HBO (aka HBOT) is an amazing modality that can be of benefit to so many conditions it's hard to count them all. I recall a moment while growing up when my brother & I (roughly 14 & 11 respectively at the time, the mid-60s) were getting a ride home from some activity with a friend and his father, then a prominent pediatrician in the area. We were both early pre-med (or so we thought) and eager to explore otherwise little known or even non-existent therapeutic modalities for a number of maladies. My brother brought up gangrene and suggested to Dr. M "Gee, wouldn't it be great to be able to saturate the tissue with O2 and thereby help the body overcome the damaging effects of dead/dying tissue due to low oxygen & poor circulation and thereby help enable healthy regeneration of the affected area?!!!" To which the reflexively closed-minded MD smugly replied "Oh, that idea would never work, it's far more complicated than that...tsk, tsk" ha

I remember that moment like it happened yesterday. So much for the slash & burn mindset of so much of conventional medicine, then and unfortunately today as well :o

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China was rolling out multiplace HBOT chambers in 2020.

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Woooohoooo Walter! Thank you. This, in combination with healthy eating and supplements, has been key to my recovery from long covid. I love my home unit

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Hey BluesLover, where are you? Looks like he finally took your HBOT advice from your numerous posts! I am still saving up to purchase one, I had unexpected expenditures, damn inflation.

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Wooohooo...it's literally what saved my life!

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I was a scuba diver for many years. I never needed a chamber dive, but was glad when they were available in some of the places I dove. I sometimes used enriched gas = 29 % or 39% Oxygen for increase bottom time (but hard bottom depths before O2 became toxic). I always found invigorated by those dives, and if one was hung over from to much partying the night before, the dive was a quick cure for a hangover. I have a friend who just did some HBOT treatments for a shoulder injury to great result. So I am hopeful for this for Spike Protein damage. Keep us appraised.

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Impressive results. Of course 40 sessions are a massive cost of time and money. I do not think any health insurance currently pays for this currently so I am curious if it ever will be more widely implemented. I tried a few sessions myself but had to discontinue due to ear issues.

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Ask me about ear issues..use of a mild chamber that can switch from 1.0, 1.2, 1.3 atmospheric pressure can work best for ppl, like myself, that has ear issues. Also, drinking water, gum, rice cakes can help.... I have a home chamber after seeing the cost. I did a public funds campaign and bought direct for $6200. (That included shipping).

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Go ask the FDA for an EUA for "Long Covid". I'm sure they will get right to it. Saving lives is in their position description. But then again looking at VAERS maybe that's not a justified assumption.

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My girlfriend also has ear/sinus issues- but only one ear would give her problems. We tried everything, but nothing worked consistently- gum, candy, even an ear plug! One time her ear was clogged for a week! She is scared to use the HBOT, but she needs it. Since it's only one ear I suspect there is an infection of some kind? Just started using ozone ear insufflation yesterday, hopefully this will kill the infection and then she can go to 1.3 ATA.

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"Oxygen toxicity" is what Paul Cheney was saying so, then you do not want to put a person who is experiencing oxygen toxicity into an oxygen chamber.

"...To quickly assess oxygen

toxicity, we recommend that the breathing rate (breaths per minute) be measured and if an increase in rate

is observed (panting) or a decrease in rate with associated alteration of consciousness (narcosis) is

observed, then the patient is clinically toxic to oxygen. Venous blood gases but not arterial blood gases are

almost universally abnormal with low PvO2 (<30) and usually high PvCO2 (>50). This is probably related

to low cardiac output. We also have evidence of an increased chance of a PFO (~90% chance) with right to

left shunting and therefore places the patient at risk in certain surgical settings, especially neurosurgery.

This increase in PFO is likely related to oxygen toxicity and its physiologic consequences. Finally, pulse

oximetry, while normal, shows a failure to desaturate after prolonged breath hold suggesting a functional

left shift on the oxy-hemoglobin dissociation curve. Again, this may be linked also to low cardiac output

and the patient may be maximally offloading to compensate at the microcirculatory level.

I hope you will find these comments useful and that they may serve to reduce the risk of surgery.


Paul R. Cheney, MD. Ph.D.


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It healed my mother from her Lyme infection, which ironically I believe she got as a result of the 2 Covid vaccines she took. Her bloodwork showed the Lyme was in her system for awhile, but she never was sick with Lyme before, she's always been really healthy. I believe it was laying dormant in her body and was activated as a result of immune suppression or deregulation. Anyway, HBOT did wonders for her.

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Winthrop Hospital in Mineola NY 2020 clinical trial HBOT and Covid-19. You be the judge.

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This may be a dumb question, but could we be exposing ourselves to the SP and whatever else those vials contain by going to the Hyperbaric Oxygen chambers used by those who’ve taken the jab repeatedly?

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UVC can be used quickly for decontamination between use. It's what Trump offhanded spoke about disinfecting blood (actually done with UV light extracorporarily). Media turned that into the clorox bleach meme. Never listen to the MSM.

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How about Dimethylglycine?

suppose to help oxygenate cells

they give it to race horses.

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hi - what website do you use to play chess online? i use to play on yahoo years ago, but that went offline, then lichess ... dont like the colours at the other website that is more popular. wondered what are your thoughts on chess online websites?

btw, have you played in philadelphia open for 4th of july? that seems to be the big one, at least was ...

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