Nov 22, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

It doesn't surprise me in least that brain changes or remodeling occurred with COVID. The global and ring type headache while having COVID was something else. My brain feels different when now when I overdo alcohol consumption and words escape me often enough that I've noted it that I never had an issue with before. I call it covid brain. Most I know are like, "you're just getting older." Age could be a thing, but I'm not yet 50 so on the whole covid brain makes the most sense to me.

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I'm 38 and have also noticed this. 2 jabs last year (sigh) + 2x Covid (Jan & July) this year. NAC has helped, but it's more like a temporary "fix" (4 hours?).

Hope this is just a coincidence...

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I'm 49 and had the symptoms of the various strains of covid at least 4 times with the first one being the worst. Not tested for confirmation. Stayed away from the vax. Dr McCullough said from very early on that the spike was the toxin. I've done the protocol from the World Council for Health a few times which includes NAC. I do it for two weeks each time. Idk if I should be doing longer or continuous, but somewhere between the NAC & the neem makes me like to cycle as I'm not sure I like the feeling on the NAC & neem. Side benefit of neem seems to be less ticks & possibly less mosquito bites. Godspeed on getting back to normal.

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Dr.Bhakdi presented

pathology findings in frontal brain- multifocal necrosis of capillaries caused by vacine's spike protein after 3rd shot. He told that the study hasn't been published yet.


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I like Dr Bhakdi. He is a thinker. Imho the people who created the mRNA for covid are incredibly arrogant/stupid. Why? If you're programming the body to perpetually manufacture something related to a disease state then it should always be the antibody and not the disease. At a minimum programming the disease seems it would likely create a permanent inflammation state. For covid they programmed people's systems to manufacture the disease (the spike). It's like teaching the body to make cancer so it can eventually learn to fight cancer. This has the fingerprints of a computer programmer thinking & programming in digital when humans are in fact analog.

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What you say makes sense - if the injection was really supposed to fight covid. But it's not - it's supposed to be a death sentence for the recipients (sometimes fast, sometimes slow). And for the few who manage to evade death for more than just a couple years, it's supposed to make them infertile, crippled up with a variety of expensive to treat medical conditions (cash cows), and too damn vaxx injured to put up any kind of fight...

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Many very knowledgeable of all this don’t believe it was an accident or incompetence but all planned for years!!!! Its all about getting complete control over humanity and ruling the world. A system similar to what is already occurring in CHINA. A MATRIX once implemented WE CANT ESCAPE and will be subjected to whatever the EVIL NON-ELECTED leaders wish. We know that had been a goal of many evil ppl in history!! Not to mention the SATANIC theory and beliefs.

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Wow, that’s awful (though not surprising at this point).

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Thank you Walter. I trust that you are correct. What a horrible bioweapon that has been unleashed on society. May God bless you.

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The truth may be hard to take but we must face it.

Each day I live I’m even more grateful to God. He’s the only hope I know that can offer any solace.

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100% Bridget. May God bless you.

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"The study builds on previous work Biswal and his colleagues conducted, which documented structural changes in the brain that distinguished people who had been hospitalized and recovered from COVID-19 from those who had not been infected."

I'm guessing the "hospitalized and recovered" patients/study subjects were not treated early with the therapeutics and supplements recommended by the FLCCC et. al. Would the structural changes in the brain have occurred had the patients been afforded early treatment? 🤔

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Next great question. My husband I , 70 and 67, both had covid, treated within hours with ivermectin and other FLCCC therapeutics, recovered 3-6 days. Lets see studies on patients like us. While impacted by normal aging we have no unusual brain fog, are not experiencing cognitive differences from pre-covid.

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To do that type of study would require admitting that Ivermectin is a safe and effective treatment...

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Do the jabbed have an even worse injury to their brain?

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I think Marc Giradot is onto something. He's been saying that all of the vaccine injuries we have been seeing can be attributed to the vaccine getting injected directly into the blood stream where it ends up transfecting cells throughout the vasculature, including the very important blood brain barrier. The immune system has to clean up the mess from all of the spike proteins that are produced, and the end result ends up looking like a "carpet bombing" of the endothelium. Essentially, you end up with holes in areas like the blood brain barrier that never heal. Then, the leaky barrier permits the transfer of all sorts of pathogens into the brain, including spike protein from subsequent infections and shots. So, based on this theory, I would say, yes, it would seem that vaccination might be very bad when it comes to brain injury.

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Would really like to see this study examine whether those with Covid were vaccinated or unvaccinated--could an antibody enhancement effect be contributing to the brain effects seen?

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By saying this doesn’t it make the uninformed think getting vaccinated will protect themselves from this terrible affliction

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Thanks for the news.

I'd appreciate being informed as to what SPED stands for. I'm afraid I only drop in to your substack sporadically.

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Thank you Walter. I wonder if various types of nootropics would help with this. Or, look at vinpocetine types of supplements.

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When do those who are responsible for experimenting with gain of function viruses that could NEVER occur naturally be held accountable for this holocaust?

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Do we know if these individuals were vaccinated?

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Walter: my mother recently had a small lacunar infarct so I’m digging around for supplements that may help prevent “the big one,” and I came across the following reference. Micronized purified flavonoid fraction may decrease endothelial activation, cleaning up microvascular damage. From the abstract: “By inhibiting endothelial activation, micronized purified flavonoid fraction (MPFF) (Daflon 500 mg), an edema-protective agent, can prevent the inflammatory cascade resulting from the leukocyte-endothelium interaction.” (Nb this compound is available as a supplement rather than regulated drug as well - it’s a combination of diosmin and hesperidin) Clearly the paper is from a different indication but I thought that this might send you an interesting exploration (for your “Friday Hope” feature), because whether venous or arterial, endothelium is endothelium: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/15641940/

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Hello Dr Chestnut. Sorry, this is not specifically related to this article but I have no other way to contact you. I'm in the process of translating into French a bunch of your articles from your website for the purpose of re-publishing them on my blog - that is, if you don't mind.

On this page: https://wmcresearch.org/the-spike-proteins-induction-of-autoimmunity-and-amyloidosis-as-both-pathological-and-as-the-bodys-protective-response/ , you mention a paper (Amyloids in Site-Specific Autoimmune Reactions and Inflammatory Responses) which I cannot find anywhere either on your website or your Substack. Could you please point me to it?

Sorry to waste your precious time with this.

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You'll find it through google.

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Done. Thanks a million.

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What about Aspirin for traitement ? Your point of view Walter please 🙏🏻

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