Only social science doctorate here, so forgive ignorance, but I want to suggest some loose connections (no pun intended) I've observed in my condition & those of fellow sufferers. I've got severe hEDS + von willebrands--slow to clot, easy to bruise, easy to prolapse, easy to overextend joints, muscles rigid b/c compensating for overstretched elastic ligaments. I never got COVID. (Had J&J vax, w/ week of immediate discomfort, & menstruation 1 year after menopause.)

College of Charleston Ehlers Danlos research lab is finally identifying (preprint June 10) at least one common mutation (having to do w/ "kallokreins" ??) that contributes to defective connective tissue in hEDS . Hypermobility EDS leads to widespread systemic damage over lifespan, but has been medically "invisible" so that, combined w/ predominant female disability, has led to severe invalidation & misdx for decades.

I've noticed anecdotally that along w/ an inability to clot quickly, some of us have had unusually high "good cholesterol" & like many other ballerina looking female hEDS pts, didn't process carbs the way most people do (or see cholesterol changes) until menopause. Most of us have stayed very thin w/ a slight Marfanoid yet curvey phenotype (scoliotic lumbar spine extending outward, highly defined ankles vis a vis calves). We're able to avoid "metabolic" issues like most Americans consuming juices, grains, potatoes per misguided Food Pyramid. It's like even w/o ketogenic diet (which I swear by now), our livers were pre-emptively protected from early diabetes, until menopause.

I just wonder about insights re COVID, heart issues, & metabolism, that might be gained from considering phenotypes who seem to have some protection from these issues as a tradeoff with other often disabling conditions. By comparing these conditions, you might also generate useful hypotheses about connective tissue disorders and/or role of Kallikreins.

I know I'm throwing out a lot here but wanted to bring to your attention the research interests of the C. of Charleston lab (& those at Johns Hopkins/U Baltimore) on connective tissue disorders & areas of potential mutual benefit. Thx for your indefatigable work on the genetically engineered harms of this virus.

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thanks for this, i have an article that perfectly explains the connective tissue disorders!! but unf i put a price tag on it.......because i do want people to pay the price for something that they should have figured out for me and treat me, while i pay for every medical advice. :) and they get payed for pretending to be able to heal someone. This HUGE problem did not grow over night it is decades of lies in the medicine that paved the way to this gigantic fraud

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Sooooo much harm inflicted by current medical industry. I have a lot of compassion for most healthcare workers who entered & often invested a lot of time/energy/money to do so, to truly help vulnerable people, and are blocked at every turn. Even decent people who wanted to just have renumerative jobs in which they could behave ethically have my compassion. Disincentives, structural exploitation & abuse, outright punishment, ostracism, & threats of legal harm & even imprisonment face clinicians.

Federal agencies are now weaponized through tight coupling w/ for-profit, academic, & medical sectors to suppress whistleblowers. The entire financial profit structure by Pharma & adjuvent players (lawyers, LE, DEA, other med interests) guides or pushes novices into given paradigms, reinforced by idiots in Regime media, using fellowships, free travel to cushy conferences, bonuses, grants, honors, promotions, and cherry-picked philanthropic investments; and threatens to pull it all away--on a very public stage, ir not a legal one-- if that paradigm is challenged.

In this way, bench scientists face career destruction if they too openly challenge popular beliefs, like fat is bad for us, children should have glasses of OJ & corn pops w/ almond or low-fat milk every morning & sugared granola bars for snacks; statins are harmless; multiple surgeries are great for breast cancer patients, pre-pec implants are perfect & constant bad outcomes reported by female pts are meaningless; endocrine therapy side effects are due to women's hysterical placebo effects; COVID's origins are innocent, lab or market; the related Vax is safe for all; lockdowns were innocent urgent measures; hospitals don't falsify records for income; better to euthanize a patient immediately than allow them to manage their own pain & fatigue for years w/ substances the govt wants to control, like Ritalin & opioids; a 5-day post-op pt wanting pain med refill is automatically suffering from "opioid use disorder," which is a real medical disorder that has existed since the last Ice Age and wasn't just invented by a bunch of greedy Suboxone execs, DEA agents, lawyers, & 20thc Temperance crusaders who've learned nothing from Prohibition & ironically don't comprehend AA & the 12 Steps, which is emphatically built on NOT CONTROLLING OTHER PEOPLE'S DRUG USE . . .

Tesla fell apart, the H. Pylori guy was abused, the continental drift guy died before being vindicated; Warburg was trivialized, and earlier truth-tellers were burned at the stake. I've no doubt many brilliant women (reflected as muses--b/c since guys didn't listen to the women around them, ergo it was a phantom) generated brilliant insights for which some man got credit, or which WAS interpreted correctly and she paid a price for it as a witch at a stake--probably having to do w/ better childbearing methods. By the 19th c this attitude would lead to cutting out women's wombs and/or lobotomizing them, usually while 200 young men watched as she was splayed out naked on a table on a lower stage for them all to consume like last month's Hustler.

Suppressing inconvenient truths--even by people who've supposedly devoted their lives to seeking them and/or applying them for the benefit of humankind, appears to be a recalcitrant feature of human nature. Some can do it consciously; others fall into a stupor; others were never that bright to begin with and are often promoted for that reason; still others just like the opportunity to have legal cover to harass, surveil, & mob people, especially those brighter than themselves.

I'm glad you're able to tx yourself. I've given away tens of thousands of hours of labor to people and seen some of that come to fruition. If you change your mind, maybe try to get crowdfunding for work. God bless you while we make sense of the utterly senseless destruction of our great civilization by fools too greedy, spoiled, & lazy to work to preserve it.

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thank you so much for the idea. Do you know the story of Paul Alone in the World?.... these people who want so much power are the most miserable in the entire universe, in essence they are Paul, shortsighted miserably hurting Souls that are slave to desires which are sick, but we have made them stars, we applaud their wealth, health, beauty, or whatever, it takes two for lies as well as for love, I have written a lot on this subject, so that it applies to any situation, not depicting details as you have done here, but some general rules, that seem to be laws of nature as any law in physics is.

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Do you read A Midwestern Doctor here on Substack? I recall an article (sorry don’t remember which one) mentioning hyper flexibility in patients predisposing to certain negative health outcomes. As a clinician, this doctor often has solutions, protocols to try.

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Thanks. Fortunately, there are now several international alliances of clinicians, researchers, & patient advocates advocating for patients who have various forms of Ehlers Danlos Syndrome. The most dangerous is Vascular Type. Those of us w/ hypermobility type usually have some heart/circulatory manifestations but not to the level of these people, who usually succumb in young adulthood. It's possible to have hypermobile joints--esp among young females--w/o having full-blown hypermobility Ehlers Danlos Syndrome (per 2017 criteria). Even multiple dislocations in childhood, without other systemic involvement (prolapses, soft velvety skin, miezogenic papules, MVP, bowel involvement, chronic pain, nerve issues, POTS, dysatuonomia, etc), could mean that you've got "hypermobility spectrum disorder"--which simply means, be careful . . . although it could end up being disabling later in life too, it often isn't.

Of course, these are clinical designations until geneticists --who're working hard on it now--can nail down key genetic mutations underlying the extreme of this disorder. That's why the recent work by College of Charleston is so promising. They've uncovered at least one mutation in kallikreins that's common in a highly controlled test subject based.

I've got this and it sucks, particularly b/c we "look healthY' well into middle age and are treated like we're crazy. the disease burden is worse than M.S., but despite enormous doctors' support for SSDI, they just return my application (w/ 500 pp) w/ no comment. I've got cancer now too--doesn't matter.

Go off and get euthanasia. It's becoming more and more the message. A 37-year-old w/ my condition--and healthier than I am--was approved for death in Canada. She was even in a commercial. Killed a few yrs ago. The reason? Her doctor had moved and she had no care--and God forbid they let us take meds we need--Ritalin for fatigue, Ativan for dysautonomia/muscle pain, opioids for pain and mood--and FUNCTION FOR 20 MORE YEARS.

The point of the State restricting meds isn't to save lives. It's to encourage people to die sooner.

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I plan to keep chewing nicotine gum…I saw the connection with the ACE2 in 2020, and never got the Vid. Great research you continue to provide us with to read Walter. You are appreciated!

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I have nicotene lozenges to take in the event of catching covid (or massive shedding exposure). I don't take them constantly because of some of the ingredients in the gum and lozenges.

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Thankyou for all your research and regular explanations… I can’t help noticing you only address the virus as the cause of systemic pathology.. but somehow never mention the effect of spike proteins that have been helped in most organs and cells via the vaccine needle.

Are you making a distinction between the two?

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WMc is likely speaking to both the virus and the shots.

Spike from the virus and the shots are both problematic, in my opinion. Only 1 to 4% (ish) people get systemic spike from the virus (based on RNA studies in the blood). The shots provide a large spike exposure that distribution all around the body. McKernan's work suggests the contaminating plasmids can replicate in our cells. I'd like to know if the modRNA plasmids can be maintained in our microbiome, but I'm unclear about that.

The shots also carry additional mechanisms of harm including LPS, DNA fragments and plasmid contamination, and cationic LNP (lipid nanoparticle) toxicity (with zeta potential complications). And there are human mimetic sequences in the spike protein, and all the other mechanisms packed into this system.

One way to view it, is that the virus is a bioweapon and the shots are more effective bioweapons.

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I’m guessing that a systemic spike situation correlates with the type of antibodies produced? After being infected (no vax), I only developed nucleocapsid antibodies, not spike.

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That is an interesting outcome and I don't have a hypothesis about how that happens.

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I have barely looked at the rest of the virus apart from spike, so cannot comment on other issues that may arise from the viral infection.

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this is why i wrote my latest article about spike protein being just like a bite to lead to the wrong path! We need solutions, and understanding the big picture, i had huge AHA moment and was blown away how nobody talks about the obvious stuff....there is a study from 2021 from germany! that helped me solve the puzzle

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I was wondering the same thing..

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If he does not reply this is what I see - WMC writes in this post "I have never given up my search for a fully satisfactory explanation for the multiple organ small vessel damage observed post SARS-CoV-2 infection and Spike Protein exposure" I understand the "Spike Protein exposure" is referring to "vaccine" induced spike. I find similar statements throughout his posts.

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there is absolutely no difference in those! the only difference is in the viral load and additives to the vaccine, which can exacerbate an already dire situation for some. Read here, this is for regular people, all backed up by science that leads to some practical solutions I will talk about in my next post https://hrabmv.substack.com/p/covid-19-in-your-blood-tests-patient

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I tried to read your article because I’ve had long covid for 3 years and it seems like I’m dying… your article is behind a paywall, if you’ve got lifesaving information share it, don’t put it behind a paywall.

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if 33 usd separates you from dying...you should pull the trigger! i hope you wont die. I highly recommend you do becasue you have spent probably thousands to solve it and if not then you should pay becasue you have not tried enough. I have written so many articles for free nobody is reading, that are gems. I have learnt the nature of humans, if they do not pay they do not value the information. There will be another article how to solve the problem, part 2. 1. define the problem2. apply the solution . There wont be million of posts! Those who write endlessly, never solved for anything, When you have a theory it is explanied in few pages, it either works or does not work even if you write 1000 articles.

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Your reply makes no sense… the sars cov2 is the whole virus not just a spike protein.. it has ‘engineered’ insertions.. the vaccine may have been xtra “things” added but it is not the whole virus .. just a small identifier namely a spike protein… and a code to engineer the cell it invades to make more copies.. the virus does not have the same payload either..the vaccine has 50 billion spike proteins in each shot ..the virus only needs a dozen or so to make their way into the lungs or digestive tract to start making copies … it takes much longer to invade the entire body because the immune system starts working as the virus starts multiplying … the vaccine gets a head start..these are not the same thing at all.. and if you think they are .. show me ONE paper to support this fact.

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no the immune system does not start working at all!! majority of infected people were asymptomatic!

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Just because you have no symptoms it does not mean your immune system is on holiday..

Fibrosis is scarring often caused by chronic inflammation.. Anything ending in Itis is an infection.. often followed by fever and fast pulse etc.. Otis are inflammatory conditions and often long term.. scarring is easy to reverse if it is just protein.. using a protease enzyme like nattokinase.. serrapeptase deals with both inflammation and infections… and dissolves biofilm and scar tissue.. go figure.

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nattokinase?? K2?? lol... you can only get agressive from it, if taking it more than a month. And females can gett hair on the chin. that is a vitamin d type of the solution! just like i said no this wont solve it!.. It helps to some extent but i wish it was so easy.

BTW i have invested some money in figuring this out...so no free lunch for you today. if you have solved it why are you still in this topic?

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I am talking about part of the reversal cure ..protease enzymes eat protein but the pancreas cannot pump out these enzymes into the blood stream only into the digestive tract.. taking any protease enzyme between eating one before two hours after will asters fibrosis.. lung liver arterial.. which as you know seems to occur through precipitins .. google it.. long chains of joined antigen and antibody proteins .. makes amyloid strands like the ones getting pulled out of bodies..

Replication is stopped by using high dose Zinc with an Ionophore and strangely enough ivermectin does this as well as hydroxychloroquine…but as you seem to know.. mist of the pathways involved required separate solutions… but no one is talking about mitophagy or autophagy .. and how to feed and grow mitochondria and build new synapses in the brain coz this vaccine effs up everything.

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i have written in plain vanilla language an article that explains the missing link to all the various outcomes from the virus, from 23 y old sportsman death to long covid which you probably have but do not know! everything else you talk about is fake news and leads to no solutions while missing the BIG thing. Read in my post that will be your 33 usd best spent in life. I have backed it up all by science and papers, i am here to solve it! not to rumminate on it,,,and write endless number of articles that make no sense at all...its macroview, vs microview. In this case it wont help when you get cytokin storm .....and feel the heat of it all day long . it feels like dying!

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Actually I never took the vaccine and understand a lot more about the mitochondrial disfunction from any virus having caught ME.. and recovered.. you need to understand how the body removes misfolded proteins and makes new cells and mitochondria.. how to feed the mitochondria and remove the debris caused by spike interference.. it is synthetic and something the human form has never encountered in 50,000 + years..it not all about Vit D .. yes vitamin D will support T-Helper 2 cells which is better than cytokine T Helper 1 .. inflammation and replication can be controlled by several botanicals .. but then you need to address fibrosis and scarring.. in both the body and heart and amyloid proteins too.. no magic wand .. You overblown statements are just that.. seeking some sort of financial reward in order to share a small part of the cure.. please find another platform .. I give my opinion freely..

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fibrosis and scaring happens when the virus has been with you for too long!

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i have written something that has been published in scientific magazines for free, i am here because i want to help. You can do what i have done too! And you will have it for free. The article is not about vitamin D at all! And if vit D wont solve it then nattokinase or k2 wont either becasue that is the same logic! i know people who did nothing and look like recovered after 2,5 years! without even knowing they are sick! but some have issues, and will have issues...so it is good to know what i wrote, actually it is MDs i am targeting! I came here to offer solution not DISPAIR as you get from reading this type of articles so if you want you can have it

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You cannot get papers published in peer reviewed scientific journals if you have no scientific background.. do you have a scientific degree?

The immune system works 24/7 and without giving much indication it is doing so.. until something becomes fulminate or overwhelming.. so yeah you can walk around and function with pickets if infection and not know it.. ever heard of walking pneumonia???

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If he does not reply this is what I see - WMC writes in this post "I have never given up my search for a fully satisfactory explanation for the multiple organ small vessel damage observed post SARS-CoV-2 infection and Spike Protein exposure" I understand the "Spike Protein exposure" is referring to "vaccine" induced spike. I find similar statements throughout his posts.

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If you hum for 15 minutes a day it helps the NO in your body. Dr. Phillip McMillan has a few videos on this important research. I feel if you collaborated with ppl like him then you both would get miles ahead. My best to you and thank you

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NOX NADPH oxidase 5 is a pro‐contractile Nox isoform and a point of cross‐talk for calcium and redox signaling‐implications in vascular function. Journal of the American Heart Association, 7, e009388. [PMC free article] [Google Scholar]

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This sounds like accelerated ageing, which is often observed in the vaxxed and transfected.

Would the above cascade effect cause the appearance of ageing? thanks Paul

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accelerated aging comes from the inflammation of a huge area of the body! metabolism is running so much faster trying to repair the damage...read in my post. i remember march 2020 we allready knew about spike protein. those who have created the problem showed it to you, so that you bite the bait?!! or solve the problem?! go figure.

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Your work and that of Christopher Masterjohn clued me in to the role of heme and iron metabolism in C19 and roughly all acute and chronic illnesses. Thank you!

What do you think about Spirulina as an inhibitor of NOX as a protective supplement? Toyoshi Inoguchi and Mark McCarty published that phycocyanobilin and similar inhibit NOX enzymes, but I've not seen anything specific to which one, several, or all NOX isoforms? Are you aware of specific inhibition information?

In my opinion, we need to better understand the nitty gritty because RONS (reactive oxygen and nitrogen species) are integral to metabolism and signaling (Jack Kruse summarizes the literature well), in addition to their roles in making cell soup in the pathogenic case.

I'd love your thoughts on Spirulina, phycocyanin, and phycocyanobilin (and biliverdin and bilirubin) for modulating potentially overactive RONS environment.

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Show me the evidence it is irreversible

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......with imminent, MUCH-stronger EXTENDED exposures to stellar radiation (and an increasingly-INeffectual, weakening EMF - expected to lose 90% its strength by NO later than 2050 - but, a 30% chance now of it happening 15 years BEFORE that) the URGENT need for ecosystemic / planetwide distribution of OPTIMAL radioprotective agents (NATURAL ones, that I'll be researching FURTHER next week) becomes even MORE imperative, Walter - almost CERTAINLY though, THEY can significantly REDUCE an ASSOCIATED threat of JUST such irreversible / FATAL oxidative processes.....

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What can you say happens to organ recipients bodies, on immuno suppressant meds, who, because of their physical status were prioritised for injections and have probably received more than most? Are they full of spike proteins?

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If you receive a vaccine with a built in code to make spike proteins (a small part of the whole virus) doncha think you end up making lots and lots of spike proteins .. your immune is overwhelmed… because it managed to bypass the natural entry points .. nasal and mouth airways…and gone straight into the blood stream.. by the time the immune system kicks in.. the proteins will have entered most organs…absolute buffoonery.

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1 to 3 trillion spike antigens created per mRNA or viral vector injection.

An estimated 10 billion, 40 billion, 50 billion lipid nano particles or viral vectors per injection for pfizer, moderna, zstrazeneca causing the body to produce up to 3 trillion* whole spike antigens produced per injection *Ogata et al

note: I found out these figures from the page "What happens to those billions of NanoParticles you've become host to? [Revisited]" at https://substack.com/@thebolustheory - Marc Girardot is the one who did the gumshoe work.

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I agree with what you're saying, you'd be full of buckshot! So, what's really in them?

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i would say this does not matter at all! look at real life examples....i know of many unvaxxed who struggle currently and vaxxed who are perfectly fine! Focus on the spike protein is the dead end street! read in my blog.....there is no solution just dispair and lack of the truth by analysing spikes!

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All of this is caused by the injection of poisonous graphene oxide and other nanotechnology into living beings. This material is then manipulated using frequencies to cause destruction of the living organism. There is no virus. Viruses have never been proven to exist.

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.....there IS however, proteinaceous media (throughout living organisms, especially 'enzymes', amino acid chains) which when ['piezoelectrically', even just SLIGHT pressure / monodirectional force] compromised by CERTAIN resonant informational effects, DO become a threat to HOST lifeforms anyhow and are INSTITUTIONALLY called 'viruses' (literally, 'POISONERS') Lucy; proprietary / undisclosed materials SUCH as graphene, aluminum, other conductive compounds (from ALL directions, are they being biologically internalized) OPTIMIZE that process : (

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Still not a virus like they always claimed exists naturally. Just another nano sized toxin they designed and then called a “virus”. They have been lying about everything since allopathic medicine was introduced.

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Very interesting. Thank you.

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I wonder, WMC, if subscriptions (including paid subscriptions) would increase if perhaps you engaged much more with your subscribers who comment.

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Oh well,

Thanks for your due diligence and proof in fact finding we all will die of something someday caused by evil intent or old age, or weak health system due to poor nutrition or lack of sun, or lack of proper socialization etc.

I - just- can't


-Death and Taxes, you have proved Death...

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A lot like diabetes & ACE2: Batlle, D., Jose Soler, M., & Ye, M. (2010). ACE2 and diabetes: ACE of ACEs?. Diabetes, 59(12), 2994–2996. https://doi.org/10.2337/db10-1205

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thank you for this.

Your explanation is well laid out and understandable

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