Radiomimetic radicals

Rage through their veins

Mutating and mashing

DNA damaging

Mitochondrial pains.

Too tired to fold the proteins

Too exhausted to even die

The misery just keeps on dividing

Until a million cells cry

Enough, no more!

We cannot go on any longer.

And the organ system starts to fail

Falling apart

Flat lining hearts

Dead long before symptoms start.

Extinction soon entails.

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Conway Judge, wow, whose words are those? Where is that from??

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I just wrote them Monica.

I tend to do that when I have bottled up resentment and an idea prompts me to unleash it.

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Conway Judge, I felt it was sad because of how true it is. I feel this is such a distressing time to be alive (& to be in the know), and 99% of the people in my circle don’t even understand what’s truly going on. That even makes it worse. 😞

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I understand.

It is very frustrating.

It is very lonely at times.

It is very sad.

There is a glimmer of hope in, hoping we are wrong.

But each day, I seem to find out my original hunch was actually more right, instead of being proved wrong. Which is scary.

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Conway Judge, yes, it is sad, & lonely, & scary. The future seems scary too. I thought, earlier while walking my dog, I’m having trouble processing all this. I’m 52 & everything I thought before the Covid fraud was an illusion. Or I was delusional. I have a hard time processing that there is people on this earth that want to kill me...& they don’t even know me. I was so naive & carefree before. As much as I’d like to live in truth, I miss the freedom (I thought) I knew. It’s like I crossed a threshold, never to go back. I can’t even relate to a lot of people now...no wonder it’s lonely on this other side. Anyway, sometimes I find some solace while reading comments by others who know this same dark truth. May we all stand up to evil till our very last breath.

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Thank you very much for your kind words and also for sharing that.

I might act brave, but it is only an act.

Like you, I get flash backs of my youth at times, like I hear a song come over the radio and just remember how big and marvelous the world was, and how easy it was to run, jump and hide. How innocent it all was back then.

They say ignorance is bliss and when I think back to those times. They're not wrong.

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Conway Judge, by the way, the piece you wrote is so good...so accurate & expressive of the depth of this tragedy which is fraught with evil.

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Apr 6, 2023
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Nah, haiku is a pretty specific type of poem that is based more on the number of syllables in each line.

I think this is a mix between free verse and Limerick but I don't actually know.

I just write what comes to mind.

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We can make one:

Radiomimetic Radicals (5)

Mutating and mashing DNA (7)

Extinction soon entails (5)

But it's not as good as the full expression IMO

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It's still quite clever.

Haikus are tricky in my opinion.

I didn't notice that myself but you are right.

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"Radiomimetic radicals"

Good way to look at it.

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Now if the Pentagon ever finds out, they'll have to stage a very long drawn out war against every infected body and first destabilize it. Then torture information out of anything that looks even remotely suspicious until eventually they find the mastermind in a cave somewhere else entirely.

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Poetic truth, how appropriate.

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Incredible!!! Needs to be published...So simple to comprehend for even the least of the science dummies like me.

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I remember a year or two ago, listening to a doctor (named Palmer?) from Canada who was lecturing on the effects of the injection that was causing internal radiation damage. It had something to do with the lipid nano particle giving up an ion when it entered the cell, or something like that. I do not completely understand it so I am not sure if he was speaking about the same thing, but it was also very fascinating.

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The LNP's add insult to injury. A one, two punch.

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Everyone not injected was saying the spike is the poison, but your article takes that statement to the next level.

In my time as a Radiation Safety Officer, we were taught and told our workmates that radiation outside of the body is not too harmful, but ingestion of Ionizing nucleotides was incredibly dangerous.

These products should be listed as lethal and toxic on that basis.

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Walter, for the slightly rusty among us; what can counteract this? I’m giving my family supplements if and when they feel Ill of:




Vit C

B complex


Sea kelp iodine

If more than a niggle I’m adding in olive leaf extract as anti viral. One will take Nigella Sativa but another won’t.

I appreciate your focus is to pin point but as a mum mine is to mitigate as all family are 💉. Understand you’re not medical but hints as to helpful compounds would be hugely appreciated. Thanks

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Baking soda and sea salt baths... or bentonite clay

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Might want to spend time in the sun right after sea salt bath. Might feel less energetic if you don't. Not sure about the baking soda.

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Insert .... "X-Men" reference here. Mutant kind.....I would if this ionizing radiation would cause thyroid problems and if supplementing with iodine/acting as if you'd been exposed to radiation will help.

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The perfect bioweapon in the vaccine.

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God knows, enough of OUR TAX DOLLARS have went towards its creation which means we've purchased our own demise.

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Chernobyl > Ukraine > Beatles > Girls giving intravenous EDTA to upset Calcium balance really Knock Me Out

Thought sequence as I read your article.

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Geoff, emphatically from the study:

"These results demonstrate the importance of Ca2+ for CoV FP function during viral entry and opens the possibility of utilizing FDA-approved calcium-blocking drugs as a treatment for COVID-19."

But even when I asked Dr. Ana about EDTA, she agreed that the issue of dental metal needed to be addressed.

With omnipresent dental and surgical metal, who even qualifies to take calcium-imbalancing EDTA?

Thank you and Wondrous Walter!

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I should add that a good friend holds the World Record for Blood Lead in a survivor after he worked in a Gold assay lab with no inhalation protection. He had to resort to some carefully controlled chelation therapy which had the danger of mobilizing Lead from bone to soft tissues including his Brain. I think they might have used something other than EDTA. He appears in a documentary about Beethoven Lead poisoning.

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Kindly correct me if I am wrong, but I believe that a scientist stated that EDTA can inadvertently pick up mercury, but can drop it if there is another more compatible metal to bind to.   The consequential freed up mercury poses a problem

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Lovely Quote for you: "The lethality of mercury was tested in female Bufo regularis species (Amphibia) which were given EDTA immediately after the Hg2+ injection. The results show that the inherent toxicity of the EDTA-mercury complex is sufficiently high for it to be ineffective as an antidote." 1986 paper could provide interesting stuff if we find a copy. Missing the days when I could pop into the Library and ask them to get me something like that. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/2877801/

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Thank you!

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Could Miso soup be another tool in the toolbox?

1. Related or not here is Janet Vitt's Story.

She remarried and is now Janet Vitt-Sommer. I think she is retired now.

Part 1 of 2


Part 2


2. Her story is posted on this website. Tool Bar: Detoxification link - Methylation and Detox.


3. I like this miso - Organic Mellow White Miso by Miso Master.

You can find it in refrig. section @ Whole foods.

Janet mentioned Brown Rice. I like Lundberg brown rice. WF & vitacost sells it. Vitacost also sells Emerald Cove Pacific Wakame (sea vegetables).

4. Dr. Neal Barnard gives a quick way to cook brown rice.


5. How to Detox from Radiation with Food


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I remember once reading that umboshi plums are also beneficial..

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In case you missed it, this video is posted in the 2. link:


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Devastating Walter . 🥲

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When you talk about the spike protein are you referring to “original Wuhan spike” “Omicron Spike” “Wuhan style Vax Spike” “Omicron style vax spike”,???? How are they different or alike, as far as what you are finding?

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spike is spike....per Walter from the beginning

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Is Omicron causing all the same problems? It doesn’t seem like it.

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Did you see my reply? If not, I'll rewrite.

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There is this recent paper by Italian researchers https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36894671/

Speculates that supplementation of deoxynucleosides interrupts the DNA damage process.

A recent, short article about that paper published in Nature Italy is here https://tinyurl.com/muzsyd99

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What if it's just radiation?

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Substack mass walkout next week, no posts. Devalue the company as it is being sold.

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Substack mass walkout next week, no posts. Devalue the company as it is being sold.

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In recent years, the world has been grappling with two major crises: the Chernobyl disaster and the COVID-19 pandemic.

While these may seem like completely unrelated events, this research paper has drawn amazing parallels between them, highlighting the similar effects of ionizing radiation and the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein on mutagenesis and evolution.

The Chernobyl disaster, which occurred in 1986, released large amounts of ionizing radiation into the environment.

This radiation caused mutations in DNA, leading to genetic diversity and the emergence of new traits. Over time, this lead to the evolution of radiation-resistant species.

With the SARS-CoV-2 virus—the spike protein mutates rapidly, leading to the emergence of new variants of the virus that can be more transmissible or resistant to vaccines. This also leads to genetic diversity and the emergence of new traits.

This research paper draws parallels between these two seemingly unrelated phenomena, highlighting the similar effects of ionizing radiation and the Spike Protein on mutagenesis and evolution.

The paper states that studying the effects of ionizing radiation and the Spike Protein on mutagenesis and evolution could provide valuable insights into the mechanisms of genetic diversity and the emergence of new traits.

This research could have important implications for fields such as cancer research and vaccine development.

By understanding the mechanisms of genetic diversity and the emergence of new traits, scientists may be able to develop more effective treatments for cancer and develop more effective treatment for viruses such as SARS-CoV-2.

In conclusion, the parallel effects of ionizing radiation and the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein on mutagenesis and evolution is an intriguing topic that highlights the need for further research in these areas.

By studying the similarities between these two phenomena, scientists may be able to gain valuable insights into the mechanisms of genetic diversity and the emergence of new traits, ultimately leading to the development of more effective treatments and vaccines.

All in all— this is a riveting read by @Parsifaler … many thanks for the excellent article!

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.....you FORGOT Fukushima - which was actually SABOTAGED by use of converging scalar waves (as British researcher Keith Hunter has revealed, CHOSEN temporal markers INDICATE as much) and turned into a 'breeder reactor' ITSELF; the World Trade Center as WELL.....https://projectcamelotportal.com/2020/01/31/keith-hunter-occult-physics-earthquakes-as-weapons/

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