...and our government intentionally put it in the mRNA countermeasures and wanted "a shot in every arm". Thank you Walter. May God bless you and guide you. Peace.

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Probably some multi-PhDs from elite universities determined on an ethics panel that the lab rat peeps would prefer slow death to the fast death methods.

It's important to be ethical about mass murder. It was such a bad look and such a stain on the practice of mass murder when those knuckle draggers Stalin Hitler Mao etc used clumsy stuff like mass starvation and death camps to do the cleansing thing. We are so much better about optics now.

Because it is important to look good while you're doing bad.

Everyone knows that

When you're doing bad at the MVP level the murder targets think it's being done for the greater good and to protect granny. Everyone's willing to do whatever it takes to protect granny. There's probably a chapter in the Psyop research handbooks on that.

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Outstanding investigation. I value your work greatly. I am writing an article around your post on Dr Rima Truth Reports substack and recommending your stack.

Keep on doing what you are doing. We all get smarter because of it!

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What is the treatment to help this condition? My sister many years ago after breast cancer, chemo & radiation was diagnosed with mental illness. I have wondered how much of the chemo & radiation was causal?

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Disturbing. Vascular and cardiothoracic surgeons have been busy. Must be booster season. Yet most people move through their days as if it's 2018... grrrrr... 🫤😒😞.

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Check out A Midwestern Doctor substack. Maybe even DMSO.

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Mitochondrial deterioration

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Perhaps this is why Curcumin and Vitamin C seem to be helping? Now we must separate Prion Disease from necrosis?

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You can mix vitamin C/ascorbic acid with methylene blue, and it creates DHAA, it reaches the brain, and is strong.

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It seems that the body has only so many ways to respond to damage, be it from radiation, a burn, a chemical, a clot. All would cause necrosis of tissues. I can see where the long covid spike protein would fit well here. Another piece of the puzzle.

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I think this theory is correct, but it’s some kind of new or modified Mycobacterium. It acts like Leprosy to the nervous system. Starting in thoracic nerves, and moves up and into the brain. Maybe if somebody with long Covid, but know you do not have Tuberculosis, take a Tuberculosis test. If it’s positive you’ll know you might have a mycobacterium infection going on. If it is a mycobacterium it can be in your system for years before it starts it’s damage, or 1 month.

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The spike protein is a prion as was confessed by Dr Luc Montagnier before his “death”.

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This was not a random side effect; they wanted mindless slaves for the future.

We appreciate you, Walter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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"Is the Spike Protein Inducing a Novel, Systemic Necrotic Disease Similar to Brain Radiation Necrosis?"

Good to know we're getting ethical research for our extorted trillions

You know, because it's not radiation. Radiation Bad.

Nukes and radiation are such bad things. Unethical and all that stuff. Remember that time in the Carter years they turned their back on Neutron bombs because it used radiation and the paradigm was

"kill the people keep the stuff".

Sounds a lot like that God Father movie line.

"Leave the gun keep the canoli"

But please don't be confused. We aren't ruled by a bunch of Mafiosi Gangsters. Nope. It may be WORSE than that. But that's another topic.

Such a wicked unpleasant way to think. I mean sheez. Who'd ever entertain something like "kill the peeps keep their stuff"? We're better than that! When we PUBLICLY came up against the unpleasant concept of killing peeps but keeping their stuff we did the ethical thing. We gave ourselves a big self delivered atta boy pat on the ass for canning the Neutron Bomb research. Well, we were told it was shelved, perhaps it is in a warehouse someplace, but hey at least we haven't USED it, at least not so far. After all, we're not a bunch of monstrous savages. If a sticky issue comes up in public you make sure to pretend to do the right thing and provide the peeps with the proper ethical theater.....

One wonders if perhaps the Neutron Bomb research dollars were redirected to Spike Protein Inducing Novel, Systemic Necrotic Disease. Technically that's not radiation

I'm not sure why we bother with the pretending we care about depraved brutality. Not as if anyone is shy to publicly go on about the need to dismember infants at birth in order to deliver 9th month abortion. But hey let's not get distracted. People are weird and inscrutable about the red lines of depravity their willing to publicly cross.

Let's just agree we made a big deal about how Neutron Bombs would be unethical and distasteful so we shot the project down. At least that was the public position. Of course now they're saying there is credible cause to worry about dirty bombs and maybe that's what the drones are after. But hey, no one should worry because back during the Carter years we said "No Neutron Bombs for us!"

So if this Spike Protein Inducing Systemic Necrotic Disease Similar to Brain Radiation Necrosis turns out to be a real thing...???

Well, at least it's not radiation. Because we're not a bunch of savages. We said as much when we shot down the Neutron Bomb research. We Are Better Than that!

We also said way back there in Nuremberg that human experimentation and bio war was bad. Because we're better than that

Isn't it wonderful how the world can engage in all sorts of theater and law making replete with tearful signing ceremony's to show how moral collective humanity can be

Then keep right on doing that which was swore would never be done.

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excellent, I will share this post it up on my stack

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I wonder if that is why Pfizer tested all kinds of tissues and organs in their study '185350' but failed to check the endothelial lining of the blood vessels. It could perhaps be that they knew and did not want to draw attention to that effect.

I would be interest to know if there is a study out there checking blood pressure changes after injection with m(od)RNA. I know of at least one relatively well known person who developed high blood pressure as a symptom of vax injury.

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I know you’re used to reading more technical journals, but this caught my eye because of the necrosis. Also, because I find the headline wildly misleading. Who’s to say she didn’t have long COVID? https://people.com/long-covid-necrotising-disease-pancreas-8761078?utm_campaign=people&utm_content=likeshop&utm_medium=social&utm_source=instagram

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