The two graphs at the beginning of this article are from EthicalSkeptic, not CDC. The data ES uses is from CDC, I think. But the graphs are ES' analysis.

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Thank you. I have updated the reference accordingly.

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Beat me to it. They are very recognizable!

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I had a healthy unjabbed friend who suddenly presented with stage 4 kidney cancer and died less than one year later. He did have covid once after his diagnosis. Could it have been shedding from his jabbed wife? I struggle to understand as out of 8 in my bible study group, 6 of which were unjabbed, 2 were diagnosed with stage 4 cancers (kidney and colon). Both were previously healthy, unjabbed, and on no medications but both had jabbed wives.

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What's going to happen when they release the self-replicating mRNA vax on everyone? Unjabbed are probably going to be having the same issues as the ones that took the V...

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Is there a way to know if Remdemisvir treatment is a confounding factor in the studies being considered? I understood it alone to have a high risk of causing kidney failure…

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Nov 5Edited

And a protocol that treated hospitalized covid patients with remdesivir? Unfathomable.

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Great article, thank you.


1. Can you describe symptoms so that we can know if our kidneys have been affected?

2. Is there a way to detox the kidneys of the spike protein?

3. How long can people live with these conditions?

Thank you

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