applied to the free communist communities which were so common in America in the nineteenth century.

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very good points. But I thought monkey pox or some new thing that need a new genetherapy would appear. Keep the money rolling in. ;-]

woop's I blew it. It was a private email. I looked back for the link in my email. I need to zip it.


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