This is great research. Many thanks for focussing on the heart of the problem, disruption of our delicate glycocalyx blood vessel linings, causing endothelial and vascular damage. Of note is also the high levels of platelets in lungs that also have ACE2 receptors that are activated by Spike protein, causing blood clots. What we need is universal access to Troponin and d-dimer blood tests to reveal the full extent of micro-clot damage and CRP tests for inflammation. We can’t fight this thing blind folded. Also we need Nattokinase and Bromaline to disperse the amyloid complexes. Thanks again for your research.

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I do not know of a single person who is not vaxxed and who has had covid who has any of these problems.

The people with these problems are the fools who injected the Rat Juice

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I wish I could say the same. I know one woman who refused the Rat Juice then got the Omicron strain twice, three weeks apart in early 2022 and is now semi-disabled. She was on workers compensation for a workplace bullying injury that had left her depressed when it happened. As Walter has previously pointed out, depression damages the endothelium and so does the Spike Protein so she might have been pre-disposed. But most I know who have these problems have had the Rat Juice.

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Wow, she has been through the wringer! My heart goes out to her.

I did not know about the depressions and endothelium, thank you.

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How does she know it was covid? What sort of physical condition was she in before this?

Obese? Any thing else?

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Average physical condition. She's very anti-vaxx. I presume it was confirmed on antigen tests. There were a lot of rules around at the time on testing and isolation. Coincidentally just stumbled across this, below, online. Not the best source but the study itself is interesting:

"When 24 patients who had recovered from COVID-19 had their whole bodies scanned by a PET (positron emission tomography) imaging test, their insides lit up like Christmas trees. .

A radioactive drug called a tracer revealed abnormal T cell activity in the brain stem, spinal cord, bone marrow, nose, throat, some lymph nodes, heart and lung tissue, and the wall of the gut, compared to whole-body scans from before the pandemic.

This widespread effect was apparent in the ... participants who had fully recovered from the acute phase of COVID-19 ... even those who recovered fully from COVID-19 still showed persistent changes to their T cell activity in numerous organs ... '

'Together, these observations suggest that even clinically mild infection could have long-term consequences on tissue-based immune homeostasis and potentially result in an active viral reservoir in deeper tissues' ...

'Overall, these observations challenge the paradigm that COVID-19 is a transient acute infection, building on recent observations in blood,' the team from UCSF concludes."

COVID's Hidden Toll: Full-Body Scans Reveal Long-Term Immune Effects

HEALTH 04 July 2024


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The disease itself was engineered to cause maximum harm, until the poison injections came along.

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Your link goes to an article summarizing the supposed study. Nowhere in the article does it say if the subjects had the covid jab. I could not find the actual study.

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Tissue-based T cell activation and viral RNA persist for up to 2 years after SARS-CoV-2 infection


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I see no indication of the subjects’ jab status.

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I have long covid not vaxed, there are tons of us so get over your bias, it was toxic in either kind of exposure.

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The fact is I do not know a single unvaxxed person who has long covid. None. I had covid... it was nothing more than a mild flu... same with my wife...

I assume it's rare... something like Long Flu... it happens but usually in people who have made bad choices in life... are obese... don't exercise... and stuff their maws with KFC and Big Gulps....

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Well I know a bunch. I take impeccable care of myself but I had preexisting chronic illness. I’m not fat but I did have immune dysfunction prior to getting covid from Lyme disease etc. and so do tons of other people so you’re kidding yourself thinking that everyone who isn’t a fatty should be fine. You have a bias that is closing your mind to the truth. In today’s world lots of people have a high toxic burden on their bodies even if they’re doing everything right so get off your high horse.

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I suppose I am biased... I only eat organic food... might have two drinks a week... no seed oils... supplement extensively ... exercise daily... and take no medications... have no illnesses... and I only go to doctors when I want to Covid-Taunt



I am definitely an outlier

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I also only eat organic and don’t drink at all. If you looked at me you’d think I’m healthy. You are lucky you have the luxury to convince yourself because you didn’t get long covid you are better than other people. Just because you’ve never been to let’s say Bolivia doesn’t mean Bolivia doesn’t exist.

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I'll take the same cop out as the Vaxxers do with Vax Injuries... and agree that it exists but it's rare

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Best one yet, Walter!

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"I will investigate therapeutics to raise levels of ACE2. This may prove to be a valuable tool to ameliorate the loss of ACE2 that the Spike Protein induces." quote from Walter M Chesnut

ACE inhibitors up regulate (increase) the ACE2 receptor as well as nicotine.

ps. In my "covid kit" I stock a pack of Equate brand Nicotine Gum I bought at Walmart (4 mg - 20 Pieces) easy to cut or bite in half and chew 1/2 a tablet for a 2 mg dose if that dose is chosen.

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Valuable info! Detox, detox, detox, one and all - except the perpetrators.

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Happy 4th of July Walter! Thank you for all the great research! May God bless you. Peace.

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Well, I'm torn on the Long Covid repercussions but I do keep watching my blood results and always insisting on a complete blood count which a lot of doctors have stopped doing routinely. Certain patterns do seem to emerge. Hubs is vaxxed and I'm not, I shut down all physical contact as soon as he did it- furious to say the least, but our blood profiles tell the story. I am curious about the micro-clotting because I do remember my mother having the superficial dermatological ones in her late 60's and onward, way before Covid or any of it, she died in '98. It's very difficult to get these tests so we're forced to watch other parameters: platelet counts, neutrophils, monocytes, CO2, rising blood pressures, melanomas.

This was a terrific piece and goes far in explaining the rash of All System Failures I'm hearing about regularly now. The docs know nothing, people just die, maybe a fever, flu symptoms and then dead.

Clearly it's pretty silent until a big event, which may be the last one but I do think there are small symptoms that are misinterpreted. Hubs has been experiencing coughs, fatigue, lots of phlegm, and multiple daily episodes of deep mouth breathing and sighing. I had him tested for TB, negative, but this makes sense. He got it all, double vaxxed and boosted. Legs blew up like balloons after the booster and they're swollen somewhat now as well. It will continue.

This piece was so thorough I became a paid subscriber. Keep up the great work.

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There is no such thing as long covid , only vaxx injured …..stop this shit propaganda

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You stop this propaganda. I have long covid and not vaxed and exactly the symptomology he describes. Your bias will close your mind and make you stupid. It was toxic either way.

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I'm on the fence regarding long covid too. Many who didn't vaxx got Remdesvir or the monoclonal antibodies, both of which I suspect of having a good bolus of the vaxx in them. Could explain a lot.

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I didn't get the vaxx, but have the symptoms of vaxx injury....after a dental needle. probably won't walk again.

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I wonder if it could be an injury from a bolus dose of the injection going into a blood vessel. Marc Girardot has a book about it “The Needles Secret”. A family member with vaccine injury has had much benefit from HBOT which was a suggested therapy in the book. The vaccine has caused autoimmunity and he has POTS, fatigue and recurrent Covid toes from vasculitis with every minor cold. The HBOT improves energy, maybe helps repair the damage.

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Are you still talking about legacy variants and the jabs or is this pertaining to current variants?

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All of it. The all expose the body to spike protein.

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