Since spring of 2022 I have been doing one 36-hr fast per week (typical Mondays are my day to not eat) because the shedding of vaxxed people affects me in an autoimmune kind of way (I have a latent connective tissue disease). I am not jabbed, but many in my family and friends are and being in the car for long rides, etc., takes its toll on me. So far, I am very happy with how I am feeling with the extended fasting. (I'm 63 and on no meds whatsoever)

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36 hours from what times, & do you have anything to drink?

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Hi, Philip~~I usually start around 7 pm on Sunday night and end my fast at 7 am on Tuesday morning (usually go an extra hour or two because you really aren't hungry by then and it's at the 36-hr mark that autophagy goes up by 1000% and all the good stuff starts really happening as far as cell repair so I delay if I'm not absolutely starving. I drink filtered water, black coffee, green tea. You can also have mineral water. Hope that helps!

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Thank you Sheree. That makes sense and also sounds doable!

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It's just one day of not eating~~most of it is spent sleeping! :-)

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Every study I see confirms the crazy meat diet folks; go low carb / keto carnivore, making beef central to the diet and enjoy your life.

It is almost as if we are supposed to just eat ruminant meat, like our ancestors did for a million of so years, everything else being candy or starvation food.

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Don't you feel blood type plays a role in dietary choices?

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It isn't necessary to be a carnivore, though, to eat a ketogenic diet. People have been eating protein in the form of beans and legumes, etc., and in mushrooms since the beginning of time. The most important thing is to eliminate dietary sugar and wheat, in my opinion.

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Yes,. Just a tiny addition to those who are new to this, so they don't misunderstand: it needs to be a lipovore (fat centered) version of carnivore. Too high protein and too low fat and it doesn't work (you go into rabbit starvation, with all the associated poisoning). So, technically the more accurate term is lipovore-carnivore and it's fatty cuts of ruminant meat.

Also, once you eat enough protein in one go, you get an insulin response and come out of ketosis (for a while). So depending on how often you eat, it's still a cyclical fat-centered carnivore diet.

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Thank you for casting further light on this extremely complex aspect of spike protein metabolism and impairment of mitochondrial function and the possible role of intermittent fasting to ameliorate symptoms of vaccine harm.

It is very sad that vast sums of money were provided by governments to assist in development of the commercially highly lucrative vaccines but trivial sums in comparison are being expended on the scientific research into the reasons for and possible treatments of vaccine damage which from my own experience and that of friends and family is not as rare as we were and still are led to believe.

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I am fasting again for 30 to 36 hrs every five days. I did that for a whole year and then stopped for 10 months. Started it again because it makes me feel better, especially when I read an article on its health benefits and I know "that's me"!

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No wonder we don't feel like eating when we get sick : )

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Could IF be reducing the PUFA’s(polyunsaturated fats) people are consuming? Carbs and sugar are the popular villains but the PUFA’s never get the blame for the murder they are causing!

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(Cyclical) Ketogenic diet works very well for increased serum ß-Hydroxybutyrate levels. In addition, 72 hour lasting water fasting (on the average) does wonders for autophagy. Both are totally free and basically anybody can do them (yes, even on T1D/T2D, just with adjusted insulin and a bit of preparation).

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Thanks I do fasting, both intermittent and longer

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❤️ Walter . Add an infared sauna …. ❤️Happy Thanksgiving 🌞🙏

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Thank you for your outstanding and constant research, Walter.

Any new help with ALS patients.

Brother in law with dysphagia already. So sad.

Thank you.

And God bless you always!

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Walter, one of the things I’ve dealt with the most since covid (unvaxed) is severe gastrointestinal symptoms and from what I’ve seen many others are dealing with this too. It seems like the spike decimates the good bacteria in the gut, bifido bacteria in particular. I’m very interested in fecal transplant for treating this (if I can find anyone with an intact microbiome). Any thoughts?

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Vitamin C improves gut Bifidobacteria in humans https://www.futuremedicine.com/doi/10.2217/fmb-2022-0209

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Fasting turns one’s metabolism into a cancer metabolism.

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Nope. It turns it into (mostly) anti-cancer metabolism: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3941741/

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