They could have picked any number of targets that were the least similar to human tissue. Instead, they chose the one that was most similar. Not an accident. By design.

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Absolutely! And before releasing this spike, they knew exactly the mechanisms of harm. We’re playing catch-up.

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Mar 9, 2023
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Don't think we should celebrate so fast... if SARS-CoV2 is now going to be endemic, we will continually be exposed to these toxic engineered spike proteins, and so we may all end up sick over time.

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Mar 10, 2023
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Only the psychopaths of the ruling class are the problem.

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Great discussion Walter... very true . I’m reading an article about placental pathology because I can’t wrap my head around the abruptions I have witnessed. Here’s a sentence from the article... “Villitis of unknown etiology bus widely believed to represent a host vs graft response caused by maternal T lymphocytes entering the fetal villous stroma where they become activated by fetal alloantigens leading to significant chronic inflammatory tissue damage. Not once do they mention the unknown etiology could be from the jab!! Our journals and researchers are so captured . We are getting nowhere, except what folks like you write about . Thanks Walter.

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Disgusting. A vascular journal is placing the blame of anxiety (and other factors) on aortic dissections. It’s hypocrisy. Any intelligent person can see the blatant lies. I’ve worked with vascular surgeons for 15yrs and have NEVER heard of anxiety as a cause of aneurysms.

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Yet another reason why early treatment is so important and why nasal lavage and gargles after being around crowds is also key. Reduce viral load. Immediately.

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So, in essence, we who’re only once naturally infected (as far as we know) are no different than those jabbed.

Let’s hope Lumbrokinase, Nattokinase, NAC, Bromelain, Metformin, Berberine, etc., are effective countermeasures.

Otherwise, where are we?

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Unfortunately those jabbed are also experiencing liver damage and can’t tolerate many supplements or meds for that matter. All done with an end goal insight. A crippled society.

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if you live in the US or can import without restrictions, consider ultra high dose Melatonin. no downsides and an array of upsides.


additionally check out the work of Russel Reiter on melatonin.

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There was a great substack on Melatonin recently. I only knew the bare bones, so this was all new to me: https://open.substack.com/pub/roundingtheearth/p/melatonin-the-hormone-of-both-sun?r=p29wq&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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Can you clarify if exosomes in question are then able to transfect? thank you, either way. Best

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I don't know, yet.

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I’m willing to bet that the spike protein within an engineered lipid is an exosome that very likely, by design, spreads readily through exosomal communication..... and is actually very effective when aerosolized ( but that’s just me :)

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I think it would be important to add your title (DR., MD. etc.) to your name, for "gravitas" and as we say in French, "épater les bourgeois." Just a thought...Thanks!

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Brilliant... Thank you Walter, yet again a new aspect of this virus has been uncovered, and highlights that we've chosen and enforced the exact wrong "cure" onto billions...

The molecular mimicry of human proteins by the covid spike is scary, engineered with evil intent, I can't think of another reason for this.

I'm praying that the human body can work around the disease and the potentially much worse "prevention" countermeasure we've pumped into everyone. I pray that many got a dud mRNA vaccine due to production and storage issues. The next few years will otherwise see tragedy on an epic scale.

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Dear Dr., How are you able to make a distinction between the “infected,” and the “vaccinated?” Isn’t most of the population shot up? In my experience, the adverse reactions, (including cancer, heart disease, autoimmune disease and death), are occurring only in persons I know to have been “vaccinated.”

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completely agree that I don't know anyone who is unvaccinated who has had a bad issue after getting covid. And, I know quite a few women including myself who said no to the transfections.

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Natural CV infection is respiratory. The virus first encounters the innate immune system and if you're in good health and treat the infection early it doesn't progress to systemic (circulatory). The vaccines, OTOH, go directly into the bloodstream where they interact with the adaptive immune system. That's where the problems start, at least as I understand it.

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And is it not your experience, also, that the boosted are getting sick? They claim to be sick with COVID (I suppose they are testing, testing!), but couldn’t their symptoms be a reaction to the latest boost?

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Probably a bit of both. We already know the 'vaccines' don't protect you for any great length of time, and that protection falls off almost completely by the time you're on your 4th booster. So, in addition to loading yourself up with spike proteins, you're also more likely to catch the virus. Looks like a wash to me. In either case it's the 'vaccines' causing the harm.

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Unvaccinated here, recently diagnosed with psoriatic arthritis or PsA (12-22). To be fair, I had been exhibiting mild/tolerable symptoms of both psoriasis and PsA for years. To the point where I had never bothered to really pursue treatment.

However, in late September 22 had a serious flare up that has been going on ever since.This flare up occurred about one month after a bad bout of covid (my second case in less than one year).

The pain caused by the flare up is in exactly the same areas that I experienced body aches in both of my covid cases.

I've been prescribed Cimzia - a monoclonal antibody biologic drug that is a TNF-inhibitor (tumor necrosing factor). I am 11 weeks in on treatment but it is, so far, not improving.

Just my 2 cents - but I am definitely experiencing a flared autoimmune condition post covid and I am not covid vaccinated.

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Look into oxalate poisoning from plants in your diet. Sally Norton is an expert.

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Perhaps try some biotin, NAC?

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There are many suffering shedding problems. Those who are sensitised and endure close contact with vaxxed. Follow Erica on rense.com

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No wonder my Long Covid symptoms for 27 months have sucked so bad. Thank you 🙏

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When it comes to inventing ways to poison ourselves, we have arrived at the top of the pyramid.

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No, we're only beginning on this particular pyramid.

The Madd Scientists are NOT going to allow this to end.

Want more info? Dr. Jane Ruby on Rumble with George Webb in the regular show and Aftertalk.

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If the spike protein is so pathogenic, why do the vast majority of hosts have zero symptoms?

Follow-up: How do you disprove the hypothesis that sarscov2 causes covid?

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Eagerly awaiting your recommendations for a remedy for the spike protein! Thanks for your research.

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As cited supra, Dr. McCullough just posted an article on why the body attacks itself subsequent to the jab.

In response, I would like to post Walter's article which additionally, importantly, elucidates the role of exosomes. However, I am precluded from doing so since I am not a paying subscriber.

I am hoping that a paying subscriber will post Walter's article on Dr. McCullough's site, because I think he would be very appreciative. And Walter did stress the urgency of sharing this valuable material.

Thank you~

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Sally Gould, I just did. Who knows?

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Thank you, Steve!

You did your good deed today!!

thanks again!

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Hahahahahahahaha! You’re funny!

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ok, from a very simplistic view (all I’m capable of) aren’t there studies showing the LNPs alone create an inflammatory response? So these exosomes alone should be able to directly present to T cells?

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I’ve seen multiple people that have gotten ahold of Sofosbuvir that are back to normal. Or at least they feel normal, and are back exercising and working. The problem is it’s thousands of dollars, and finding a doctor to prescribe it for long Covid is almost impossible. If you live near Mexico it’s about 800$ there.

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To try to reduce autoimmune attack, optimum levels of vitamin D could help:


You don't want to take enormous amounts of vitamin D to the point it causes hypercalcemia and other side-effects, but vitamin D analogues could provide additional immune modulatory activity, without the risk of hypercalcemia:


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