And yet again thank you. We seem to be thinking down very similar lines, from a mildly different perspective though? Is your background in medicine or research? My first career I am a biochemist by trade, with expertise and cell biology as well as protein structure and function. i’m thinking you must be in the same neighborhood.

My early days of this Covid misadventure were how to mitigate the risk of the virus, and detoxify from spike protein. I knew I was going to be exposed, including from people excreting exosomes (I will state that, from an observational standpoint, knowing it is not backed by solid research.... Yet.), since I interact with so many people per week.

I was under the impression I was doing reasonably with that until I was diagnosed with breast cancer (“aggressive,” which more literally means fast growing) in July. i’m 49, absolutely no family history, never had an abnormal mammogram before. So I have to ask the question, did spike protein from a mild infection play a part in this? Or repeated exposure from folks who had just had the shots? if so, what does that mean for her to move forward?

And so I went exploring, as we brainiacs do, to find ways I could help my body. Your post yesterday about ivermectin hit home, from both the covered angle and the cancer angle. I agree the tumor microenvironment is a very important consideration - and that became an exploration for me, from a personal level.  I opted in for intravenous vitamin C prior to radiation, then I had another round of Intravenous vitamin C after I got Covid during radiation (lolz, yes of course that was fun)  and at this point I am considering intermittent fasting in January (already predominantly keto).

One thing I would love your take on is whether there may be a potential role of modified citrus pectin or  mushroom extract (Turkey tail, chaga) for the medicinal properties of their small molecules. as always, dose would be one unknown entity. But whether these may be helpful on a widespread basis, in theory.

I believe I have the same fear as you, that this little bioweapon has an underlying purpose that will rear its ugly head in time. Or perhaps it already has begun to.

Apologies for typos. Dictation.

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I’m so sorry.

I get weird symptoms within 12 hours after I spend time with a large crowd (dinner parties, concerts, etc) since 2021. Every time. I’m typically isolated so it’s very noticeable. Shredding seems real.

Please check out mycancerstory.rocks.

Best wishes.

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Get well soon 😘

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                  Have you read Elana Hecht's article, Turbo Cancer? https://etana.substack.com/p/turbo-cancer               

  Wondrous Walter bids us to consider vitamin C.  High-dose vitamin C may inhibit thymus atrophy and help the immune cells - even in the elderly! (Ushio R et al., 2015). One of my all-time favorite studies.                 Intriguing is the concept of oxygen and vitamin C, suggesting that oxygenating before and during ascorbate infusions may help the vitamin C to induce the requisite ROS  to kill the cancer cells.  (Sinnberg T et al, 2014).   Ozone therapy?             

  The late Dr. Hulda Clark stated that vitamin C is required by the WBCs to get rid of omnipresent radiation (The Cure and Prevention of All Cancers) .  Who knows about the spike protein, exosomes, etc. Of course, it should be .organic vitamin C as ideally derived from food, rose hips, and pomegranate.  Not China sourced or derived from GMO corn.  ...Correct me if I am wrong, but Dr. Robert Thompson does not believe in ascorbic acid, as we need the whole vitamin C, not just the ascorbic acid, as it is only the address on the envelope to send the vitamin C. It gets there, but does nothing. Further, he believes that it is a pro-oxidant and causes oxidation in the body, as in rust. .Different views......    .. .             

 Years ago, Sayer Ji posited his delicious theory that, although we can not make Vitamin C, that possibly  small bits of vitamin C can be made from Corynebacterium.             

   For all of us:  Let's open the ascorbic acid-addressed envelope and imbibe all of  it - the vitamin C complexes.             

 Best wishes always!

P.S.  I am now following you on Gab!

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Dec 17, 2022·edited Dec 17, 2022

Clif High swears by Chaga & Fenben in his experience beating cancer. https://clifhigh.substack.com/p/cancer

This might also be helpful to you: How to up-regulate your p53 gene to fight cancer: https://heidiheil.substack.com/p/how-to-upregulate-your-p53-gene-to

And I found this earlier this year that claims that some people can regain the body's lost ability to produce their own Vitamin C - which sounds wild at first, but could really be a game-changer http://www.orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v18n14.shtml

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I’m sorry you’re having to deal with this. Don’t miss Anna Karenina’s very good post above. Now go whupp this thing!

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Thinking of you. You can heal yourself. Believe it. If you don't meditate, start. Sending you best wishes.

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thanks all! I do plan to kick "this thing," and all of the interventions I have chosen are intended to empower my body to do just that. That includes correction the situation that allowed cancer to take root (dietary choices or toxins that weakened or damaged the body), and fortification of the body systems that defend and detoxify the body. We should all be thinking EXACTLY the same way about exposure to spike protein and healing our bodies from the damage it can create. Walter is doing an absolutely fantastic job of highlighting the potential weaknesses, and also offering avenues to explore for countering these. Don't know about the rest of you but every time a new article drops in my inbox I feel like it's a holiday present. =)

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FOR YOUR CONSIDERATION: Are you any where near NYC? Dr. Howard Robins, who I believe is on West 57th Street, is doing ozone therapy. ... A ten-pass, perhaps? Dr. Guggenheim? I believe that both medical professionals would be fascinating to consult with, particularly with your spectacular background. .... A holiday present for you!!!

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Hope all of your therapies work!

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I might suggest the work of Dr Frank Shallenberger on high dose melatonin as anti cancer therapy and the work of Dr Russel Reiter (PhD).

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Linus Pauling would be happy to see you writing about his favorite topic ! Please don’t abandon the endothelial sped theory. I believe there are many pathways and mechanisms involved with the spike protein as a consequence of the jab. Thanks for your work .

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Thank you, Walter. While this is certainly distressing, it’s encouraging to have someone like you striving toward finding the answers. Merry Christmas! 💗

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Dec 16, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Walter, you’re in the top 3 of my favorite substack warriors!

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Vit C, Metformin, Fenbendazole and other off label drugs for cancer was described eloquently in Jane McLellands’ fantastic book called How To Starve Cancer.

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A friend of mine had cancer a few years back. He recovered thankfully. I remember him showing me the meal replacement they were giving him to get his weight back up and it was absolutely laden with sugar and vegetable oil. I'm pretty sure he wasn't getting IVC either. They weren't shy with the radiation and chemo drugs though...

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"..is this why China was so draconian in trying to stop its spread?" Only one of many possible hypotheses. (For example,they could also be a little crazy -- there's a lot of that going around in various government circles these days, after all.)

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Dec 16, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

I hope to see you back on Twitter soon Walter, Everyone should be able to read your wonderful work. Thank you.

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Dec 16, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Thank you Walter. Amazing work. Thank you for digging deeper and deeper.

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Dec 16, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

You’re one of my favs, Walter. Thank you!

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Dec 16, 2022Liked by Walter M Chesnut

Based on this article I’m getting back on Metformin. I didn’t realize it offers prophylactic protection against the bioweapon. Thanks Walter!

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It's actually a very interesting drug. It appears to extend human life span (and health span) as well. It and Ivermectin are fascinating in their versatility and effectiveness at a variety of conditions.

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We all have these things we say to ourselves. I like the phrase "Never doubt Linus Pauling". I have been taking 2 - 4 grams of Vit C per day since the damn Pandemic started. Plus a lots of fresh squeezed citrus every day. Thomas E. Levy has a somewhat flippant phrase: " Vitamin C may have a higher safety profile than water." Latest Levy youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ZKEJe60H2w

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2-4gms!!! Wow all for prevention ? A little overkill no? Also look up Jennifer depew dietician on substack.. this week posted hi dose Vit c is actually Pro- inflammatory .. check into that and maybe take lower dose n hi dose if infected

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Thanks for the Depew reference. (Subscribed) I think some days I probably don't do 2 -4 grams. I may try backing off a little bit to see what happens. Strangely, there is a product I take by 'Life Extension' which combines Vit C (500mg), Glutathione, Cysteine which seems to be worth about 2 - 4 grams of Costco Vit C on some days. Levy recommends a certain type of fat soluble 'Liposomal' encased Vit C made by "Liveon". hmmm...

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8-10 grams, in 4 doses daily per Linus

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Every day as prophylactic ? Or to treat virus or cancer or?

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Seems entirely plausible that it could be intended to attack *both* the endothelium and be onconogenic. Two for one.

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Keep looking - somewhere between 7:1 and 17:1 more likely than 2:1.

The spike is a multitalented pathogen, possibly ethnically targeted (more affinity for western European ACE-2 for instance), and this doesn't even consider the LNP toxicity.

As an aside, do you know what is actually in the injection?

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No one can say with confidence what is actually in the shots.

I don’t know where your ratios are coming from, but yes, all kinds of problems from the spike AND the LNPs. Even that’s not a complete list.

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Darn. The new acronym isn't pronouncable LOL.

Spike Protein Endothelial Disease (SPED)

Spike Protein Tumor Microenvironment Disease (SP-TED)


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I think they're both at play.

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Dec 17, 2022·edited Dec 17, 2022

How about just change "Tumor Microenvironment" to Cancer.

Spike Protein Endothelial & Cancer Disease ( SPECD ) - pronounced Spec'd, as in "The CDC & their Biowarfare Deep State benefactors spec'd out & had the Wuhan Lab create their 'dream virus' - which will kill humans in a dozen or more different ways."

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That's a good one. Walt, your call :)

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Wuhan may be a smokescreen.

What proportion of the plandemic originated in US "Biodefence" Labs?

I now see Ralph Baric as the visible tip of an iceberg. The narrative is too well-constructed to originate in a university research lab; the "evidence" supplied with "95% efficacy" (if you neglect the first weeks until two weeks post second dose) for the release and authorisation of the shots is too sophisticated to have been organised in one year.

Quis custodiet?

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SPuMDi or SPuMDis ? (I don’t know the rules for acronyms) 😆

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Keep it pronounceable and build it from the words. There, that covers the rules LOL.

Best I could come up with is SPTMED pronounced "Spit Med"

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Dec 16, 2022·edited Dec 17, 2022

speaking of chess ... any suggestions on any websites??

many thanks for all your efforts!!

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I play Chess960 on lichess.org against the computer all the time. You can select the rating you want to play against just keep in mind that it is about 300 too high. It says 2000 but plays like a 1700 player.

I like Chess960 (aka Fischer Random Chess or FRC) as I don't have time or inclination to memorize all the openings anymore. Laziness rewarded LOL.

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That is scary. I thought that virus contains patented sequence related to ‘oncology proteins’?

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Maybe the question becomes, How many ways can this bioweapon give you cancer?

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Yes I agree and I reckon that the vaccines offer many additional pathways...

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