Fascinating. So are we also to conclude that the mRNA "vaccines" which turn our bodies into a spike protein factory, are also "custom-tailored to induce cancer"? In which case, shouldn't be seeking to bring those responsible for this devastating two-pronged attack on humanity to justice?
And kept from immediately neutralizing it, in case they have a method developed for this.
It was mentioned awhile back that SV40 was included in the vaccine, and that's been proven to be a cancer causing protein. So it appears they give you cancer with every shot, and disable or severely weaken your body's ability to fight it.
To be accurate, SV40 is a double-stranded DNA virus, not a protein, however it was studied intensely by cancer researchers because it was found that the large T antigen, one of the proteins encoded by the viral DNA, was capable of inducing oncogenic transformation in tissue culture cells.
This was written/publishe Sept 2021: ukcolumn.org/article/stabilising-the-code It's about how our normal body cleaners were deliberately turned off to allow LNPs into cells. From Euro database on adverse reactions, the top reported one was actually getting the Covid! Of course, many who did, and I know several, all said how terrible they felt and claimed they'd have been worse, much worse, without the jab(s)! Sonia Elijah's stack has details on europe database.
Thank you for your research and dedication to revealing the dark corners of our government research. When Nixon started a “war on cancer”, we now know what he meant, and poured billions of tax payers money into. When Reagan started a “war on drugs”, we now know how government got funding for its black ops. When Clinton started “free trade” it transferred 7 million blue collar jobs to China, and created the northern rust belt, opioid epidemic, and lives of despair. Where would we all be without government for the he people, of the people?
I see no reason it cannot be both. My initial concern/alarm was because I thought from the beginning that it came from a lab and had been manipulated in unnatural ways. I believe the vaccines were a Pandora’s box of destruction. I pay attention to my own experiences. I have never felt the way I did with this during any other illness. My daughter who had to Pfizer shots about a year before becoming ill was so weak she could barely speak and had chest pain and heart palpitations that woke her from sleep for months. Before this she was healthy and regularly did daily vigorous exercise. She takes calls for a large hospital healthcare system. Early on they were frequently from patients gasping for air and the wait times for call backs were almost 48 hours at times. She and most unfortunately my grandchildren had mRNA shots and are almost constantly ill with respiratory infections and have had Covid 3 times now. Who knows what was in the various batches, but some of them are undermining immune function.
I'll never understand how and why people separate the shots from the effects of subsequent COVID infections in vacinees... Saying "well COVID was worse than how I felt after the shot" makes zero sense. If it's not clear by now that the vaccine primes infections for extreme severity (or even death), then it never will be to people.
You cannot make an apples to apples comparison of the vaccines and COVID in the same person if that person took the vaccines before developing COVID. You can only compare the infection in someone who was never vaccinated to someone who was.
COVID was bad. I had long COVID for a while. We are yet to see the full extent of the carnage, but the vaccines are likely to be what is predominantly killing people.
It absolutely can and likely is both. Murderous Depopulationists surely left no stone unturned in their evil plan. Why would the virus itself be benign?
Being infected with COVID may not show initially as causing long term damage, but why do people assume it doesn’t?
I’ve had the Epstein Barr virus twice. The first infection forever changed me. This means I’m more prone to it forevermore.
We don’t get stronger after infection it appears to me. We may recover, yes, but the damage from any infection, let alone a man made one designed to destroy your endothelium and more, is something that helps us if we survive?
Sorry that it has affected your health. There seems to be an increase in many illnesses and it is probably due to the infection and shots. I am afraid it will only grow worse with time and be normalized as people who witnessed it die. I find this to be the case with autism and other behavioral/brain disorders, allergies, autoimmune disorders, asthma, etc all rare when I was a child in the fifties. I am surprised at how many younger people think it was always so. They also seem to think childhood infectious diseases were still killing children in droves which was not the case by then. Polio was frightening because of its unpredictable nature. From memory, 90% of those who contracted it were asymptomatic, of those who had symptoms the majority recovered. I believe it was around 2% who became paralyzed or died and was worse in those without tonsils and in those who had recently had injections of any kind-the germ infected/travelled up the nerves around the injections.
I agree. There were no "turbo cancers" before jabs. And of course no complete "full sample" with said to be spike protein ever retrieved from a patient diagnosed with Covid19.
The theory for the existence of viruses came into being in 1897 because the evidence in the petrie dishes did not match Koch's protocols . The nonsense promoted by Stefan Lanka and others claiming that there is no virus because they can't be found according to Koch's protocols is nonsense.
Responding to our friend Fast Eddy and others on this thread who downplay the potential of SARS CoV 2 to cause cancer, here is a case history. An unvaxxinated friend who took elderberry for two years, avoided covid infection, stopped, immediately came down with covid and within one month had what was eventually diagnosed by Mayo in Rochester MN as "follicular T helper cell lymphoma." This is exactly what one would expect from the vax since it overstimulates the adaptive immune system (T cells, especially T helper cells), which make "germinal centers" in the lymphatic system and in overdrive, lymphomas. It is possible that he got this from vaxxine shedding, but if not, it demonstrates graphically what Walter has uncovered here. It is certainly not impossible that covid could cause T helper cell lymphoma since it too damages the innate immune system, overstimulates the adaptive system, and could certainly promote the creation of "germinal centers" and consequent "lymphomas." Additionally, this man had thickening and swelling of the hands and feet, spreading up the limbs, that is typical of amyoidosis, with pain preventing sleep. We managed to stop the swelling and pain with an herbal liniment. I wish you guys were correct that SC-2 was relatively innocuous compared to the vax, but this is not true and it is unfortunate for all of us.
N=1 events happen. I suspect vaccine shedding in this case, but... there were people out there with undiagnosed cancers. We all have them in us, but our body's mechanisms usually keep them well in check. I suspect that people who already had cancer during a COVID infection may have had a disruption of cancer regulation.
My never infected mother in law who is 6 or 7 shots down by now... she turned up with uterine cancer and post-menopausal bleeding within months of her third shot. The spike obviously triggers certain biochemical effects, but unless you have a severe infection, the amount of spike protein released during infection cannot hold a candle to the vaccines.
I had Herpes Zoster reactivation, as well as EBV & CMV, after a massage with a recently vaccinated physiotherapist, before getting covid. Then, I also had EBV & CMV reactivation after each of the two mild bouts of covid. Later on, EBV, CMV & HZV reactivated again, after getting Dengue, when we travelled to Brazil for our son’s wedding.
I’m afraid we’re all messed up from the virus and/or the transmission from vaccinated people.
And they’re not yet started with the self-amplifying mRNA. ☹️
Anyone have any data - anecdotal or otherwise - on outcomes after emergency blood transfusion? I understand that the blood supply is contaminated with vaxxed blood, but is anyone gathering statistics on the known impact on patients who receive the blood? Are there measures to take after the fact when one doesn't have a choice in that situation?
You may find this chemist's findings worth watching. Excellent v/o and clear to understand for laypeople. 3 x videos. rumble.com/user/DOCTORSEGALLA/videos
It is NOT covid that is causing the carnage it is THE VACCINES.
You are a false actor -- put here for the purpose of trying to convince the herd that Covid is bad news
The thing is ... I do not know a single person who has had covid who has any damage to their body... but I know of at least two dozen who INJECTED the rat juice who are maimed - 4 are dead so far.
I believe in anecdotal medicine, my friend, so I don't denigrate your experience, but you didn't respond to the studies Walter brought up. One of them was suppressed by the pro-vax establishment, even though it referred only to the virus. In attacking a researcher like Walter with incendiary statements that don't refer to the actual evidence presented (which he didn't make up), you are furthering the platform of the vax establishment and undermining clear-thinking.
He is not worth your attention. Your case history about your friend with lymphoma is far more pertinent (and worrisome). I am in the "unvaccinated but bad Covid" cohort. You better believe that I am interested in this.
See the case history I provide on this threat Fast Eddy. Although it could be from vaxxine shedding, the follicular T helper cell lymphoma came immediately after infection with what appeared to be covid.
We are told the spike in Covid causes problems... anyone with half a brain could figure out that the Shots - which turn the zombies into spike factories... will cause far more damage
He never said they wouldn't. You're just a boomer who can't do nuance at all. He is describing the "spike" because it is in both the vaccine AND the virus, and nobody is doing research on the effects of the former. So, please finally shut the fuck up and get a clue.
“ If the DNA is replicating in mammalian cells, then we don’t need self amplifying mRNA vaccines as the population was already given them with Pfizer vaccines.” omg
Liked (27)
Reply (1)
9 hrs ago
Liked by Anandamide
It gets better:
"Small amounts of shedded plasmids could expand in the [shedding] recipient ..."
"Can't do nuance at all." Great statement. I will use that in other situations, if I don't just get sick of self-righteous, fatuous, zombie can't handle nuancers.
yes, I have a friend who was never vaxxed who had long covid; terrible symptoms. Heart and intestines. I doubt she even had shedding as she is mostly at home--a homemaker in the country.
all vaccines cause harm. is it so difficult to realize injecting foreign substances and chemical concoctions in the muscle of a body to claim to elicit a false immune response is just not good medicine?
You are appreciated more than you know Walter! Sadly, I feel that this is only the beginning. They are bound to turn every vaccine into an mRNA vehicle for global depopulation!
There is a "how long is a piece of string" question. How much spike protein does it take? How much exposure. For those who had active vaccine, or got the first slurp of mRNA out of the vial... you've gotta wonder.
I think you'd either already have to have a little cancer kicking around in your body for a COVID infection to cause cancer... probably via the signaling manipulations Walter is describing.
Fascinating. So are we also to conclude that the mRNA "vaccines" which turn our bodies into a spike protein factory, are also "custom-tailored to induce cancer"? In which case, shouldn't be seeking to bring those responsible for this devastating two-pronged attack on humanity to justice?
Seems like justice would be to give them a series of spikeshots using the hottest lots available. "A dose of their own medicine."
And kept from immediately neutralizing it, in case they have a method developed for this.
It was mentioned awhile back that SV40 was included in the vaccine, and that's been proven to be a cancer causing protein. So it appears they give you cancer with every shot, and disable or severely weaken your body's ability to fight it.
To be accurate, SV40 is a double-stranded DNA virus, not a protein, however it was studied intensely by cancer researchers because it was found that the large T antigen, one of the proteins encoded by the viral DNA, was capable of inducing oncogenic transformation in tissue culture cells.
This was written/publishe Sept 2021: ukcolumn.org/article/stabilising-the-code It's about how our normal body cleaners were deliberately turned off to allow LNPs into cells. From Euro database on adverse reactions, the top reported one was actually getting the Covid! Of course, many who did, and I know several, all said how terrible they felt and claimed they'd have been worse, much worse, without the jab(s)! Sonia Elijah's stack has details on europe database.
Such an interesting article!
Thank you for sharing it.
Thank you for your research and dedication to revealing the dark corners of our government research. When Nixon started a “war on cancer”, we now know what he meant, and poured billions of tax payers money into. When Reagan started a “war on drugs”, we now know how government got funding for its black ops. When Clinton started “free trade” it transferred 7 million blue collar jobs to China, and created the northern rust belt, opioid epidemic, and lives of despair. Where would we all be without government for the he people, of the people?
Can you STOP insisting that Covid is causing all this carnage.. it is NOT covid... it is the VACCINES.
The more you insist that Covid is the culprit the more I suspect you are part of this
I see no reason it cannot be both. My initial concern/alarm was because I thought from the beginning that it came from a lab and had been manipulated in unnatural ways. I believe the vaccines were a Pandora’s box of destruction. I pay attention to my own experiences. I have never felt the way I did with this during any other illness. My daughter who had to Pfizer shots about a year before becoming ill was so weak she could barely speak and had chest pain and heart palpitations that woke her from sleep for months. Before this she was healthy and regularly did daily vigorous exercise. She takes calls for a large hospital healthcare system. Early on they were frequently from patients gasping for air and the wait times for call backs were almost 48 hours at times. She and most unfortunately my grandchildren had mRNA shots and are almost constantly ill with respiratory infections and have had Covid 3 times now. Who knows what was in the various batches, but some of them are undermining immune function.
I'll never understand how and why people separate the shots from the effects of subsequent COVID infections in vacinees... Saying "well COVID was worse than how I felt after the shot" makes zero sense. If it's not clear by now that the vaccine primes infections for extreme severity (or even death), then it never will be to people.
You cannot make an apples to apples comparison of the vaccines and COVID in the same person if that person took the vaccines before developing COVID. You can only compare the infection in someone who was never vaccinated to someone who was.
COVID was bad. I had long COVID for a while. We are yet to see the full extent of the carnage, but the vaccines are likely to be what is predominantly killing people.
there is no covid just colds and flu.
It absolutely can and likely is both. Murderous Depopulationists surely left no stone unturned in their evil plan. Why would the virus itself be benign?
Being infected with COVID may not show initially as causing long term damage, but why do people assume it doesn’t?
I think that is true. It may permanently undermine health.
I’ve had the Epstein Barr virus twice. The first infection forever changed me. This means I’m more prone to it forevermore.
We don’t get stronger after infection it appears to me. We may recover, yes, but the damage from any infection, let alone a man made one designed to destroy your endothelium and more, is something that helps us if we survive?
Come on.
Sorry that it has affected your health. There seems to be an increase in many illnesses and it is probably due to the infection and shots. I am afraid it will only grow worse with time and be normalized as people who witnessed it die. I find this to be the case with autism and other behavioral/brain disorders, allergies, autoimmune disorders, asthma, etc all rare when I was a child in the fifties. I am surprised at how many younger people think it was always so. They also seem to think childhood infectious diseases were still killing children in droves which was not the case by then. Polio was frightening because of its unpredictable nature. From memory, 90% of those who contracted it were asymptomatic, of those who had symptoms the majority recovered. I believe it was around 2% who became paralyzed or died and was worse in those without tonsils and in those who had recently had injections of any kind-the germ infected/travelled up the nerves around the injections.
shots aka vaccines destroy your immune system and create life long customers for big pharma.
epstein barr much as chicken pox stays in your system forever.
colds and flu unless complications are benign
I agree. There were no "turbo cancers" before jabs. And of course no complete "full sample" with said to be spike protein ever retrieved from a patient diagnosed with Covid19.
The theory for the existence of viruses came into being in 1897 because the evidence in the petrie dishes did not match Koch's protocols . The nonsense promoted by Stefan Lanka and others claiming that there is no virus because they can't be found according to Koch's protocols is nonsense.
"turbo cancer" is another stupid name attached to cancer.
I had hoped that the DNA repair process would slowly, eventually resolve the issues. It seems I was wrong, sadly.
I think I've read that one of the effects of the mRNA spikeshots is to impair the DNA repair system.
Responding to our friend Fast Eddy and others on this thread who downplay the potential of SARS CoV 2 to cause cancer, here is a case history. An unvaxxinated friend who took elderberry for two years, avoided covid infection, stopped, immediately came down with covid and within one month had what was eventually diagnosed by Mayo in Rochester MN as "follicular T helper cell lymphoma." This is exactly what one would expect from the vax since it overstimulates the adaptive immune system (T cells, especially T helper cells), which make "germinal centers" in the lymphatic system and in overdrive, lymphomas. It is possible that he got this from vaxxine shedding, but if not, it demonstrates graphically what Walter has uncovered here. It is certainly not impossible that covid could cause T helper cell lymphoma since it too damages the innate immune system, overstimulates the adaptive system, and could certainly promote the creation of "germinal centers" and consequent "lymphomas." Additionally, this man had thickening and swelling of the hands and feet, spreading up the limbs, that is typical of amyoidosis, with pain preventing sleep. We managed to stop the swelling and pain with an herbal liniment. I wish you guys were correct that SC-2 was relatively innocuous compared to the vax, but this is not true and it is unfortunate for all of us.
N=1 events happen. I suspect vaccine shedding in this case, but... there were people out there with undiagnosed cancers. We all have them in us, but our body's mechanisms usually keep them well in check. I suspect that people who already had cancer during a COVID infection may have had a disruption of cancer regulation.
My never infected mother in law who is 6 or 7 shots down by now... she turned up with uterine cancer and post-menopausal bleeding within months of her third shot. The spike obviously triggers certain biochemical effects, but unless you have a severe infection, the amount of spike protein released during infection cannot hold a candle to the vaccines.
what could she expect injecting foreign chemicals into her body? smh.
all vaccines are poison.
I had Herpes Zoster reactivation, as well as EBV & CMV, after a massage with a recently vaccinated physiotherapist, before getting covid. Then, I also had EBV & CMV reactivation after each of the two mild bouts of covid. Later on, EBV, CMV & HZV reactivated again, after getting Dengue, when we travelled to Brazil for our son’s wedding.
I’m afraid we’re all messed up from the virus and/or the transmission from vaccinated people.
And they’re not yet started with the self-amplifying mRNA. ☹️
you had colds or flu. covid is a fake made up name for both.
It’s cancerific!
Anyone have any data - anecdotal or otherwise - on outcomes after emergency blood transfusion? I understand that the blood supply is contaminated with vaxxed blood, but is anyone gathering statistics on the known impact on patients who receive the blood? Are there measures to take after the fact when one doesn't have a choice in that situation?
Interested too 🙋♀️
A really concerning issue.
All the vaccine components/harm vectors should be considered- spike protein, SV40, plasmids, PEG and ?
You may find this chemist's findings worth watching. Excellent v/o and clear to understand for laypeople. 3 x videos. rumble.com/user/DOCTORSEGALLA/videos
Thanks for posting, I watched the first video in the series
I am calling you out Walter... You are a FRAUD.
It is NOT covid that is causing the carnage it is THE VACCINES.
You are a false actor -- put here for the purpose of trying to convince the herd that Covid is bad news
The thing is ... I do not know a single person who has had covid who has any damage to their body... but I know of at least two dozen who INJECTED the rat juice who are maimed - 4 are dead so far.
Isn't he saying it's the spike protein doing this?
If that's the case what are you on about? There may be (almost certainly are) lots of other
issues w/the vax, but spike protein is obviously associated with the vax as well as Covid itself.
He never mentions the Death Shots... it's always Covid causing the problems
easy fast Ed ... easy ... one step at a time ...
I believe in anecdotal medicine, my friend, so I don't denigrate your experience, but you didn't respond to the studies Walter brought up. One of them was suppressed by the pro-vax establishment, even though it referred only to the virus. In attacking a researcher like Walter with incendiary statements that don't refer to the actual evidence presented (which he didn't make up), you are furthering the platform of the vax establishment and undermining clear-thinking.
He is not worth your attention. Your case history about your friend with lymphoma is far more pertinent (and worrisome). I am in the "unvaccinated but bad Covid" cohort. You better believe that I am interested in this.
"He is not worth your attention." Correct, Jeff.
Why does Walter not indict the vaccines? He endlessly tells us it's SARS Covid that is the problem... he is not alone in this on SS...
There are others who push the narrative that Covid is causing the damage...
One doctor - I forget his name and SS - insists that majority of the injured he sees were damaged by Covid
He too blames the spike in Covid ... but when I ask ... how can Covid be worse than the Shots when the Shots turn the victims into spike factories
He REFUSES to respond
I am now calling bullshit on anyone who asserts these lies.
See the case history I provide on this threat Fast Eddy. Although it could be from vaxxine shedding, the follicular T helper cell lymphoma came immediately after infection with what appeared to be covid.
Why is it that every single person I know whose health is f789ed up... has been vaxxed...
I know maybe a dozen people -- and they are all fine...
Chill out boomer. I had long COVID... no vaccine. Still anemic as fuck from it. Still have neuroinflammation and cannot eat any nightshades.
There are people who suffer from Long Flu....
We are told the spike in Covid causes problems... anyone with half a brain could figure out that the Shots - which turn the zombies into spike factories... will cause far more damage
Walter is a FRAUD. https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/substack-a-ministry-of-truth-production
He never said they wouldn't. You're just a boomer who can't do nuance at all. He is describing the "spike" because it is in both the vaccine AND the virus, and nobody is doing research on the effects of the former. So, please finally shut the fuck up and get a clue.
Jessica Rose and others are re-publishing this ... https://anandamide.substack.com/p/sv40-origin-of-replication-in-mammalian
Do you think Walter will do the same?
Of course not - cuz Walter wants you to think that Covid is the problem... he won't touch the vaccines cuz he is part of this https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/substack-a-ministry-of-truth-production
I see you Walter
9 hrs ago
Liked by Anandamide
“ If the DNA is replicating in mammalian cells, then we don’t need self amplifying mRNA vaccines as the population was already given them with Pfizer vaccines.” omg
Liked (27)
Reply (1)
9 hrs ago
Liked by Anandamide
It gets better:
"Small amounts of shedded plasmids could expand in the [shedding] recipient ..."
If he means the vax then say it's the vax.
Otherwise it leads people to believe the virus is the problem .. and people will get the vax cuz they fear the virus..
I do not know a single unvaxxed person who has had a problem with covid NOT ONE. I know dozens who are f789ed up with vax injuries.
If it is the vax... then SAY ITS THE VAX. Simple
"Can't do nuance at all." Great statement. I will use that in other situations, if I don't just get sick of self-righteous, fatuous, zombie can't handle nuancers.
yes, I have a friend who was never vaxxed who had long covid; terrible symptoms. Heart and intestines. I doubt she even had shedding as she is mostly at home--a homemaker in the country.
utter nonsense no such thing exists.
Yeah, the only place to get Covid is standing on the moon. Buh bye.
all vaccines cause harm. is it so difficult to realize injecting foreign substances and chemical concoctions in the muscle of a body to claim to elicit a false immune response is just not good medicine?
Thank you again Walter for all the effort. 🤗
You are appreciated more than you know Walter! Sadly, I feel that this is only the beginning. They are bound to turn every vaccine into an mRNA vehicle for global depopulation!
all vaccines are harmful. stop taking them and giving to children.
There is a "how long is a piece of string" question. How much spike protein does it take? How much exposure. For those who had active vaccine, or got the first slurp of mRNA out of the vial... you've gotta wonder.
I think you'd either already have to have a little cancer kicking around in your body for a COVID infection to cause cancer... probably via the signaling manipulations Walter is describing.