After a flu shot in 2001, a daughter developed CIDP -Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy, that landed her in a wheelchair for 2 years. She was too weak to get out of bed, dress, or feed herself the pureed food that was all she could swallow. She was treated with IVIg for a couple of months, and she had some improvement, but not enough to continue the treatment. I put her on an anti-inflammatory diet that was designed for cancer patients, and she had steady improvement on it. It takes about a month to grow a 1/4" of myelin, and her arms and legs were demyelinated all the way down so that she had absent reflexes. After a couple of years she was out of the wheelchair except when going out, and could hold utensils. She does have some residual damage, as when the axons are open for a long time, they can degenerate. CIDP most closely resembles Guillain-Barre, as both are peripheral nerve demyelinating; Multiple Sclerosis is central. CIDP and MS can both be relapsing-remitting or progressive, with a slowly fulminating onset. GB has an acute onset, and may need in-patient support. I think making sure there are enough animal and fish fats in the diet is important for myelin regrowth, and quality organic food should be emphasized, along with nerve supports like magnesium, and the usual supplements because of our poor soils. We scrupulously eliminated seed oils and processed foods. I was growing most of our veg organically on well supplemented growing beds. Staying positive is important for all healing.

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aj, interesting how you note “animal & fish fats” being important in myelin regrowth...& here they want to get us off of meat. 🤔 Blessings to you & your daughter. 😊

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Can you post a link to that "anti-inflammatory diet that was designed for cancer patients" - ? I'd love to take a look at that. Thank you.

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off the top of my head

simple #1

1. cut refined sugars

(super inflammatory, no nutritional content, addictive)

idk about #2

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Hmmm.... ok - let me try here. How does this sound.

1. No sugar (no juices, no wine, no dried fruit)

2. No artificial sugar

3. No eggs

4. No peanuts (too much fungal material. They are really underground legumes.)

5. No white food (no potatoes, no bread, no white rice, no pasta, etc)

6. No corn

7. No processed foods.

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looks good to me

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Berberine for those that don’t have a metformin prescription. And Nattokinase with the time restricted eating.

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Bullseye 🎯.... Rick , and thank you Walter .

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Can Lumbrokinase be substituted for Nattokinase?

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I think so, Lumbrokinase is substantially stronger than Nattokinase (and more expensive). I don’t know about using Lumbrokinase long term. Even with Nattokinase I like to take a few weeks off from time to time

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I’m alternating between the two daily. I read someone claim you may become allergic to them if taken every day. Personally, I have more confidence in the Lumbrokinase.

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Thank you. Did not realize you should pause taking Nattokinase, and likely Lumbrokinase, periodically.

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Yes, Dr. Mercola said it's much better.

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Remyelination is something I never knew was possible. How many more crimes will our Medical Professionals commit against us by failing to disclose such things?

Are they still getting hush money to remain silent about potential remediation strategies? Or are they just ignorant Verbal Prostitutes themselves overly tired from perpetually servicing the Government?

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I did not know that either. However, both my cousin and husband died from diabetic complications fairly young. My cousin who suffered multiple organ damage told me that Metformin long term use causes kidney damage. Idk, js.

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Letsrock, I also just heard Dr Shankara Chetty from So Africa state that Metformin can be harmful to the gut. He has treated I think close to 1,000 people with Covid, long Covid??, & c19 vax injury very successfully with no hospitalizations or deaths. He treats them as if they were “poisoned.” He seems like a great, heroic doctor. May God shield & protect him. 🙏🏻

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Metformin causes low B-12 levels. Something many older people are deficient in. Here's an article about it:


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none none, wow, thx for sharing that. I didn’t know that. I think there’s a link between low vit B12 levels & Alzheimer’s...kinda like statin drugs apparently deplete CoQ10. I’ll check out the link. Thx!

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Yeah, I know that the elderly can seem like they have dementia when it's just a B12 deficiency.. I would think that could extend to Alzheimers too. Have you checked out Dale Bredesen's book? He has some great studies on AZ, and some really encouraging documentation on ways to improve.

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Wow, no, I’ve not heard of him. I’ll check him out. Thx again! Funny how so many ignore the importance of just plain vitamins & minerals! 😂 (too simple of a fix, right? & definitely not profitable!) 😜

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There is no silver bullet.

This is what the v pushers didn't get.

I feel like the same principle applies to any therapeutic.

Thanks for sharing your cousin's story.

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It’s always something.

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You got that right!

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Remyelination is why there is such a thing as Relapsing/Remitting MS.

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Didn’t know that. Thanks.

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Picking up on what aj said about fish and animal fats being important in re-myelination I thought I would briefly tell my experience. I was vegan from 2017 until december 2021. I was coerced into the 2 pfizer jabs jan and april 2021. I have always been prone to some dizziness but in 2021 it was getting worse and worse and was very extreme. Doctors could fine nothing wrong. I started watching ex vegan videos and realised my dizziness and other cognitive symptoms could be due to lack of animal products so re-introduced them. Within a few weeks I was feeling so more better and haven't looked back since. What proportion of my troubles was the vegan diet and then perhaps some effects from the jabs I don't know. But what I do know is how amazing and important animal foods are for our health which is way it terrifies me the fact that they are trying to get us all off meat.

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Animals have souls just the same as we do and it's a sin to kill them.

But you're right... we need to eat meat. Damned if we do and damned if we don't!

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Thanks for sharing your story. Did you check your B12 levels before you changed diet again?

Vegans don't have easy access to B12 and even supplementation may be insufficient in some cases.

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Aside from B12, vegans miss 19 other essential nutrients.

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Fasting makes sense as it induces mitosis, promoting health of our mitochondria. Certain foods rich in NAD such as pau d'arco may also help as they support cellular processes on an electrical level: https://romanshapoval.substack.com/p/how-to-treat-emf-radiation-part-2

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before recommending metformin you might want to warn people that it has a lot of side effects - nausea, loss of appetite, bad taste in mouth, stomach cramps, intestinal cramps, and if you are in the small percentage that react even worse, you can have arm and leg spasms, and if you don't stop with the meds, it can kill you. I was down to the spasms in 2 days. Thankfully I looked it up and sure enough, that is what metformin can do. I think I rather die of a disease than from something that should prevent it.

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Yeah, I think it's worth treating supplements and "medicine" with care. Investigating side effects is always step one after considering taking a supplement.

I think all supplements should be take with care for the singularity of the person.

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indeed. Every person is unique. Too often doctors wrap us all up in one box. Even natural things like herbal and homeopathic treatments need to be considered person by person. Especially these, because they too are different every time! Some things work and others don't. Passion flower helps me sleep but causes me to have weird dreams. Hops helps a bit, Melissa does nothing but others find it great. I avoid human mix chemicals. They usually make me sicker than I already am. The doc prescribed me metformin without even knowing me, and the nurse had made several mistakes on the page. Should have not even tried it !

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Berberine generally does the same as metformin, but it is not so easily absorbed. Or you could just cut out all carbs, sugar, and grains.

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Metformin causes B-12 deficiency: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34326945/

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thanks for this info. Mom takes it and already has B12 short as it is!

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Interesting comment. Metformin is the only prescription drug that Life Extension endorses. Many think that is have anti-aging, anti-cancer properties.

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well I took it for 2 days when a new doctor thought I had diabetes. She saw me for about 3 minutes LOL. I have no diabetes, may be that is why I reacted so badly. And I am not used to taking chemicals either. But a website (why does metformin make me so sick, I think it is called) told me what I needed to know. And several others, and my pharmacist, told me it is not a pretty drug to take.

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Wow. Came here from JR’s Unconditional Stack. I am intrigued by the hypothesis here, as it covers several bases:

1) a potential explanation for the increase in myocarditis & pericarditis (Spike attack of Endothelial cells)

2) a potential explanation for the damage to the CNS - blood brain barrier breached

3) a potential explanation for the near perfect immunity of youth against severe illness as a result of infection with SARS-CoV-2

4) the re-assertion that COVID-19 is primarily a vascular disease, not a lung disease per se... thus the high mortality rates for patients who were put on ventilators.

Fascinating to read that fasting can and does rejuvenate at the endothelial level. Imagine that: modern medicine is again indebted to Vedic medicine.

I thank the author for his work (and Jessica for bringing this to our attention - unconditionally).

May their efforts be heeded. And acknowledged.

Praise & reward would be icing on the cake.

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I'm not sure how significance spike protein damage of the endothelium is. Remember that endothelial cells will be transfected by the vaccines and hence destroyed by the immune system. So there are at least two mechanisms of damage and I'm not sure which one dominates.

Regarding the ventilators, I could be wrong but my understanding is that breathing difficulties occur as a result of blood dysfunction - most likely abundant microclotting causing pulmonary embolisms. So treating it as a respiratory disease is flat out wrong.

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Anyone heard that burdock root is good for blood cleansing & toxin clearing? Sadly, my 21 year old son took two moderna jabs in 2022 (I did warn him incessantly without success), & I’ve been giving him NaC, bromelain, nattokinase, sometimes serrapeptase, & CoQ10...I also bought C60, but he doesn’t like it for some reason. I think it tastes fine. But in the last week, I learned of burdock root. Anything to counter the effects offers hope.

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I wish you the best.

Have you tried investigating curcumin?

Does he get exposed to the sun? (alternatively, have you checked his vit D levels?)

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Aion, thank you. 🙏🏻 I will look into curcumin. I’ve heard of curcumin & turmeric. He prob doesn’t get enough sun, & his D levels were a bit low a few months ago. And, where we are in Southern California, USA...lately, I’ve noticed they’re really affecting the weather. It’s been really cloudy, no sun coming through...skies are white instead of blue, & they’ve been spraying us with chemtrails for years. 😞

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There’s a vast difference between time-restricted eating and fasting. Dramatically different biological effects happen when the fast extends to 48-72 hours. Extremely beneficial and part of our evolutionary history, aka the wisdom of our bodies innate ability to heal.

Know thyself, heal thyself.

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The benefits may not be as profound for those practicing IF/TRE, but they are still very much present https://youtu.be/_IBFEDMs6cg

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*some* benefits—not all

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I wonder if this would work on MS

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In the late 90s I was Medical POA for my mom who had Parkinson's.

When reading research reports on Parkinson's, I noticed that most

new understanding of Parkinson's, MS, or Alzheimer's would tend

to pertain to one or both of the others.

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Earlier on, I had read a report about the AZ shot (I believe), where a couple of trial participants developed MS symptoms after the injection. The symptoms were explained away as pre-existing, undiagnosed MS. Having had an immediate family member with MS, I thought this is a hard NO with this shot. Can't take the risk.

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Are there tests that Jane and John Public can purchase or request that indicate the presence of spike protein in general, and some kind of strength or threat level indicator?

What panel(s) would you suggest if there are no such targeted tests yet?

I too came here from JR’s Unconditional Stack

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great questions

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Only drug from big pharma I might continue to take. The rest can go in the trash.

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Are you speaking of Metformin? I thought it was a relatively safe drug, but many here think that is has a good deal of bad side effects.

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Atlandea I’ve seen fatty liver with metformin. I use it as a physician, do blood work before and during use of med on my patients. I like Berberine as well .

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Yes, metformin. I have read plenty of negative about it, too.

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