Thank you Walter. "The body must either be unable to clear the Spike Protein (inability to break it down) or, the Spike Protein is being constantly produced, or both." - let's say that the body cannot clear the spike. Your earlier stacks suggest that there are natural substances that can clear the spike, like Nattokinase - correct? We need to disrupt the feedback loop if it exists in our bodies. Thanks again! May God bless you and continue to guide you. Peace.

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Does natto work on the spike? I thought natto was to break up the fibrin from the micro clots being found in blood? Are there any other options that may clear the spike?!?!

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Thats what I think too. Zeolite supports endothelial cells I believe. I think we are all guessing at what clears the spike at this stage

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Zeolite contains Aluminum.

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I do not know Catherine. My anecdotal evidence is Dr. McCullough's Spike formula includes natto. I would like to know exactly how to clear the pestilence from people's bodies. Thanks.

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I use Dr McCullogh’s Spike Protein Detox. I’ve been on it for 4 months now and all I know is I feel better than I have ever since being diagnosed with long covid 30 long months ago.

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got a link to where one might get this?

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I went to The Wellness Company website

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Good to know.

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That's awesome. Glad you are feeling better. Peace.

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Yes. I can’t use natto. Does anyone know of other options ?

I can’t get ivermectin. So what else can break up spike ?

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Natto and nattokinase are different; a soy allergy may not preclude nattokinase. (That requires investigation.)

Another enzyme is mentioned in this article, particularly toward the end.


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My femoral artery is buggered up after a cardiac cath.

I have terrible throbbing pain when my blood pressure changes at the site. I can’t sit or stand too long without changing positions. I suspect it is narrowed as I took vitamin D with K2 and 3 days later had horrific femoral site pain for hours! I thought... no way ... is that a clot?

I bought a bottle of natto kinase and online it says not to take if you have had a DVT. I never did I assumed.

But sure enough. 10 hours after taking the natto kinase I had bad throbbing at the femoral site for hours. So now I’m scared to try again.

If the lumbakinase and Serra are similar....I’m too scared to try it.

I gotta check out NAC?

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If u suspect a clot why aren't u going to check it out?

Also lumbro is 30x stronger than natto and 300x more than sera

Dr mercola says we should all have lumbro on hand if suspect a heart attack , stroke as it seems to be as effective or more than stuff they'd give in ER

BUT u should check all that with some experts

Don't self diagnose yrself

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I just had Doppler tests and waiting for nerve conduction appointment in 2 more months.

I have another appointment with cardiologist for results. My cardiologist is aware and is the same hack who did this to me.

It’s a small isolated town so I don’t have much choice.

So a formal diagnosis is in the works. In the meantime the last thing I will do is trust the same people who did this to me. Travel to hospital takes hours. I took a bunch of aspirin, resveretrol, Quercetin, stayed hydrated, etc.

I have now learned don’t trust the medical community who are not the best in my area. I trust myself now vs the doctor who might want me dead so I don’t sue him. Lol.

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Serrepeptase or lumbrokinase.

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It depends why you cant take the natto. I was on blood thinners due to a mystery stroke in 2019 (no found caused for it, I've always been really healthy and only early 40's) - I was coerced and brow beaten into the first 2 pfizer against all my screaming instincts not to, and have not had any obvious effects but following all this stuff about the vaccine has got me freaked out so I have come off the blood thinners for now and am taking natto and bromelain which both seems to work on spike from what I have read but neither can be taken with blood thinners. There is also NAC and reversatol - I got my info from FLCC and also other substacks like this - we really need a test to see who and who is not effected/still producing spike or whatever it is that is causing these sudden deaths etc. I feel like the anxiety at having taken it is not good either and family members who screamed at and bullied me into getting the jab now tell me not to look at the information but its hard to not look as I always looking for a answer. On the other hand keeping up with all this information does sometimes feel like a form of self harm!

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Take a look here: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36080170/

and also the comments and last few paragraphs here:


Short answer is "Yes."

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Nattokinase is a proteinase. What is to keep it from breaking down any protein? It is not specific for spike. I am leery of taking this non-specific proteinase as what is to prevent it from chewing up any or all proteins?

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Good question Alec. I do not know the answer. Perhaps someone can enlighten us on this matter. Peace.

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I am always amazed by the work you are doing. While far above my education your explanations are helping me to understand. Thanks for hat you do!

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Thank you Walter. I have not had a chance to read this post yet but I certainly shall. In the meantime I wanted to ask a question while the comment section was new. I know three people who contracted COVID and were very ill for about 10 days. This led to severe colon issues including eventually diverticulitis (yes, SARS-CoV-2 infects the colon). Perhaps this may due to permanent endothelial activation? Does anyone know of other cases of diverticulitis some time after COVID infection?

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I am looking into this phenomenon.

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I am very glad that you are looking into it.

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Yes, A very good friend of mine had covid twice. Now has diverticulitis. She caught the first wave of the virus as well as the delta phase. She is unvaxxed. 57 years old. No medical issues.

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Hi Stephanie. Actually, one of the three people I mentioned, is me! My history is exactly the same as your friend. I was got the first wave in August 2000, then I guess delta, a few months later. I know an MD who is very interested in SARS-2 and has many patients, and he is up to speed with reality. I will ask him about diverticulitis in his patients. When I hear back I will post on this substack right here below Walter's response to my post.

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Great article. This week I posted an article on my substack Medical Underground, about the thirty year old cure for cardiovascular disease from Linus Pauling. A cure that he and Dr. Mathias from Germany had patented as a cure. They cured thousands of patients with severe cardiovascular disease over thirty years ago and it has been totally ignored by mainstream medicine. How it applies to this article is that they argued that Cholesterol was not the problem, if it was it would be diffuse throughout the vascular tree including veins, but it is primarily located in arteries closest to the heart. the high pressure of these arteries causes a shearing effect damaging the endothelial cells, exposing strands of lysine and proline from the damaged collagen. Instead of the body healing itself, due to a deficiency of vitamin C, which is necessary for collagen production and cross linking to make its triple helix structure so strong. With inadeaquate vitamin C the body cannot repair its collagen and falls back on LP (a) to attach its sticky protein to the damaged collagen and deposit itself as a patch in the gap. It has been demonstrated that LP(a) goes up as vitamin C levels go down, and since most animals do produce their own vitamin C and do not have to rely on diet to get it, they also do not have cardiovascular disease. That is why your dog will never get a heart attack. It has also been demonstrated that only LP(a) has receptors for both lysine and proline exposed strands on damaged collagen. they administered orthomolecular dosing of large amounts of vitamin C (6 to 18 grams daily) and proline and lysine and this brought the Lp(a) way down and healed the arteries since now the body had everything it needed to produce strong collagen .

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Hence, the permanent endothelial activation from the spike protein, I think could be healed by using the high dose vitamin C, proline and lysine. I would also use a fibrinolytic enzyme like lumbrokinase or nattokinase, or even Bromelain, to eliminate any fibrin clots caused by exposed endothelium.

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It could also be that the spike protein does clear, but the damage is long lasting and persists long after the spike protein has cleared.

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Thats my case but vaxx induced...

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The Vaccinated Have Been PUNKED

For Believing

The Unbelievable.


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And how to intervene on that process?

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Australian garlic variety can limit internal spread of COVID and influenza A, Doherty Institute finds


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Embalmer Meets Pathologist - Cause of Mystery Clots?

Only available in full on Substack


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Does Nattokinase effect estrogen?

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Re: Julia's observation, don't jump to conclusions. Nattokinase is an enzyme; it's derivation may be entirely irrelevant. Would be best to seek high-level guidance, if available.

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It is soy derived so......

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