This is what Dr. Judy Mikovits talked about in the beginning. It makes sense when you think of the hate Fauci, the “expert” medical rags supported by pharma and the medical industrial complex that thrives on long term illness spewed against Ivermectin. Stopping Tumor progression is the last thing the aforementioned want. Treating and helping patients live without disease is the worst thing for their bottom line. I am very encouraged you believe IVM may be an answer.
Exactly. The hate towards ivermectin from the "expert" class felt like an overreaction. It was not enough for them to simply claim it did not work for Covid (even though it has been effective for many) they had to SMEAR ivermectin as horse paste to deter people from taking it. Maybe they were trying to protect the vaxx cash cow, and to also deter people from looking into ivermectin and fenbendazole (another antiparasitic) in order to protect the ultimate cash cow: cancer treatments.
Some sources are now saying that horse paste is toxic, but when you buy it and see the ingredients, the only drug in it is ivermectin, so they are lying to stop people taking ivermectin in this easily available form, though in the UK, veterinary suppliers are now catching on and refusing to supply it even if you say you have a horse if you try to buy several tubes.
Very interesting again as all the rest of your observations. I get overwhelmed by the sea of articles on Substack; did you, too, see the recent article where someone had the theory that ivermectin had anticancer properties - based on the observation that in India, they have a collective deworming day every half or full year, and he found that this fact correlated with very low cancer incidence in India? Or low cancer deaths. But I think general cancer invidence was interpreted to be notably low. It was more an observation and interpretation than a real study, if I recall correctly. In case you don't know that article, AND you should be interested in it, let me know and I would dig it up.
I believe a lot of non allopathic trained ppl think parasites are a cause for cancer. So makes sense and rates of cancer should be low in those countries taking IVM prophylactics.
In the mainstream news feeds one finds an article of a very grateful new cancer patient, American, who started a GoFundMe so people could donate for a personalized genetic cancer therapy that was offered in Germany at 17,000€. I can imagine that they expected a lot of new cancers, and also expected to then treat those against high payments, treat them individually experimentally, based on all the genetic sampling under way. There ivm is disruptive at so many stages of the business plan.
Yes, I had read about that and had thought it was about ivm, but it was fenbendazole. Do you think that applies to other dewormers as well? Niclosamide too, it seems.
Walter, we have used IVM for several different illnesses and it has made a world of difference in our lives. We never get sick...maybe we might feel bad at first (for a couple of hours), then one dose and BOOM...I’m back next day doing CrossFit. I know this is anecdotal, but the experience we’ve had is REAL.
I am not a doctor. This needs to be trialed to determine if IVM can lessen organ damage and prevent possible oncogenic properties of the Spike Protein/SARS-CoV-2. We need more research to understand how to use IVM in the most efficient way possible.
I believe Dr. Kory ‘s mom has/ had melanoma and showed regression with ivermectin . Don’t quote me , but I believe he talked about it. Thanks Walter , I really like your work , I believe your spot on !
The only thing that makes me hesitate is the warning that ivm must not be given in the rare cases where the blood brain barrier is not intact. But how to be really sure of that beforehand? There was one case report in some medical journal, I think from 2020 (and therefore maybe one has to be a little bit suspicious as to potential hidden agenda unfortunately), where they reported 1 case where the patient, a teenage boy, 6 hours after first normal dose developed neurological symptoms which however resolved after I think about 40 hours which is a long time ...
HMGB1 is inflammatory cytokine that can break down the blood brain barrier and activate microglia. Needs a lot more study of how IVM modulates tumour cells.
So vaccinated people might theoretically be vulnerable to that blood brain barrier complication....? They would have to test with a very small initial dose maybe, to wait if the telling neurological signs manifest... Or not such a great way forward? Maybe using much much less than is recommended could be safe... But then, it accumulates in the brain without reaching sufficient concentration elsewhere where it's needed? Unfortunately one can't really consult real life personally known doctors on that... It's not to be negative against ivm, I am totally in favor but I just don't dare use it which is a shame.
IVM is great at preventing Sars-2 getting into nucleus and preventing our interferon killing Sars, but no tropism tests have been done on the vaccine. We simply don’t know where a trillion LNP end up once injected, and that’s a dangerous.
For those who are not adverse to self medicating or experimentation (like myself once having done my own homework of course) that I would refer to as the 'anecdote fringe'?
We're generally not included in these 'studies' unless perhaps there might be vital significance where unsolicited input may be concerned.
Keep 1st principle thinking in your HUD at all times.
i.e. Liquid Ivermectin 15ml oral thrush dose via 1 blunt plastic syringe with measured wheel for specific dosage, or the full dosage, enough to treat a full grown horse? Available at any reputable tack shop, animal feed supply retailer etc)
Keep your HUD on.
Anything good enough for a horse is good enough for me. Unless of course, it could be shown that Ivermectin differs between horses.. where those equestrian thoroughbreds winning prize money at tracks the world over get a 'special' version, warranted by a higher manufacturing standard, which is simple HUD math.. and blah squared.
Pierre Kory and gang have a whole protocol that details dosage to weight ratios, from prophylactic to acute treatment etc.
I keep Ivermectin handy as it is indispensable for my livestock as well as my own usage when warranted. I also once flushed my own catheter with colloidal silver/saline, crimped the tube, did yoga poses and bounced around the bed for 40 minutes and removed the catheter myself the following day, Feb 18, 2020 and haven't looked back.
The Emerge physician inadvertently put it mind, or likened in kind, 'location is everything' , especially when the prostate gland and the ciprosynthoflaxo is the only antibiotic of choice because of the limited blood flow in the area.
The bladder next door, "Hey turn that racket off before I call the cops!"
Do a search and then print it all out because tyranny grows like a turbo cancer these days! Look for Joe Tippen's cancer and you'll find more discussions and links.
Interesting. Tess Lawrie interviewed an oncology professor & doctor, Angus Dalgleish, recently who talked about using low-dose naltrexone successfully for some cancers. Might help as well as ivermectin.
Thank you Walter! People can get IVM from India at very low cost. Any thoughts about Methelyne Blue? FLCCC is using it in their post-jab protocol ref. mitochondrial health. Thanks again. Peace.
I meant use of IVM by them as in the benefits of it being kept a secret from the masses. Although it is cheap they don't want the plebs knowing about it. I do not believe they would have released the bioweapon unless they had something available that was safe and easily obtainable to protect themselves. I suspect IVM or HCQ was such a protection and also a reason why they had to rubbish it via the media.
My guess is they use this, but have had time to perfect it: MIT's New DRACO Drug Kills 15 Types Of Virus Disease Cells, H1H1
By Sy Kraft on August 11, 2011
Scientists at MIT are developing a new drug that may fight viruses as effectively as antibiotics like penicillin dispatch bacteria. In lab tests using animal and human cells, the new therapy was effective against 15 viruses, including the common cold, dengue fever, a polio virus, a stomach virus and several types of hemorrhagic fever. Perhaps the most important virus it worked on was the H1N1 influenza.
The end result is a drug called DRACO (for double-stranded RNA activated caspase oligomerizers). Basically, when one end of DRACO binds to dsRNA, it signals the other end of DRACO to initiate apoptosis, killing cells before a virus has a chance to replicate
Thanks. Perhaps helps explain why all these 70 and 80-somethings running the Western World seem to have little fear of dying at ages where most of the rest of us are shuffling off the mortal coil. Then again, perhaps most of them have never had to do real work in their lives and suffered the stresses of a 'normal' life.
Morbidity and mortality of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are due in large part to severe cytokine storm and hypercoagulable state brought on by dysregulated host-inflammatory immune response, ultimately leading to multi-organ failure. Exacerbated oxidative stress caused by increased levels of interleukin (IL)-6 and tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) along with decreased levels of interferon α and interferon β (IFN-α, IFN-β) are mainly believed to drive the disease process. Based on the evidence attesting to the ability of glutathione (GSH) to inhibit viral replication and decrease levels of IL-6 in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and tuberculosis (TB) patients, as well as beneficial effects of GSH on other pulmonary diseases processes, we believe the use of liposomal GSH could be beneficial in COVID-19 patients. This review discusses the epidemiology, transmission, and clinical presentation of COVID-19 with a focus on its pathogenesis and the possible use of liposomal GSH as an adjunctive treatment to the current treatment modalities in COVID-19 patients.
Here we present the antioxidant GSH as a potential untapped avenue for further investigation as intervention for COVID-19. We propose to use a formulation that contains a predominately reduced form of glutathione in the formulation rather than oxidized. In a patient that is burdened with cytokine storm, the best thing for the immune system would be to supply it with reduced glutathione such that it is already able to supply reducing equivalents from its thiol group. Our work with HIV, TB, and other pulmonary or immunosuppressive illnesses demonstrates the value of GSH as an adjunct treatment for SARS-CoV-2 infection.
[0010] Graphene is a two-dimensional carbon nanomaterial consisting of carbon atoms in a hexagonal honeycomb lattice with sp² hybridization orbitals.
Graphene is a two-dimensional carbon nanomaterial with a hexagonal honeycomb lattice of carbon atoms in sp² hybrid orbitals. The basic structural unit is the most stable benzene six-membered ring among organic materials, and it is the most ideal two-dimensional material at present. Graphene oxide
Graphene oxide (GO), a derivative of graphene, is an exfoliated form of graphite oxide. Due to its unique
SP2 hybridization and perfect two-dimensional structure as well as high reactivity at the edges make it ideal for the design and development of therapeutic platforms based on it.
The unique SP2 hybridization and perfect two-dimensional structure as well as the high reactivity of the edges make it ideal for the design and development of therapeutic platforms based on it as loading and grafting carriers for nano-drug transport systems, bio-detection, tumor therapy and cell imaging.
and cell imaging.
[0011] The present invention builds on the above research.
[0012] The present invention is based on graphene oxide material as a backbone for loading CpG molecules and recombinant proteins, and develops a novel
method for vaccine development. Based on this technology platform, a new nano-neocrown vaccine was prepared by combining the recombinant protein of the RBD region of the Spike protein of SAR-CoV-2.
A new nano-neocrown vaccine was prepared based on the recombinant protein of the RBD region of the Spike protein of SAR-CoV-2. The prepared nano-neocrown vaccine showed strong immunogenicity in mouse test and could produce highly effective antibodies.
The prepared nano-neocrown vaccine was found to be highly immunogenic in mouse test and could produce highly effective antibodies.
[0013] On the one hand, the present invention provides a coronavirus vaccine containing graphene oxide, myostatin, CpG, RBD.
In preferred embodiments of the invention, it is referred to as the GO-Car-Myostatin-CpG-RBD vaccine.
[0014] Graphene oxide (GO, graphene oxide) is an oxide of graphene that has more properties than graphene due to the increase in oxygen-containing functional groups on it after oxidation.
The properties of graphene oxide are more active than those of graphene due to the increase of oxygen-containing functional groups on the oxide. For example, hydroxyl and epoxide groups are randomly distributed on graphene oxide monoliths, while
carboxyl and carbonyl groups are introduced at the edges of the monoliths. Graphene oxide is commonly available commercially in powder, flake, and solution
and in solution form, with a brownish-yellow color.
I'm very happy to see changes in your views, Walter. None of your previous ideas was a wasting of time - the dark picture just becomes bigger. We are surrounded by disinformation, and it's not enough for normally graduated person to spend a couple of hours during weekend to sort out what is real what is not - it takes the whole 24/7/365 during 3 years, and you do this marathon the best.
I see many people who tried to keep in touch with the reality and get a conscious observation of literature - many of them become victims of well developed intellectual tricks, some get tired, some - politically agitated. During the time when telling "the truth about Covid" becomes a some sort of professional business, you did not get involved. And that gives us hope.
This is what Dr. Judy Mikovits talked about in the beginning. It makes sense when you think of the hate Fauci, the “expert” medical rags supported by pharma and the medical industrial complex that thrives on long term illness spewed against Ivermectin. Stopping Tumor progression is the last thing the aforementioned want. Treating and helping patients live without disease is the worst thing for their bottom line. I am very encouraged you believe IVM may be an answer.
Thank you, Nancy. And yes, I wholeheartedly agree with you.
You are welcome. Again, thank you for your continued pursuit of treatment. At this stage a remedy is more important in some ways than the origination.
less than a minute video from fauci in 1999, covers some interesting concept.
Exactly. The hate towards ivermectin from the "expert" class felt like an overreaction. It was not enough for them to simply claim it did not work for Covid (even though it has been effective for many) they had to SMEAR ivermectin as horse paste to deter people from taking it. Maybe they were trying to protect the vaxx cash cow, and to also deter people from looking into ivermectin and fenbendazole (another antiparasitic) in order to protect the ultimate cash cow: cancer treatments.
Some sources are now saying that horse paste is toxic, but when you buy it and see the ingredients, the only drug in it is ivermectin, so they are lying to stop people taking ivermectin in this easily available form, though in the UK, veterinary suppliers are now catching on and refusing to supply it even if you say you have a horse if you try to buy several tubes.
I think you are right
Sorry have to correct myself, it was not ivermectin BUT a dewormer, see article:
Very interesting again as all the rest of your observations. I get overwhelmed by the sea of articles on Substack; did you, too, see the recent article where someone had the theory that ivermectin had anticancer properties - based on the observation that in India, they have a collective deworming day every half or full year, and he found that this fact correlated with very low cancer incidence in India? Or low cancer deaths. But I think general cancer invidence was interpreted to be notably low. It was more an observation and interpretation than a real study, if I recall correctly. In case you don't know that article, AND you should be interested in it, let me know and I would dig it up.
I believe a lot of non allopathic trained ppl think parasites are a cause for cancer. So makes sense and rates of cancer should be low in those countries taking IVM prophylactics.
I'd be interested in that article, if not too difficult to track down. Very interesting -- thank you.
Yes I have copied the link into the beginning of my above comment.
I'd be interested too, as a breast cancer survivor. I had run across mentions of fenbendazole before and was struck by the dewormer commonality.
Article is at beginning of my above comment (my first of three in the topic thread)
Thank you, appreciate it.
Imagine if ivm was recommended in the beginning it may have killed the cancer industry.
100%. Indeed, it is an industry. Peace.
In the mainstream news feeds one finds an article of a very grateful new cancer patient, American, who started a GoFundMe so people could donate for a personalized genetic cancer therapy that was offered in Germany at 17,000€. I can imagine that they expected a lot of new cancers, and also expected to then treat those against high payments, treat them individually experimentally, based on all the genetic sampling under way. There ivm is disruptive at so many stages of the business plan.
I agree. 100%
Fenbendazole is an antiparasitic drug that also kills cancer and this has been known for many years.
Yes, I had read about that and had thought it was about ivm, but it was fenbendazole. Do you think that applies to other dewormers as well? Niclosamide too, it seems.
I don't know if it applies to other dewormers or not but I think its worthy of investigation. You can read more case studies on Fenbendazole here.
Walter, we have used IVM for several different illnesses and it has made a world of difference in our lives. We never get sick...maybe we might feel bad at first (for a couple of hours), then one dose and BOOM...I’m back next day doing CrossFit. I know this is anecdotal, but the experience we’ve had is REAL.
Thank you, again, for all that you do.
How might an individual benefit from this information? Is it recommended to take IVM prophylactically? At what dose? Just wondering.
I am not a doctor. This needs to be trialed to determine if IVM can lessen organ damage and prevent possible oncogenic properties of the Spike Protein/SARS-CoV-2. We need more research to understand how to use IVM in the most efficient way possible.
I believe Dr. Kory ‘s mom has/ had melanoma and showed regression with ivermectin . Don’t quote me , but I believe he talked about it. Thanks Walter , I really like your work , I believe your spot on !
The only thing that makes me hesitate is the warning that ivm must not be given in the rare cases where the blood brain barrier is not intact. But how to be really sure of that beforehand? There was one case report in some medical journal, I think from 2020 (and therefore maybe one has to be a little bit suspicious as to potential hidden agenda unfortunately), where they reported 1 case where the patient, a teenage boy, 6 hours after first normal dose developed neurological symptoms which however resolved after I think about 40 hours which is a long time ...
HMGB1 is inflammatory cytokine that can break down the blood brain barrier and activate microglia. Needs a lot more study of how IVM modulates tumour cells.
So vaccinated people might theoretically be vulnerable to that blood brain barrier complication....? They would have to test with a very small initial dose maybe, to wait if the telling neurological signs manifest... Or not such a great way forward? Maybe using much much less than is recommended could be safe... But then, it accumulates in the brain without reaching sufficient concentration elsewhere where it's needed? Unfortunately one can't really consult real life personally known doctors on that... It's not to be negative against ivm, I am totally in favor but I just don't dare use it which is a shame.
IVM is great at preventing Sars-2 getting into nucleus and preventing our interferon killing Sars, but no tropism tests have been done on the vaccine. We simply don’t know where a trillion LNP end up once injected, and that’s a dangerous.
For those who are not adverse to self medicating or experimentation (like myself once having done my own homework of course) that I would refer to as the 'anecdote fringe'?
We're generally not included in these 'studies' unless perhaps there might be vital significance where unsolicited input may be concerned.
Keep 1st principle thinking in your HUD at all times.
i.e. Liquid Ivermectin 15ml oral thrush dose via 1 blunt plastic syringe with measured wheel for specific dosage, or the full dosage, enough to treat a full grown horse? Available at any reputable tack shop, animal feed supply retailer etc)
Keep your HUD on.
Anything good enough for a horse is good enough for me. Unless of course, it could be shown that Ivermectin differs between horses.. where those equestrian thoroughbreds winning prize money at tracks the world over get a 'special' version, warranted by a higher manufacturing standard, which is simple HUD math.. and blah squared.
Pierre Kory and gang have a whole protocol that details dosage to weight ratios, from prophylactic to acute treatment etc.
I keep Ivermectin handy as it is indispensable for my livestock as well as my own usage when warranted. I also once flushed my own catheter with colloidal silver/saline, crimped the tube, did yoga poses and bounced around the bed for 40 minutes and removed the catheter myself the following day, Feb 18, 2020 and haven't looked back.
The Emerge physician inadvertently put it mind, or likened in kind, 'location is everything' , especially when the prostate gland and the ciprosynthoflaxo is the only antibiotic of choice because of the limited blood flow in the area.
The bladder next door, "Hey turn that racket off before I call the cops!"
My approach? Unorthodox?
Fuck yeah :-)
I believe the FLCCC uses IVM in several of their pre and post protocols.
Do a search and then print it all out because tyranny grows like a turbo cancer these days! Look for Joe Tippen's cancer and you'll find more discussions and links.
On Fenbendazole...again...Look up the story of Joe Tippen. Cancer.
People have posted very telling reviews and rate Ivermectin higher than Covid-19 shots, Paxlovid, and Remdesivir.
Compare reviews and share your own experience with others:
That IVM just keeps giving 🥰 unreal!
* Thank you so much!
I just sent your article to a breast cancer group.
Plus, on Michael Senger's Substack, in a reply to Igor Chudov's cooment, I posted your article:
Santa Walter!!
Interesting. Tess Lawrie interviewed an oncology professor & doctor, Angus Dalgleish, recently who talked about using low-dose naltrexone successfully for some cancers. Might help as well as ivermectin.
Thank you Walter! People can get IVM from India at very low cost. Any thoughts about Methelyne Blue? FLCCC is using it in their post-jab protocol ref. mitochondrial health. Thanks again. Peace.
If you are in Canada though, beware! Borders will not let it pass from India even in unmarked boxes.
Wow. Very sick minds in Canada.
I believe it shows promise in androgen sensitive tumors . Walter and Dr. Marik should be best buddies.
Is this one of the reasons why the super rich live so long? The sods are all gobbling down IVM?
I think it’s adtenochrome...who knows? One definitely does NOT to be super rich, or rich at all, to afford IVM.
I meant use of IVM by them as in the benefits of it being kept a secret from the masses. Although it is cheap they don't want the plebs knowing about it. I do not believe they would have released the bioweapon unless they had something available that was safe and easily obtainable to protect themselves. I suspect IVM or HCQ was such a protection and also a reason why they had to rubbish it via the media.
For SURE! It’s my theory that most of the most upper level evils were on IVM prophylactically before CV was unleashed on the world.
I agree with you Samantha. Perhaps NAC as well.
Yes NAC indeed!
My guess is they use this, but have had time to perfect it: MIT's New DRACO Drug Kills 15 Types Of Virus Disease Cells, H1H1
By Sy Kraft on August 11, 2011
Scientists at MIT are developing a new drug that may fight viruses as effectively as antibiotics like penicillin dispatch bacteria. In lab tests using animal and human cells, the new therapy was effective against 15 viruses, including the common cold, dengue fever, a polio virus, a stomach virus and several types of hemorrhagic fever. Perhaps the most important virus it worked on was the H1N1 influenza.
The end result is a drug called DRACO (for double-stranded RNA activated caspase oligomerizers). Basically, when one end of DRACO binds to dsRNA, it signals the other end of DRACO to initiate apoptosis, killing cells before a virus has a chance to replicate
Thanks. Perhaps helps explain why all these 70 and 80-somethings running the Western World seem to have little fear of dying at ages where most of the rest of us are shuffling off the mortal coil. Then again, perhaps most of them have never had to do real work in their lives and suffered the stresses of a 'normal' life. Abstract
Morbidity and mortality of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are due in large part to severe cytokine storm and hypercoagulable state brought on by dysregulated host-inflammatory immune response, ultimately leading to multi-organ failure. Exacerbated oxidative stress caused by increased levels of interleukin (IL)-6 and tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) along with decreased levels of interferon α and interferon β (IFN-α, IFN-β) are mainly believed to drive the disease process. Based on the evidence attesting to the ability of glutathione (GSH) to inhibit viral replication and decrease levels of IL-6 in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and tuberculosis (TB) patients, as well as beneficial effects of GSH on other pulmonary diseases processes, we believe the use of liposomal GSH could be beneficial in COVID-19 patients. This review discusses the epidemiology, transmission, and clinical presentation of COVID-19 with a focus on its pathogenesis and the possible use of liposomal GSH as an adjunctive treatment to the current treatment modalities in COVID-19 patients.
Here we present the antioxidant GSH as a potential untapped avenue for further investigation as intervention for COVID-19. We propose to use a formulation that contains a predominately reduced form of glutathione in the formulation rather than oxidized. In a patient that is burdened with cytokine storm, the best thing for the immune system would be to supply it with reduced glutathione such that it is already able to supply reducing equivalents from its thiol group. Our work with HIV, TB, and other pulmonary or immunosuppressive illnesses demonstrates the value of GSH as an adjunct treatment for SARS-CoV-2 infection. -
[0010] Graphene is a two-dimensional carbon nanomaterial consisting of carbon atoms in a hexagonal honeycomb lattice with sp² hybridization orbitals.
Graphene is a two-dimensional carbon nanomaterial with a hexagonal honeycomb lattice of carbon atoms in sp² hybrid orbitals. The basic structural unit is the most stable benzene six-membered ring among organic materials, and it is the most ideal two-dimensional material at present. Graphene oxide
Graphene oxide (GO), a derivative of graphene, is an exfoliated form of graphite oxide. Due to its unique
SP2 hybridization and perfect two-dimensional structure as well as high reactivity at the edges make it ideal for the design and development of therapeutic platforms based on it.
The unique SP2 hybridization and perfect two-dimensional structure as well as the high reactivity of the edges make it ideal for the design and development of therapeutic platforms based on it as loading and grafting carriers for nano-drug transport systems, bio-detection, tumor therapy and cell imaging.
and cell imaging.
[0011] The present invention builds on the above research.
[0012] The present invention is based on graphene oxide material as a backbone for loading CpG molecules and recombinant proteins, and develops a novel
method for vaccine development. Based on this technology platform, a new nano-neocrown vaccine was prepared by combining the recombinant protein of the RBD region of the Spike protein of SAR-CoV-2.
A new nano-neocrown vaccine was prepared based on the recombinant protein of the RBD region of the Spike protein of SAR-CoV-2. The prepared nano-neocrown vaccine showed strong immunogenicity in mouse test and could produce highly effective antibodies.
The prepared nano-neocrown vaccine was found to be highly immunogenic in mouse test and could produce highly effective antibodies.
[0013] On the one hand, the present invention provides a coronavirus vaccine containing graphene oxide, myostatin, CpG, RBD.
In preferred embodiments of the invention, it is referred to as the GO-Car-Myostatin-CpG-RBD vaccine.
[0014] Graphene oxide (GO, graphene oxide) is an oxide of graphene that has more properties than graphene due to the increase in oxygen-containing functional groups on it after oxidation.
The properties of graphene oxide are more active than those of graphene due to the increase of oxygen-containing functional groups on the oxide. For example, hydroxyl and epoxide groups are randomly distributed on graphene oxide monoliths, while
carboxyl and carbonyl groups are introduced at the edges of the monoliths. Graphene oxide is commonly available commercially in powder, flake, and solution
and in solution form, with a brownish-yellow color.
Ivermectin ftw
I'm very happy to see changes in your views, Walter. None of your previous ideas was a wasting of time - the dark picture just becomes bigger. We are surrounded by disinformation, and it's not enough for normally graduated person to spend a couple of hours during weekend to sort out what is real what is not - it takes the whole 24/7/365 during 3 years, and you do this marathon the best.
I see many people who tried to keep in touch with the reality and get a conscious observation of literature - many of them become victims of well developed intellectual tricks, some get tired, some - politically agitated. During the time when telling "the truth about Covid" becomes a some sort of professional business, you did not get involved. And that gives us hope.