ouch, this research really does concern me on the spike and its malevolence. It really does look designed to kill.

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It'd be great to have a "Walter Chestnut for Dummies".

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spike bad here's why

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It will kill and increasingly rapidly.

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Ok I get the "it will kill" part. When you say, "increasingly rapidly", do you mean faster and faster than is now occuring? Just want to confirm your thought here.

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Yes, absolutely. We have not gotten to there real death rates yet, that will come over the next two years, maybe longer if they developed it into it's potential.

With the increasing cancer rates, and their accelerated rate of destruction, the sky's the limit.

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It would be interesting to study (model) this effect in terms of the US impending Social Security insolvency or the French retirement age increase.

In criminal behaviour it is always important to seek the motive.

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It would, but it won't change anything, at all.

Let's go beyond criminal behavior, I mean it is worldwide, they don't even try to hide it anymore, so it is time to stop analyzing it, analysis paralysis, and take definite steps to not only stop it, but end it.

Of course how do we do that?

We must first have the will!

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This should be connected to methylation because methylation modulates chromatin structure and function, along with gene expression.

Methylation of DNA, ➡️ structural changes via G-quadraplexes which “mold” the DNA methylome.

These G-quadraplexes mark the sites of methylation instability and are associated with Ageing and Cancer.

Essentially, the G-quadraplexes form secondary DNA structures in guanine-rich regions of the genome and these regions are called “ageing clock” sites.

Therefore, the SP could be destabilising the homeostasis of DNA methylation and speeding up the ageing process.

Once again this is connected to Light/UVB, circadian clocks, tryptophan and AhR.

With AhR signalling promoting an age-related tissue degeneration, by inhibiting autophagy, enhancing cellular senescence, and disrupting the extracellular matrix.





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Moreover, a prolonged increase in GRP78 and HSP70 could be the trigger for insulin resistance and diabetes.


UVB increases both GRP78 and HSP70



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This ⬆️ insulin resistance is associated with a multitude of pathologies - including: Diabetes, Heart disease, neurodegeneration and cancer.

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I often presented diabetes as a condition which caused the patient to age faster. The spike protein does the same thing, and I had assumed that the mechanism was similar, ie. disturbance of the endothelium.

The nuclear disruption is an interesting extension of the pathophysiology.

I ask (in certain circles) "Which is the bioweapon, the virus or the mRNA injection?" As a chemist (albeit lazy and I only calculated the comparative number of spikes once) I thought that the injection would provide orders of magnitude more spikes; as a physician I thought that the persistence of the spike-producing mRNA would far outstrip the potential damage from the usual viral respiratory infection.

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What are the implications for sauna use?

Generally thought to induce HSPs that are beneficial for DNA integrity. If the above is true, does this potentially change things, or does sauna remain beneficial or even potentially a helpful mitigation?

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Early on, I referred to this jab as “AGING gene therapy” and told people that you could not pay me a billion dollars to take it!

It’s gene therapy. It ages you. And thanks, Walter for giving this explanation as to why.

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People have been calling me crazy for a very long time, some of them are even quite rude about it & some are supposed to be my friends (lol) but I for one have never been more grateful for being nuts. Saved my bacon.

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Very very smart stuff - meaning created by someone very smart - and yes, evil. I am just listening to Elena Freeland, interviewed by Ala Mihalcea - she's talking about the nana technology being from quite a long time ago. This all fits together so much! The video I'm watching, by the way: https://www.onenewspage.com/video/20230111/15319515/GEOENGINEERED-TRANSHUMANISM-ELANA-FREELAND-AND-ANA-MIHALCEA-MD.htm

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All out war against the human biomass. The gift that keeps on giving. The tip of the iceberg of what we now know suggests to me far worse to come as eloquently predicted by geer t vanden bossche, doloress cahill, judy mikovits and michael yeadon. There seem to be so many deadly vectors inthis vaccine -- any one of which is deadly. Spike alone,spike with payload, lipid nonoparticle, hydrogel, graphene, psedo urocil, . From the beginning the multi organ attack was known from the biodistrbution data acquiredd from Japan by dr. Byram bridle via FOIA to Japan. All of these courageous doctors and scientists wete trashed and vilified as they posed the greatest threat to the credibility of pharma muderers and their cowardly bought and paid for minions- academic institutions, hospitals, media etc.

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Yes, a very long-term "all out war against the human biomass." Just watching Elana Freeland: https://www.elanafreeland.com/ - an interview with the Dark Journalist.

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Yeah but we need to research dr Ana too.. 🚩on stuff she believes.. akin to new age, occult..

Here are some comments from her book which begs closer 🕵️

Reviewed in the United States 🇺🇸 on December 2, 2022

If I had known this book was written by a doctor who follows the CHANNELED “teachings” from a supposedly 30,000 years old entity (Ramtha; channeled by a seemingly very cosmetically enhanced JZ Knight who’s been around forever and followed by Hollyweird crazed stars), I would not only have bought this junk and wasted my money (which I did) but run in opposite direction. Will toss this book-not worth enough for Goodwill. The world is weird enough as it is without this bizarro stuff.

This book is written by Ana Maria Michalcea,M.D. that opened private clinic in Yelm of Washington state in 2019 to address cancer therapy with alternative method. The author claims to have special device in her clinic called Blu Room which is representation of Light Technology. The main message of this book is if you want to be free from cancer or any other disease and stop aging all you need is a Blu Room Therapy. The story behind this this book is that special knowledge has been channeled by Ramtha (woman) thorough a male spiritual entente called JZ Knight, about special healing device called Blu Room. In order to heal any disease a person needs to be inside of this special room absorbing UV light believing that this is going to heal him from all distortions. Why 2 stars instead of 5? Why I liked this book: * The idea that UV light can cure cancer and any other disease and promote longevity in human body. * There were interesting thoughts regarding placebo effect and free will choice. * Explanation about side effects of CHANNELING and long term NEGATIVE EFFECTS on human body and health. This gives understanding why BODY possession is DANGEROUS. I think this is the first book published that shows direct relation between deterioration of human health and channeling. * Role of electricity in human health and well being. Here is what I did not like about this book: * Absolutely ZERO information on how to use "Light Technology" to heal yourself. Non of the practical applications have been provided. * Lack of knowledge in understanding on multidimensional anatomy of human being and the Universe. As a result too much of attention goes to the Light-technology and non to the Sound-technology. * Book starts from a thought that human being is powerful spiritual being that can shift reality and heal himself simply by using power of free will and power of thought. Book ends with a though that all you need to be healthy and stop aging is to become customer and regular visitor of the Blu Room Therapy, which is the foundation of the Light Medicine of the future. Nothing else is going to help. * This book is apparently created to bring new customers to Blu Room business, which is absolutely fine with me. Is this book worth reading. Yes. I found some interesting ideas

in this book and it was worth paying $30.

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I was a big fan of Dr. Ana as her videos really resonate with me. I thought she was a Christian but then she said in a recent video that she is spiritual, not religious, so this makes me wary. Now there is Dr. Alexander and Dr. Malone and their feud. I'm starting to distrust everybody now.

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I hear you.. same with all these " truthers"only Gods Truth wins!

I just heard if dr Ana recently and thought was a Christian too but when heard we are light beings and other new age talk and sayin if our health was without disease how long could we live? What could we evolve into .. and other odd things like her age defying clinic..

These folk think they could live forever.

Have to research more but reminds me of the physics of heaven book by bill Johnson of bethel church tapping into new age

The fact that she follows that channeling guy is all I need to know to 🚨

Yeah she may have some truth but who cares

The devil disguises as angel of LIgHt

She may grab folk in on some Covid truths and they follow her into another gospel ..

But I still have to research her as don't know what else she believes but tic toc..

So many " truthers" to sort thru.. so little time

But I know God isn't up theee sayin if only my children would read this su bstack or that and get iv chelation or that

We are running after man's wisdom

All these stacks I find distract and take time away from where we should focus on..

Bible n prayer n reaching the lost

So let's be careful how much time we waste online

I look at parents and aunts n uncles etc who don't read all these stacks or know latest "Covid truth"

They living on .. we sucked in to read this n that daily

I know God wouldn't desert them or poor folk who don't have Internet

No such thing as boastful purebloods

It's like these truther sites Instill fear also in us

Unvaxxed bloods now also need iv chelation. And this pill n that

Or ya die!


That sly old devil may just be doing another fine work in our camp too

Men's hearts will fail them from fear

Let's read with caution from all camps and bring it to the Lord in prayer for His Truth on this

False light false christs in last days

The new age have been talking about a great awakening from

Long ago

So has the church

Now we all joinin together for truth but what does darkeness have in common with Light..

Let's Proceed ahead with caution..

If ever discernment was needed, it's now!

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Absolutely frightening ... Is this the same for vax produced spike? If so, even more frightening (I'm hoping this is not the case)

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Especially the vax spike ! Per shot about 80 billion mRNA/PEG packets which last long due to 2p and psidourelation….and then there is plasmids and reverse transscription….not good!!!

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in such a case, what one should do at this point ??

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Check out FrontLine Doctors website. They have a protocol for it

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not so sure about them. that guy who worked for clintons, has been too late to come out on spike protein. these guys plays eight dimensionals and have gamed these things for a long time. difficult to find good sources.

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intermittent fasting + vit D + curcumin is a good shot

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i am trying to get into intermittent fasting ... difficult :-)

it seems this is serious stuff ... wouldnt say?

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it's dead serious

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Stick with the intermittent fasting. It gets easier over time. Your body gets used to it.

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I think it is. They only changed a few amino acid sequences to the vaccine spike. My vax gave me long covid.

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I've been casually polling those who claim Long Covid & I have come across some who say they have not been vaccinated but do have lingering health issues since they were tested positive & made gravely unwell by the virus. There aren't many, most folk complaining of Long Covid admit to having had the virus before being vaccinated.

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I keep asking (myself and others) the same question over and over again, but haven't gotten a viable answer yet: if these jabs were meant to kill, why did 'they' give them to everyone without discernment, randomly, young and old, smart and not so smart people, to them 'useful' and 'unuseful' people. Just makes no sense whatsoever. No logic.

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Are we still doing this? I thought it was well known by now that the reality is anything but that. Different people got widely varying injections, from placebo to guaranteed death. Not all batches/lots were created equal -- some 95% of the side effects come from a mere 5% of the vials...

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That was a tricky read for me but I get the gist. I'm not sure I want it, but I do get it.

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"The biological role of H3.3 has been the subject of intensive recent research. Adding more urgency to this effort, increasing evidence implicates H3.3 and its chaperones in cancer"

"This demonstrates how the Furin Cleavage Site, in a very clever fashion, actually functions not so much to cleave the Spike, but to bring it into the nucleus. There it functions in perhaps its most powerful way to induce rapid aging of the host. "

Even if the bioweapon/ biopharmaceutical doesn't kill you outright, it will accelerate damaging mechanisms in the host.

Imagine the financial boon to the medico-pharmaceutical industry as this plays out....

p.s., can medical practitioners, pharm companies, and any and all entities that forced and/or incentivized the biopharmaceuticals on the populace now be litigated once the eua has been ended?

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Maybe that is why they created ek1c4..?

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It squeezes the shit out of me, there’s no mistake concerning both squeezing life out of every living thing, not only humans.

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Do any of you watch Karen Kingston and/or Dr. Ana Milhacea videos? I'm getting information overload but am leaning more towards their theories that it isn't spike but nanotechnology. I'm not nearly as smart as all of these Subtask writers so I tend to go with my gut when I'm trying to make sense of all of this madness. What say you?

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What is know about the duration of this effect? Does it dimmish as the acute infection resolves?

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What role does the Graphene play in all of this? It seems that they're goal is also to get GO inside of every human they can.

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Much more sinister mechanism...thanks Walter ...disgusting manmade Bioweapon. Does it help to take cellular optimization products that clears senescent cells?(ie Bio-Fisten) . Thanks again . 🌸🌞🙏

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