So I was sent to ATAGi Infectious diseases Dr as a healthcare worker refusing this as a significant past history of clots, last one a saddle PE which put me ICU post a torn calf muscle.

This Dr blatantly told me he can not provide me with an exemption and only condition that is considered contraindicated was antiphosphid lipid syndrome which triggered my memory which I said oh I was diagnosed with this in my last pregnancy, which he then dismissed I’m sure thinking I made this up. No tests offered, no let’s get your history and check told good sorry you won’t be able to work in health, good luck. This pretty much confirmed this is a genocide with massive gaslighting I had never seen in 25 years as a health worker. But it also tells me they knew this.

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Safety in numbers for their "all hands on deck" scheme. Absolutely diabolical, even after the payout structure had dulled their conscience and oath-taking to a callous faux professionalism.

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Antiphospholipid Syndrome caused by Endotoxin in Covid19 Jabs


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Some obstetrical patients that have anti phospholipids syndrome/ MTFHR … never made it to the third trimester.

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Wow! I wrote about this in my book; Pandoras Box, published a year ago. This is what I wrote;

“SARS-CoV-2 uses its viral coat proteins to mimic and block MHC-2 epitopes used for immune surveillance, then uses molecular mimicry to turn healthy cells into turbo cells, continuously producing viral particles.”

A “vaccine” that turns host cells into viral antigens is not a vaccine, it’s a loaded gun!

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Is there any particular reason why precipitins are not mentioned?…. I would have thought antibodies and antigens will bind into long strands of protein… through the process of precipitins because that how they behave under laboratory settings… and the CDC insisted everyone get a booster within eight weeks at a time in the early months when it was impossible to prove the first jabs had failed but allowing precipitins to form.. this is criminal.. and heads should roll.

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Dr bruce patterson and Dr osgood (Dr osgood is a morally bankrupt amoeba) were both treating with triple anticoagulant therapy for most patients that tested high on their cytokine panel measuring vegf and... ugh I forgot the other codes because it's been a few years. Triple anticoagulant therapy is the treatment for CAPS suggesting that yes, caps is inevitable for some.

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You are promoting James Hill MD's substack. You believe these conspiracy theories? You must if you are urging new subscribers to your stack to follow them as well. That's why you live in South Burlington, VT, I guess.

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