I work in HC and am seeing an absurd amount of calcium in patients arteries. Yes they are old but I’ve been doing this for 15yrs… it’s obscene. What your saying could correlate.

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Thank you! And, YES!

Hypercalcemic effect of catecholamines and its prevention by thyrocalcitonin


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So if you're older and eat a keto diet, what should one do?

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Keep going! Keep your blood sugar low.

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Increased intake of magnesium is needed to help mitigate the inflammation.

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I was reading something recently about vgcc’s (volted gated calcium channels) & its link to EMF radiation. Apparently excess EMF radiation exposure/absorption causes excess calcium in the cells. I’m not sure I understand it correctly. Does anyone know if this is true or if there is a connection between calcium & EMF radiation?

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Extremely low frequency (ELF) radiation has been shown to affect voltage-gated ion channels in living organisms. Interestingly, such effects can be observed even when the field strength is theoretically well below the threshold of the thermal energy of ions in the organism. There seems to be a bit of a mystery here still. Another interesting thing about ELF radiation is that the resonance cavity formed between the surface of the earth and the ionosphere resonates at frequencies in this range. We spend our entire lives bathing in this ELF radiation field. It makes you wonder if somehow all life has learned how to harness this field.

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interesting dynamic. the voltage gated channels could imaginably become sloppy or distorted with a double charged Ca2+ ion being pushed around by emf?

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Walter, your production and ongoing discovery is amazing. Please keep it up as it is making a difference.

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Thank you, Lance. Will do.

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this research is rather important also, because there is a huge misinformation out there.

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The majority of the "experts" cited for these have strange credentials, and some have degrees from unaccredited schools. It's worrisome. Now they've managed to convince people that carbon can become magnetic!

In addition to keeping eyes on the pathophysiology of spike protein, I also believe more attention should be given to LNPs.

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Of course graphene can become magnetic. Magnetism discovered in the graphene-based systems offers unique opportunities for their spintronics applications. Graphene is intrinsically nonmagnetic as all the outer electrons in carbon hexatomic rings are perfectly paired to take shape in σ- and π-bonds. All the efforts to make graphene magnetic are carried out to break the symmetric bonds to release the unpaired electrons and generate net spins. When the periodic spins on the graphene plane are close enough to interact with each other, magnetic cluster or magnetic ordering comes into existence.

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Hi Just a Clinician, 

I was honored to share, in these Comments, the J C video relative to infectious clones. 

He discusses how many people do think that the spike protein is the toxin.  He also points out another possible explanation that any foreign protein using transfection can cause the harm.  Marc Giradot does not believe that the spike is the toxin.  Rather, it is the

"transfection diffused loosely through the endothelium". Intravascular harm.

I believe I found the relevant alluded to Giradot post:  https://covidmythbuster.substack.com/p/how-do-post-vaccination-circulating :

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Thank you! I, too, immediately thought of the South African doctor, Dr.Chetty. I exalt Dr.Chetty.


I want to thank you again for your kindness.

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interesting exchange on spike protein and girard theory's on his substack

Pete Lincoln

Oct 17

I think you are underestimating spike. I did a ballpark estimate showing up to 4 mg could be produced per Pfizer dose. Of course, I did not take into account truncated mRNA, incomplete transfection, mRnA degradation, Unencapsulated mRNA, and my estimate for how much spike per mRNA could be an order of magnitude or more too high. But certainly even if only 1% of my estimate is produced, thats 40 micrograms. Thats a lot of spike, hundreds of billions or trillions in fact.

The body has no antibodies for the first injection, so higher circulating plasma values possible. But most of the spike is locked up in cells doing much damage. We know the LNP travels widely and no doubt is transfecting cells in many organs where the mRNA starts producing spike. The spike is pathogenic and we are unsure how long it persists before being degraded, and certainly those cells being transfected die. We also know parts of the spike persist in monocytes that repair blood vessel walls for up to 15 months (Bruce Patterson)

Not saying LNP isn't a problem, but much of that is cleared in the kidneys or locked up by the liver, and we see very few studies supporting a cytotoxic effect although we cant rule it out


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Pete Lincoln

Oct 18

You don't find if you don't look. The absence of studies showing they looked but did not find is telling. Getting funded to find high concentrations of spike is not going to happen if there is a risk you will find it.

While a bolus can achieve this I am not convinced only a bolus can achieve it. We don't know how much spike is being produced, where it is being produced, how long it is being produced and how long it persists. Thats a lot of unknowns. There must be a reason they are still unknown.

We do have some case reports, few as they may be. Publishing is hard in this environment

Cytokine storm-Covid vaccination


Spike Protein-Autopsy



Marc Girardot

Oct 18


Thanks Peter.

Will read the material.

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thank you!!

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sally - definitely, i am no expert. having said that a couple of observations.

first, this guy giradot, states quantities of spike after 5 days are very low - he cites an harvard study. i find this a bit suspicious. have been quite a few studies that find spike at least after 4 months- the doctor from ohio stated that recently, but stephanie, dr.fleming, dr. chetty and many others have pointed to SPIKE + LNP as our clinician points out.

also, the date of the blog october 17 coincides with this well organized effort against SPIKE PROTEIN by quite a few of "antivaxx" crowd. this guy claims venom, others like la quinta columba claim it is graphene and magnetic field, other G5 technology, no virus crowd ... ANYTHING BUT SPIKE PROTEIN.

walter here is a small guy, following your links i have listened to him a few times. he is the real deal. cant say he cant be wrong, after all baric's of this world had unlimited funds at this for decades so is not easy to figure out what they were up to.

C J seems okay, but he has a boss and if someone looks to make a living there are limits to how far one can go. malone and others are knowing or not knowing sort of controlled opposition ... it is so far they would go.

whats going on is big, i dont think it would go away and would only come back into some other form. not easy to find truth, but got to look for it ...

thanks for all your posts and links !!!

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I'm not saying spike is NOT a toxin. I think it is. But perhaps it's not the only one!

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Loved your wonderful reply.

I am so appreciative! Thank you so much!

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Campra published his Raman spectra taken on vaccines and found graphene in all of them. Seems pretty solid to me that it's there. That raises many questions that need to be answered. Why hasn't this ingredient been disclosed? Did pharma add it as an adjuvant? Ok, then why not say so? The vacuum created by the total silence on this topic has naturally been filled by all manner of speculation. Still, that does not detract from the essence of the problem: if graphene is in the shots, why is it there? It is just as important to shed light on this as it is to unravel the many-faceted dangers associated with the spike protein.

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Walter. I treat many people with keto like diet interventions. Generally these people do not get hypoglycemic. In fact they usually have fasting glucose levels in the 90s, but after eating rarely go above 120. So their glucose range is smaller and insulin levels drop.

How does this mesh with the top part of your post about hypoglycemic ketosis?

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very interesting!

perhaps you might take a look at the supplement Berberine, known to lower glucose and good for cardiac health, and see if there might be usefulness as a anti-covid or covid recovery strategy supplement 🤔

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Walter... IMO, this is significant and comports with what we are seeing in the real world! You are doing great work! Thank you for your on-going research!

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1. Vitamin D, effects on brain development, adult brain function and the links between low levels of vitamin D and neuropsychiatric disease - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0091302212000295 - "...epidemiological associations have been made between low vitamin D and psychiatric disorders not typically associated with abnormalities in brain development such as depression and Alzheimer’s disease. Once again the preclinical findings revealing that vitamin D can regulate catecholamine levels and protect against specific Alzheimer-like pathology increase the plausibility of this link..."

2. Vitamin D Supplementation Improves Cardiovascular Response to Head Up Tilt in Adolescents Suffering from Syncope - https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/hyp.72.suppl_1.P396 - "...Compared to baseline, vitamin D supplementation reduced the HR elevation post HUT and reduced NE/Epi baseline levels..."

3. Effects of bioflavonoids on catecholamine biosynthetic activity in the adrenal gland: In vitro studies using partially purified tyrosine hydroxylase and chromaffin cell cultures - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20504598/ - "...The findings presented here suggest that quercetin may inhibit catecholamine biosynthesis..."

4. Zinc controls cell pores to regulate storage and release of catecholamine - https://cen.acs.org/articles/95/i13/Zinc-controls-cell-pores-regulate.html - "...They found that cultured adrenal cells treated with zinc store less catecholamine than untreated cells. Even though the treated cells store less, they actually release the same amount of catecholamine as the untreated cells because they’re releasing nearly all of what they have taken in. That release also occurs much more slowly than the release from untreated cells..."

5. Vitamin C prevents stress-induced damage on the heart caused by the death of cardiomyocytes, through down-regulation of the excessive production of catecholamine, TNF-α, and ROS production in Gulo(−/−)Vit C-Insufficient mice - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0891584913003675

6. Curcumin suppresses gelatinase B mediated norepinephrine induced stress in H9c2 cardiomyocytes - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24116115/

7. Neuromodulatory effect of curcumin on catecholamine systems and inflammatory cytokines in ovariectomized female rats - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33098686/

8. (–)-Epigallocatechin-3-O-gallate (EGCG) attenuates the hemodynamics stimulated by caffeine through decrease of catecholamines release - https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12272-016-0757-1

9. Melatonin regulates catecholamine biosynthesis by modulating bone morphogenetic protein and glucocorticoid actions - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0960076016301728

10. Sympathetic Activity Increases With Obesity in Hypertensive Patients - https://www.ahajournals.org/doi/10.1161/hyp.70.suppl_1.114 - "...Increase in BMI is associated with increasing dopamine, catecholamines and metanephrines indicative of progressive SANS activation..."

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Very nice - I have saved it in a post - with a leptin focused addition. Leptin is the answer to point 10. https://denutrients.substack.com/p/leptin-and-nutrients-for-mitigating

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A zero carb, ketogenic, carnivore diet is considered extremely dangerous by most mainstream dieticians. However, as seems par for the course these days, anything promoted by the mainstream must be treated at a minimum with suspicion, but maybe even consideration that the exact opposite is true.

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Like this paper claims a keto diet increases inflammation---not sure I believe it. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6922028/pdf/nihms-1523348.pdf?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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Everyone I know that has tested c reactive protein on a keto diet, especially carnivore, has seen a dramatic decrease in their inflammation levels. I believe many of the studies are specifically funded and designed to create a scientific appearing environment or context, that supports pharmaceutical products and also the aims of organisations like the 7th day Adventists. We have to treat all studies no matter how excellent they appear with a healthy dose of common sense.

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Hmmm. I am pretty much following a Keto diet and my CRP is quite high. Don’t know the cause. But I’m guessing my CRP would be even higher if I didn’t follow Keto!

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Who knows. This is what I have found so far increases my CRP (aside from carbs) : Pork (rich omega 6 fat), alcohol (cheap wine especially) and polyester clothing.

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I call bs on that. I eat keto, and have zero inflammation. Before keto I had lots of it.

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Anecdotal- my daughter has a rare immune disregulating syndrome. She ALSO has hypoglycemia and I keep her on a keto diet for the most part.

She SAILED through Covid this past august. I was sure if she got it the mucus would get her really sick (as she suffers with a lot of mucus already)

One day of a lot of stomach troubles, an extra day under the weather. Then fine.

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This is so interesting. Thank you, Walter, as always.

Probably not exactly relevant, but you've reminded me of something very frightening that happened to me on holiday in Cornwall last week. At home I often fast, sometimes for 2 or 3 days and rarely eat anything sugary or too processed (like pasta) and I don't even eat rice, because I prefer cauliflower rice. If I have something sweeter, it'll be a couple of spoons of ice-cream, and very rarely. I hadn't drunk a drop of alcohol for 6 weeks either.

One night on hols, I had a 3-course gourmet meal. It was vegetarian (I often order veg dishes) so not much protein, and I had a huge dessert of treacle tart with ice-cream. Then, two alcoholic drinks. I felt fine, went to bed at midnight.

Woke at 2am with heart palpitations. Not TOO bad, but very unusual for me these days (10 years ago it happened regularly). My heart gradually sped up until it was beating at 130bpm! My usual is around 52 to 56 (I'm a cyclist). It would not go back to normal. I sat, trying to calm down, doing calming breathing. It didn't work. I was terrified.

Eventually, after about 30mins it slowed down to 90bpm. I was very shaken and I know it was the sugar and the alcohol. I'm a fit and healthy person but I thought I actually might die. Never again. It's back to my usual diet, which I enjoy and lets me feel good and doesn't utterly terrorise me in the night. Or kill me if I catch covid!

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For anyone who thinks low carb or Keto is going to be difficult, let me tell you from personal experience, if you make some immediate simple changes then small changes over time it just becomes natural. I felt better within two weeks and it's just gotten better and better, which also makes food choices even simpler. While I was trying to figure out what was going on with Covid early on, I was diagnosed full blown Type II diabetes with some terrible numbers. So I started down the path that is our food pyramid and the recommendations we've grown up with. The lies have been so bad, I'm not sure Fauci is in the running to reach the damage Ancel Keys has caused with his faulty cholesterol / saturated fat theories. (Fauci has an outside chance though.) Two years on, my blood markers / pressure are totally normal, tons of weight lost and changes to energy levels are profound, so much so, that my young adult children have also adopted a low carb lifestyle. For anyone interested, there are some good YouTube channels I found helpful: Low Carb Down Under, the Beat Diabetes Channel, Dr. Berg and Dr. Ekberg. If you haven't previously and decide to look into the science, just know you're about to enter a deep rabbit hole.

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Thank you, Walter...the more I learn about the human body at this level; the more I am in awe of the biochemistry/biophysics and work-arounds of potentialities toward restoring homeostasis. Since epithelial tissue is now found capable of creating catecholamines, posture (recumbency) is correlated, and Calcium in the vascular system is elevated; I am wondering about work-arounds that our minds can hypothesize and try out. I am fascinated with the biophysics of fascia (the interstitium is now considered an organ, largest in the body) and it's relation to the Chinese Medicine Meridian/Qigong/Acupressure system. I try out many forms of fascial release that can be done to enhance the connective tissue (epithelium is one type of connective tissue). Standing Qigong and Tai Chi (many forms), The Roll Method, MELT Method, mini trampolining, Gua Sha, Tui Na: wondering about the biophysics , voltage gated channels, and biochemistry, say of the catecholamine production in epithelium. Grateful, I am, that your research sparked so much interest in others; perhaps more research in areas that truly help others will come out of this...

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                                                      J. C Couey Video                                       

     One half of the brilliant Walter Chesnut./JC Couey Duo -J C Couey elaborates upon their recent discussion.                                                         



     J C Couey discusses the development and significance of the fabrication and uniformity of INFECTIOUS CLONES   

 It is a long video.  For a most interesting segment, start at circa 2 hours:32 minutes. DANGERS: One explanation is that the spike protein is the toxin  But, if the spike protein is the toxin, more people will be sick, since a lot of people have this spike protein circulating in their bodies.  Of course, there is another possible explanation that it does not matter what kind of foreign protein that you express using  transfection, since the damage will always be centered around the endothelium and the endothelial damage through neutrophils that will inevitably lead to a cascade that will lead to thrombosis and death.  *J C Couey bids us to read Marc Giradot's intriguing, rather compelling Substack, in which he argues that the spike is not the toxin.  Rather, it is intravascular harm.  "Transfecting even diffusely the epithelium."      


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Wow! This is absolutely brilliant! Thank you so very much, dear Walter! Now we have something clear to look for, and some thing to find a way to reduce. You have knocked it out of the park!

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Are you saying a Ketogenic Diet (mostly ruminant meat) is “bad” when trying to heal/detox/treat SPED or Vaccine induced SPED?

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