There are more effective forms of Thiamine perhaps Benfotiamine...

And yes from personal experience and from anecdotal acounts i have seen it might help some forms of LC.

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I also researched thiamine and preferred benfotiamine.

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What are appropriate doses and how do you prevent or deal with the paradoxical effect?

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sorry cant be your doc

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I understand. If you were my doc you'd be telling me to carry an N95 mask at all times and to get vaxxed and stay up to date with any new boosters. My doc has had 5 shots and keeps coming down with recurring cases of covid.

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Thank you Walter for bringing Thiamine to your reader's attention. Thiamine, especially as Thiamine TTFD ( Allithiamine) and Benfotiamine has very interesting metabolic effects. There is important research by Constantini and Lonsdale which EO Nutrition on YouTube goes into great detail about. Thiamine is an important component of mitochondrial production of energy and stage one of the electron transport chain as well as being crucial for glucose metabolism. High dose Thiamine has been used for Parkinson's and other neurological diseases, sleep apnea, diabetes, and as Walter mentions, seems promising for Long COVID. Note the effect on methylation and understand the so-called "paradoxical effect" before mega dosing ...

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What would be a too high a dose for a 112 pounds person like me? I’ve been taking 150mg Benfotiamine, plus 13.5mg Sulbutamine.

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This being one of the reasons that Canadians - and ultimately everyone - are being/to be (possibly incrementally, possibly not of yet quite everything,) deprived of access to vitamins except on short-term prescriptions, and of all natural health supplements, including herbs used safely for thousands of years - this together in the same Bill with the illegal 'legalisation' of the sale of contaminated, adulterated food and other products, in something that was passed in a ginormous Budget Bill, rather than in any Bill related to health, or, rather, to its destruction.

Seems the WEF, et al. do not believe in our rights of having any source of actual nutrition, or perhaps of any belief in germ theory, either, and prefer to sicken and poison us all in every possible way, while ensuring that we have no nutrients with which to retain any vestige of health, while we're freezing and starving to death in the dark this coming winter.

Personally, I'd call that over-kill, if not for the fact that it seems obvious now that WEF 'Prophet' Harari and others of his ilk weren't just propagandising when the goal of the eradication of all natural reproduction, evolution and Life was spoken of, in videoed talks.

But at least those in more tropical climes will get to avoid the freezing bit of that aspect of attack, since it's all aimed at ensuring that we all have literally nothing, before the dwindling last of natural Life dies off - unless we manage to stop this while the increasingly sky-sprayed and poisoned planet might still be able to support life under a sun with at least some ozone layer remaining, so as to not yet be entirely inimical to life.

I am, as seems usual these days, too tired to write coherently, but I wanted that alert out there.

The global famine has long been planned and the perps and enablers have done a LOT of damage to the food supply, as we know. Under the excuse of 'public health'/'saving the planet', of course.

One Health to rule them all

One crime ring to blind then

One narrative to steer the fall

And in the madness bind them.

Only at this point, we DO still have the numbers, easily 99 to 1% in our favour, just as our Constitutions, Bills of Rights and laws are in our favour.

No wonder the perps are nervous and rushing to bankrupt/kill/maim/destroy all they can...

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Thank you, Walter, for another piece of good advice!

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So, anyone here have experience with dosing? I've read that smaller amounts tid is better but how much is small?

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This is precisely what happened to our son after the jab! Hospitalized, discharged a full blown diabetic (as opposed to pre-diabetic) on 6 shots of insulin (subsequently lowered) and chronic pancreatitis for about two years. All do he and his now ex fiancé could go on a cruise!

I will suggest to him thiamine. My husband and I take benfotiamine with thiamine daily. We aren’t jabbed but we have both had covid in the past. (Naturebell is the brand).

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